Their Second Chance

By Ellezarina

84.7K 3.8K 520

Arranged Marriage was never in the Wishlist of 23 year old Sabrina. But the day 26 year old millionaire busin... More

Sabrina and Hamza
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 10

1.9K 98 4
By Ellezarina

In the night I texted Hamza.

"Hey Thanks for covering up. ^_^' " ~S

"It's okay. You did as well and that's what we should do from now. We are getting married!" ~ H

"Yeah...." ~ S

"Did you pray?" ~H

Let me tell you, I am not a practised Muslim. Sometimes Satan takes over me and I stopped praying. But whenever I get reminded, I do pray.

"Um..No. You?" ~S

"Yeah.I am done. :) " ~H

"Give me a bit time, I'll come back after praying." ~S

So I did my wudu. Then prayed Esha. I don't know why, but I cried a lot. All the memories of my past started to flash in front of my eyes. Last time I talked to someone in this hour of night is now a nightmare to me. Last time I cried in the prayer was also for a haram thing. Last time someone reminded me to pray is  also a bad dream now. I don't know why I made a prayer for Hamza. 

In the prayer I asked Allah for forgiveness. Also, I asked him for showing me the right path. To give me patience throughout the journey with Hamza. What if he turned into like others? What it history repeat itself? What if he treats me bad? There was so many questions and I was waiting for the answers. After praying, I got up and grabbed my phone.

"Do you believe in second chance?" ~S

"Yeah, cause Allah forgives us and gives us second, 3rd, 4th,5th, hundred chances." ~H

"What about your thoughts about marrying more than once?" ~S 

"My grandpa was happy with one wife, my Dad is happy with one wife. In Sha Allah I'll be happy with one as well. ^_^ " ~H (Touched my heart)

"I won't be able to love you :( " ~S

"I'll be waiting as long as it takes :) " ~H

"What if I never fall for you?" ~S

"Do you want me trying hard to win your heart?" ~H

"Girls like me are not made to be loved." ~S

"Everyone is made for love. I don't know about your insecurities, Sabrina. Nor I will force you to tell me. But it doesn't mean that what you think is right or wrong. I will try my level best and the rest is upon Allah. If he had tied us together, IN Sha Allah I will fall in love with you and you will as well." ~H

"Don't get your hopes high" ~S

"For now, we should really focus on our friendship. Also I'll be a very nagging husband :P" ~H

"Are you gonna force me? :o " ~S

"Nah, I won't do anything which you don't like." ~H

"Tbh, I don't know for how long you are gonna keep your promise." ~S

"Wow! You are quite straight forward! But I'll try my level best. If I lose myself control, I know you will always be there to slap some sense on me. :P " ~H

"Are you really giving the right to hit you? ;P " ~S

"Only if it's necessary ;) " ~H

"Your words are really good, Hamza Khan. I must say I am impressed!" ~S

"See? That's the first stage of out relationship." ~H

"I did not just said that! :3 :3 " ~S

"You did <3 " ~H

"All men are dog -_- " ~S

"I'll be anything for my fiance ;P " ~H

"We are not even officially engaged and you have started to flirt with me  e_e" ~S

"Come on! You like it. I know xD" ~H

"You are just impossible! :"D :"D " ~S

"When's your flight tomorrow?" ~H

"At 10" ~S

"Mind if I see you off?" ~H

"Um..every year Dad and Zarif do this and Hamza...If we are becoming friends then you should know one thing about  me" ~S

"That you don't like to feel weak and you are sort of a feminist?" ~H

Wow! This guy knows everything about me?

"Yeah..but how do you know?" ~S

"There is a word called staking? Also Josh told me way before I met you. I also know that, one time Josh made a sexist comment and you hit him where the sun does not shine. :v :v " ~H

" xD xD xD xD xD So you do know a lot about me?" ~S

"Nah, I want to know you.I want to understand you. I want to know little things about you, which will make you happy. I want to be beside you." ~H

"Don't promise something which you'll never full fill" ~S

"I am not promising. It's all up to Allah. If he wishes then what I'm saying will be reflected on my work. I am nothing." ~H (That really made my heart skip a beat.)

"Hamza? Can I ask you for something?" ~S

"Sure!" ~H

"Can you make me a better Muslim?" ~S

"I can't make you anything. Surely I can guide you. Making is up to Allah and working hard for it, is up to you. But I will guide you ^_^ " ~H

"Thanks a lot! ^_^" ~S

"You should go to sleep." ~H

"Goodnight ^_^" ~S

"Good night. Assalamualaikum" ~H

"Walaikum Assalam." ~S

With that I turned off my phone. Somewhere in my mind, a voice was telling me that I am doing the right thing. MY heart wanted to believe every single word Hamza has said. But my mind was not ready for it. What if Hamza is pretending and he will turned in to be like all men? I recite Surah Fatiha, 4 Quls, Ayatul Qursi, Surah for parents and Surah Yunus. Then I dozed off to sleep.

In The Morning

"WAKE UP YOU SLEEPING BEAST!" I heard someone yelled. I opened my eyes and found Alice sitting on my bed.

"What is the time?" I said groggily.

"It's 8am! You have to go to airport!" said Alice. I got up and went to bathroom for a quick shower. I got out and got ready and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Alice? You will have to take responsibilities soon." said Dad.

"What kind of responsibility, Mr Hossain?" said Alice.

"Responsibility of Sabrina's wedding. You guys are young and have a different taste from us. What we will plan might not be liked by Sabrina." said Dad.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hossain. Let them get engaged first the I'll plan everything with Mrs.Khan." said Alice.

"There is a lot of work in a wedding, Alice." sai Mom.

"Yeah, I was wondering, if I should call Rob, Stell, Lily and Matt as well?" said Alice.

"That'll be great!" said Mom and Dad happily.

"Guys! I am not even engaged yet!" I scoffed.

"You will be soon!" said Mom in a dud tone.

"By the way, didn't Hamza ask you to drop you off? I was kind of expecting him to come." said Dad.

"He wanted to, but I refused." I said plainly.

""Why?" said Mom and Dad in shock.

"Come on, Mom! Dad! Why are you throwing my away? What if I am getting married? Am I not your daughter anymore? Does married off you daughter mean she is no longer you daughter?" I yelled in frustration.

Mom and Dad looked guilty.

"We just wanted you guys to spend as much as time before you get married." said Mom and I sighed.

"Hamza and I have our whole life to get known to each other. And I am sure, the way you are acting right now, after I get married you guys won't look back at me." I said in a hurt tone.

"Who told you this? You will always be our baby!" said Dad in a guilty tone.

"Then why are you pushing me away?" I demanded.

"We are not, dear." said Mom.

"I should leave now." I said as I went upstairs with Alice and brought my suitcases.

By the time we went downstairs, I saw Mom and Dad ready.

"Where are you guys going?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"We are dropping you off. No matter what you think. We love you and we always will. No parents can push away their child." said Mom. I sighed. I put the suitcase in the back and the took the passenger's seat beside my Dad.

When I first went to LA, since then to now I have always sat beside Dad whenever I came home  or they dropped me off. I didn't ask about Zarif. Because he never comes to see me off. But this time he didn't even say goodbye. He  just locked himself in his room.

Soon we reached airport and found Hamza and Hamim there. MY parents got super happy. Hamza said Salam to us and we replied.

"You came to surprise Saby?" said Dad happily.

"Um..yeah,yeah." nodded Hamza hesitantly.

Then all of a sudden Dad's phone rang and he excused us.

"How are you, Mrs. Hossain?" said Hamza.

"I am Alhamdulillah." smiled Mom.Then Dad came back.

"Saby, I have to go. There is an urgent meeting I  have to attend." said Dad in an apologizing tone.

"It's okay, Dad. You should go." I smiled and hugged him. Then I hugged Mom.

"You should go with Dad." I smiled.

 Mom and Dad bid us goodbye and left. Then I turned to Hamza and Hamim.

"This is my best friend, Alice." I said.

"Hello." smiled Hamza.

"Our first meeting was a bit awkward." Alice chuckled.

"Everything is fine now." Hamza reassured. Then he turned to me.

"Before you say anything, let me tell you, I always come to see off Hamim and sometimes I go with him as well"  said Hamza and I chuckled.

"Awwwwwh! Look at you Hamza!" said Hamim sarcastically and Hamza punched his arm.

"Couple goals!" said Alice and Hamim burst out laughter together. I glared at her and there was an announcement of our flight.

I hugged Alice. Gosh! I feel so terrible everytime i leave her! 

"It is last time you are leaving Boston  airport all single, Saby." said Alice sarcastically. I chuckled.

"Yet, I never got to see Chris Evans and tell him that he is my very first love." I said sarcastically and we burst out laughter. When I looked at Hamza he was looking at me with a shocked expression, where Hamim just enjoyed the show.

"Bye Bye, Hamza" I said as I offered my hand for handshake. Hamza took it.

"Bye, Sabrina." smiled Hamza.

"Next time you'll be leaving airport, you will be done doing A LOT if stuff." said Hamim and Alice burst out laughter. Hamza glared at him and I just shook my head in disbelief. Then we left for LA.

Unfortunately Hamim and I's seat was not in the same spot. So after landing I again meet Hamim.

"Come, let me give you a lift. You must be living in the dorm?" I said.

"Thanks a lot Future Sister in law!" said Hamim happily. "But i don't think Hamza will like it." he added politely.

"Come on, Hamim! You are like my little brother. Also I am elder than you. You should listen to your elders." I said in a serious tone.

"Aye aye Captain!" Hamim saluted.

We hired a cab. Hamim sat beside the driver and I took the backseat. After one hour of driving and chatting with Hamim we reached our campus.

"Thanks a lot, Sabrina. For dropping me. I know you will make old man Hamza, cool guy Hamza." winked Hamim and I laughed.

"You are welcome. Keep in touch. If you get into any trouble, don't hesitate to call me." I smiled. Hamim took his bags and headed to his dorm. I took my stuff and headed towards my dorm.

As I opened the door, I went to my bedroom and sighed. Here starts the regular routine, again.

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