(Durarara!! - Shizuo x Reader...

By Ahmelyie

11.9K 547 245

COMPLETED!! Summary/Preview: (F/n), an expert assassin, was hired by Orihara Izaya to dispatch his rival sinc... More

[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 1
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 2
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 3
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 4
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 5
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 6
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 7
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 8
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 9
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 10
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 11
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 12
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 13
A/N 2: First Transition of Arcs
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 1
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 2
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 3
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 4
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 5
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 6
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 7
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 8
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 9
IMPORTANT (not an update)
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 10
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 11
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 12
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 13
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 14
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 15
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 16
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 17
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 18
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 19
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 20
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 21
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 22
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 23
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 24
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 25
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 26
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 27
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 28
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 29
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 30
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 31
A/N 3: Second Transition of Arcs
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 1
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 2
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 3
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 4
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 5
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 6
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 7
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 8
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 9
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 10
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 11
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 13
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 14
A/N 4: Last Transition
Denoument - Ending - Finale - Grand Finale

[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 12

45 5 0
By Ahmelyie

[Shizuo's POV]

This bitch is insane! She totally broke our deal and is now sacrificing (F/n) to give life to the dead. I see it; I see how it works. But (F/n) is bleeding. It is too much for her.

"(F/n)! Can you hear me? Answer me!" I shouted at her desperately because I know (F/n) responds to my call. She'll wake up like she did when she berserked. I begged her to return, but this time I know that I'm just not getting through. "Get that witch off your body!"

The woman grinned and chuckled evilly. "I just told you it's pointless. (F/n) is mine now."

"Not for long," I spat with determination as I grabbed the woman's real body and grabbed the neck. As I see the confused look in her face, I knew I was at advantage. "If you don't leave (F/n)'s body, I'll break your neck," I said as I looked at her seriously and angrily.

"You won't do that..." she said in a softer tone. She looked afraid and it confirmed my conclusion that bringing her body brings threat to the witch.

"Yes, I will!" I tightened my grasps around her body's neck and I can see through the body's expression that it is alive and suffering. The owner of the body gasped. "What will you do now?"

The lighting weakened in a short period of time but got wilder inside the lab and it lit the whole place. I figured out that distracting her can make her go easy. I have to be strong to watch (F/n) and Leena in pain. I know (F/n) can make it through, but I have to be out here to support her.

In a snap of a finger, lighting struck between me and the woman. I managed to dodge, but the lighting took her body and entrapped it to the ground with electric bars. It's emanating too much negative energy and I won't waste my life to touch it anymore.

I chuckled. "So I was right about bringing your body. It's a shame this is your way." She was cheating. Had this been a game, it's gonna be my win.

She gasped in slight relief. "What do you think? My life was a cheat! I couldn't kill your woman before you kill my body because I'm managing a lot of different things."

I mocked her and haft ignored what she said. However, I am worried that I am at a huge disadvantage. I left everyone outside, (F/n) is on a pinch, and I lost my only weapon against the girl. "Keep your babbling you old wench!"

I charged running at her fast without thinking. I know that one way or another, as long as I am able to distract her, her lightning will weaken and I can grab her. I proved it myself that I am no longer bound to her spell. She won't have enough strength to cast it on me.

As soon as I thought I'd catch her, she pinned me with her electricity, however, she didn't hurt me. It was amazing how she pinned me well in my clothes without burning them or electrocuting me. I guess the pact (F/n) made with her is strong and unbreakable to a certain degree that she can't hurt me. Now I know that her body is not only the weapon I have, but also my body.

I grinned again. This will be her unluckiest day.


[Reader's POV]

Yuko-chan won't tell me what she meant by that. Shizuo-senpai and me? There's nothing similar between us. Above all, he loathes Izaya-senpai. What a weird best friend I have here!

Chasing her the entire vacant period exhausted me. I was tired during classes because of her and the professor called my attention several times. I'm quite embarrassed, yet happy that Yuko-chan and I finally made up.

As I was packing my bag before heading out of my class, I saw Izaya-senpai leaning on the door frame, whistling at me. I was happy, very happy that he called me by himself for the very first time. This is a boyfriend's duty, isn't it? Wow, I'm so happy!

I hurriedly packed all my things, flashed a smile at him, and grabbed the hand he was holding out for me as we went out the room. "Izaya-senpai! I'm glad you came to see me!" I squealed as I hugged him.

He laughed. "Of course. It'll be rude of me if I don't." I'm totally not used to this treatment. Izaya-senpai used to be a sturdy tall wall that's very hard to climb and I am only one of those girls at its foot, trying her best to make it to the top despite stumbling and falling over and over back to the ground.

This might be betraying Yuko-chan in a roundabout way, but it's fine, isn't it? Seeing Izaya-senpai isn't the same like what we talked about. Although, sadly, Yuko-chan is obviously becoming one of those girls who aren't at ease with Izaya-senpai.

Izaya-senpai and I walked together all the way to the campus gates. I feel like frolicking in the sun. I was that happy. We hid behind the trees near the fences so that the school guards won't notice children wandering around when it's not yet dismissal.

I know this is against the school rules. Izaya-senpai always does this and it is my first time doing the same, so I feel nervous. "Izaya-senpai, what's the matter?" I nervously asked as I see the guards roaming around the area. Sooner, they we're summoned by their higher ups and they left. I sighed in relief.

Senpai pulled a piece of black paper. I know where it is from; it's from the organization we work together at. "This paper tells us that we are needed for the heist tonight," he said as he moved to my ear and whispered seductively, "Just the two of us."

I gasped and froze as I watch Izaya-senpai draw back and smile at me. I was awestruck and red. Just the two of us? I'm sure I got some fumes over my head. It's embarrassing! I covered my face and fretted.

"Are you coming with me? They said it's a now or never chance," he said, looking at me with a puppy dog face. "Don't cover your face; let me see it," he ordered as he forcibly pulled my hand away.

I stumbled at him because I was taking my hand back. Even though we're together now, it's embarrassing to pin him to the fence by his chest. We even made a loud thud. I was nervous someone might've heard it and check us out.

"Are you coming?" he asked me again, sincerely. I can't resist him when he's making that expression and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity – a solo job with senpai to prove him my worth. Above it, I promised Yuko-chan that I will never face dangers for Izaya-senpai. But right now, I'm utterly confused. However, I'm sure that I want to go with senpai with all the fibers in my body screaming 'yes'.

"Will you be there by my side and protect me always?" he added while waiting for my reply, "Will you come and show your love for me?"

Reaching my limit, I gave up. I'm gonna test how much I love him and how much he loves me, whether this is worth breaking my swear to my friend or not. With this one action, senpai and I would –

"Dammit senpai! I'm going with you!" I told him irritably. My face is too red now and in his eyes, I see he finds me cute. "But that depends on how good you'll kiss me," I muttered. I'm digging my grave. I was very dissatisfied last time and now I'm going to risk it all again just because I yearned so much for that contact. I don't know how I used to be anymore, but all I know is that senpai can do anything he wants with me.

He stiffened. That surprise look on his face made me sigh and think that getting a better kiss is really hopeless. But then, as I saw a smile creep on his charming face, he suddenly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to his lips. Our kiss was intense. As our lips crashed, we only synced our movements three times and then he slipped his tongue inside my mouth, tickling my hard palate and sides of my tongue. Although I am losing my mind and I am breathing shamelessly in our kiss, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach slowly dying down. But I yearn for more, and if Izaya-senpai can kiss me this well, hell yeah, the more I'll do everything for him.


[Shizuo's POV]

"What are you now, old hag?" I spat at her like a maniac. I looked shortly at her trap and I can escape from it in a snap of a finger, but I have to pretend I couldn't. I need a plan; I can't have (F/n) struggling any longer. "It looks like you can't hurt me as well!"

She twitched her eyebrow and shot lightning close to my face. "Shut up with your 'old hag'! You bastard!"

I didn't waste any more time and proceeded on shooting her realistic statements about her miserable life. I don't want people doing it to me, but she just have to accept it. "I heard you mentioned your life was a cheat and there is no true love! How can you say so? Wasn't failing to achieve good life and true love both your fault?"

"What do you know? Have you lived long enough to witness my past? You never even heard of me!"

"I admit I never knew you before! But the old lady and your man told me who you are and what you did in the past!" I retorted. "Your life could've been better if you never loved a married man who's bound to throw you away!"

She gritted her teeth. "And you loved an assassin, who will never be your forever because she will always leave you out of guilt!" She obviously didn't want to hear what I have to say, but because this is her last moment, she doesn't have a choice. It is all part of the spell.

"(F/n) and I truly loved each other! We admitted it! ... How about you? Have you ever told Tatsu-kun that you loved him?"

"I can never say that to a married man! I respect the marriage laws!"

"But you knew he was unhappy with a traitor of a wife! If you truly loved a person, you should've done everything you can to make him acknowledge your feelings! Your love is shallow! It's not even half of true love!"

She began to cry as if she could imagine those days he spent with Tatsu. The electricity flowing around her is getting weaker, but it's still enough to zap me away. I have to keep going.

"If you only tried harder, he could've loved you and divorced her! Things would have been different even although you can't be a direct family with Malana and Aaron."

"Shut up!" she shouted, then panted heavily. The electricity around her and the ones pinning me have weakened some more, but are still lethal. "Spouting about true love! Making me commit such sin! What do you know?!"

"I'm not telling you to snake a married man away, but to be honest in the least. You revived him so he could love you and you we're wrong. You've committed a sin far greater than you've imagined. You sinned against everyone."

She realized her mistakes, but she still wouldn't back down. She laughed tiredly. "You know, this body will soon give up. (F/n), she won't make it. Can you stand the thought of her falling in love with a different man before she realizes she's dead?"

"You can't mean-!"

"That black haired man she came with that day, she's fallen in love with him..."

I suddenly lost control of my body. I couldn't think straight anymore. Why, of all the men, why would (F/n) fall for Izaya? I ripped out of her grasped, ran from an angle she couldn't see me coming, and ripped through her circle, latching my body on (F/n)'s.

"Get off me! What do you think you're doing?!" she shouted as she pushed me off, but the electricity is consuming me as well, making us inseparable. I can feel the electricity sucking my flesh and my vessels popping from high frequency. My eyes are getting white. This is suicide. "Are you really that insane? You're gonna die, too!"

"Yes, I know!" I know I was a goner. That's why, from the bottom of my heart, I screamed the words I have for (F/n), hoping with every fiber of my being that it will reach her and that she will wake up from her nightmare and end our despair.

My pain is her pain, her laughter is my laughter, her pleasure is my pleasure. (F/n) is the only one for me and I am the only one for (F/n). (F/n) is putting her life on the line for me. If I don't succeed, there's no more second chance. It's now or never.

As loud as I can, battling the zapping sounds of electricity, I shouted, "(F/n) can you hear me?! Wake up!"


[Reader's POV]

"(F/n) can you hear me?! Wake up!"

I jolted away from senpai as I heard that deep adult growl. I was shocked when someone grabbed my hand from the metal bars. He has so much strength and I couldn't pull away. When I turned to see who it was, I was surprised and confused at the same time.

"S-Shizuo-senpai! Is that you?!" I exclaimed in disbelief. Definitely it is him. He looks like an adult. His clothes are worn out, he's in a mess, and he looks like he is suffering. "Don't be fooled by that man's sweet talking and don't ride the old hag's game!"

"Shizuo-senpai, what are you talking about? I don't understand! Let go!" I pleaded as his grasp tightened around my wrist and it started to hurt. I realized something that's not right. Shizuo-senpai is the same age as Izaya-senpai. It can't be that the old Shizuo-senpai is here. Besides, I don't understand a thing he's telling me and he won't respond to me as well.

Suddenly, Izaya-senpai pulled a knife of him. "No!" I yelped but I was late. Izaya-senpai slashed at Shizuo-senpai, but his knife went through like magic. Dissatisfied, he did it again and the same got the same effect.

"(F/n), listen carefully..." Shizuo-senpai told me calmly. "You don't truly love Izaya. He's a man who'll always get away from trouble by using other people. The old lady is manipulating you and you are dreaming. The reason why he says he loves you is because he knew that if he did, you will protect him with all you got."

"That's not true!" I tried hard to resist it, but Shizuo-senpai won't stop. I looked at Izaya-senpai from the corner of my eye. He wasn't trying to free me anymore and his eyes were laughing. Then, he snorted.

I gasped in horror. I shook my head in disbelief. Izaya-senpai is laughing? Why is Izaya-senpai laughing...?

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