Arranged | P.JM FF

By KookieMonsterForTae

481K 17.3K 4.3K

"Look, you have to marry me. It won't be that bad. You're someone I used to know and you're honestly not that... More

- Final - 41


15.2K 545 135
By KookieMonsterForTae

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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
   1:05 ───⊙─────── 3:35

Another day at the cafe.
Another day feeling drained from work.
Another day wondering about that boy Jimin.
Sighing, you dropped your head in your palms, your elbow leaning on the cash desk.

"What's wrong" Mia, the girl who worked at the cash register who was right next to you, asked in her sweet little voice.
"Are tough boys...sometimes shy?" you asked, staring into space.
"Aside this being an odd question out of the blue, yeah of course. Around the ones they possibly have a crush on, they are shy. Why do you ask?" She questioned, sceptical. "Is there a special someone is your life?" She cooed, suddenly intrigued.
"To be completely honest, I don't even know my exact feelings towards him. And it doesn't help that he doesn't seem to know either. It's like, one second we're laughing together, the next, I find him annoying and never want to see him again though he makes me so nervous" you rambled on, reminiscing last events with your 'special someone'.
"What a rollercoaster of a love life," she chuckled, "but look, I guess spending time with him would give you a clear insight on your feelings towards him. Hm?"
"Yeah, that is true"
"Excuse me?" Someone called from in the distance.

  You brought your self back up, about to help a customer who had his hand up.

  "Can't run away from work" Mia heaved, watching as you retrieved your trusty notepad.
"Unfortunately" your upper lip quirked in disappointment. "Oh, and thanks Mia"
"No problem, mysterious boyfriend"
You chuckled.

  "Hello, Sir. What would you like?"
"A strawberry iced tea please"
He was actually one of the few customers that had simple manners with pleases and thank you.
"Is that all?"
"Oh! Actually can I have a chocolate chip cookie"
"Of course. Coming right up"
"Thank you!"

  Going back to the kitchen you put up the mans order and left to enter the main cafe again.
Someone else already had their hand up and you lazily - though you tried to still look poised - went over to them.

  "Hello, sir. What would you like?" You tried smiling as a polite gesture at the man dressed in a suit, with blonde hair falling just perfectly on his chiselled face...

  "To talk to you" He looked up, and almost gave you a heart attack with how attractive he looked in those few seconds. Shaking your head, you finally got your voice back.
"Jimin?...again? What're you doing here?"
"I told you. I wanted to talk to you." He placed down the newspaper he was holding, looking back up to you.
"My boss-"
"I have a feeling he won't disturb us anymore" he looked off to the side, a smile creeping up on his plump pink lips. You took a deep breath and pulled back the wooden chair, taking a seat willingly.

  "What is it?" You crossed your arms, placing the surface of them against the table.
"Ok" He took a deep breath in, worsening the tension in the air. "I have to go on a business trip that lasts for 5 days"
You scoffed a relieved laugh. "Is that it? I won't be seeing you for 5 days, phew" you wiped your forehead, "thank god"
After giving you a cold stare, he continued, "And you're coming with me" he added.
Wide eyed, confused and lost he repeated it again.
"You're coming with me on my business trip"
"Why?" You breathed out.
"Because, our parents said so"
"My parents didn't mention anything about any 'business trip'" You retorted, wiggling your finger side to side.
"Of course you haven't because my father just told me 1 hour ago. He told me I had to go with you"
"I'm sorry, but why am I necessary?"
"Because I'm going to be meeting up with the CEO of a really famous radio presenter for work and he's quite close to my father and yours. He knows I'm engaged and has requested that I bring my fiancé along also, wanting to meet you."

  "No" you simply replied, strict and firm, obviously not up for disagreement.
"What?" His left eyebrow lifted up and he gave you a 'how dare you talk to me like that' look, though you tried not to be effected by it. 'Tried' being the key word as you felt yourself slowly giving into vulnerability.
"No. I'm not going with you" you developed.
"And why is that?"
"Because I said so" you crossed your arms. His tongue pushed his cheek out and he was staring you down, trying to intimidate you.

  "Look," he leaned forward, "you're coming with me wether you like it or not, babygirl."
"You'll just have to go without me" you shrugged, "I have work to do here, while you have work to do on your business trip. And plus, why would I listen to you anyway?" you taunted.
He took a deep, aggravated sigh, "Lemme tell you something; in this relationship, you are the submissive, I am the dominant. Whatever I say, the submissive should listen"
You scoffed. "Really? Sub and Dom? Since when were our positions established?"
"That besides the point."
"You were and are such a child." You hissed, shaking your head. "And if i don't listen?" You questioned.
A smirk upturned on his face for a short second before he called for your boss who was busy at another table, but immediately abandoned it when he recognised Jimin peering at him.
He rushed over to your table and you, confused, wondered what stunt Jimin was about to pull now.

  "S-sir?" Your boss stuttered in Jimins presence, not caring that you - a worker - was sitting down, having a nice old chat with a customer.
"I need a favour," he started, keeping a smug look at you.
"Y/n here isn't being a good girl, so if she refuses to cooperate anymore, have her fired"
Your mouth hung low as you gasped, gaping at a smirking Jimin.

  "Y-yes, sir" your boss bowed and you looked to him with shock, though he kept his eyes on Jimin, not wanting to feel any empathy for you otherwise his job would go downhill.
"Good. Now go" Jimin shooed him away and before bowing he continued on with his work.

  "You wouldn't dare" you hissed at Jimin.
"Oh, I would dare sweetie" he winked at you as you sighed deeply, aggravated.

  He chuckled, satisfied and got up from his seat.
"The trip is in a day. So prepare your answer quick"
He left, walking confidently out of the cafe, leaving you with this situation to reminisce. You fell back into the uncomfortable wooden chair, huffing a tired breath out.

~ ▌▌~

  You dragged a hand over your slightly sweaty forehead, staring up at the clock. Jimin should be here any moment now.

  After - forcibly - having agreed to go along with Jimin on his business trip - not that you had any other choice - you were actually quite delighted to hear you'd be staying in a five star hotel in Seoul.
Seoul was undeniably far from where your and Jimins commute was, it was also a fancy, big city place of which you have never really visited, so this was a win lose situation for you - the lose part, you can guess is going with Jimin.
Though, a very teeny tiny part of you wants to admit that you're actually excited to spend time with him, but you doubted he had the same desires as you did.

  "Jimins hereee!" Your mother singsonged, opening the door when Jimin was still only parking his car and not even at your front porch yet.

  Your mother was, to say the least, exuberant for you. She rambled on about how lucky you are to have been engaged to such a man who could show you the wonders of the world.
Even if that is true, you'd want to share the wonders of the world with nobody but yourself, especially if Jimin was involved, and the main reason you had to go.

  "Are you ready?" He stood, waiting outside for you to heave your heavy ass bag all on your own.
Raising your eyebrows at him and looking from your bag on the floor then back up to him a few times, he finally got the hint and sighed lightly before walking over and picking up your bag without struggle.

  "Oh! How gentleman" your mother cupped her hands, watching as Jimin did all the work you had told him to do.
"Hm, yes he's quite a gentleman. Very gentleman. Not forcing at all whatsoever?" You hit his back, making sure to hurt him. Jimin simply grunted and carried on with his work.

  You said your goodbyes to all your family, not really shedding any heartwarming tears as it was only a 5 day trip. Your mother urged you to call it a 'vacation'. You didn't - and never - listen and made your own twist: Trip to hell.

  You did, however, keep in mind something your sister told you, as a little advice; "He may be a jerk to you now, but this trip may just make you realise his real personality. Don't be a bitch and enjoy the upscale hotel you're going to. And maybe, if you want to, try and bond with Jimin. You'll never know the real him if you don't try and see it"
You wanted to attempt what your sister told you, though you didn't have high hopes.

  Having your bag packed in the car, and having said your goodbyes, you were ready to go.
It was going to be a 2 hour long drive, and luckily for you, long car rides were actually relaxing to you that you fell right asleep being only 30 minutes in.

  Jimin heard soft breathing coming from near him and wondered what it was. Glancing over to you he felt all tenseness leave him. Watching you sleep so peacefully, observing your every feature as much as he could, still having to focus on the road; your closed eyes accented by beautiful long lashes, your cute little nose which twitched when you felt as if something fluffy brushed against it, your lips...those thick, soft, kissable lips.


  Jimin turned back to face the road, alarmed. You awoke with a jolt at the sudden noise and saw Jimin harshly turn the steering wheel so the car was back in the centre of the road. He let out a relieved sigh though his body was still tense with his hands gripping the steering wheel.

  "What the hell?" you spoke up.
"S-sorry. I got a little distracted" he stuttered, trying to calm his breathing down from almost crashing.
"Are you trying to kill me or something?" you humoured.
"Eh," he faced you, shock and suprise written all over his face, "W-what?!"
"I'm just kidding" you chukled lightly.
"O-oh, yeah. Aha ha.." his forced laugh faltered quick.
"Jesus" you mumbled, rolling your eyes, going back to sleep.

A small grin formed on his face.


  "Hey, y/n" a gentle whisper alongside someone shaking your shoulders awakened you.
Grunting quietly, you slowly opened your tired eyes, feeling like you wanted to punch the person who dared to disturb your sleep.
Jimin simpered at your grumpy facial expression. "Don't be a baby. We're here"

  You looked out of the car window and saw a skyscraper building - just barely under the night sky.


  When you entered the hotel, the first thing you noticed was the buffet that was straight ahead past doors similar to the entrance one; rimmed with gold.
Of course, you and your hungry ass wanted to run straight there and munch into everything they were serving, but keeping your modesty you ignored the temptation.
As for the entrance, there were chairs with a little coffee table in the middle of the circle it made, acting as a waiting room.
The doors were glass and after them lay roughly 5 marble steps of a brown cream shade, which was the same as the flooring.

  Rolling Jimins' black suitcase across the polished floor - because his suitcase was light compared to your bag, a kind gesture he insisted on - you two approached a large desk, also marble, however it was a darker shade of brown - think of it like a chocolate sundae.
And there were two people - a man and a woman - dressed formally, staring at computer screens.

  "Oh, hello" the lady greeted Jimin, averting her gaze away from her computer when she heard someone clear his throat.
"Hi. I made a reservation at this hotel"
"Name?" She asked, readying her fingers over the keyboard.
"Park Jimin"
"And?" She glanced towards you.
"Y/n Y/l/n" you added.
Her fingers pressed away at the keys and a few short seconds later she got back to you, conforming the reservation.

  "Ah, yes. Room 231"
231? How many rooms are there here?

  "Just head into the elevator past the buffet and go up to the second floor"
"Thank you" Jimin took the hotel room key card and picked up your bag, about to follow her directions when the lady stopped him.
"Oh! Wait, dinner starts at 6:30. However, before that they still sell snacks and uneaten food from lunch"
"Ok, thanks"
Jimin started his way to the elevator, and you followed along behind him.

  Getting a clearer view of the dining area, like the past two restaurants you had visited, there were chandeliers hanging off various parts of the ceiling, emitting a very dull, yet calm yellow light. Beneath every chandelier, there were wooden tables of varying sizes: Large, small and medium. The floor, wood, and stiff, made clicking noises with every step Jimin took due to his heeled formal leather shoes. There was a huge window acting as a wall to the side past many other tables, viewing a beautiful starry scenery.
Being near the buffet made you so inevitably hungry from the amazing smell of freshly preparing food, your stomach grumbled a little. Luckily none of the people passing by heard, nor Jimin as he was a few steps infront of you, leading the way.

  You made a right past the selection of leftover food from lunch the lady was talking about, and past an empty buffet table, soon to be filled with food.

  You made it to the elevator and waited about a minute or two before entering. To your advantage, a family of three was already inside the elevator; a father, mother and daughter.
They all smiled at you and Jimin as you entered.
The elevator wasn't your average small, packed area that would make any claustrophobic person feel uncomfortable.
There was a spotless mirror at the back, and the flooring and other two walls on either side were polished a beige marble with grey squiggles. Though no music was on, you enjoyed the peace and quiet.

  You were huddled next to Jimin who was in the corner - you didn't want to it was just instinct - only due to the fact that you were uncomfortable around strangers. Jimin had already inferred this and let you be so close to him, but you didn't know that his heart was quickly picking up the pace.
And to think this guy can flirt with you.

  You, already occupied, tried everything but to look at the family standing at the other corner of the elevator to avoid an awkward 'hi I guess' smile, but the daughter was staring at you.
You caught her eye subtly and she immediately looked away.
Confused, you returned your face back to the elevator doors, and when the little girl was sure you weren't going to look at her any time soon again, she glared up at her mother and whispered, "she's pretty"
The mother brought her head up to you who was facing forward, pretending as if you didn't hear anything, and back to her daughter, nodding in agreement.
Hearing all of this made you embarrassed and you smiled to yourself.

  Feeling the child's glare on you again, you looked back at her and shot her a sweet smile. She instantly smiled back, waving at you with such excitement.
You quietly chuckled, returning the wave. Jimin saw and adored the way you were so kind to her.

  As the family were here first, the elevator stopped at their destination before yours. They were on the 5th floor, so you thought you wouldn't bump into them again unless coincidence strikes. When the father gently ushered the daughter to come, she said a sweet 'bye bye' to you and left.

  You breathed a satisfied sigh.
The elevator doors smoothly slid shut again and you and Jimin were alone.

  He smiled. "That was cute"
"Hm?" You looked up at him. "Yeah, she was so cute"
"You too" he corrected, not making eye contact with you.
"What?" You asked, feeling a sly but confused smile creep onto your face.
"Nothing" He smirked.
You left it at that, still grinning and faced forward again, waiting until you approached your floor.

  The elevator doors opened for you and you found yourself in a long hallway, lined with carpet.
Down the middle was a long, copper coloured rectangular carpet, while the outer part held white, brown and dark grey horizontally striped carpet.

  There were paintings hung next to some of the doors, and the further you went down, you noticed there was a 'common room' where chairs were for people to sit, and there was also a table. This is probably more for decoration purposes.

  Upon many doors, past the common room, you finally reached your assigned room.
"Room 231" Jimin muttered, bringing out the thin keycard. He swiped the card against a detector next to the door and a snappy beep sounded. How modern.
He opened the door and went inside. You walked along past the momentary, plain corridor and was standing in the living room.

  "Wow" you breathed out, amazed by the cleanliness and size of the room.
It consisted of a light sofa with a few square pillows on them, as well as single sitting chairs. A tall, simple lamp stood next to the sofa, and on the other side was a large window, giving you a gorgeous view of the city.
Unfortunately, due to your timing, the windows were already covered by thick black curtains.

(Finding pictures is so GODDAMN HARD)

  "What's this way?" Jimin trekked rightward past a small kitchen to yet another small corridor, leading to a spruce single door.

  Inside was the bedroom.
It was very spacey to say the least. At the far end of the room was a large window, bordered with wood, and a little desk area was placed before it as well as a couch.
On the right wall was a few wardrobes for all your clothing.
Pushed up against the front wall was a large hd tv on a black wooden chest of draws, and opposite that was a single
large king sized bed...which meant..

"I have to sleep with you?!" You exasperated.

  "Yup" Jimin smirked.
"Did you know this?"
"Maybe, maybe not" he shrugged innocently.
You narrowed your eyes at him and he didn't want an ass beating today so he quickly changed the subject.

  "Hey, look another door" taking big, nervous steps to the door at the right of room, he ventured inside it to announce that it was the bathroom.

  "Pretty nice ey?" He came back to you, hoping you were happy now.
"Yeah it's lovely" you muttered, rolling your eyes.
"Oh cmon, it's only 5 days anyways"
You sighed, "Yeah, I guess"
I mean, you couldn't keep complaining forever, you'd really just tire yourself out.

  "Why don't we head downstairs for dinner, then we can unpack" He suggested.
You checked your watch and it read 6:21.
"Yeah, I'm starving"

                                                             𝟛𝟛𝟙𝟞 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤

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