Feminist Guide to Fake Dating

By ReignAtkins

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FG2FD Is going through a rewrite! More

Chapter One: Survival of The Fittest
Chapter Two: Alcohol + Stress = Explosion
Chapter Four: Side Characters & Their Stories
Chapter Five: Feminist Guide to Fake Dating
Chapter Six: First Impressions Are Always Important
Chapter Seven: Takes Two to Tango
Chapter Eight: Honesty is Always The Best Policy
Chapter Nine: Keep Calm and Carry On
Chapter Ten: A Moment of Bliss
Chapter Eleven: Behind the Scenes
Chapter Twelve: Caught in the Middle
Chapter Thirteen: Second Chances
Chapter Fourteen: Busted!
Chapter Fifteen: Fight and Flight
Chapter Sixteen: Inner Strength
Chapter Seventeen: Picking up the Pieces
Chapter Eighteen: Never Make Assumptions
Chapter Nineteen: Dress to Impress... Yourself!
Chapter Twenty: Oops!
Chapter Twenty-One: Lady Luck
Chapter Twenty-Two: Broken Wings
Chapter Twenty-Three: Together at last... or is it?
Chapter Twenty-Four: Family
Chapter Twenty-Five: Moments
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Three: When it Rains, it Pours!

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By ReignAtkins

So, this leads us to chapter three of my story. When it rains, it pours... Which is exactly what is happening in this chapter. Queue the rain? Not yet? Okay... Maybe soon then...

So, I ended the last chapter with myself standing in sheer embarrassment. I freaked out at a sexy rockstar whose only crimes were providing me with brilliant sex, being absolutely gorgeous and being a very talented musician.

I was late for work, but I still went to my former favorite coffee place where some arrogant Hipster Blues Brother pushed in front of me in the line... So in response, I vomited on him and other line members... Hey, at least they backed off.

And then, I had my car towed away, for parking in a spot that the council should have deemed a viable parking spot. Which meant that I had to slowly walk to work, covered in vomit and thoroughly exhausted.

That led me to be two-and-a-half hours late for work. Three hours if you count the time that it took me to clean the vomit off my clothes and spray myself with room deodorizer to mask the stench.

So now, I'm sitting at my desk staring blankly at the client file in front of me and drinking instant coffee that tastes like crap... But, I can't complain, because at least it contains caffeine!

Once again, I feel my phone vibrate from in my pocket. But for once, after the morning I have had, I pull it out to see that I have a message from Adam. Ah, Adam... My savior from my current hell!

He is still waiting for an explanation for the rockstar that he saw leaving my apartment. I am close to tears and as I press reply, I know that my answer would be better suited to a phone call. So instead, I call him.

"Hey, Nic, are you okay?" he asks. I will not cry. I will not! I am a strong independent woman and I will not cry!

I cry to Adam on the phone and amidst my loud sobbing I tell him everything in pure detail starting from my steamy escapade with the rockstar, to my crazy outburst this morning that he witnessed in my apartment, to that jerk pushing in line, to the entire café bearing witness to the contents of my stomach, to my car being towed away... everything, up until now!

I guess that I am very fortunate that Adam picked up a job as a high school counselor as well as my best friend because that entire outburst felt as if I had a weight lifted from my shoulders.

I sigh, and then I add. "I don't even think this coffee has caffeine in it. God, I hope those drones didn't switch us to decaf."

"Actually the boss chose to switch to decaf!" a voice that most definitely is not Adam replies. I look up in fear, still clutching the phone to my ear to see just who has spoken. To my horror, my boss is standing in the doorway.

Arthur Clark, he didn't get to head of his division for playing nice, or so he keeps telling everybody. He is a middle-aged businessman who takes everything seriously. He has no time for emotional breakdowns or any sort of drama in his business... Sure, we'll go with that, for now! Dirtbag!

In his defense, seriousness is a brilliant work ethic. But, one has to wonder if he even has a still-beating heart in his chest, or if it was replaced with something artificial.

I get to attention like a soldier and attempt to pull on the best charade, speaking into my phone. "Yes, Mrs. Patel. I will send that report through immediately," I say.

Arthur Clark doesn't break eye contact with me, which means I am in trouble. At that moment, I wonder just how much of my conversation has he heard. I forget that Adam is on the other end of my phone call.

He can clearly imagine the scene that is presently unfolding in my office. I hear him whisper: "Love you, Nicky... talk later, bye!"

I reply with, "Okay, goodbye... Mrs... Patel." I slowly pull my phone from my ear and set it down on my desk as I await the lecture that is about to spew from my boss's mouth, as last night's beer did from mine earlier.

"Was that a private call?" he asks sternly.

I clear my throat. "Er... no, sir!"

"Are you sure?" he asks me.

I shuffle nervously in my seat and clear my throat again. "Ahem... I'm... I'm positive." Arthur Clark just watches me. I need to hold up my stare... It's fight or flight. He can't yet see that I'm lying. If I break gaze, he will know...

I am silently counting the minutes it takes until he breaks eye contact.
One. Two. Three. Four.

"Why would our clients call you on your private phone?" he asks. Everything relies on this moment... Do not break eye contact, Nicky and improvise...

"I gave Miss James my private number in case my office line was unavailable!" I say with as much conviction as I can muster. I continue counting silently until he breaks eye contact.

Six. Seven. Eight...

"You said Mrs. Patel while you were on your call, Nicole..." he corrects me. Damn! Abort mission! Abort mission!

"Yeah, I know that I said 'Mrs. Patel'... that's because... that's because Miss James is her stand in assistant! I gave my private number to Miss James, so she must have given it to her boss as a first resort..."

God, I really hope he buys it... Twelve. Thirteen. I'm beginning to sweat. I really don't want a repeat of what happened this morning in that cafe.

Finally, he breaks eye contact. "Good idea, Nicole..." he says. "That is why I hired you in the first place... Do you mind accompanying me to a meeting with the board of directors and investors? It's in an hour."

I'm confused... he just complimented me and asked me to go to a meeting with him with the rest of the higher-ups... I'm ready to gasp. Could this be that promotion that I have been waiting on for years?

My mind instantly goes to me in a luxurious office, bringing in so much money that I barely know what to do... As rich as my parents and I didn't even need their help!

But then that cynical side of me has to ask. "Why me, sir?"
You can imagine my excitement when he replies with: "This could be the career opportunity of a lifetime. It would be in your best interest to accompany me."

I can barely contain the giggle of excitement that sneaks out of my mouth without consent. I restrain myself enough to say: "Yes sir... I'll go with you!"

I wait for him to leave my office and as he disappears, I bolt from my seat and close the door behind him, breaking into a crazy happy dance... But only briefly.

But, like I said at the beginning of this chapter, this is a sad chapter and I am only halfway through. So let me get back to my story...

Once I am sure that I will not get caught, I get Adam back on the phone and tell him everything that has just transpired in my office. As I do, I get to work at the same time. Imputing data into the system and going over the file that is still sitting at my desk.

"A promotion?" Adam replies after I have talked his ear off.

"Yeah, I was surprised too. But just imagine... an awesome office with a name plaque and a leather chair that spins, pot plants and a balcony."

"You really have it all thought out, don't you?" Adam asks. Hello, has he met me? I've had it all planned out since the day we met! Yet, sometimes he needs a little reminder.

"Of course, I do, Adam! Think about it... Hawaii holidays? Checking out boys in the Bahamas together... That could be our lifestyle!"

I hear him imagining that as I speak. But then my eyes go to the bottom right-hand side of my computer screen. "Shit! The meeting is in ten! I'll fill you in later, okay? Love you, bye!"

I don't give him the chance to respond. I end the call and stick my phone in my oversized purse. Along with a pen and a notepad. I need to seem professional.

I run over to my door, adjusting my hair... praying that it looks good as I don't exactly have a mirror in my office. That will be one thing that I'll add when I upgrade. I look down at my stylish blue top and black pants. There is not a speck of vomit on them, thankfully.

I quickly make my way to the boardroom where I enter and see my boss sitting at the large rectangle table that takes up the entire room. There are a few older men and women already seated, but fortunately, Mr. Clark has saved a seat for me beside him. So I sit down to the right of him.

I pull my notepad and pen out of my bag ready. I am grinning nervously at everyone through my teeth. For a moment, I feel as if I have made it. I'm excited and very nervous. I feel the beer rumble in my stomach along with the four dozen cups of coffee that I have had today.

I haven't eaten... oops! There is a glass jar of water and a collection of glasses beside it on the table. I stand back up and lean over the table hoping that my buttons aren't so low that people can see down my top.

I pour myself a glass of water and notice a few other interested eyes on the water. So I pour a couple more glasses, in case one of those people wants a drink.

I sit back down with my glass and take a sip of the cool refreshing water. After a few minutes, the boardroom is field with people that I have never seen before. But I know that they are investors and directors.

I shuffle nervously in my seat and as the meeting starts I start taking notes. But, I can barely understand what they are talking about. At one moment, I feel my boss nudge me on the knee. Clearly, he is telling me to stop writing.

I put my pen down and lean back in my seat, imitating the posture of many of the board members. I focus my attention on the lead investor whose name has escaped me. I sip my drink and then nod as if I understand everything that he is saying.

There's a lot of words there. 'fiscal' 'revenue' 'profit'. While I know what they mean individually... I don't exactly understand the gist of what he is saying. But then something startles me. I feel the contact of my boss's hand sitting on my left kneecap.

Yeah, that shouldn't be there! Surely, it is nothing. It must just be a mistake. He must have just placed his hand on my leg instead of his own. I let out a small fake cough, hoping that he will get the message. A few people look over at me, unaware of what has started the sudden clearing of my throat.

They look back at the investor... But that hand that was on my kneecap, while it did move... it just didn't move in the direction that I was aiming for.

Instead of being removed from my leg altogether, it is now slowly brushing my thigh. Oh crap! Here I am, sitting in the middle of an important meeting being sexually harassed by my boss.

I move my leg, in an attempt to move it from his hand. But his hand only goes a little further up my leg. My eyes are ready to pop out of their sockets in shock! Oh shit! What do I do?

Do I speak up in the middle of my meeting to grasp the attention of everybody, costing my boss the business, which in turn, will cost me my job?

I can't do that! I need my job! Besides, I really doubt that any of them will believe me anyway. But then, this is clearly how he expected me to earn my promotion...

After the morning that I have had, I am scared of making a scene... Yet, I am also not willing to be sexually harassed by my boss. I need to do something to stand up for myself.

But what? His hand is slowly going up my leg. I'm beginning to feel sick. Don't vomit, Nicky... please don't vomit.

I take a drink of my water and swallow my vomit back down. I do the only thing that I can do. I grab a hold of his hand and remove it from my leg, placing it down onto his own leg.

I give him a subtle look, possibly filled with fear, but I hope that he receives the message. Yay, I made a brave decision! But I still don't feel too brave.

As I look back to the speaker I feel his hand traveling up my thigh again. Arthur Clark clearly didn't get the message. I tremble in my seat. I am actually scared!

Am I about to stand up and say something kickass against my offender? Am I going to inform the rest of the boardroom as to what is happening?

In a world where women are finally standing up for themselves and feminism is key... I would like to say that 'yes I did' right there and then.

But at that moment, when you have been invited to sit at the popular kid table where every single one of them has status and power... There is this feeling that comes over you where you do not carry that strength.

This man is rich. He is responsible for paying you the money that lets you rent your apartment, pay your electricity and put food on the table.

I sit there for a few minutes more, cringing at his hand, frightened for myself. Feeling that I am nothing but a scared vulnerable woman, afraid to speak up to protect myself.

Until the moment where his hand has reached my middle and I just cannot handle it any longer. I get to my feet. My whole body is trembling.

Fortunately, me standing has made him remove his hand. But now, every eye in the room is on me... the newcomer.

"Er... umm..." I murmur. My mind takes me to all those superhero movies and TV shows... But not to the male heroes.

To the ass-kicking female superheroines, who gain their reputation for kicking ass and taking names. I can either allow for this to happen to me so I can pay my rent and electricity and buy my food...

Or I can risk it all to stand up for myself. I quite literally just vomited over a café full of people today... So what have I got to lose?

"Arthur Clark just sexually harassed me!" I manage to stammer. Everybody's face is on me. Their expressions are blank.

"I'm sure that couldn't be any further from the truth, young lady!" the investing speaker says. I am in sheer disbelief. Nobody believes me! Of course, they don't believe me!

I look down at Arthur Clark and by the expression on his face, it is enough to say that yes... I am fired. I sigh. I pick up my purse, leave my position at the table and march out of the room, bypassing the rest of the workers as fast as I can, hiding my face in embarrassment.

I head for my office, close the door behind me and involuntarily voice sounds of frustration, anger, and misery. What do I do now?

A few minutes later there is a knock at my door and surprise, surprise... Arthur Clark is standing there. He walks in and says: "That was quite a show that you put on."

"I get it, I'm fired," I reply.

"On the contrary, I haven't been with a strong woman like that since my wife walked out on me... The promotion is still yours if you want it," he tells me.

I scoff. I know that I need the money right now. Sure, my parents are rich, but I would prefer to not have to live on their handouts. He takes my silence as a silent agreement to continue to work with him.

He nods but before he can leave the office he says: "You can have the rest of the day off... But I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning."

Tomorrow morning? No, I booked tomorrow and all of next week off for my trip to LA to spend with my parents. Adam's plan starts as of tomorrow morning when I catch my flight, ready for their anniversary dinner tomorrow night.

"But you said that I could have tomorrow and all of next week off... I booked it off months ago," I tell him.

He shrugs. "Consider my mind having been changed after that stunt you just pulled in there..." he replies. I freeze in my tracks.

Normally at work, I keep my feminism at bay. I shut up and I show up... so I can get paid. But I can no longer continue to stand around and let my dignity be shat upon. Not any longer!

"Fuck you, Arthur Clark!" I say under my breath... and oh, crap! He hears it!

"What did you say?" he asks me.

I look up at him, surprised at myself. But then I cannot control the next few words or actions that my body commits.

"I said fuck...you... Arthur... Clark!" I repeat, only much colder and louder than before. It doesn't stop there, either.

I turn to my desk where I see the client file still sitting. I pick it up, and as I stare at my boss, I tear the manila folder up in front of him, letting loose a large hurricane of loose white sheets of paper into the air and onto the floor.

"Did you know that many other companies have their client files in a database on their computers?" I tell him menacingly.

"You need to calm down, Nicole Andrews!" his voice booms at me. But I don't calm down.

Next, I pick up the keyboard, pulling the cable free from its port. I try to snap it against my knee. It isn't working! "You need to calm down, Nicole!" he booms at me again.

"Oh, I'm just getting started!" I say. I am grinning like a crazy person. Arthur pokes his head outside my office door and calls for security.

At that point, I have given up my attempt at snapping my keyboard. I have pushed my computer monitor onto the floor with a big smash and am now pulling books from the shelf and throwing them onto the carpet. I am quite literally going nuts in my office.

I pick up my phone and my purse just as the security guards are trying to escort me from my office and out of the building.

As they do so, I scream out. "Next time you will think before you sexually harass your employees again, Arthur Clark!"

I am now standing out on the sidewalk outside what is now my old job, with no car... because, remember that got towed away? And once again screaming like a crazy lady.

I sigh and begin the long walk home, I tried to call Adam earlier, but he wasn't answering. I could probably call an Uber... But right now, I'm going to need to save every penny that I can get. Oh and now it is raining... No, not just raining... It is fucking pouring down with rain! Like I said... when it rains, it pours.

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