Feminist Guide to Fake Dating

By ReignAtkins

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FG2FD Is going through a rewrite! More

Chapter One: Survival of The Fittest
Chapter Two: Alcohol + Stress = Explosion
Chapter Three: When it Rains, it Pours!
Chapter Five: Feminist Guide to Fake Dating
Chapter Six: First Impressions Are Always Important
Chapter Seven: Takes Two to Tango
Chapter Eight: Honesty is Always The Best Policy
Chapter Nine: Keep Calm and Carry On
Chapter Ten: A Moment of Bliss
Chapter Eleven: Behind the Scenes
Chapter Twelve: Caught in the Middle
Chapter Thirteen: Second Chances
Chapter Fourteen: Busted!
Chapter Fifteen: Fight and Flight
Chapter Sixteen: Inner Strength
Chapter Seventeen: Picking up the Pieces
Chapter Eighteen: Never Make Assumptions
Chapter Nineteen: Dress to Impress... Yourself!
Chapter Twenty: Oops!
Chapter Twenty-One: Lady Luck
Chapter Twenty-Two: Broken Wings
Chapter Twenty-Three: Together at last... or is it?
Chapter Twenty-Four: Family
Chapter Twenty-Five: Moments
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Four: Side Characters & Their Stories

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By ReignAtkins

When we are going through the pitfalls of our own lives, sometimes we forget to remember that we are not the only characters in our story.

There are those sub-characters and side characters that unfortunately have to contend with their own dramas too. These side characters are our friends, family and whoever else may play parts in our story.

Do you remember the Rockstar from this morning and unforgettably, last night? Yeah well, even he has his own side story, as you are about to witness...

I am walking home from the place that I can no longer call my place of employment, the rain has stopped and I am looking like a drowned rat. I always envisioned quitting the way that I did a little differently.

Surely, feeling like a grade A loser and being sexually harassed was not on that list, for one thing. But, after a day like today, there is nothing that I want to do more than curl up on my couch with a blanket, a bowl full of ice cream, Zachary Binks, and Netflix.

Though, the fact that it is not even two o'clock in the afternoon and there is someone familiar sitting on the sidewalk indicates that drowning my sorrows just isn't in the cards for me.

Nonetheless, a girl can try, right? I attempt to sneak past the man sitting on my sidewalk and creep up the steps. But this guy must have eyes in the back of his head or something because he sees me the minute my hand is resting on the door handle.

"Hey!" he calls out, putting his hand on my shoulder. I turn to face him and speak as casually as I can.

"Rockstar! What are you doing here?"

"Jaime!" he says.

"What?" I ask, confused.

He sighs and corrects me. "My name is Jaime."

"Whatever!" I say, hoping that he will get the hint that whoever he is, is very low on my list of concerns right now. I go to turn back to the door, but he speaks to me again.

"I'm sorry, I can't go..."

"What? Why?" I ask, entirely confused.

"I left my wallet in your apartment this morning when you kicked me out," he replies.

To add to my midday disappointments, I can add acting like a big jerk to that list. I hunch my shoulders in defeat and open the door, leading him back up to my apartment. Though, before I allow him passage, I warn him.

"No funny business... Okay? I'm really not in the mood!"

"Duly noted," he replies as he sets to work searching for his wallet. Instead of helping him, I raid my fridge, find a beer and sit down on my couch to drink it.

"Rough day at work?" he calls out to me. I try to ignore him as I turn on my television.

He doesn't take the hint, instead, he sits down beside me and says: "I didn't even get to go into work this morning. I was waiting for a beautiful girl to arrive home, so I could retrieve my wallet." He shows me the wallet in his hand.

"Sure! That's just your go-to excuse," I say bluntly, not taking my eyes off the screen. I take another sip of my beer.

"No, actually It's not. I should be at work right now... fortunately, I had someone cover for me. It's probably a good thing that I did... Because right now, you look like you need a friend."

"You're wrong," I say. "I don't need a friend. Right now I need to be left alone! So, take the hint and go away."

"You don't need a friend?"

"Nope! I have Zachary Binks!"

He turns to look over at my cat who is standing next to the coffee table and then back at me. "Sure, the cat," he mumbles. "If that's the case, then explain to me why just last night you told me that you work a nine-to-five job, you left in a blue Audi this morning... you smell like barf and room deodorizer and you walked home, clearly in the rain at only two o'clock in the afternoon!"

My jaw drops open. Who does this Rockstar think he is!

"What are you? A stalker or something!" I snap at him. But I pray that my bark is worse than my bite because I have no energy left to act out aggression on him.

"Let's just say it comes with the job description... and I think I'm someone who knows that you need to vent..."

Okay, I'll humor him. Maybe Rockstar does have a job. He has his wallet. So, why is he still sitting in my apartment waiting for me to tell him my problems? What is he a cop or something?

"I'm not going to sleep with you, again!" I tell him.

"I'm not doubting that... But, I don't feel right leaving you in the state that you're in. My job is to serve and to protect!" He shows me his identification.

What do you know? He is a police officer. At least now I understand why he is so in shape. One thing that commonly gets misconstrued with feminism is that people believe that feminists are man-haters.

But that's not the way it is, at all. Feminists believe in equality. We believe that women should be treated equally as men. It's that same misconception that ruins so many of our relationships.

People hate and fear what they do not understand. A woman who is tired of being screwed over and wants to make a stand to get what they rightfully deserve can sometimes seem scary... and sure, the behavior that I displayed today was a little... out of the ordinary.

But you are forgetting that I not only suffer from anxiety... but I can also be very neurotic. Sure, I could have left my job with a little more grace than I chose, but that was me at breaking point.

Nobody has the right to treat a woman, that way... ever! Nor should any man be treated like that, either. Women and men both have the right to be respected and to feel respected wherever and whenever they happen to be.

Besides, Rockstar... I mean, Officer Jaime is right. I do need to vent. "You want to hear how my day went after I threw you out of my house?" I ask him.

He nods. "Surprisingly, I do..." So I tell him. It can't hurt and hey, it does make me feel better afterward. In turn, after my long-winded tale and as conversations go, it is my turn to hear his story.

In a nutshell, he is a police officer, his band buddies are guys from his work. He's single, also loves walks on the beach and actually has a life outside of work and the band.

See? A side-character backstory... However short it may be. And while that is all that I will give you on him for now, I can assure you that, there will be more, later on.

Our afternoon passes by relatively quickly and while it feels strangely comfortable... maybe because I have already seen him naked, it is eventually time for him to leave. I walk him to the door, my temptation to kick his ass out, his non-existent. I even gave him my number.

But then, as he leaves he asks: "So, when can I see you again?"

"I knew there was a catch!" I say.

Personally, after everything that has gone on today, I don't even know if I will be in my apartment for much longer if I can't find another job. So frankly, my life is up in the air. I really don't want to bring this guy down with me and I most certainly do not need a hero right now.

But he is sweet and he has spent the entire afternoon listening to me vent about my awful day. So I do my best to explain as easily as possible. "I really don't think that a relationship is in the cards for me right now. But, we've exchanged numbers... so, maybe in the future."

I feel bad the moment I've said it. But, it pays to be honest. He gives me a polite smile and says "goodbye," then he leaves.

There is no long, passionate kiss on those sexy lips. There's barely even a wave. But, that's how we left it and personally, I feel that it might be for the best.

"Bullshit!" Adam tells me later that night when we are sitting on my couch in our pajamas eating pizza. His shout, because, you know... I'm unemployed right now!

"You don't believe me? I kid you not... that is my entire day in a nutshell!" I say. "Can you beat that?"

Adam takes another bite of his pizza and pulls that face that he generally pulls when he is just trying to work out just where to begin. He finishes his mouthful. "No, I don't think that I can! But I did witness a remarkable moment, where a boy stood on his chair announcing to his entire class that he is gay! Apparently, I inspired him to come out!"

I nod approvingly and then say, "I bet that kid got bullied afterward." The expression on Adam's face gave me hope.

"Actually, no he didn't," Adam says. "He was already a well-respected member of the football team. I think that it actually inspired others. It's so much easier for kids these days compared to when I was in high school. Do you remember when I started telling people?"

This question that Adam asked me is a big reason that I told you before that side character stories are very important. Adam and I have known each other since high school. He is actually the guy who inspired me to stand up for myself as well as the minority.

When I first met him... I asked him out. He said 'no' and while it broke my heart at the time, him explaining to me why he couldn't go out with me was what made me respect him all the more.

But back then, a black guy, coming out as gay... Well, let's not go into it too much just yet...

Fortunately, in today's modern world LGBT acceptance has come a long way.

But there are still those narrow-minded people that believe that people are not allowed to be in love with the people that their heart chooses. They believe that men should love women and that women should love men.

It's that same narrow-minded thinking that is the root of all bullying, mental illness, and suicide. People don't understand just how much their words can hurt... Or they do and they just don't give a shit! Damn sadistic trolls!

So, when Adam asks me if I can remember what it was like for him coming out as gay at school, I instantly go to the defense.

"Of course, I do! Those guys were jerks! But, at least you had me!" I say. "But just think, now you are changing the world, one gay kid at a time! You are empowering them! That is pretty cool!"

Adam nods. He is pleased with my response. But then he remembers something. "Did you manage to come up with a story for your parent's anniversary dinner tomorrow night?"

My eyes grow wide. "Oh crap, I forgot! But amidst the chaos that has been my day... Can you go easy on me?"

Adam puts his arm around my shoulder and I nuzzle into him. "Why don't you just tell them that you met Luis at a grocery store?"

I laugh. "A grocery store? Only married men shop at grocery stores..."

"Married men? Hey, I shop at grocery stores! I sure as hell am not married yet! I'm still waiting on Channing Tatum to come out as gay... Give it six months from then, then I'll be married!"

"Channing Tatum?" I ask, "Sure, you can have him, provided you make me your maid of honor... and you give me Chris Hemsworth... I mean the real Chris Hemsworth!"

Adam laughs, "Deal!" I try to think up another romantic encounter story.

This is actually a tough task. If you could imagine the most romantic encounter ever, that hasn't been either done to death and actually sounds believable, you would see that there aren't a whole lot of options. I take a bite of my pizza and then look back up at my best friend.

"You know how I hate giving up a challenge?" I ask him.


"I'm giving up on this one... You make one up... Make it riveting and not boring."

He laughs at the words that he had used on me earlier. "I think I can come up with something!" he replies. "But, until you meet him tomorrow morning... You're going to have to go to bed. You look like shit!"

"You asshat!" This is why he is my best friend. He is the only person on earth who is allowed to say something like that to me and get away with it.

But unfortunately, he is right. I do look like shit and I am tired as hell! "Right!" I say as I get up off the couch. "You know where the door is... kick yourself out!"

I kiss him on the forehead and say "Love you." He says the same and I head to bed.

Honestly, if it weren't for my parents and their crazy notion that I should be married and popping out kids at this point in my life, I wouldn't be so stressed out.

My life with Adam is perfect. It's almost like that old show 'Will and Grace'. We binge-watched that too many times, of course!

But as long as I can get through this week with my parents... and this Luis guy is as good as Adam promises me he is, it will just make things so much easier until I finally grow the balls (figuratively of course) and tell them that this is my life and I will live it, however, I damn-well choose! We can always remain hopeful, right?

Earlier on in this chapter, I told you all about side-characters and their backstories... Well, that information is about to become relevant again as here comes the part with Luis... You'll either be pleasantly surprised... or... like me... and him... you will be mortified!

Okay, here goes...

I wake up early and Adam drives me out to the airport and helps me with my luggage. "Where is this guy?" I demand. "Have you got our backstory?"

My ever relaxed best friend says: "Relax, Nicky... He'll be here! Don't worry, he messaged me earlier!" He hands me a few neatly typed up pages entitled: 'Nicky and Luis - Backstory'. I scour over the first few pages.

The story is actually pretty good if I do say so myself! He even added segments on our likes and dislikes! He is always so prepared!

Somewhere, I can hear our flight being called out. "He's going to be late!" I tell Adam. "Are you sure he didn't refund your ticket and run away with the money?"

Adam stares at me in disbelief. He puts both his hands on my shoulders, looks me squarely in the eyes and says "Relax! Now, breathe... breathe... breathe in and out!"

I do as he says, slowly catching my breath when I hear someone call out, "Hey, Adam!" from behind me.

Adam stands tall again and gestures to someone from over my shoulder.

"Hey, Luis!" he replies. Adam turns me around to meet his friend. What was once nerves and anxiety overflowing throughout my body has now been replaced with a mixture of both sheer terror and anger.

"You!" I demand, pointing my finger angrily at the man.

"You!" He repeats, clearly just as angry as I.

"The two of you know each other?" Adam asks confused.

I look at Adam in anger, as if it is his fault.

But Dammit! It's not his fault because in the photo Adam showed me, Luis was not wearing sunglasses!

But when I met Hipster Blues Brother yesterday... When I vomited on his shoes... Little did I know that he was actually Adam's friend, Luis!

Still, I cannot think of the right words to explain the reason for the high levels of rage that I am feeling right now.

Fortunately, Luis does so for the both of us. "I'm not traveling with her! I quit! I'm not doing it, Adam! This girl hurled all over my shoes yesterday!"

"Dude, you cut in line!" I snap back.

"You really think that me cutting in line is worse than being vomited on?"

At that point, Adam is biting down on his lip to hold back his laughter. He takes back his typed up backstory and says: "That's it! That's your backstory!"

"Are you serious?" I say, in total disbelief.

"Of course I am... It's riveting and far from boring! You can't make that shit up! Now go, the both of you... or you'll miss your flight!"

"I'm not going!" Luis says angrily.

Nearby the flight attendant does her last call for the flight to Los Angeles.

I turn around in a huff and make my way toward the doors calling back over my shoulder, "Love you, Adam... But next time... call an escort service!"

So now, I am sitting in my seat... The plane is about to leave. I have taken the seat next to the window and... there he is...

There is Hipster Blues Brother!

He is making his way toward my seats. Correction our seats!

Somehow I have to make my parents think that this arrogant jerk, whose shoes I vomited on yesterday is my boyfriend. I just hope that he is really the brilliant actor that Adam says he is!

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