By _ChurchGirl_

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Three kinds of folks with a lot of differences but one enemy in common, the gods or perhaps I should say a go... More



19 4 1
By _ChurchGirl_

   I threw a blazing orb of flame at her and she deflected it with a wave of her hand to the hard rocky wall. She tried to close the distance between us by taking some steps towards me but I maintained the distance by consistently throwing more orbs towards her making me feel exhausted but not up to the point of giving up.

     Rosa was engaged in a sword fight with the captain , she was doing more of defense than offence. She would cross her kunet knife or just use one at a time to block the impact whenever the captain's massive sword was about to hit her, sending a loud sonorous sound as the blades collided.

   I handed out my hand at my side as a huge orb of blue flame began to grow above it . I infused energy more than the previous into this orb, I wanted the impact to be fatal.

   As I pulled back my hand to throw the orb at her, we were suddenly ushered into darkness. It was just like having a power failure in the middle of the night. The glowing orb on my hand was the only source of light in the room and it only did little to serve that purpose because it only illuminated a little portion surrounding it. I was thrown into confusion, I couldn't decipher whether I was still in the room or had been teleported to an unknown place.

     The room became illuminated once again. Rosa and the captain who had been still during the brief period of darkness continued in their sword fight like it never happened.

     I snapped out of my thoughts as I remembered what I was supposed to be doing . Behold, Hecate was nowhere to be found. It felt like a terrible dream I was trying to snap out from. The orb above my palms was still buzzing with life eager to deliver a deadly blow.

    Rosa turned to me and with wide eye she yelled "Morgan, behind you...!"

    Out of instinct I took a twist around and found Hecate very close behind me. The orb I still had on me grazed her arm and made a buzz before she disappeared into thin air. I turned around not wanting her to catch me off guard again.

     I couldn't find her but that still didn't stop me from turning round the room like a mentally deranged person. I knew she was in the room with us only that she was invisible.
   I closed my eyes and tried to feel every portion of the room, it was a lot easier to do with my eyes closed. The only other living thing aside from me that I could feel in the room was Rosa and the captain .

    If Hecate was still in the room then she was indeed very powerful because I couldn't feel her essence, that was probably expected from a goddess like her.

    Just as I was about to give up and open my eyes, I noticed a transparent object. It was in the shape of a person and blended so well with it's surrounding, yet it wasn't a part of the surrounding.

    I decided to focus on it and it felt like I was making process. The transparent person stalled towards me , and became of my effort it had taken a dark appearance. I was seeing a silhouette of Hecate.

    Just as she came towards me , I braced up ready for attack. She still didn't know that I could see her . I waited until she came closer , I wanted to end things there and then before I became too exhausted.  I placed my hand behind me for a surprise attack, I focused so much of my energy on my hand until I felt it enclosed in a clove of what I perceived was lightening. It didn't matter whether or not she was a goddess, she could still die by burning.

      Immediately she reached my danger zone, I slashed her on her shoulder . She gave a weak shrill and took off before I could could deliver another deadly impact. She appeared in the room, giving me enough distance as she tended to her wound.

     It felt awkward, I was supposed to be in a fight with a powerful goddess and there she was tending to her wound. I watched as she palmed a massive bruise on her left shoulder, when she removed her palm the bruise was gone.

     "It Looks like I underestimated your ability witchling." She narrowed her eyes at me . I half expected her to throw a threat at me or to speak at length but I guessed she was the kind of person that inculcated more fight and less talk. Still, the fight was going slower than I imagined.

     The air in the room shifted as a massive red orb of what looked like burning amber appeared effortlessly on her hand, it was my first time of being at the receiving end of it and I didn't know if I had it in me to deflect it or to just get out of the way.

    She threw it without giving me a second to think. I ducked and as it passed above me before hitting the wall behind me, I felt the energy it was radiating. It felt like standing too close to a fire place.

    I was about to get on my feet when she threw more of them at me without giving me a moment to think. I dodged to the side as two of them passed, I thought that was all until I saw one of the massive up heading in my direction, I knew it was too late to dodge.

    With so much Adrenaline running in me, I placed my hands before me and with my eyes closed I  did the most stupid I had ever thought of. After a brief moment, I realized that the orb still hadn't hit me. Perhaps my plan had worked.

    I opened my eyes and dropped my hands from my face, I saw the orb suspended in air before me.  What struck me was the fact that it was no longer red but purple and a little bluish at it's edges. It was rotating in a clockwise direction waiting for orders, my orders. I was manipulating the orb already.

    From the other end, Hecate watched with wide eye as she muttered "impossible". Instantly I willed the orb to her, with great speed it headed for her and when it was about to make impact, she jumped out of the way and it blasted the golden the golden chair she had been sitting on when I came in. It sent huge sparks everywhere and I shielded my face with my hands for protection.

    There was nothing left of the chair but scraps of gold some of which had vaporize.

    I turned to Rosa, she was doubled over on the floor with her knives very far away from her. She looked helpless as the captain stalled like a cat eyeing its prey. He drew nearer to her and raised his massive sword to the air, ready to swing .

   I wanted to go for the rescue when I noticed an horrific shift in the air. The temperature dropped to a very low degree. Even the captain held back and lowered his sword in confusion.

  And it was then I realized, Rosa was chanting in an unknown language. I felt a zap behind me , something had passed.

   I was startled when Hecate ordered the captain "Kill her you bloody idiot before she summons the dead".

   He muttered in response and raised his sword up once more. Just when I taught it was time to step in , there was a sharp piercing screech. We all placed our fingers in our ears to deafen us from the piercing scream sound.

   A whirl of smoke with numerous ghost like faces came out from no where in particular. They headed straight for the captain and twirled around him until he was completely covered and he gave a loud scream of pain.

       I watched the smoke with great interest and saw that the ghost faces were infact beautiful faces . It felt like they were in deep pain, one that only I could feel. I tried to pull my gaze away but for some unknown reason I couldn't.

    Their gazes were also focused on me as they drew closer before my eyes. I wanted more than anything to be a part of it. Our line of sight was cut off as someone stood in front of me and acted like a barrier.

    I snapped back to reality as I heard my father's command to the bundle of ghosts "Begone!".

   He held my shoulders "Are you alright?".

   "Yes, I think I am." I said feeling unsure.

   He gave me a pleading look " Never again make a direct eye contact with anything from the underworld, you hear me! " he pulled me in for a bear hug.

   I pushed him off lightly and turned to Rosa who was lying unconscious on the floor from magic exhaustion. "Do you think you can help her? ".

  He squeezed my shoulder lightly, " I'll see to it. "He walked up to where  Rosa was lying unconscious to help her recover. It was then I remembered that I still hadn't finished off the adversary yet. I looked towards where she had been before the incident but didn't find it.

    I turned to my father who was kneeling beside Rosa. Hecate was right behind him and he had no idea. She held up a huge dagger ready to kill the friend whom I had only just found, my.... my .... my father.

  Hmmm.... Now that I think about it, do gods even die ? And does Hecate know he's a god ? Nah! I'm certain she does, I mean she's a goddess and should know a god when she sees  one.

     Stay tuned to find out how this story ends, it's just a chapter to go before  the epilogue. Thanks for making it this far, love ya.

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