One Lifetime Is Never Enough

By runexi

2.2M 100K 12.3K

She thought she was going to die. She did. But the next time she opened her eyes , she found out that she wa... More

1.1 The End of Her Road
1.2 A Different Time
1.3 Uncertainties and Power
1.4 Flower
1.5 Ji House
1.6 Festival
1.7 Young Master Ji SongLi
1.8 Zhen BuFeng
1.9 Orchid and Magnolia
1.10 Peaceful Day
1.11 Preparing a Gift
1.12 Key to Someone's Heart is Sweetness
1.13 Zhang and Jing
1.14 The Best Seedling
1.15 Blood Lunar (1)
1.16 Blood Lunar (2)
1.17 Impending Parting
Ji SongLi's Voice
1.18 Budding Flowers
Hai FenChu's Wish
1.19 His Guqin
1.20 Summer Dream at Lotus House
1.21 Summer Dream at Lotus House (2)
1.22 Tugging Heartstrings
1.23 A Mess Unintended
1.24 Familiar Faces
1.25 Wisdom
1.26 Return
Xiao Hui's Spring
1.27 Enchantment of The Heart
1.28 JingHan
1.29 Butterfly Dance
1.30 To The Capital (1)
1.31 To The Capital (2)
1.32 Echoing Whispers
1.33 The Famed Scholars of Da Lang
1.34 Settling in Da Lang
1.35 One Person to Cherish
1.36 Vulnerable
1.37 The Generals' Sons
1.38 Prelude (1)
1.39 Prelude (2)
1.40 Overture
1.41 Unrest
Once Again, The Flower Blooms...
1.42 Brotherhood (1)
1.43 Brotherhood (2)
1.44 Tumultuous Heart
1.45 Sound of Silence (1)
1.46 Sound of Silence (2)
1.47 Oblivion
1.48 Harrassment
1.49 Indifference
1.50 Determination
1.51 Aging of a Beauty (1)
I Will Not Wait
1.52 Aging of a Beauty (2)
1.53 Dragon and Phoenix
1.54 Resolution
1.55 Heartache
1.56 HeShan's care
1.57 Farewell (1)
1.58 Farewell (2)
1.59 A Bizarre Encounter (1)
1.60 A Bizarre Encounter (2)
1.61 Memories (1)
1.62 Memories (2)
1.63 Memories (3)
1.64 Spoiled
1.65 Companions
JingMo's Past
1.66 Proposal
1.67 Stubborn For You
1.68 Life Like a Dream (1)
1.69 Life Like a Dream (2)
1.70 An Uninvited Guest
1.71 Summer Blossoms (1)
1.72 Summer Blossoms (2)
1.73 Gentlemen's Chat
1.74 The Eagle's Cry
1.75 The King
1.76 Wedding (1)
1.77 Wedding (2)
1.78 Even the Flowers Have Withered
1.79 Father to Son
1.80 Young Powerhouses of Da Lang (1)
1.81 Young Powerhouses of Da Lang (2)
1.82 Missing and Meeting
1.83 Warm Winter (1)
1.84 Warm Winter (2)
1.85 Young Master Qian
1.86 Birth of JingXiang
1.87 Second Ranked Gongzhu
"What This Princess Wants... "
1.89 Yong Prince
1.90 Yong WangFei (1)
1.91 Yong WangFei (2)
1.92 Let Me Whisper
1.93 You are...
1.94 Letters For You
1.95 Hun'ang and Lian Once More
1.96 When Will You Love Me Until?
1.97 Sisters
1.98 Bound To You (1)
1.99 Bound To You (2)
1.100 Mother
1.101 Tempest
1.102 Torment of The Departed
1.103 Accompanying You Forever, Once More

1.88 What This Princess Wants...

11.2K 512 58
By runexi

"When will JingHan come?" YuLan asked, as she accepted JingXiang in her arms, who was just passed on to her by Xiao Hui.

The spring had brought multitude of blooming flowers all around; and as YuLan still decided that it was not yet the right time to open Yong house for business, they just focused their attention on JingXiang, for the time being.

Currently, everyone was gathering under the pavilion in their backyard.

JingXiang had grown healthy and had been feeding quite well ever since he was born. Although Xiao Hui had not produced enough milk in the beginning, she could also now feed JingXiang properly by herself.

"Not sure. The brothers need him for some governance matter. He usually just run away from such affairs, but I think they got him good this time," JingMo smirked,

"I had to leave the Northern Plains earlier as I recalled it was almost Xiao Hui's due date. Initially I wanted to celebrate New Year's eve together. Who would have known, JingXiang decided that he wanted to celebrate with us," he glanced at his son and let out a sigh,

"Fortunately, I was not late."

YuLan hummed in acknowledgment.

However, soon, their idyllic peace was disturbed by one of the guards - who normally would be standing guard outside. Although he was not flustered, there was a indescribable confusion in his expression,

"Miss YuLan. There... is a guest for you outside... ."

YuLan frowned. Ji SongLi and Zhen BuFeng had left very early on New Year's day, and she did not even get to say proper farewell. Therefore, it could not be either one of them.

Her companions only looked at each other. HeShan asked cautiously,

"... Not Qian FanSheng, right?"

The guard shook his head,

"No... . But I think it is best if you actually greet this person personally, Miss YuLan."

Above them, Niu the eagle let out a long cry, before landing on JingMo's shoulder.


Princess Zhang XiuYa did not even want to dismount off her carriage as she looked at the decrepit house in front of her, with scrutinizing gaze.

The most kind word she could muster to describe the state of the house was... clean.

In her actual opinion; the building was way too simple, too small, old; and although there were myriads of blooming flower bushes and trees to make it pleasing to the eyes, it was hardly a place someone should live in.

"But then again, what can be said of someone who is so lowly...," she mused inside her heart., "This place, is fitting for her."

Then her eyes brightened as she noticed a female figure appearing out of the front door. The guard that had called for the woman - the woman that the Princess disliked so much - followed closely behind.

Zhang XiuYa could not hide her disgust and displeasure when she saw the guards' Tiger engraved green jades on their belts as soon as she arrived at Yong-house.

"She is a witch!", she decided, "She has beguiled General Ji."

"It is time to let her know her standing."

If she could not use Qian FanSheng, Zhang XiuYa would still have to let Bai YuLan know her place.

The other young woman, upon seeing her, only lifted her eyebrows slightly, then she lowered her body in a proper curtsy.

"A quite elegant bowing posture," Princess Zhang XiuYa thought, much to her dismay.

From her last memory, Bai YuLan had changed a fair bit. Her face had blossomed into more of an adult, slightly sharper in feature.

She was wearing a cream-colored robe, draped with a thin over-sized grey cloak - the cloak looked way too large for her stature. It did not even look like a female's cloak.

The Princess did not think too much about this. After all, she had also found out that Bai YuLan was currently living with three other men, therefore the cloak could very much belong to one of them. Although that just cemented her disgust further.

Although HeShan and SunChen might be two established scholars whose conducts and status were recognized by the Emperor himself, the other man living with them was still a complete stranger. And regardless, a proper maiden must not degrade herself by wearing a man's attire.

"Such a crude shameless woman!"

And much to her irritation, Bai YuLan did not even wait to be allowed to straighten her posture. Right after curtsying, she stood straight, her gaze calmly settled on hers.

One of the maids stepped forward, wanting to reprimand her on the Princess' behalf, but the guards quickly stepped forward to stand between the maid and Bai YuLan.

As she saw their half-unsheathed swords, and the swaying Tiger jades on their belts, once again, the Princess was irritated.

"Miss Bai... glad to see you doing well," Zhang XiuYa muster the most elegant smile she could procure.

Bai YuLan nodded slightly, lowering her head and smiled in turn. There was only calmness in her tone,

"Likewise, Princess. This one is also glad to see Princess is healthy and well."

Despite Princess Zhang XiuYa still sitting in her horse-drawn carriage, and that YuLan was below her in height, the latter did not look humbled at all - her posture was still straight and unyielding.

"Miss Bai. This Princess does not want to waste her precious time," Zhang XiuYa was bitter at the reminder that no matter what she had done, she could never compare to this woman - this hateful woman that was always in General Ji's line of sight.

Looking at Bai YuLan, Zhang XiuYa was prettier.

Looking at Bai YuLan, Zhang XiuYa should have been more enticing.

Looking at Bai YuLan, Zhang XiuYa had a higher standing, was a Princess of the Imperial Family, was highly educated, and literate in the four-arts. She was coveted by many.

Anything that a man could want. Everything that a man should want.

Why wouldn't she compare to one Bai YuLan? Why couldn't she?

Why did she feel inadequate, despite sitting and standing above Bai YuLan?

"Miss Bai, this Princess is a second-ranked Gongzhu, bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor himself."

"His Majesty the Emperor has been talking at length to the Ji Family to tie this Princess and General Ji in nuptial."

"Miss Bai's further involvement in General Ji's matters must cease."

Bai YuLan lifted her eyebrows ever so slightly, and Zhang XiuYa was delighted that finally, she could draw some sort of reaction from the woman.

"This Princess wants Miss Bai to know, that this Princess will be General Ji's rightful partner in the future. Miss Bai is best to not intervene in this Princess and General's relationship."

Zhang XiuYa did not notice that the two Ji soldiers were looking at each other, uneasiness on their faces, as she kept pouring her heart's irritation,

"Miss Bai... your status is not befitting of General Ji. Your status... cannot compare to this Princess'"

"Only a Princess can be a suitable partner for General Ji, bringing his prestige and his future to greater heights."

"The General has been befuddled, charmed by your beguilement, taking advantage of the adolescence's state of mind. Miss Bai should know your own place."

"There is no place for you ... for a person of such standing as yours."

"You can stay here... keep staying here... away from everybody. This...," she swept her eyes over the roofs and walls of Yong house,

"... this decrepit house where you can keep cooking and entertaining your customers...", she chuckled softly, as she was reminded of rumors from Hun'ang town-folks about Yong house.

That Yong house was a tea-house offering vegetarian dumplings and mountain herbal teas.

"How unrefined... ."

That the residents of Yong house entertained the customers by performing musical repertoires.

"Such arts should have been reserved for the literates and worthy. But what can be expected more of a woman such as her? Even HeShan-laoshi and SunChen-laoshi have also been beguiled into doing her bidding."

"She ... is skilled in seducing men!"

"You are very good at entertaining people. Miss Bai, you should keep doing this trade," she lifted her chin as she looked at Bai YuLan,

"This type of life... is very fitting for you."

"But General Ji... this Princess is the only one worthy of him, likewise he is for this Princess," there was a trace of faint blush creeping of her face as she let out a tender shy smile, as she mentioned him.

Then, her expression grew rigid again as she muttered in low voice,

"Remember this, Miss Bai. What this Princess wants, she will get!"


"Has that witch gone?", JingMo ran his fingers on Niu's body, ruffling his feathers. The eagle was letting out small squawks on his shoulders, its beady eyes following YuLan's every movement.

Xiao Hui was standing by his side, holding the sleeping JingXiang in her arms.

HeShan and SunChen were also staring at YuLan in concern.

YuLan closed the front door quietly behind her. Her face was calm.

Much too calm.

And her companions hated it. As that meant, she was upset.

Very upset.

Eerily calm YuLan was not a good YuLan to be around with.

"I have to hold Niu as I don't think Niu likes that witch much," JingMo certainly did not have any qualms about addressing a Zhang Empire's Royalty properly.

"Otherwise, she would be lucky if she got away with several pecks on her face."

"Uh...," HeShan interrupted, "That may not fare quite well for the current harmonious relationship between the Northern Plans and the Zhang Empire."

"But why?" JingMo snorted, "Niu and I would have done her a favor. Niu's marks would fit her title as a witch better."

YuLan looked at JingMo, and Niu, who was now also looking at her.

She might be imagining things, but the bird seemed to also sense her heart's current discord. She kept walking, but pat Niu's head softly as she passed them.

Her companions watched and followed her to the backyard. YuLan walked ahead slowly, then she suddenly stopped - just before the wooden bridge connected to the pavilion area.

Despite the bright spring day and the scene that should have been a heart-moving picture - a pretty young maiden standing in the midst of flowering trees - everyone could feel a slight chill when they observed her silent standing figure. She slowly darted her gaze at the sky, the small pond, and the flowering trees around her.

Then she walked closer to one of the trees and softly placed her fingers on one of the tinier branches.

She smiled.

The temperature dropped just a few notches lower that Xiao Hui could not help but to tighten her hold on JingXiang, seemingly afraid that he would be uncomfortable with the sudden frosty atmosphere.

Then everyone collectively swallowed a mouthful of saliva as those seemingly dainty fingers decisively snapped a branch off the tree with force.

The smile deepened.

Everyone took a step back; Niu already flew off into the distance, letting out a distressed squeak.

The fingers plucked the small flower stalks off the branch in her hand. Then sighing at the sky, she let the flowers be carried away by the spring breeze, her gaze following the fluttering petals flying to the distant mountains.



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