Another Moment Passing by...

By sweetlikesugar1d

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About two months after Dani and Derek Manchester passed away, the gang decides a vacation is needed. But will... More

Another Moment Passing by...
Chapter 1: The Mirror Can Lie
Chapter 2: Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
Chapter 3: Sudden Silence, Sudden Heat.
Chapter 4: Guess That's Why They Call It Window Pain
Chapter 5: Me and My Stupid Pride Are Sitting Here Alone
Chapter 6: Like Shadows in a Faded Light.
Chapter 7: As You Walk Away I Count The Steps That You Take.
Chapter 8: You Love Me, I Love You Harder.
Chapter 9: So this is me swallowing my pride.
Chapter 10: I don't wanna talk about it.
Chapter 12: Think I Know Where You Belong.
Chapter 13: I'm Losing Myself.
Chapter 14: Pretending Someone Else Can Come And Save Me From Myself.
Chpater 15: You Are Pretty Down To Your Bones.
Chapter 16: A Drop In The Ocean.
Chapter 17: With You and Me All Alone, No One Has To Know
Chapter 18: I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 19: I Can Love You More Than This
Chapter 20: The Roof Caved In And The Truth Came Out
Chapter 21: They're More Like Tsunami Tides In My Eyes
Chapter 22: An Indication, Something I Thought I Lost Long Ago
Chapter 23: On The Outside Looking In.
Chapter 24: I've Got A World Of Chances For You (part1)
Chapter 25: I've Got A World Of Chances For You (part2)
Chapter 26: What A Sad, Beautiful, Tragic Love Affair
Chapter 27: Four Blue Eyes.
Chapter 28: Reality Ruined My Life
Chapter 29: Love Like A Tidal Wave
Chapter 30: Everyone Will Make Mistakes (And I Know I Have)
Chapter 31: It's cool 'cause we're just friends
Chapter 32: I just like hanging out with you
Chapter 33: Maybe I'm just not strong enough
Chapter 34: Wish I Could Freeze This Moment in a Frame and Stay Like This
Chapter 35: Summer Love
Extra: The Wedding
Last wordsβ™₯
Translation (is that even a word)

Chapter 11: I hope I never lose that feeling.

1.6K 52 25
By sweetlikesugar1d

Chapter 11:  I Hope I Never Lose That Feeling.

*Sydney’s P.O.V.*

I woke up to a low chuckle and a light tugging at a lock of my hair. I groaned and rolled over, opening my eyes a sliver to see Liam running his fingers through my hair with a grin on his face. His brown eyes met my green ones and his smile widened. “Li, what are you doing?” I asked sleepily.

“You still have some cookie dough in your hair,” he informed me with an adorable little smirk. I rolled over, grinning as I groaned again. I’m not exactly a morning person. Liam took his hands way from my hair and instead wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my cheek lightly. His touch tingled pleasurably as usual, waking me up yet lulling me to peace at the same time. “It’s time to wake up, sleepy cookie dough head,” he murmured in my ear, as if I was a child. I grinned and groaned again, but honestly I was just enjoying the moment. The groan raised in pitch to a surprised squeal when he started nibbling on my ear lobe. I looked up at him with a shocked grin on my face and smirked down at me victoriously. “Are you awake yet?” he teased. I scrunched my face up at him before burrowing it back into my pillow. “Wait, you have some cookie on your face, love,” he told me seriously.

“Where?” I asked, turning around. He surprised my fatigued mind once again by planting a swift kiss on my lips. He pulled away before I could even respond.

“I got it,” he replied cheekily with a winked. I shook my head at him, but I was grinning like a maniac. “You loved it!” he exclaimed. I just took his pillow and tried to smack him with it, but he stopped my weak attempt with ease. “No violence,” he scolded, waggling his finger at me jokingly.

“I just want to sleep,” I whined, sticking out my bottom lip. He kissed before replying, making me grin at his adorableness.

“But I want to spend the entire day with you! I mean everyone’s going to want you tomorrow, so you’re mine today,” he declared. Cold realization settled over me.

“I’m leaving in two days, aren’t I?” Liam nodded in solemn confirmation, but quickly went back to being bright and cheery.

“Which is why I’m claiming you today!” he explained, grinning widely. I returned the smile, but turned back to my pillow. “Come on ya lazy bum, get up!” he begged. I moaned in protest and began kicking when he tried dragging me out of bed by my feet. “Whoa, violence is frowned upon, missy.” I suppressed my urge to giggle.

“Five more minutes?” I suggested. I heard him sigh.

“How about fifteen?” he bargained. I shot up in confusion, then held my head because I sat up way too quickly. He chuckled at me before going on. “I’ll go make you some breakfast and bring it up to you, love,” he offered, kissing me on the forehead. I began to protest, but he silenced me with a quick, sweet kiss before laying me back down. I was too tired to argue, so I just went with it, plopping down into the comfort of the bed and snuggling up to my fluffy Strawberry Shortcake pillow.

*Haley’s P.O.V.*

The obnoxious reverberation of a phone vibrating on a hard surface rudely ripped me away from the grip of peaceful unconsciousness. I groaned lightly to myself, deciding to open my eyes in five seconds. Which turned into a sleepy ten… But the buzz kept going insistently. “What the fuck does this world want from me?” I grumbled to myself. I was surprised at the lack of a familiar chuckle next to me, then realized Niall must’ve already gone downstairs. I leaned over the edge of the bed to retrieve my phone, and I kind of just hung there as I opened the three texts I had received, too tired to lift my upper body back on to the bed. I also noticed I had some twitter mentions, which was odd, but I decided to check those later. I rolled my eyes when I saw that all three messages were from Niall, demanding I go downstairs to eat breakfast with him because Harry made something special. I sighed heavily and let my body flop, slowly sliding off of the bed and onto the hard floor until I was merely a lump. I didn’t move, and I would’ve fallen asleep if Niall’s voice hadn’t sounded from the doorway. “You’re not doing a very good job of waking up,” he remarked. I rolled around the floor so I was facing him and stuck my tongue. There was the laugh I was aching to hear. I smiled at the beautiful sound, biting my bottom lip out of habit.

“Maybe you could help me up?” I suggested, exhaustion still holding me prisoner. “Please?” I added. Niall smiled and walked over to me, bending down slightly as he extended his hand down to me. I took it and used all my will to get up, and even then Niall was doing most of the work. I was just so God damn tired. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest, a small sigh of fatigue escaping my lips softly. Niall knew what that sign meant and scooped me up in his arms, carrying me down the stairs. As usual I was wearing only panties and a long shirt, so a shocking tingling sensation electrified my nerves as his hands gripped my bare thighs. Not to mention I still got butterflies in my stomach over his shirtless habits.

“You know,” he started, “it’s remarkable how well you’ve gotten over your fear of being lifted,” he smirked. I grinned a bit, remembering the first night he carried me up the stairs because I was afraid of the dark, the first night I ever met him.

“It’s not a fear,” I corrected, “it’s a discomfort. And only you can carry me,” I informed him, kissing him on the cheek. I felt him smile, which, of course, made me smile as well.

“Aww, well I’m honored,” he replied. I grinned and settled my head into the warm crook of his neck, letting my eyelids droop.

“So what did Harry make for breakfast?” I asked, the small grin never leaving my lips.

“Tacos!” Niall exclaimed. My eyes shot open in excitement. I’m the type of person who can eat anything for breakfast, as is Niall. Once we had cold pepperoni pizza and gummy worms. I cheered as he set me down gently in one of the chairs and took a seat next to me. I could tell he had already devoured at least two before going upstairs to get me, and he started making another one in a hard shell. I myself took a soft shell and started spreading my ingredients out. “Why do you like soft shell better than hard shell?” he questioned as if I was some kind of idiot. I looked down at my taco, grinning and blushing in slight embarrassment.

“I’m not good at eating the hard shell,” I informed him quietly, laughing breathily at how stupid I sounded. He glanced at me quizzically with a hint of amusement in his lively blue eyes. “It always breaks and falls apart when I try to eat a hard shell!” I exclaimed indignantly. He chuckled at me and I threw a shred of cheese at him in response. His eyes widened in mock hurt and he slapped his hand to his chest, but he didn’t even bother to hide his smirk.

“You’re quite a violent dork,” he informed me with a light chuckled. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t contain my grin, as what he said was entirely true. Well, the dork part at least. Plus, he had said it in a weird display of affection, and weird displays are more fun anyway. I was about to respond when Harry waltzed over and randomly poured hot sauce in between my plate and Niall’s. I looked up at him in amused confusion.

“You guys are too G-Rated,” he explained with a playful grin. “Now there some heat between you two.” I just kind of stared at him for a moment before bursting out laughing. Oh great, I’m that kind of tired, I thought with joy as I realized I was probably being delusional. Harry was laughing along with me while Niall shook his head.

“You’re cleaning that up, Hazz,” Niall joked with a wink. Harry frowned and trudged over to the paper towels, obeying Niall’s command. Then I remembered where Harry had been the night before. I gasped dramatically (and probably quite unnecessarily) and both of their heads simultaneously snapped up at me in slight concern.

“How did your date with Shaniqua go?” I questioned, failing to contain my giggles. I received weird looks from both of them, though I was a bit surprised they weren’t used to my weird ways yet.

“Her name is Veronica…” Harry corrected slowly, as if judging my state of well being. “Where did you get Shaniqua from?” he asked as if I was crazy. Silly Hazz, I’m not crazy, I’m in a weird state right now! I corrected him in my mind. On the outside I just shrugged, still grinning stupidly.

“Fine, how did your date with this said, ‘Veronica’ go?” I rephrased. He shook his head, plastering a smile on his face. I couldn’t help but notice how forced it seemed.

“It went well,” he answered.

“Go to hell,” I responded instinctively. He looked at me, seeming bewildered. I started bursting out in laughter, so badly I could hardly breathe, let alone find my voice so I could explain that I was simply making a RENT reference.

“RENT,” Niall explained. Honestly, it made me pretty happy knowingly that he knew me that well. And, well, that he would watch RENT with me enough to understand my references. Harry nodded in acknowledgment then shook his head.

“Just eat your burrito,” he ordered. I clutched my chest in mock pain, still catching my breath from my previous gale of giggles.

“Bitch, I ain’t no burrito eater!” I replied, just killing myself with another round of unstoppable laughter. Niall patted me on the head, somewhat as if I was a dog, making me even more senselessly amused than I already was. Jesse came skipping merrily into the room, a bright, dashing smile painted on his pale face, as usual.  

“Halez, Nialler, I hate to kick you out, but I have to talk to Harold alone. Why don’t you two go have some sex or something?” he suggested jokingly, not helping my fit of laughter. “You can test out the flavored condoms we bought! That is, if you haven’t already,” he winked. Niall slipped his comforting hand into mine, sweeping me away from the table.

“Sounds good!” he replied, making me giggle. “And you get to do our dishes, since you demand so sternly that we fuck each other!” I couldn’t contain myself. Not only were his words hilarious, but he just said them so cheerily, it was as if they were coming from a six year old’s mouth. We hopped up the steps and into our room, both of us still laughing stupidly as we shut the door and flopped down on the bed. That was what I loved about our relationship: we were both idiots, and our relationship so immature, but it was so strong that it was the perfect balance. He spread out his arm and I snuggled up to him as he then proceeded to wrap it around me. I lay my head on his chest, listening to the soft thud of his steady heart beat. I glanced up at him, studying every beautiful feature of his angelic face as I realized he was already smiling down at me. I kissed his jaw, then scooted up a bit so I could peck him on the cheek.

“I love you, ya know that?” I informed him in between kisses. He smiled widely, making my insides churn pleasantly.

“I love you too, princess,” he replied, pecking my lips. I smiled at the ticklish feeling the sparks caused. I also can’t express how much I loved it when he called me princess, he made me feel so much more beautiful and worthy than I actually was.

“I literally can’t explain how much you mean to me,” I sighed honestly, staring into his eyes that seemed as deep as the sea. Memories of all of our time spent together began flickering through my mind, from the Oreos to the photo shoot to the meadow to the jet ride to the tour and everything after and in between. I never wanted to let go of the feelings all of those memories conjured up. “I don’t want to ever lose what we have,” I whispered, hoping I wasn’t getting to clingy. He smiled down at me sentimentally, his soft lips looking ever so tempting.

“If only words were able to express what you mean to me,” he replied lovingly. Seriously, did he know how much he made my heart melt? His voice was so sweet and gentle, his accent making his words flow like a beautiful melody. And the fact that they held so much affection which he was directing towards me was more than I could ever ask for. “I want to spend every moment with you, make sure you’re happy and that nothing ever hurts you. Make sure no tears fall from your perfect topaz eyes unless they’re tears of joy. I want your attention all of the time because I’m just that greedy. I’m convinced you are the girl I’ve been waiting my entire life for, and I plan on protecting what we have with everything in me.” I couldn't believe the words that were falling from his lips. They made my heart react in a strangely pleasant way, but it wasn’t just my heart responding. My mind was telling me it was okay to think with my heart. My body was telling me to never let go of him. Every fiber of my being was just shouting I LOVE NIALL HORAN, and I couldn’t agree more. My heart sank as his sweet smile turned upside down into a slight frown. “I want to protect you from everything, so that you’ll never have to hurt the way I hurt you.” His voice was merely a raspy whisper, and I just couldn’t handle the tears that were shining in his mesmerizing blue orbs. I pressed a kiss to him trembling lips, not wanting him to feel guilty.

“Niall, you know we’re past that,” I muttered, just inches from his face.

“I’ll never get past that, Haley!” he exploded mutedly. “I hurt you,” he muttered sadly. “I’ll never be able to forgive myself.” I hated seeing him like that, and I refused to let him go on still feeling guilty. I caressed his face, cupping his cheek with one hand while I balanced myself on top of him with the other. I stared into the eyes I fell for the first time they connected with mine, hoping he could feel all of the love I had for him in that one look.

“If anything, it made us stronger,” I insisted. I placed another kiss on his soft, buttery lips, silencing any attempt of protest he might try. This kiss wasn’t just a peck; I packed as much passion and intimacy into it as I could, every emotion in my body lighting up at the intensity of the touch. I sparked the flamed, moving my hand up from his face and neck and tangling them in his hair. I twirled his gorgeous blonde locks around my fingers the way I knew he loved as I licked his bottom lip, savoring the soft, sweet sensation. He opened his mouth willingly, letting me explore as he massaged my tongue with his. He had his hands on my waist, but he slid them down to my hips, which my shirt was no longer covering, leaving only my white and pink zebra print underwear to cover me up. I ran my hands down the muscular plains of his bare chest, deepening the kiss as I leaned in farther, kissing him hungrily with more force than I believe I had ever used. Adrenaline and lust were pumping through my veins, and I didn’t even care that I was practically breathless. I pulled away, panting, but began kissing spots on his neck, searching for his soft spot. I kissed below his ear lobe and a slight moan escaped his lips. I smiled inwardly, secretly proud of myself as I began sucking and biting. I knew it would probably leave a mark, but I was enjoying myself too much at the moment to care. By the sounds that were coming from Niall, I think it’s safe to say he felt the same way. I began kissing down his neck until I reached his collarbone, where I planted many more kisses, licking his skin slightly with each one. He sat up and began sucking on my neck, finding my soft spot with ease. I wasn’t very experienced, so I moaned easily. He kissed down my neck as well, driving me crazy.

I gasped and jumped back, taken aback but the immense escalation of the moment. Niall stopped what he was doing, blushing slightly as we both tried to catch our breath. I shot him an apologetic look, granting him one more swift kiss before sighing and plopping my exhausted yet buzzing body back onto the mattress. He flopped down next to me and we smiled at each other. There were only three words that would be able to sum up what had just happened.

“I love you.”


hayyyy! I uploaded yay ahaha.

I love this chapter *-* can we talk about the end please? DA FEELS!

I have to sleep.


no I was joking.

hey I went to the beach today. it was great *-*

Okay Imma gooo cause Idk I feel weird lol.


I love you

Take care,


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