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When he found her, she had no idea who he was. But he was dead sure who she was. Story mostly focused on Kuro... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1 Found
Chapter 2 Reborn
Chapter 3 Holiday
Chapter 5 Memories
Chapter 6 Epilogue?

Chapter 4 Deja Vu

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Warning: more blood and horrible fighting scenes. And OCs (quite a few of new characters.) Some of which are quite important in the story while others are just there to fill in space for the plot.
And now let's move on to the story!

At the day of the graduation, Akira and I ran out of our class like lightning. She was more excited than I was, but I had to follow her

“Oh my God! I'm so excited. Where do you think I will end up?” She asked.

“I don't know. But I think I mind end up in the 11th considering my background” I said. Their captain was the greatest.

“Yeah, that squad would suit you well. You idolise the captain, right?” I nodded. 

“Yeah, I heard stories from Ichigo that he once fought him and captain Zaraki is very strong also he's from the 80th too”

“Well to be honest I kinda want to be in squad 9. Personally I like writing and I want my articles to be published first”

“Well let's see about that.”

I passed the exams and graduated the academy just in one year. In the process I gained my zanpakuto. A water based one, which explained why sometimes I would wake up and finding myself and my room all soaked with water. Because I couldn't control my reiatsu.

We walked over to courtyard where everyone from our year was there. They were all talking.

First we looked for Akira's name.

She broke down there on the ground when she saw her name placed on the board of the 10th division, not the 9th. “Why? I wanted the 9th” she cried. I sweatdropped as I tried to comfort her.

“Calm down… I'm sure that someday you'll be able to transfer” I told her.

She got up from the floor “I guess…Let's go look for your name now Karin" she sighed

We walked over to the board from squad 11. And I sighed in disappointment as my name wasn't on there.

After quite long time of searching, we finally found my name on the 13th division's board. Well that is unexpected...

“13th? That's quite unexpected” I mumbled

“Yeah, I heard that they are quite a peaceful squad. Are you sure that you'll be able to be there?” My friend asked.

“Who knows” I shrugged. Well maybe that is for the best. I don't know, I might even enjoy it.

“Let's go find something to eat. We don't have to be at our squads until next week” she suggested.

“Yeah, sure.” I smiled.

“You know Karin, I'm glad that you are graduating with me. I'm not going to go through this alone anymore. Even though we ended up in different divisions, but I'm sure that we can still be good friends" she said

“Yeah I understand what you mean. I was actually surprised when you approached me that day. Because some people were actually afraid of me, mostly because of the zanpakuto I carried when I entered the academy.  And I promised to myself back then to never get close to anyone. But then you came and broke that. Now I think I'm ok to have friend again” maybe somewhere in my heart is still afraid of having friends. Because it hurt so much when I lose them. But this time instead of running away. I'll get stronger and make sure no one in my life leave me again.

"Hey speaking of your zanpakuto, you said that you've had it for a long time, didn't you? How exactly did you get it? If you don't mind me asking” she asked.

I sighed “well… to be honest my past wasn't exactly the prettiest story. And the one of how I got this sword was one of the worst. But I guess I can't hide it forever either” I paused remembering that day.

“Karin, we are leaving!” Shouta shouted at the door. I was getting ready finding bags and all the stuff we needed.

“Coming!” as I walked out and closed the door behind me, I saw that they were all waiting for me. Shouta was the closest, he was dressed in a dark brown yukata, his slightly long hair dark hair was in a ponytail this time.  next to him was a boy I wasn't really close to, his name was Shin I think dark blue eyes and black hair, if we had been closer he could be my brother, he was dressed in dirty cream colored yukata covered in dirt like all of our clothes, then there was another boy who I wasn't close to either. His name was Kakaru light blonde hair and green eyes, he was wearing a dark blue yukata. and finally my best friend Sasha. She looked like the oldest among us. (Picture a older version of Tsuki)

“Karin-chan, do you have everything?” Sasha asked.

“Yeah, that's why it took me so long. I couldn't find anything. But here” I handed them the begs that I found.

“Where are we going today Shouta?” Shin asked.

“The bar, they'll have something” he said.

The 5 of us arrived at the bar. “You 3 go inside and try to distract them. While Shouta and I go find the food, grab whatever you can too” I said to them and they nodded. Then left leaving only Shouta and I.

My partner and I looked at each other in the eyes before nodding. Before we parted he kissed my forehead then whispered “Will finish that later” and then left. I rolled my eyes but followed him anyways. We waited at the back side of the building. Waiting for the right moment to go in.

“What was that for Shouta? You know that we are on a mission. Don't you think that our moments in the forest wasn't enough?” I tried to sound serious but I failed

“You like it Karin, don't tell me you didn't.” I laughed

“Sure whatever.” I was about to smack him on the head when we heard some very sharp noises.

“What is that?” I asked from shock.

“Oh no, oh no… not now” Shouta was acting weird, he looked rather scared.

“What's going on what is that noise?” I tried to ask but he pushed me toward his chest protectively.

Apparently we weren't the only one who heard that. Because people from the bar also came out. The rest of our group came over to us.

“It's a monster" Kakaru said

“Yeah, it definitely is” Sasha conformed

“What monster?” I didn't know what they were talking about.

“Those monsters eat us and they let out destruction light. They were supposed to be what shinigamis kill, but they never come over to this area”  Shouta explained to me with his arms still wrapped around me.

“We need to run now!” Sasha shouted.

“No! It's too late” Kakaru said pointing to the thing that was in front of us. It destroyed the bar with many people inside. The monster swallowed some of the people inside. We started to run.

"Isn't there a way to kill them?” I asked.

“Yes, but the last time some of us did, it almost killed us all. Shouta's older brother died that day trying to protect us. After then we just avoided it anyways possible” Sasha told me as we were running away from it.

“It is mostly after us because we have hight reiatsu.”Shin said

“Exactly. That's why once it starts to follow us. There's no way we'll be able to avoid it that easily” Sasha said.

“Guys watch out!” The monster threw at us it's attack” And we were separated. I was with Sasha and Kakaru when we saw what happened. Shin was caught in the middle of the attack. He was killed instantly. Shouta was left along on the other side. He was injured too.

The image of Shin dying couldn't leave my mind. Even though I wasn't close with him. He was still part of this family. And it was my first time seeing any of them die that way.

“Karin! We have to go!” Sasha pulled at my arm.

“Shouta! What about Shouta? He's over there! I have to go and help him” Shouta was struggling to dodge the monster that was only after him. I broke my hold from Sasha and I ran over to the monster. I heard Sasha calling after me but I just ignored it.

“Hey you big sucker!” I shouted at the monster.

It turned around to look at me. For some reason when it started to chase after me. I got this strange feeling of deja Vu, like if I've been in this situation before. Well at least the monster wasn't after Shouta any more.

“Karin! What the hell are you doing. Get out of there. It's going to kill you” I heard the rest of them yelling at me.

'Were we really going to die?' I thought desperately.

You don't want to die, don't you child?

'Who are you?' A voice Asked inside my head. Was I really hearing voices?

Yes you are. But let me ask you again. Do you want to die?

'What kind of question is that? Of course I don't! I need to protect those people dear to me.'

Then you know what to do. Summon me, Karin

I remember all those years back when Shouta and I trained together. He used to tell me that in order to survive in the Rukongai. I needed to have courage. Because this was a world of kill or be killed. If I didn't have the courage to kill, something else will kill me.

When I opened my eyes again a sword was in my hand. I felt my energy flare and the monster behind me stopped too. I drew out the sword and in one quick movement I jumped and sliced the monster in half.

After that all I could see was darkness. I felt someone taking me in their arms but I couldn't tell who.

“When I woke up. Everyone was there beside my bed, but everyone but him. When asked about him. They didn't want to tell me what was wrong. Later my friend Sasha told me that he couldn't make it, he lost too much blood. That day I summoned my zanpakuto and I started training even harder. Because I became their leader, the one who was supposed to look after them. I did everything I could. But unfortunately it was still not enough. I think that was the day I started to actually hate shinigamis too. I hated them because they should have been there to save us. But no one showed up, and so many people died that day” Sasha also told me that the last thing Shouta wanted me to know was that the time he spent with me,p were really happy times. He wanted to thank me. When I heard the news I couldn't cry. I've gone so many years without crying. I forgot the feeling of crying, but inside it was killing me.

“You really is strong Karin. And that why I've always admired you so much. You know that right?” She smiled. I was glad that she didn't say sorry.

I laughed a little “I'm not strong, Akira. I'm weak, I have always been weak”

“that's why you are strong. You know what your weakness is” she said.

After that day, we never had that conversation again. Time sure did pass quickly. I was about to start my first day as the new 6th seat of the 13th division. People looked at me like I was some weirdo every time I passed by them, because I became a 6th seat right out of the academy, but  the positive side of  this was that I could use the Seireitei library where I could do more research on memory regaining.

“You there!” Well it started again. The voice belonged to the same guy who challenged me when I first arrived.

I sighed as I turned around. “What do you want Kaiba? I already told you a millions of times I don't want to fight any of you” I said in a already bored voice.

“Why is that! Shiba-sama” that guy liked to call me that way just to make me angry.

“Because I promised a friend that I wouldn't kill if the situation doesn't call for it”

They laughed “oh really? Could it be that you are too afraid of us? What, does Kurosaki Ichigo do everything for you? I bet you even got your title as 6th seat because he and lieutenant are fuking” Kaiba started in a mocking voice and the rest of them laughed.

My aura was getting darker. They could say whatever they wanted about me. But hearing them talk that way about other people is unforgivable “is it a fight you? Then today after shift. Meet me at the opening just outside of the Seireitei. If you can't find me just feel my reiatsu because I won't be holding it down” I used the same tone of voice I used back at the Rukongai when people annoyed me. And I stared at them with a dark face. They were slightly taken aback by my sudden change of attitude. “Of course, if you decided not to come. I'll find other ways to kill you anyways. If I were you, I'd go though. Because if you don't and waste my time then things might even be worse” I added as I was about to turn and enter my office. I heard those guys swallow before I closed the door.

Once that was over I sighed and I got back to the work of the day. Since I was just starting I was ordered to do some of the paperwork. It was something I hated a lot, but it was my work so I had no choice but to do it.

I was about to start the second half when there were a knock on my door. “Enter" I said as it opened.

I didn't expect my visitor to be lieutenant Kuchiki. I quickly got up from my chair and bowed to her. She was one of the few shinigamis that I respected. “Good morning lieutenant Kuchiki! I wasn't expecting your visit sorry” if the past me saw what I've turned into today, she'd be sure to kick me in the face.a The me a few years ago would never be this inferior to a shinigami.

She smiled “you don't have to be so formal with me, Karin-san. I didn't came here to say anything bad or anything” she paused. “I simply came to ask how you are doing. You just came out of the academy and you are starting a big rule here. So I'm asking if there is any questions you'd like to ask” she said.

I thought for a while “actually there is one question. Why did I get into such a high position? The other students who graduated with me, none of them got a seated position. I believe that some of them deserve this more than I do.” Of course I didn't mean Kaiba and his friends. But there were people in my class that had great skills and marks.

My lieutenant laughed “that's the only thing you wanted to ask? Well alright I'll tell you. You see before anything I want to know that I didn't choose you to be the 6th seat because of your connection with Ichigo, nor because I know you outside of the squad. Instead I looked into your files. And they were all excellent comments and recommendations from your teachers. I also realized that when you started the academy you weren't doing a very good job, I've seen complains about your lack of manners and your bad behavior. But later you showed great changes of your attitude. Besides the fact that you managed to finish the academy in less than one year plus the fact you already required a zanpakuto even before entering the academy and your extremely high reiatsu. We took all that into consideration when we decided to give you this position. I believe that if you continue to work hard, one day you'll become a great shinigami” she finished. A great shinigami huh? How ironic… I never wanted to be one.

“Thank you lieutenant Kuchiki.”

“And another thing… I heard the conversation you had with the squad members. I'm deeply sorry for that. They must think the relationship I have with Ichigo has to do with your position.” She admitted.

“No, lieutenant Kuchiki, I don't mind at all.” I said. Somehow she always treated me like if I were her family. Even if I hated shinigamis, I couldn't hate her
“Thank you Karin-san, well I'll be going now, if you don't mind” she said as she walked out of the office.

I let out a sigh then set down on my chair once again. I guess that I really need to find a way to unlock my memories again. For some reason I still felt incomplete, even though I've already gotten used to this new life, but something was still missing. I just knew it.

I finished the paper work and decided that I had to visit the library and find some answers, if I could.

When I entered the huge building no one was in there. So I went over to all the sessions to look at what I wanted to find.

“Do you need any help?” A kind male voice said making me turn around to see someone I wasn't expecting.

“Captain Ukitake!” I've never seen him in person before but I've seen photos of him when I was at the academy. That was my captain.

“You look rather young to be a shinigami. Are you perhaps Shiba Karin-chan? My new 6th seat” he smiled warmly. He seemed nice too.

“Yeah” I said casually. I didn't care that he was my captain.

“I see” he smiled “I've heard so much about you from Kuchiki-chan, she said that you are really skilled. And you graduated the academy in less than one year right?” He asked

I nodded again. Again why was everyone so interested in me?

“So what brought you here today?”

“I'm here to find some information” I didn't know why I was telling him all that. But I felt like that I could trust him. He looked like someone wise. Maybe I could ask him about this “I want to find a way to unlock someone's memories” I said

His eyes seemed to be surprised for a moment “why would you want to know that?”

“I feel like that I need to find out who I am. Or who I was to be more exact”

He looked at me in wonder “is that so? What make you think your memories are what you need to know about yourself?” He asked and that actually made some sense. I never thought about it.

“I don't know, I just assumed that it would tell me something. I mean ever since I came to the Seireitei I've been feeling weird, and my life stopped making any sense to me. So I just thought that… maybe regaining my memories of who I was will answer all my questions.”

“Let me give you some advice child, you are still young. What you want do is not something you should take easily. Regaining your past memories is a very painful process. Think about it a little better, because when you regret it, it will be too late” he said.

“Then do you mind I ask, if you know how it is done?” I asked.

He laughed “you are very stubborn child aren't you? You see, I do know the way. When I was in the academy. I've read that for one to regain their memories, the soul have to be close to something that belonged to them when they were alive. Or anything related to them. If they have a strong desire for their memories, they'd be pulled into their inner world. The zanpakuto spirit is the one who would be giving your memories back. For that they need to thrust the zanpakuto through your heart, which is why it's a painful process. Of course no one I knew lived to tell the story. But there have been people who survived after it and gained more power from their memories” he explained.

I swallowed. That sounded quite painful. But I wasn't sure if he was telling me that to scare me away. But whatever that was I should take some notes just in case.

“Oh I'm sorry, here have some candy. I'm sure this will make you feel better” I sweatdropped. I couldn't understand him, one moment he was serious and the next he was like this. Shinigamis were so difficult to understand.

Then he started coughing “captain, are you alright?” I asked a little worried at his condition. Rukia-san did say that she did most of the work because their captain was sick most of the time. So this was what she meant. “Should I take you to the 4th?”

“No, it's alright. I think it's my time to go back. Remember what I told you, think wisely before you make that decision” he smiled at me one last time before he left for where I entered earlier.

Think wisely huh? What should I do?

I looked over to the clock. The shift was almost over. Well for now I should to go and fight those guys. Maybe that will give me some distraction.

I sighed and I walked out of the library too. I moved on top of the building so I could get over to the meeting area a little sooner. When I got there, they were all there. Kaiba stood there in the center. With some other members of the division.

“Oh you all came?” I said in surprise.

“Of course we did, we aren't cowards” Kaiba said.

“Oh in that case I kind of felt sorry that I'm late.” I said sarcastically. “So if you all came who's going to fight me first?”

“That will be me of course” Kaiba said proudly.

“Let's make this more interesting shall we? If you win, you can have my position. Tomorrow I'll go to the lieutenant myself and tell her to give you my position, if I win, you tell all the people who've been bothering me to stop and apologise to lieutenant Kuchiki for what you've said about her. And as for the rules, as we are technically still in the ground of Seireitei, let's not release our zanpakuto or that will cause too much attention. Other that we are free to use anything as long as it doesn't destroy any property. Since we'll have to pay for the repairs” I explained and they all nodded as agreement.

The other stood away from us as Kaiba and me stood facing each other. His hand went over to the handle of his zanpakuto.

The moment he drew his sword he went over to me. I decided not to unsheath my zanpakuto, not until I absolutely need it. I didn't want to kill him after all.

I jumped backward when he came at me.

“What are you doing? Are you just going to dodge my attacks?” He asked.

“I already said that I don't really want to kill anyone today. I promised my friend that I wouldn't. Besides I don't need to use it to defeat you” I fired some kido spells at his. The most basic ones I knew.

“You are so lame that you don't even know how to use kido” Kaiba came toward me. When he was close enough to me, I flash stepped behind him and kicked his back, causing his to lose balance and ended up on the ground face first. I thought he was gone for, but then he got up.

“You!” He sounded quite angry, his hold on the zanpakuto tightened. It looked like he was about to release his zanpakuto.

I sighed guess he really is desperate to win against me, even if it means to break the rules we've set earlier. What a loser. I wanted to end that quickly so in a flash I unsheathed my zanpakuto and the next second his body was on the ground again, this time his chest was bleeding from the large wound caused by my weapon.

“When… did you?” He mumbled before he lost consciousness.

When sheathed my zanpakuto, I turned to look at the others. “Someone should take him to the 4th, if anyone ask who did this. Don't you dare say it was me. Got it?” I stared at them when a few people took him away.

“So who's going next?” Asked and they all run away.

Well that's that… I stared at the blood on the ground. I didn't kill him. It felt weird not to kill my thread. Am I getting soft?

Right after that incident they did stop messing with me. Even Kaiba learned to respect me. Some even asked me to train them and of course I rejected all of that. I didn't have time to train with them. I had my own things to take care of. What captain Ukitake told me was still in my head, and I had been thinking about my choice ever since he told me about it.

Spoiler alert!

If you read the manga. Then you must know that Ukitake died during the last arc of bleach. And in this story he's alive.
In this story let's just pretend that the Quincy war ended differently. Because Ukitake is actually one of my favourite characters. And 8 don't want him dead.

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