Waiting For My Mate

By Veikari

535K 14.8K 4.4K

Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
The Last Chapter
little update

Chapter 29

6.8K 197 24
By Veikari

Finally they arrived at the mansion after fifteen minutes ride trough the town and then two minute ride after the gate. Carriage stopped in front of huge stairs and they stood up.

"Gatekeeper will take care of the payment and they have been instructed to give a good tip", Freed said to the driver.

"Thank you, sir", woman behind the wheel smiled and she drove around the fountain, heading back to the gates.

Doors opened and a chubby butler stepped out in his morning gown and he was followed by couple of servants who immediately grabbed their bags.

"Master, it is good to see you", the butler smiled.

"It's good to see you too, Dubois", Freed said. "I'm sorry that we didn't announce beforehand that we were coming."

"Sir, I'm sure you had a good reason for that. We are here to always welcome you back when you want to visit us."

"It is good to hear that", Freed smiled. "These are my team members and fellow guildmates from Fairy Tail. Bickslow, Evergreen and of course our leader Laxus Dreyar."

"It is an honour to meet you all", Dubois smiled and he bowed politely. "Master have told us everything about you."

"This is Aaron Dubois, he is the butler in this mansion", Freed introduced. "He will help you if there is any problems. Dubois, we need rooms. We might stay two or three days."

"That is wonderful, sir", Dubois said and his eyes seemed to sparkle. It seemed like Freed didn't visit that often. "Go get the maids and hurry to get the rooms ready, I will take care of this", Dubois said to one of the servants and took Freed's bag he was carrying.

They stepped inside the mansion and looked around. Laxus was really impressed. Dammit, there was marble floors, huge carpets, massive staircase to the second floor and paintings all over. There were even fancy columns and statues, even couple of full-body armours!

"Do you guys want something to eat?" Freed asked and he chuckled when he saw his friends stunned faces. Well, his grandmother was the primadonna of her time so it was only natural that her mansion was also flashy and beautiful.

"Uh... No, let's just go straight to bed", Laxus said.

"Yeah, we can eat in the morning", Bicks grinned.

"Warn our cook, they eat plenty of food", Freed chuckled to Dubois. "Oh and Laxus sleeps with me."

"Really? That is great news, sir", the butler congratulated making Freed blush. "We are happy to hear you have found someone and are no longer alone. We hope you might visit more often now?"

"I can't promise anything..." Freed murmured.

Servants carried their bags and they were guided to their now ready rooms. Evergreen and Bickslow had rooms next to each other on the second floor but Freed headed back to the stairs after that.

"Aren't we gonna sleep here?" Laxus asked confused when they started to climb again.

"No, our room is in the third floor", Freed smiled. "I hope you like it. It is the master bedroom and there are plenty of space. We also have a beautiful view over the garden to the lake nearby."

It was more like a tiny house inside the third floor that is what Laxus thought when they arrived. Dubois opened large doors for them to the master bedroom.

"We will go straight to bed, Dubois", Freed smiled. "This has been a really long day so just let everyone sleep as long as they want."

"I understand, sir", Dubois smiled.

"We will announce when we want our breakfast. Oh and Bickslow is allergic to peanuts, not badly but it would still be better if the cook won't use them at all."

"I will make sure he knows that. Good night then Master, mister Dreyar", Dubois smiled and he closed the doors.

"Wow... This is amazing", Laxus said looking around. "The bed is almost bigger than my own bedroom."

"No it's not", Freed laughed and put his coat on the hanger so servants would make sure it was clean. "I don't know about you but I'm really exhausted", greenette sighed.

"Yeah, I'm ready to sleep on the floor", Laxus admitted and sat on the edge of the bed. Wow, the mattress felt like a cloud! But still it was firm enough so his back wouldn't hurt.

"Thankfully we don't have to", Freed smiled and he put rest of his clothes neatly on the chair and was only wearing his boxers. "That wouldn't suit you."

"And it would destroy my back", Laxus laughed. "So do you visit here sometimes?"

"Yes, twice a year so I know what happens here and make sure servants are having their pay checks and so on. But I usually only stay one or two days."

"So when you last time told us you wanted to take a solo mission suddenly, you came here?"

"I did that solo mission too and since it was in this town I could also take care of the businesses here", Freed smiled and he slipped under the covers. "You know, it's not really polite to just leave your clothes on the floor like that", he chuckled when Laxus dropped his clothes.

"Eh, too tired to start folding them and shit", blond just stated and he lifted the blanket. "Oh god this bed is like from dreams."

"I'm glad you like it", Freed smiled.

"Wait, something is missing", Laxus muttered and then he pulled Freed against him. "There, now this is perfect", he snickered.

"Sometimes you can be such a big softie", the swordsman giggled.

"Shut up and sleep. You look like you might faint at any second."

Freed smiled and kissed his dragon slayer. They both fell asleep almost instantly.

In his dream, Freed was running through the dark halls filled with big paintings of his ancestors. There were big marble statues of demons all over the mansion. Sometimes he could see the outside of the windows. It was so green and beautiful out there, but he couldn't open the windows nor did he find doors.

He felt like he was suffocating. There weren't even servants around. No one would let him out.

Finally he arrived in the big living room where there was dark couches with red velvet covers. On the floor there were beautiful yet somehow intimidating big carpet with lots of details. Fire was crackling and dancing inside the fireplace and it was the only light in the room. Fireplace was huge and there were carvings in it, what else but demons.

Demons were part of this family, part of Freed. It didn't matter did he want it, it was something that was decided for him. Demons lend their power to the members of this family if they saw they were promising. Freed's grandfather had his own demon powers and he had his own. His mother did not fulfil demons' expectations and she was not granted with this 'gift'. Freed didn't want it either but he couldn't change his fate.

Demons would always be part of the Zaldevil family.

Freed looked around and suddenly the doors shut tightly and he was trapped here in this huge dark room. This room where he always sit with his grandfather who would scold him because something he did or how he behaved. Zaldevils were never weak, that was rule number one. Zaldevils never cried, rule number two. Zaldevils would rather die by their own hand than surrender, rule number three. Zaldevils were only loyal to their family, no one else, rule number four.

There were dozens of rules like this and Freed remembered them all. He hated those rules. They didn't help anyone. Rules should always help people and keep them safe, not to hurt them.

"Freed", soft familiar voice said and it made shivers run down his spine again. It might have been years since he had seen his grandfather last time but he would never forget his voice. There were no figures in the room but still he could almost see how long, once shiny dark green but now greyish hair waved in the air near his grandfathers' favourite chair.

"I want to get out", Freed said.

"No, you can't. You will stay here, this is your place. It is your destiny to inherit this place and keep our family safe."

"I don't want to inherit this place, I don't want anything from here."

"But you will. Half of your heart is demon's. It is part of you and you can't change that. Come here, sit with me. It has been too long since we have had a good long chat..."

"No, I wont stay", the swordsman said stubbornly shaking his head. "I have a new home. I have a new family who I will stay loyal to!"

"That is just a pitiful act, you are trying to run away from your destiny and responsibilities. There is only you and me and Zaldevils will always stick together and be loyal only for their family."

"I'm not Zaldevil! I'm Justine!"

"You are Zaldevil. Your heart knows that. There are demons inside you and they have acknowledged you as the next lord of this family. Your mother was not strong enough for that. And then she run off with that useless, good for nothing man from family of singers and writers..."

"Justines were wealthy and good people! They cared about other people and they would never hurt anyone."

"They were just mere commoners, nothing more. I tried my best to have you carry the name Zaldevil but your mother was strongly against it."

"And I'm glad about that", Freed sneered. This was so confusing! This place was like his grandfather's mansion but it still wasn't. Something was off but he just didn't figure out what it was.

"And who is that man you're dating? I always had a hunch that you would swing that way..."

"His name is Laxus Dreyar and his family is greatly respected."

"Dreyar... Yes, I know that name. I have heard about Makarov Dreyar, he is the Master of the Fairy Tail, that Guild where you ran off. And that Laxus is his grandson."

"Laxus is more than just a grandson of Master Makarov", Freed snarled.

"Whatever. But he is strong, that I have heard. I wonder... Maybe he would be what we really need in this family, strong new blood. How I would love to have a great-grandson with the power of a dragons slayer and demons."

"Are you insane?!" Freed yelled to the empty room. "We're both males! That is not going to happen!"

"There are always some way. You don't even know how much different magic this world helds in and what odd ways you can use it to grand you what you want."

"I need to get out!" Freed said and he started to feel panic rising inside him. This was madness!

"Freed. You can't go out."

"I will! I will find a way!"


"Just shut up!" Freed yelled holding his head and it felt like the whole room started to twirl around and around and around. He was feeling sick! He was ready to throw up in any second.


Greenette opened his eyes and gasped inhaling large amounts of air like he had been holding his breath for a really long time.

"Freed?" Laxus said concerned looking at his mate who was huffing and sweating. He looked scared and he just wanted to hug him and soothe him. "Was it a nightmare?"

"Huh?" Freed said blinking and he finally started to understand the situation.

It was a dream. He was not in his grandfather's mansion and talking with him. He was in his own mansion, talking with Laxus. Laxus was there right next to him, sleeping with him in the same bed.

"Y-yes..." he finally answered with a shaky voice. Ugh, he was still feeling a little bit nauseous...

"What was it?" Laxus asked snuggling close to freed and he buried his nose in those beautiful green hair. "It's okay now, love. Dreams can't hurt you."

"I know", Freed mumbled and his heart wasn't pounding any more so hard and painfully. "It was just something nonsense", he said shaking his head. Just a dream. It did feel unnaturally realistic but it was still just a dream. Right?

"Really? Why would something like that freak you out so much?" Laxus asked. Freed didn't like to lie to anyone but he was really good at avoiding the questions. "Was there someone?" blond asked and he slowly caressed his mate's side so he would feel more safe and talk to him.

"Yes", Freed muttered. Laxus knew how to ask question so he couldn't avoid it just like that.

"Who was it?"

"My grandfather."

"Did he say something to you?"

"Yes. But it was nothing serious. It was just a dream, it's not like we actually had a conversation", Freed said and turned around to face Laxus. "It's nothing", he assured smiling slightly. "I was just really tired because of yesterday and when I suddenly had to remember all those old memories it kinda invaded my dreams."

Laxus sighed silently. Well, at least Freed was now calm again.

"Maybe you should sleep some more", the lightning dragon slayer said.

"What time is it now?" Freed asked and turned to see the clock on the night stand. "Already eleven?" he almost shouted and sat up.

"Well it was really late when we finally arrived", Laxus said. "You should still rest."

"No, I'm okay now", Freed smiled and he kissed his boyfriend. "Almost forgot, good morning."

"Good morning, idiot", Laxus chuckled. Freed always demanded to have his morning kiss no matter what and why would he be against it?

"I'll go take a shower", Freed said and stood up.

"I'll join you", Laxus nodded and he as well got up from the bed. "That bed is honestly something I really would like to take with us to Magnolia. I have never slept this good."

"You don't like your bed?" Freed asked as they walked to the bathroom. Or more like his own little spa.

"Eh, it's okay but now it's gonna feel tiny", Laxus grinned.

"Maybe I should buy us a new bed?" Freed offered with laugh and he tossed his boxers in the laundry basket.

"Hmm... Not sure if that would feel right."

"Why not?"

"It would feel like I would take a benefit of your money and it sickens me", Laxus stated and stepped on the shower with Freed. "I would never do something like that to you", blond said kissing Freed's neck and greenette gasped lightly when soft tongue caressed the mark on his skin. "I'm gonna buy us a new bed with my own money."

"Wouldn't that then be me who is using you?"

"That's okay, 'cause I want to give you everything I can."

"Laxus, maybe I want to give you everything I can?" Freed chuckled and fondled Laxus' arm muscles.

"I only need you and I'm happy", Laxus assured and his hands started to drift all around Freed's chest, hips and finally they stopped near his groin not yet touching him. It was a delicate way to quietly ask if Freed was in the mood.

Greenette sighed. He was not in the mood right now for that. That dream was still haunting him and it made him feel sick when he even thought about it.

"Just hold me", he asked silently and right away hands pulled back. Instead those strong arms wrapped around him protectively.

"Better?" Laxus asked.

"Yes, much better", Freed smiled. "This feels really nice."

"That's good to hear, love."

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