The Fighter

By KodaSlade

19.5K 633 43

Cassidy Lockwood is the nerd of Bayview High. She's bullied by the 'popular' group at school but has a great... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Final Chapter

Chapter One

1.8K 33 1
By KodaSlade

Cassidy at the top⬆️

Cassidy's POV

First day back at hell. Oops, I mean school. Summer has just finished and I'm now a senior at Bayview High. I swear that place is a gateway to hell.

Guess I should introduce myself, Hi I'm Cassidy Lockwood. I'm 5'1, I know I'm short, 17 years old, I have pale skin, orange waist length hair, slim build with a flat stomach and big doe blue eyes. My eyes are my favourite part of me they are bright blue. They stand out against my pale skin and hair.

My best friend Koda says I look like a porcelain doll. To be honest I would have to agree with her. Koda and I are complete opposites. She has dark grey hair that fades into white, it reaches her mid-back, big multiple coloured eyes like her eyes are two different colours and they change colour. CHANGE COLOUR, LIKE HOW!?!?!?. She's doesn't even know.

But anyway I'm losing my concentration, she is 5'8, is pretty built and piercings and tattoos. She is also a complete badass. Everyone wants her, boys and girls but she is as straight as a circle. Basically, she is super gay. I'm Bi so it doesn't bother me. Not like I would come out and say it I have zero confidence unless I'm around Koda. She is super confident but doesn't talk a lot, she's more of the silent observer. But I love her she's more like an overprotective sister than a best friend.

Well, that's enough about Koda and me, let me tell you about why I hate school so much. It's simple actually I'm your typical shy nerd with big framed glasses and like every shy nerd ever I'm bullied. By the clique 'popular' kids, spoiled brats if you ask me. They knock my books out of my hands, call me names, push me into lockers and sometimes hit me. I don't tell anyone because I don't see the point like it's not like anything is going to happen to them they'll just get away with it as usual.

Well then let's get away from the depression shit. Summer was AMAZING I got to spend it with Koda, we don't go to the same school so she doesn't know about the bullying and it's going to stay that way for as long as it can.

When I say Koda is overprotective, I mean it, she once threatened a boy that had grabbed my ass. The poor boy looked like he was about to shit himself if he hadn't already. He ran away from us so fast I thought he was the flash. If she found out about the bullying they would be dead. Anyway, I had a great summer with Koda I missed her, she is still super fucking hot. We did lots we went to water parks, amusement parks, camping, mountain climbing, hikes and so much more. So many memories were made.

But here I am looking in the mirror in my car and my school uniform, the dark blue with silver stripes skirt, the dark blue button-up shirt, silver tie, knee-high white socks and all black shoes. My hair in a side braid and no make-up. I don't wear makeup I don't like it very much. Koda says "why wear make-up when you don't need it?". God, I miss her so much.

*sigh* guess I should get out of my car I probably look like a complete weirdo. I open my door and get out. I walk towards the doors dodging people and praying I don't see any of my bullies.

I get to my locker and put some notepads, pens and pencils in. When all of a sudden my locker is slammed closed, scaring me. Then I'm forced into the locker. I look up to see four people I would have liked to never see again. Kade, Alec, Jade and Bethany.

Kade and Alec are part of the football team and Jade and Bethany are both cheerleaders. Kade is medium build with brown hair, green eyes and naturally tanned skin. Alec had sandy blonde hair, brown eyes and the same build as Kade but he has sun kiss coloured skin. Jade and Bethany are twins both have blonde hair and blue eyes with a slim build and flat stomachs, long tan legs that any girl would die for.

Kade is the one holding me against the lockers. "Well, well, well look what we have here. The little nerd," Kade laughs at me.

"What do you want Kade?" I say trying hard to not have my voice crack which I succeed at but it comes out as bitchy.

'Well I'm fucked' I thought

"What did you say, bitch?" Jade sneered at me.

"I think you should teach her a lesson Kade," Alec says glaring at me. They all agree and Kade raises his hand to hit me. I close my eyes to prepare for the hit. When nothing happens I open my eyes to see Kade on the floor with someone holding him by the collar of his shirt. He looked really pale.

"Leave" the person sneered.

Kade nods his head. The person stands up straight and Kade and Alec leave. The person's voice sounded familiar. Wait I know that voice. I look up and see the back of their head and their white hair. Koda.

'Yep I'm definitely fucked'

Koda's POV

Hey, I'm Koda Slade. I'm 17 years old, 5'8, I have grey hair that fades into white and it reaches my mid-back, eyes that can be blue, green, brown, purple, gold, silver or all the colours at the same time. They are never the same colour at the same time such as right now my left eye is silver and my right is blue. But there are times where they are both a deep shade of red, that only happens when I'm extremely pissed off. Don't ask how because I have no idea. I have tattoos and piercings. I'm pretty built but that's because of what I do.

But we'll not talk about that right now.

I have high cheekbones which are to die for and long legs. And I'm also naturally tanned. I'm also gay. So if that bothers you fuck off I don't give two shits. I don't like to brag but I'm pretty hot and lots of people try to date me but eh I don't really care. I have a British/Italian accent. People love it when I talk which I don't do often. I like to stand back and watch.

I spent my entire summer with my best friend Cassidy. It was great I've missed her a lot. But I did see that something was off. I didn't know what but during the beginning she seemed off then she was fine after a while but near the end, she started acting weird. Something you should know about me is that I'm good at reading people. So I decided to start going to the same school as Cas. That's my nickname for her.

That explains why I'm sitting in the principal's office getting my welcome to Bayview High speech with Ms Mayhovan. Who is currently staring at my chest. She's hot I'll say that. She seems young. She just going over the rules and what she expects of her students. I'm sitting in this dark blue button-up shirt and silver tie. But I'm wearing black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket with my all black high top Vans. Finally after what feels like forever I get handed my schedule.

1st - AP English
2nd - AP Math
3rd - AP Art
4th - AP Music
5th - AP Italian
6th - Gym

I have all my classes with Cas I even took Italian so we had exactly the same classes. Me being half Italian and being born there it's my first language.

I smile at the principal and say thank you and turn to leave but not before I see her blush.

I walk out of her office and into the front area where there are several people working on computers or on the phones. I look at the map I was given and memorise it. See I have an photographic memory so I only need to look at it for a little bit, that's also why I didn't have to take any sciences because I passed them all last year at my old school. I bin the map and check my phone. Couple texts and notifications nothing interesting. That's when I hear whispering and giggling. I look up to see a group of girls looking and me. When I look at them they squeal. I just smile which makes the squeal more and start whispering more.

I leave the front desk and go to find my locker and Cas.

I walk through the corridors with a blank expression. People stop and look, some point and whisper some stand and check me out. I just keep walking and not paying attention.

When I walk around the corner to where my locker is. I see a group of people crowded around something or more like someone.

When I get closer I see it's Cassidy and one of the boys are holding her up against the locker. He then goes to take a swing at her and I get pissed. This is why she was acting weird. She closes her eyes waiting for the hit. Not on my fucking watch.

I drop my bag next to them and grab the boy that was holding her and throw him to the floor. I grab his collar and pull him up and do my best glare at him, my eyes are most likely red. He looks like he's about to faint.

"Leave" I sneer at him. He nods his head frantically. I get up and let go of his shirt. He gets up and walks away fast with the other boy following closely behind. But the two girls that are clearly twin are standing there staring at me with lust in there eyes while biting their lips.

I roll my eyes and turn around to pick up my bag and look at Cas. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights. I raise my eyebrow at her and she opens her mouth and says.....

Word Count - 1815
Hey it's the author so I hope you enjoyed and I would like your feedback on the comments. Also, I'm Scottish so there may be mistakes about how the school is because it's set in the US so please bear with me. Also, this is my first book and the name Koda Slade isn't my real name I just like it so I'm using it as the main characters name. So again hope you enjoyed and see you next time bye.

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