Be my Queen ✔

By randomthingsbyme

490K 13.9K 1K

Priscilla. An intelligent and obedient daughter of one of the most prominent couple in Edinburgh.Only focused... More

Prologue (✔ edited)
Chapter 1 - The Talk About Getting A Girlfriend (✔ edited)
Chapter 2 - Day With The Best Friend (✔ edited)
Chapter 3 - Oh No! (✔ edited)
Chapter 4 - The Worried Family (✔ edited)
Chapter 5 - Losing (✔ edited)
Chapter 6- Grief (✔ edited)
Chapter 7- Awakening (✔ edited)
Chapter 8 - Amnesia (✔ edited)
Chapter 9 - Remembering (✔ edited)
Chapter 10 - A New Life (✔ edited)
Chapter 11-Someone Got A Job (✔ edited)
Chapter 12-Piano (✔ edited)
Chapter 13-A Month Before Graduation (✔ edited)
Chapter 14-It's A Celebration (✔ edited)
Chapter 15-Memories (✔ edited)
Chapter 16 - Flirts And Realization (✔ edited)
Chapter 17- Dinner And A Thief? (✔ edited)
Chapter 18-Jealousy (✔ edited)
Chapter 19 - Sweet Day (✔ edited)
Chapter 20 - A Not So Close-mouthed Luis (✔ edited)
Chapter 21 - Meet The Parents (✔ edited)
Chapter 22- Dinner Of Surprises (Part 1) (✔ edited)
Chapter 23-Dinner Of Surprise (Part 2) (✔ edited)
Chapter 24-Dinner Of Surprises (Part 3) (✔ edited)
Chapter 25-Over (✔ edited)
Chapter 26 - Uncertainty (✔ edited)
Chapter 27-Lady Silena (✔ edited)
I'm back! :D
Chapter 28-Princess Catherine (✔ edited)
Chapter 29-Stay or New York? (✔ edited)
Chapter 30-Let's Move On (✔ edited)
Chapter 31-Kate, The Model (✔ edited)
Chapter 32-Open Up (✔ edited)
Chapter 34-Surprise Visits and Meetings
Chapter 35 -The Sixth Friend
Chapter 36 - Meeting's Report
Chapter 37 -Three a.m. Calls
Chapter 38-The Other Side
Chapter 39-Hi, New York
Chapter 40-The Master Plan
Chapter 41 -The Fashion Show
Chapter 42-Last Chapter
Attention ♥

Chapter 33- Tell Me (✔ edited)

7.8K 250 20
By randomthingsbyme

Updated. xx

Dedicated to thumbelina_ for making the trailer on the side. :)


Chapter 33— Tell Me

As Catherine was still on the shower, Jason dialled for the prince’s number. He then clicked the red button as he paced the room back and forth. It was half an hour before five in New York which meant that it was almost eleven in the evening at the Kingdom. Reluctant to disturb his best friend, he sent him a message first. Once you read this, call me immediately.”

He ran a hand across his dark brown hair and looked outside the window. They have been looking for Priscilla for a few months now. There had been no lead to her whereabouts and even him, he was getting frustrated. He doesn’t have to be in his best friend’s situation to know what it feels like. He just knew that it would hurt, a lot.

He was ten pulled out of his thoughts when his phone rang. It was undoubtedly Stephen. As soon as he answered it, he heard his best friend saying, “What’s the matter? Is there something wrong? What happened to Cath? Wait, is this Cath? What happened to Jason? Is every—”

“Bro, chill. We’re fine. Noting bad happened, alright?” Jason chuckled cutting the prince off. It was very un-prince like of him to blabber and to act like a worry wart. But then again, Jason wouldn’t blame his best friend. As a protective brother, being miles away from your younger sister could make you worry.

“Thank God.” He heard Stephen blew a sigh of relief. “So, why do I have to call you at this hour? It’s almost midnight and I’ve got to go to the parliament tomorrow morning. This better be important.”

“I know if I didn't  tell you right away, you’d still be flying all your way here to New York to kick my ass after you ‘fix’ everything.”

“Just go straight to the point. I have to be up early. If this is not important I’ll be hanging up now.”

“Trust me you would love to hear this.”

“Tell me.” Stephen answered in a more demanding tone.

“Have you found Priscilla yet?” Jason asked. He knew this has caught his best friend’s attention.

“Nope.” The prince answered as he slump his shoulder.

“What if I tell you I think you were right about looking for Natasha so we could find Priscilla?”

“What?” Stephen’s eyes grew wide. “Have you found her?”

“There are lots of blonde girls here. I don’t want to get your hopes up but I think I saw Natasha earlier.” Jason informed the prince. “I’ll have to make sure. I’ll look for Priscilla and will call you as soon as i find anything.”

“I’d fly there as soon as we’re sure it was Natasha.” Jason just nodded. “Thanks a lot, bro.”

“No big deal.” Jason smiled. “If you’re going to ask how life here is in New York, it’s good. We’re still adjusting but people here are really helpful. No one knows about your sister’s secret aside from me and Zac. Don’t worry.”

“That’s great. I’ll call you tomorrow after my business with the parliament and I also want to talk to Cath.” The prince said before he yawned. “Where is she?”

“She’s in the shower. I’ll tell her you’ll talk to her tomorrow. Good night.”

“Good night.” With that, the prince hanged up.


Natasha kissed Ethan before he walked out of her apartment. She waved him good bye before going back to the apartment she had shared with Priscilla. Today was her birthday. She was thankful for the little surprise her best friend had prepared for her. She wasn’t expecting it since she knew Priscilla might be busy.

A homemade cake and pizza welcomed her when she got home. Not to mention, her boyfriend was there holding a box of gift for her. She was thankful and happy, of course. She was just worried about her best friend. She had noticed how her best friend would space out while they were having dinner. She noticed she wasn’t focused while they were watching a movie earlier. She knew something was bothering her best friend.

“What happened?” Natasha asked, leaning her body against the wall of their apartment. She was looking at Priscilla who was staring at nothing in particular. “Don’t try to lie.”

Sighing, Priscilla answered. “Nothing, really. Don’t worry.”

“Nothing but you has been spacing out half the time?” Natasha raised her eyebrows. “Oh wait, I should call Ethan and ask him if you’re like this before I came.”

“I’m just tired, maybe? Plus, I’m thinking.” Priscilla answered making her best friend’s eyebrows rose further. “I’m thinking about work, okay?”

“Really?” Natasha pressed as she walked over and sat beside Priscilla on the couch. “Work?”

“Yep.” Priscilla answered, popping the ‘p’.

“You won’t be spacing out if it’s just work, Priscilla.” Natasha crossed her arms over her chest as she studied her best friend.

“Fine.” Priscilla rolled her eyes. “I was thinking about my conversation with Maxine earlier.”

“Okay? What about it?”

“W-well… N-not really with Maxine… I meant with her husband.” She said trying to drive the topic away from what really was on her mind.

“Don’t tell me her husband was flirting with you. Oh gosh, that’s a little disgusting. Wait, does he look like Tom Cruise?”

“Eww, no!” Priscilla looked at her best friend unbelievably. “He just thanked me for not making his wife stressed. He told me I’ve been praised and mentioned by Maxine to him. I never knew Maxine thought of me that way.”

“That’s it?”

“What that’s it?” Priscilla asked Natasha confusedly.

“You were spacing out just because Maxine praised you?” Natasha said in disbelief. Priscilla just nodded in response. “You aren’t lying to me, Priscilla but I know you aren’t telling me the entire truth.”

“I’m not lying to you, Tash.”

“You’re not telling me the whole truth though.” Natasha crossed her arms over her chest. “What’s bothering you, really?”

“Nothing. Come on, it’s your birthday. You shouldn’t worry about me. I’m okay.” Priscilla smiled at her best friend. “How was work?”

“Don’t try to change the topic, Pris.” Natasha told her eyes in slits. “I won’t be dropping this subject. What’s bothering you?”

“Fine.” Priscilla sighed. “I was just thinking of what Maxine has told me.”

“What about it?”

“She was talking to me about love. She opened up with me. Then she asked me if I tried to hear him out.”

Natasha smiled before answering. “I don’t know everything about your conversation with her but my instincts tells me that she’s actually right. I know you and I know him. We both know the answer to that.”

“I did. I read his letter.” Priscilla looked down. Actually, she had read it multiple times secretly. “I…I understand him. I’ve forgiven him. I can’t remember being angry at him now, honestly.”

Natasha just listened as Priscilla continued. “I just don’t know how to talk to him. I mean, do I really need to? He has that Silena anyway.”

“Who’s Silena?” Natasha asked, scrunching up her nose in confusion. “Who the hell is this Silena trying to mess up with my OTP?”

“OTP? Seriously, Tash?”

“I’m freakin’ serious. Isn’t it obvious I’ve been supporting the two of you since I don’t know.” Natasha rolled her eyes. “Now, who is this bitch?”

“She isn’t a bitch. She is Lady Silena from another kingdom. She’s a noble. She’s pretty, actually. Curly raven hair and a—”

“Oh, shut up! Don’t start with this noble thingy with me. I know you think you aren’t perfect for Stephen because he is a prince. Quit it, okay?” Natasha cut her off when she began to praise Silena.

“It’s the truth.” Priscilla answered. She then took a deep breath as she ran a hand through her hair. “Stephen and I? It’s complicated. This isn’t a fairytale. This is for real.”

“Is being pessimistic one of the side effects of being in love?”

“I’m not being pessimistic. I’m…I’m being realistic!”

“See? You’re still in love with him!”

“Okay, okay. You win. I still do.” Priscilla, once again took a deep breath. “I still do but our story has already ended. You haven’t read the news, have you? He’s dating that…that Silena already! I saw it! I’ve read the news. There’s pictures… they were dancing happily. They were close!”

Priscilla began sobbing. All the emotions she kept bottled inside her had reappeared. Natasha immediately wrapped her arms around her best friend. “It’s okay, Pris. It’s okay.”

“Also…I have read that they were often seen together. She would always visit him and she’s close to his family already.” She added in between her sobs.

“You’re jealous. You’re just jealous. Want to know something I’ve learned after months of working in the fashion industry and meeting some famous personalities along the way?” Natasha said making Priscilla look up to her.

“Some are just rumors, Pris. Some rumors are just made up for publicity. Have you heard an interview from both of them? Have you read any confirmation about their relationship?” Priscilla shook her head in response

“Unless you heard one of them confirms it, then it’s not true. You know you can always call him, right?” Natasha told her best friend. “If you don’t know his number, I’m sure your mom or your dad has it.”

“Thanks, Tash. I will as soon as I get enough courage.”

“Take your time, Pris.” Natasha smiled. “For the mean time, I don’t think you were actually paying attention with what I was saying during dinner, were you?”

“I…uhh… I am. Fashion show, right?” Priscilla guessed hesitantly.

“You’re lucky. Yes, fashion show. So, would you like to come with me? I got two tickets from Portia when she found out today is my birthday.” Natasha invited her, grinning.

“Why not ask Ethan? I’m sure he’d love to accompany you.”

“He has a photo shoot scheduled on that day. It’ll be on the last Saturday of the month. Saturday’s your off.”

“Okay, okay. What should I wear?”

“Just dress up. The new line is Royale I think. I’ll just confirm things if we have to be posh or something but just dress up.”

Royale? Why that name though?”

“I really don’t know about Zac.” Natasha shrugged. “Are you feeling better now?”

“Yep, thank you.” Priscilla smiled before she hugged her best friend tight. “I’m so glad to have you here. Thank you.”


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Thank you guys for sticking with me. This book has actually reached #81 in the chicklit category and #484 in the romance category. Thank you!


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