Heroes ~ Reader X Taehyung

By Spids22

68.1K 3.9K 849

You turn to the seven gorgeous men in front of you. Their mouths and eyes wide open. "What's happening to me... More

Nighttime Wander
Not Again
Just Like Your Dad
Boyz With Fun
Brothers (1)
Brothers (2)
Trust (1)
Trust (2)
What We've Been Through
Ready Or Not
All This Time
Are You Ready?
These Walls
Too Long
This Is It


1.3K 82 14
By Spids22

You scream in Tae's face. 

You then punch Tae's face. 

It's a bad reflex action you have when you're too overwhelmed and one day you'll have to try and fix it. But, as soon as your fist connects with his jaw in probably what would be the best right hook you've ever performed... you black out. 

Immediately, you feel calm and relaxed as if the previous five minutes hadn't just happened. Then a strange feeling seeps through your body. A sudden feeling of cold emptiness, like you're missing something that should be there.

Your eyes open to harsh white lights and instead of a comfortable bed you're in a lot of pain and on a very uncomfortable surface. You wince and sit up to find that you're in a hospital room.

"You're awake." A voice comes from your right and you whip your head round to see Jimin in a hospital bed next to you.

He looks weak but tears prick at your eyes to see him awake and alive. You rip the heart monitor off your finger and throw yourself onto his bed to hug him. He wraps his arms around you and returns it with double the strength.

"I'm so sorry." You cry into his shoulder and he shushes you.

"It's ok Y/N. None of us really remember what happened. It was all sort of a blur." He says and you pull away slightly.

"Do you remember anything?" You ask.

He thinks for a moment. "I remember a lot of pain, that's about it." 

You nod and look around the room.

"Where are the others?" 

"They have their own room. We voted to have someone stay with you since you couldn't be with us."

"And Tae?"

Jimin gives you a reassuring smile. "He's... fine."

"Was Eunjae here?" You ask, suddenly remembering your best friend.

"Yeah, she's with the police right now. Explaining everything."

Just as Jimin finishes his sentences the door opens and a man wearing a doctor's outfit walks in. As soon as he sees you he sighs.

"Ms Kang please return to your bed, it's good that you're awake but neither you or your boyfriend should be up and about just yet." He says and you and Jimin share an incredulous look.

"Wha- He's not my boyfriend." You say hurriedly.

"No he's in the other room." Jimin adds and you turn bright red.

"I see..." The doctor writes something on his clipboard and then gestures for you to get back in your bed, which you do. "How are you feeling?" He asks you.

"Confused and in a little bit of pain if I'm honest." You say truthfully.

"Confused how?"

"Well mostly confused as to why I'm in here and also because I swear I was somewhere else entirely just a minute ago."

"You were brought here along with seven men by the ambulance team after being called to a site which had faced conflict. The call was made by a Miss Choi Eunjae who is currently giving the police a witness statement. The police have also requested to get a statement from you when you are well enough." 

You nod, fully up to date.

"And the whole not being here a minute ago?"

"Probably a dream." Jimin says. "You were, talking in your sleep and... giggling." He chuckles.

"Oh." Is all you can say. Though you're relieved that 

Jimin leans slightly across the gap between your beds. "Who were you dreaming about Y/N?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

You blush and push his face back. Looking away from him and back to the doctor who seems to be watching the scene with amusement.

"What happened to the other four?" You ask.

The man looks down at his clipboard and clicks his teeth.

"I assume you're referring to the people registered as Kang Chonghyun, Kang Jiyoon, Kang Minjae and Kang Minsoo? They're currently hospitalised as well, although a report from Choi Eunjae places them under police surveillance for several serious crimes." He explains.

You feel a weight lift off your chest hearing that your family wont be able to hurt anyone anymore. You reach out to Jimin and he takes your hand and squeezes it tightly.

"Can we see the others please? I feel well enough to walk and I really need to tell them something." You plead.

The doctor considers it for a second, glancing at your heart monitor and then back at you.

"Alright bu-"

"Y/N!" Eunjae screams as she enters the room.

You're surprised as you hadn't even noticed the door opening but Eunjae flings herself across the room and embraces you in a tight hug that threatens to squish the life out of you. You laugh and return the hug, brushing off all the comments about how much you worried her and just being grateful that she's okay.

"Thank you for calling the police." You say and she pulls back to look at you.

"Well when you passed out I ended up being the only conscious person in the room so I took the chance to call for help. Don't worry I took the boys' masks off to make them seem normal and not Bangtan." She whispers the last part and you mouth a thank you to her.

"We're about to go and see them, want to come?" You ask and she nods.

Slowly, you and Jimin swivel on your beds and help each other out of them. You're both a little unsteady so Eunjae steps in the middle and helps you, surprisingly strong for a girl of her height. The three of you ignore the doctor's complaints and worries as you step out of the room and along the corridor to another. Jimin slides the door open and you all hobble in.

Shouts and cries of your name erupt as soon as you enter but you take your time to look at all of them before responding. Physically, they all seem very tired and very weak, but most have a smile on their face. The exception of course being Yoongi who's sulking in the bed closest to you.

You let go of Eunjae and move over to the scowling man, sitting on his bed. He looks at you for a second before turning back to glaring holes in the wall ahead of him. You sigh and wrap your arms around his shoulders.

"How are you feeling?" You ask him softly.

He untucks an arm and holds it up so you can see. It's covered in healing burns and looks painful, you're suddenly aware of where else must be burnt and remove your arms.

"He'll be fine." Namjoon's calm voice says and you turn to him. "We'll all be fine thanks to you." 

"Thank Eunjae, she's the one who helped fight and got us out of there." You say.

"What a woman." Jimin says to her with a smirk.

Eunjae rolls her eyes at the comment and pushes him down gently onto the nearest chair, causing the rest of the room to laugh. 

You suddenly notice that there are only five beds in this room and you turn to Namjoon worriedly.

"Where's Tae?" You ask, your heat beating faster and faster in your chest.

"He's still out, the doctors are still running tests on him." He says and you stand up shakily.

"I need to see him." 

Yoongi puts a hand on your arm and brings you back down.

"Let him be Y/N. He'll be fine, he just needs more rest than us." He says calmly, although you sense the anger in his voice from his family being hurt.

"Before you can see him, you need to tell us what happened." Hobi says seriously and the others nod.

"None of us remember properly, and the doctor's have told us that nothing is wrong. A few physical injuries from the fight but nothing abnormal in our system." Namjoon says.

You look down at your hands, suddenly afraid of telling them.

"Please tell us Y/N." Jungkook's quiet voice makes you look up.

You take a shaky breath. "It was the only way to save you. If I hadn't then you would never be free from control. Chonghyun explained that the original power that he had injected into you could be controlled, and shut down so I... I took your powers away from you."


There's a mixture of reactions when the thought finally settles in their minds. Namjoon nods in calm acceptance. Jimin and Hobi both wail. Yoongi just settles back in his pillow muttering a swear of relief. Jungkook freezes with wide eyes. Jin throws his hand out which would normally ignite sparks but to prove your point nothing happens and he looks at his hand with a mix of awe and shock.

"Would it not apply to you as well Y/N?" Namjoon says.


He brings a hand to his chin. "You only have your powers because of the radiation that came off us. Surely that means we transferred some of the serum that was in us to you. So when you shut down the powers, you would have been affected as well." 

His intelligent thought makes your eyes widen and immediately you try to push something back with the wind. But, as he predicted, nothing happens and your shoulders drop.

"I guess we're all in the same boat then." You say wearily.

"At least we'll be able to live more normally now." Hobi says.

"But without our powers we can't be superheroes anymore. What will we do?" Jungkook asks.

"We'll get normal jobs and live our lives like normal people. It's better for us this way." Namjoon says and gives Kookie a reassuring pat on the back.

Suddenly, the door opens and a nurse pops her head in. 

"Y/N?" She asks, eyes scanning the room.

"Here." You say and she looks at you.

"Kim Taehyung's woken up and is asking for you." She says and your heart jumps in your chest.

You stand up and slowly walk over to her where she leads you out of the room.

"Only me?" You ask and she nods solemnly.

"I'm afraid so." She says as you walk down the corridor.

"Why?" You ask but instead of answering she opens the door and ushers you inside.

Tae is sitting up in his bed and his eyes grow wide when he sees you.

"Y/N!" He holds his arms out and you rush into them, stumbling onto his bed and holding him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're awake!" You say through tears you didn't even notice were there.

"Have you been waiting long?" He asks and smiles his usual boxy smile.

You shake your head. "No, I was just talking with the boys so it wasn't too bad."

He stops smiling. "Who?"

Your heart plummets. "The others. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin and Jungkook?"

He shakes his head slowly. "Who are they?"

I'M SORRY I HAD TO! Last cliffhanger I promise, it was just absolutely necessary here. 4K reads and 218 votes is amazing though! Thank you all so much and your support through all my procrastinating is incredible. Please tell me what you think and maybe even tell me what you think is going to happen next. We've still got a few chapters left with this fanfic so let's make the most of them! Thank you for reading x

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