(Durarara!! - Shizuo x Reader...

By Ahmelyie

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COMPLETED!! Summary/Preview: (F/n), an expert assassin, was hired by Orihara Izaya to dispatch his rival sinc... More

[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 1
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 2
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 3
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 4
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 5
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 6
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 7
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 8
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 9
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 10
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 11
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 12
[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 13
A/N 2: First Transition of Arcs
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 1
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 2
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 3
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 4
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 5
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 6
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 7
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 8
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 9
IMPORTANT (not an update)
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 10
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 11
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 12
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 13
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 14
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 15
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 16
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 17
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 18
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 19
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 20
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 21
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 22
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 23
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 24
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 25
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 26
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 27
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 28
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 29
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 30
[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 31
A/N 3: Second Transition of Arcs
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 1
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 2
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 3
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 4
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 5
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 6
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 8
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 9
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 10
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 11
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 12
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 13
[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 14
A/N 4: Last Transition
Denoument - Ending - Finale - Grand Finale

[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 7

43 6 5
By Ahmelyie

[Normal POV]

The blonde shot his eyes wide, glaring at the two new comers. "Don't be stupid, (F/n)! You're not supposed to be here!" As he tried to get up and run, he couldn't move his body. He realized that he's been paralyzed by the side smirk of the young woman in foreign skin.

"You bitch!" Shizuo growled at the witch, but she just ignored him.

Claudia studied (F/n) with her eyes as she stood up and sauntered over them.

"What did you to do Shizuo?" (F/n) hissed at her. She came here just to take her man away, but by the looks of how things are, Claudia have something under her sleeve. Careless actions are prohibited.

Claudia just smiled at her. "I just told him that he should be a good boy and choose me instead."

(F/n) looked over to her man with disbelieving eyes. He just looked down to apologize. "(F/n), just go. Please."

"See?" Claudia scoffed and gestured the girl that her man had totally dumped her. He chose a younger foreign woman instead of her.

(F/n) stood a couple of steps forward, slightly past Claudia. The latter woman was surprised at (F/n)'s stubbornness. "You-?!"

Before anything else happened in between the two woman, Izaya grabbed (F/n)'s shoulder. (F/n) glared at him.

"Well, this is quite disgraceful of you, (F/n). You already have a wonderful man by your side, yet you hopelessly wanted your ex back," Claudia taunted her with a chiding smile. Shizuo hissed at this.

"What did you just say?" (F/n) snapped. "Let me have you know that thi-"

"Thank you, Claudia-san," Izaya intervened, smiling at the foreigner. "I should be really happy with your compliments, but you are misunderstanding something. (F/n) and I aren't anything like that..."

Shizuo sighed in relief somehow. He wanted to jump Izaya whether he confirms Claudia's presumptions right or not.

"...yet," the information broker finished his sentence, causing the blonde man to snarl at him.

Claudia blinked twice. "Oh, I'm sorry. Then, what brings you here?"

"To escort this feisty woman and to see something humanly," he said and then he let go of (F/n)'s shoulders and took a few steps backwards behind the door frame. "Now that my duty is over, take care of yourselves, Shizu-chan, (F/n)-chan!" He winked and disappeared in a flash. (F/n) sighed.

"Have you been listening to our conversation?" Shizuo asked, making a hopeful facial expression at (F/n). "What did you hear?"

"I was here when Claudia started talking about the Uncle Chikara's revival and revenge," (F/n) said nonchalantly, apparently. "Claudia-san, I am grateful to be named after someone as amazing as you are. I'm sure Uncle Chikara loved you, otherwise he won't name me 'Leena'."

The woman glared at (F/n). She gritted her teeth and hissed a little. "When have naming other test patients after the first become love? You mean he named you my name with a number; that's totally ridiculous."

"Look, Leena, Claudia... when Uncle Chikara died, he asked me to look for you and send his apologies to you. I never gave up because I knew he was sincere. And I also understand why you can't accept his apology." (F/n) walked a few steps back just enough to have a good look on the witch's eyes. "I can see in them... you sacrificed your sight for him and received the sense you lost through sorcery."

Claudia covered her dimmer eye, looked sideward down, and said sharply, "You talk like you know everything, but in fact you don't know anything. You two lovers talk shit to my face. This is why I hate people like you."

Trying hard not to get offended by what the foreigner says, (F/n) talks to her in a calmer tone. "Leena-san, please let Shizuo-san go," she said in a tone where she understands what really happened. The hole Shizuo's departure left in her have started to close. She knows that he did what he did because he loves her. She heard their conversation; she is aware that Leena is after her, but considers Shizuo a threat that will prevent her from getting (F/n) and a tool that will help her take (F/n) at the same time. Shizuo chose to sacrifice himself to keep (F/n) safe.

However, it won't release the guilt (F/n) started taking to her heart. She doubted him. She somehow believed the people's lie – that Shizuo chose Claudia over her. She feels dumb and tricked by fate. Izaya, was one person that never got along with Shizuo. It is too obvious that he will stir problem for his arch enemy. But he told (F/n) the truth, too. Now, everything started making sense.

"Hmm?" Claudia raised a brow at the woman. She guesses what (F/n) is thinking and begins to roll her eyes at how lovers really are. They are strange in her opinion, and idiotic. They put themselves on the line just for the other's well-being. It is very similar to how she was before and how that love blinded her.

"Please let Shizuo-san go," (F/n) repeated firmly, clenching her fists tight to her side. "You can have me instead."

"What are you doing?! She's a witch! She'll harm you! Go away!" the blonde shouted at (F/n), begged her to stop her recklessness and save herself.

Claudia, irritated by the man's non-ending yelling, turned around and shouted, "Shut up!" She then casted a spell to make the man's voice muffled. The man was surprised and (F/n) was taken aback.

"Very well then; you've made the right decision," Claudia said, grinning at her. The man kept struggling out of her spell to forge sense on (F/n)'s mind.

(F/n) gasped as she steps backward. "I take this as a deal," she firmly said. "Before you can have me, you have to remove all your spells on Shizuo. Break this deal and I will fight you. I know you know that the successful Berserkers are very powerful."

"Have at it." Claudia sighs and reversed all her spells on Shizuo.

Having realized that he is completely back to normal and capable of harming the foreigner, Shizuo intended to charge at them, but stopped when Claudia grabbed (F/n) as hostage and took a sharp item ready to stab her.

"Take one wrong move and your woman dies," she threatened the man. "Dead or alive, the berserker is completely useful to me."

(F/n) couldn't move as well. The grapple on her, even while standing, is something that is uneasy to get off with without getting stabbed. Also, the woman's weapon seems to have poison in it. It mustn't graze an open wound in any part of (F/n)'s body.

"This is not part of the deal, woman! You said you won't harm her in any way!" The blonde growled.

The foreigner only smiled like a Cheshire cat. "That was a month ago. Today is different." She laughed like a maniac.

"Shizuo..." the woman in danger called out to her loved one. She has a relieved expression and eyes brimming with tears. "You're not under her spell anymore are you? You don't feel anything painful or weird in your body, do you?"

The man shook his head. "I'm completely fine. You should be worried about yourself more!"

The woman closed her eyes in relief and smiled. "Thank God. I have no regrets."

"Ugh! I can't bear with this any longer!" The woman grappling (F/n) complained abruptly before she started chanting another incoherent spell in foreign sorcery language. She hugged tightly into (F/n) as blood trickles from her mouth. Her incoherent muttering have turned to a screeching bothersome noise. Just as the spell is in order, she buried her face on (F/n)'s shoulder.

(F/n) winced in pain. She looked at her lover who looks at her back in horror, distress, and worry. He couldn't move a step towards her or even hold her hand. But their love for each other are growing in their eyes.

(F/n) opens her mouth to say something, but it can't be heard due to the high frequency background noises. But apparently, her voice is clearly directed inside Shizuo's mind. "Shizuo-san, if I end up in a pinch again, will you save me like you always do?" Her voice was pleading and sincere at the same time.

Shizuo recalls those times he always saved her when she was in a pinch. That time when he rescued her after the other assassins trampled on her, that time when she cluelessly got herself in a fight to help Varona and ended up getting shot by a bullet, that time when Izaya pulled her after she got the monetary prize for the Annual Fighting Festival, and the time when she berserked in the village after finding out that her fake uncle was the bad guy and her loved child's blood was sucked out almost to death.

His lips were crooked, hardly making a smile. But just a glimpse of his struggled smile compelled (F/n) to trust him, to have faith in him that no matter what happens, he will get her back. "I love you..." she added.

As (F/n) closed her eyes completely and relaxed her body, the noises intensified, causing Shizuo to squeeze his fingers on his ears. The noise is now deafening, so deafening that the downhill old apartment was a perfect place to avoid disturbances to other people.

The soonest the noise died, Claudia slumped and eventually let go of (F/n)'s body before falling to the ground. (F/n) opened her eyes, but they were not her normal hue. Those aren't her eyes, but the blue eyes of the first Leena who used to be blind.

Shizuo dropped his hands and stared at her, waiting for her to speak first. He wants to know if Claudia was successful or not, if the girl standing in front of her was still (F/n) or now Claudia. He was waiting for her to take the initiative and approach him, but she didn't.

Instead, she looked at her fist and started clenching it, she even flexed her arms, legs and body. Clearly, she isn't (F/n) anymore, but she looks like someone more masterful than (F/n). "So this is the power of the true Berserker. So strong and so light, I felt nothing alike to my old self," she said in trance and she even dropped a dead gaze on her body.

"You we're a great help, Shizuo-kun. Had it not been you, I'll never have my hands on (F/n)," she said, looking at him but she couldn't see his face properly when he is no longer eyeing back at her.

Because her fascination was her greatest distraction, she wasn't able to dodge the man as he suddenly pinned her to the wall. She could only gasp.

The man finally showed his face, angry, menacing, popping veins all over his face. "Is this what you meant by ridding yourself from poison? Get out of (F/n)'s body, you lowly hag!"

The woman spat on him, but he was able to dodge it even in that distance. "How can you lovers be so selfish and demanding?! Don't I have the right to get a piece of mine?!"

"By trampling other people's lives? I don't give a damn!" He snarled as he prepared to knock her out, but his fist won't move. He couldn't hurt (F/n) even though the one inside isn't her anymore. The woman made a smug look on his face. "Get out of her body now!"

The hag laughed menacingly. The smug and evil look never fit (F/n)'s lovely angelic face. But she was still completely taken over that she's completely unaware of everything that is happening in her body and outside. She is still in her body, but in deep slumber, hoping that Shizuo can somehow call on to her and wake her up. However, the witch's spell is flawless and strong. It won't do any good.

"I knew you couldn't harm the girl you love, ever! So much that it makes me sick!" She growled at him. "I'm wasting too much time on you when in fact, I should be preparing to continue the revenge where Tatsu-kun left off."

The man gasped. "You can't mean-?!"

The woman smirked again. "Right. What can a lone naturally honed Hercules human do to stop a Berserker from berserking with their kind?"

The woman, without further ado, rammed her elbow on the man's jaw, sending him flying and breaking the ceiling. He hit his head hard and fell unconscious before he touched the ground. It was difficult to expect that the first failed experiment had more control over the successful Berserker. That's why she could do many things more than fawning over (F/n)'s body.

But to her man, there was nothing but pain and darkness... and to (F/n), what could be of (F/n) now...?

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