boo | e.d

By eyybupp

549K 18.5K 26.8K

in which ethan and bailey suffer while being apart. Sequel to Moved in - e.d More

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19K 769 1.1K
By eyybupp

19 | food fight

song: single by the neighbourhood

Ethans POV

"Hey where's Bailey?" i ask automatically while my head snaps around; searching for her.

Jacob and Jarvis hop out of the car as they shut the door, looking with me.

"Looked like Malia & Scott went another way while we were driving.. maybe they forgot something at their apartment." Jarvis shrugs.

I pucker my lips together as i nod; letting out a sigh afterwards.

April pops out from the car, shutting the door with a bright smile on her lips. What's making her so happy?

"happy mood April?" i stifle a laugh.

Her eyes latch onto me, soon widening her smile. "heck yeah! i'm in a hella good mood." she giggles.

I spot Jacob smiling like a freak as he decides to speak.

"Good mood huh? well can you skip me to class?" he says, soon shutting one eye as he cringes at what he had just said.

I chuckle lightly at his cuteness, soon squinting my eyes as begin to have the thought that he might have a thing for April.

"even better! i can fly your way there." she skips around the car with a happy expression plastered over her face. Jarvis watches her skip towards him with wide eyes. He can't help but smile.

Jarvis grabs his phone out his pocket, flipping his hair to the side.

"looks like we have another fucking fairy this morning." I say, mentioning the way Grayson was acting this morning.

A few giggles left our mouths as the man himself parked beside us.

Graysons head snaps towards me as he jumps a little. I raise my brows, giving him a small wave. 

I see Riley in the passenger seat giggling along side him as he sighs. The car engine stops before they both hop out of the car.

"wheres Scott and them?"

"must of headed back to the apartment." Jarvis repeats from eariler.

Both Gray & Riley lean back as they nod.

"well, the bell is gonna go." Alex says, popping out the open car door; soon shutting it.

They all agree as they begin to walk towards the building.

I don't bother to move as my teeth sink in to my bottom lip.


I jump a little at Gray's voice, soon turning around to see him hand in hand with Riley/

I find myself leaning on the side of my car; waiting.


"nah i'll wait for them."

"okay, we will see you in class." Riley says; starting to walk.

Gray gives me a concerned face as his strong grip pulls Riley back.

"you alright bro?" Gray asks.

I tilt my head, shrugging. "why do you ask?"

"well, i always ask now a days." he tries laughing to get rid of that weird tension in the air.

"well, i am peachy." i smile back.

His shoulders drop as he thinks i am being sarcastic.

"oh, no no no! im being serious. I'm actually good." i smile wider, watching as his expression changed.

His lips slightly begin to curve as he nods his head. "okay.. good."


"good." he says again making Riley hits him.

"okay you guys are being weird. lets go." she laughs.

Grayson looks back at me before walking off with Riley. Thoughts circle through my mind as i stay leaned on the back of my car; not wanting to leave.

Thoughts of when Bailey & I still lived together where teasing me, making me miss the simplest look of her in the morning.

Its a cliche thing for a guy to say 'she isn't like any other girl', but she really wasn't for me.

You read the same thing in the books, and see the same things in the movies.

She changed him.

Well i think she did.

Damsel in distress?

I don't think so.

She saved me.

Not the other way round.

I was an absolute asshole like every guy in the movies. The girl that has the balls to tell you that you are an asshole is the one that the guy can't get out of their head.

The fact that she isn't all over you makes you want her even more.

I think one of the main things i love about Bailey is how we can have real talks.

They are so filled with emotion and just deep true things. The stuff we speak of can be something we would never tell anyone else. And you don't always have that with many people.

I only wish to talk to her because she always makes me feel better.

She saved me.

Yet i was still late to save her..

I wasn't late enough for her to go through to pain she had already went through. But i could of prevented it if i had just been there.

Been there earlier so she didn't have to pick up the call.

Not of gone with Britney and just ignored her in the first place.

I should of just stayed with Bailey.

"yooo you frozen or something?!" Scotts voice calls out. My body jumps as my eyes dart in his direction; right in front of me.

His car was parked with Malia in the passenger side.

My heart was lightly pounding against my chest from being pulled out of my thoughts so suddenly.

"not anymore." i shake my head, smiling as i know Bailey is in the car.

"took you guys long enough." i tease as the engine turns off.

Three doors open and my eyes automatically find their way to Bailey.

She hops out of the car, with no struggle. She wore a cropped top with sweats. Her hair loosely fell as it looked like she barely tried.

My eyes wander, feeling a lump in my throat.

"just had to see little cutie pie." Malia says in a baby voice making me squint my eyes; smiling.

"Guppie?" i ask; curious.

Baileys eyes catch onto mine, soon tucking a strand behind her ear; my weakness.

I can't help but stare at her in awe as as bites onto her bottom lip; nodding. 

"ahhh i've got to meet this amazing Guppie." I smirk, pushing my back off my car. Seeing Bailey in front of me is a sight im fucking grateful for.

It still shocks me in a way.

Not seeing Bailey in a long time, and now here i am. Back at school with the girl i want as my friend.

I definitely do not plan on taking fucking forever. 

Do you know how fucking long i've been wanting her back?

And here i am, being a pussy ass bitch.

Nope. Not going through that shit again.

I'm going to prove to this girl that i want her badly. We have clarified our feelings for eachother, so obviously something is still here. She just wants time.

Shitty reason if you ask me, but its not fair on her.

Being sexually assaulted is something that is not surprising for women. And that thought is fucking disgusting.

The fact that almost every girl in the world can have their own story, makes me sick to my stomach. So, going through that pain of actually knowing what could of happened to her.. Makes me not really mind the wait.

"indeed you do." Malia says with a sly smirk as she stand beside Scott. His arm wraps around her as they both smile.

"so you were waiting for us huh?" Scott teases, patting my back as they began to walk.

I roll my eyes jokingly as I begin to walk alongside them.

"yup." i say simply.

I walked beside Scott as he held onto Malia. Bailey pushed herself off the car as her eyes ipinned onto me.

Without thinking, i walk in front of Scott and Malia, making my way to the other side; next to Bailey.

I give her a smile as I see Malia smirking in the corner of my eyes.

As we all begin walking towards the front doors, Scott & Malia lose themselves in their own conversation. This leaves me and Bailey walking beside eachother with no conversation going on at all.

I bite onto my bottom lip as i peek a look at Bailey. Her head hangs slightly low, making me assume something must be wrong.

I can't help but try to make conversation.

"so, Guppie became a reality." i smile.

Her head snaps up towards me as her eyes lock with mine. Just direct eye contact with her was enough to make my heart flutter.

She can't help but smile as her hands tuck themselves into the straps of her bag.

"i told ya, always wanted a-"

"black puppy names Guppie." i finish off her sentence, making me blush lightly.

"you're cute when you blush." i say smoothly.

"oh shut up." she nudges my arm with her body making me laugh.

I reminisce on our conversation about Guppie, and suddenly a memory flashes.

"haha! hey remember how you said you would name your puppy Guppie Grant." i laugh.

Her cheeks begin to fluster a little more making me squint my eyes.

"did you stick with it?" i nudge her teasingly.

She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear, leaving me to know that she did.

"it goes well." she fights back, crossing her arms over her chest.

I can't help but crack a laugh as she admits it.

"wow, Guppie has a part of Ethan in her."

"pffft how do you know Guppie is a gir-" she squints her eyes at me till i realise something.


"G.G..." i mumble loud enough for her to hear. Her eyes sparkle as they open wider; like she already knows what i am thinking.

We make eye contact before yelling at the same time.

"GUCCI!" we say in sync.

We both end up in a fit of laughter; clenching onto our stomachs.

"I LOVE THAT!" I wheeze out of breath.

"i'm smart, i know." she says cockily in a joking manner.

"you guys are so weird." Malia shakes her head.

We both look at her before looking back at each other.

I simply shrug. "we were just made for eachother." i say with no shame.

Bailey chokes beside me while Malia jaw is dropped; her mouth smiling whilst being left open.

Scott covers his mouth with his hand, but you can see he is smiling by the way his cheeks are lifted up.


[3rd class]
Baileys POV

"quick quick." Malia pushes me in, making me almost trip. I turn towards her, glaring.

"you bitch." i snarl jokingly.

She just laughs at me, knowing i wouldn't do anything. We make our way to our normal seating area where Grayson & Alex are already sat.

"come on, i fucking love food class." Malia jumps up and down. I giggle at her silliness as Scott creeps up from behind; wrapping his arms around her.

"why cause it has food?" i roll my eyes but she snaps her head towards me with a serious face.

"yes, you fucking lunatic." 

Scott laughs, sitting beside Malia & Alex as i sat next to Gray.

"i was kiddin-"

"Dolan, back i see." Miss. Peters calls out; catching everyones attention.

I turn to see Ethan standing in the doorway with his damn good looking face. I can't help but find a smile creepoing its way on my face.

"oh shit, i didn't know e would be in food." Gray says, honestly surprised.

"you're his brother, wouldn't you have helped him with his schedule?" i ask with furrowed eyebrows; facing Gray.

He gives me an 'are you serious' face while laughing.

"you kidding?! he can do that shit himself, its not like he is a 'new' kid." he laughs making me roll my eyes jokingly; giggling.

My eyes turn back to Ethan, losing myself in his incredibly intimidating stance.

My lips begin to curve up till fully dropping.

April pops up from behind, her hand on his shoulder.


April is in our food class.. so she probably helped him get here.

Ethans eyes catch onto mine, making him smile automatically.

He also sees most of us all here, making him rub his hands together. April looks over, waving at us all. Even though April was in our class, she usually sat on the table across from us.

"hey guys." Ethan says as he begins to walk.

They both make their way over, soon stopping as they realised there was only one seat left.

"here you go Ethan." April pats his back, signalling him to sit on the empty seat; right next to me.

The world seriously likes to put Ethan right next to me in all situations doesn't it.

"where are you going to sit?" he asks.

"i sit over there, don't worry." she fails her hand around, smiling widely.


"we barely sit down in class anyways, we start cooking in the next 10 minutes." she shrugs, still smiling.

I honestly didn't have anything against April. I just guess the fact that she is close to Ethan is weird for me. He had his friend group which was mine. Our friend group.

April just seems so nice and funny. She is super pretty and cute. I guess that kinda scares me. Ethan could fall for her.

But i can't say shit!

I'm the one who said they needed time; which i do. But if they become anything, i won't be able to do anything about it.

She walks off, leaving Ethan to sit on the seat beside me. Before he sits down, his eyes scan me up and down like they did this morning. This gave me a fuzzy feeling, tucking my hair behind my ear out of instinct.

"well well well, ethan in a cooking class..." Grayson lays his arms out on the table, leaning over to look at Ethan.

"not going to go well." Grayson finishes, with a teasing laugh.

"shut up." he flicks his hand his way, making the whole table laugh.


"shit!" ethan yells over all the clinging and clanging of pots and pans. The whole class was doing their own thing as our next meal to prepare was a simple 'batch of cookies'.

Ethan had flour all on his face and apron. Grayson stood beside him with flour tipped on his apron also.

I can't help but laugh as Malia stand beside me, doing the exact same thing.

"god damnit ethan! you had one fucking job!" grayson yells out.

Miss. Peters had already left with a couple more students to grab extra ingredients for when we finish.

"watch your language you two!" i call from across the bench.

"not my fault ethan cant bake for shit!" Grayson glares at a ghost looking Ethan. I couldn't help but find it to look cute.

Ethan throws his arms in the air as his eyes widened.

"shut up! the flour was possessed!" We all burst out in laughter at Ethans words.

"possessed?! are you serious?!" Alex laughs.

"dumbass." Grayson hits his shoulder.

I pout my lips as Ethans shoulders drop. His arms then cross themselves over his chest as his bottom lip puckers out.

I walk around the bench to their side as i make my way over to him. His eyes look up at me; noticing how im walking over to him.

His body straightens as his face looks a little shocked.

"you got a little.." i look at his face and apron, pointing at it with my finger.

He cracks a smile, looking down at me.

"a little what?" he mumbles.

"dick." i stilfe a laugh.

His jaw drops slightly before cracking a smile; nudging me.

"shut up."

"thats a lie." he smirks making me roll my eyes.

I bop his nose with my finger, facing it back at him; signalling all the flour.

He looks down at himself with a large smirk. I don't quite understand why he is smirking since there is nothing really to smirk about, until this dumbass shoves his apron covered in flour all over my face.

I let out gasp as loud laughs leave his lips. I look down at myself, slowly looking back up at him with a dangerous look.

"you didn't." i stifle a laugh.

"i did."

"i like my face!" i shout jokingly at him, making him laugh louder than before.

"i've heard that before." he jokes.

My cheeks redden a little, realising what he is talking about.

Ethan chuckles a little which makes me wonder what the hell he is doing to the damn pancake mix.

I walk up behind him and pat his back, "Hey? What are you-"

He spins around fast and smears pancake mix all over my face as he wheezes so hard from laughing.

The creamy mix drips down and my jaw is left open. I look up at him as he tries to breath.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" My arms swing up and he starts running around with the spoon in his hand.

He is laughing so hard that Scott wakes up rubbing his eyes "What the hell are yous- ouch my head is hurts so bad"

We don't stop in fact I keep chasing him until he stops which causes me to bash in to him making us both fall.

I was on top of him and his chest rises up and down quickly. He had a huge grin on his face with deep breaths going in and out.

I was having trouble breathing also, I tuck my hair behind my ear and just smile. I rub my face in to his shirt and his expression changes.


"I LIKE MY FACE!" He begins to laugh and so do I.

I grab the egg that was laid on the bench beside us as i crack it over his head. I stand on my tippy toes as i see the egg goo out all over his head.

There were a lot of 'ooos' heard around us, as well as a few laughs.

His eyes shut as he gasps, jaw dropped.

He bites him bottom lip before nodding. His hands smear off some of the egg, flicking it off. There was still a shine of the egg on his forehead as his hair sticks to it making me laugh.

"Bailey Piper."

"Ethan Doan."

"food fight!" A random kid calls out.

Everyone begins cheering around us as we hear everyone picking up food.

Me and Ethan stay standing in front of eachother as we stare into each others eyes. It was kinda like i was lost for a while. His hazel eyes digging into mine as we both stand speechless.

Laughs and squeals were all around us, soon fading out as i carry on looking at him.

He bites onto his bottom lip before crossing his arms over his chest.

I see Gray & Alex ducking under the benches, chucking food at eachother.

"What cha going to do about it boo?" I say without thinking.

His eyes widen at my choice of words and my nickname i called him.

I finally said it.

I mentally slap myself at what i said, but at the same time. I didn't really care.

"pay back precious." he smirks evilly before splashing water in my face.

I gasp with my eyes shut, water dripping down my clothes. 

"you dick!"i wipe my eyes, smiling hard as he chuckles.

"big dick!" he yells out before running away.

By now, everyone was chasing each other with food in their hands. Everyone was covered in different condiments as loud laughs were heard.

The next thing we hear is the class door open with a loud gasp.

"oh my goodness!" Miss. Peters voice shocks us all as everyone freezes.

The food in my hand accidentally flops on the floor as everyone basically looks like statues.

Her shoulders drop as the other students come in with the extra ingredients in their hands. Their jaws drop as they look at all of us.

Miss. Peters shakes her head, wiping her eyes as she sighs.

"you all realise there will be punishment for this right?" she says in a serious tone.

"i dont care who started it, you are all staying during lunch to clean this mess up." she points at us all with demanding eyes.

"you are all just lucky im not a old cranky lady.." she smiles.

We are all a little shocked by her reaction as she walks closer.

"well?" she says.

"the bell is going in 5 minutes, lets finish this quickly." she raises her brows up and down quickly before grabbing an egg.

"food fight!" everyone cheers; still slightly shocked.



"who knew miss. peters was a badass." Malia whispers as she nudges my arm as i sweep up the flour on the ground.

"id say so!" i whisper back with a smile.

"so you and ethan.." Scott randomly pops out of nowhere, making me jump.

"holy shit Scotty." i shut my eyes, placing my hand over my heart.

They both giggle at my reaction.

Grayson sneaks over with a cloth in his hand as he joins in.

"yeah, whats up with you and e?" he smirks.

I roll my eyes, returning back to sweeping until i feel the tension of all their eyes pinned into me. I slowly look up at their eager eyes, soon sighing.

"we had a talk last night."

"i knew something happened last night!" Malia squeals. I slam my hand over her mouth, looking over to Ethan as he is on the other side of the room; wiping the bench.

"shut up will ya?" i whisper.

"plus how did you know?" i ask; Scott and Grayson still with us.

"i woke up in the middle of the night to- uhm just cause, and well you weren't in your bed." Malia almost slips, making me realise the reason.


"well, we can't talk about this now." i whisper-yell, eyeing out Miss. Peters who returns into class, all freshened up like the rest of us.

Luckily with our school, most people bring spare clothes. So all we really had to do was go to the locker rooms with our showers to have a quick rinse. Although that didn't really help with some of the students.

"awwhh come on!"

"well you guys can ask ethan!" i say towards Scott & Gray since they don't know anything about my nightmares.

I'm sure Malia will want to talk about that...

"He's talking to April! Just tell us!" Grayson says quickly and eager.

My eyes widen as i turn to see Ethan. And well, there he is. Surely talking to April.

They both smile at eachother, letting out a few laughs.

I feel the weird feeling in my chest, shrugging it off since im the one to blame.

Before i can look away, Ethans eyes meet with mine.

It shocks us both really..

His facial expression shows that he wasn't expecting me to look at him, but neither was i.

His lips curve up as he runs a hand through his hair. For a quick second, he looks back at April; smiling.

My smile automatically drops.

Once his eyes reconnect with mine, he notices my facial expression. His eyes soften as his lips un-curve slightly.

I try not to make it seem like I'm upset by turning away quickly; rejoining the conversation.

i can't help but feel Ethans eyes digging into me.

But i can't look back.

well, well, well... its been a heck of a while. sorry for the long wait :) i'll be getting back to my book 'boo' more now as i have finished planning out.
honestly really excited guys!

comment your thoughts! love y'all

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