Fallen Angel |Loki FanFic

By DerpyDoges

963 48 11

While walking home you come across a odd person. He is standing in front of a party wearing golden armor and... More

Chapter 1-Golden Armor
Chapter 2-Ravens
Ch.3 Fallen From The Heavens
Chapter 4- Interrogation
Chapter 5 Long Time, No See
Chapter 6 Battle Wounds
Chapter 7- Frost
Chapter 8 Awake
Chapter 9- Goodbyes
Chapter 10- Late Night
Chapter 11-
Chapter 12-
Chapter 13- Fighting The Demon
Chapter 14-
Chapter 15-
Chapter 17- Late Night Visiters
Chapter 16- New Time, New Life
Chapter 18- Old Memories
Chapter 20- What Do We Do?
Chapter 21- Hello
Chapter 22- Gone
Chapter 23? (idk anymore)
Chapter 24- Camp of Misfits
Chapter 25- The Skys

Chapter 19- You're Back!!!!

14 2 0
By DerpyDoges

Tony's fist was stopped by a figure that had on a green cloak with yellow trimming. The hood was up so Stefan couldn't tell who it was. Tony was shocked, "Wha-what the-" he tried to hit the figure but this time Stefan stopped him. 

Captain America came into the room and pulled Ironman out. Stefan was left with the figure. 

Capt didn't see the person, but i know only one person that can do that' Stefan thought

The figure turned to Stefan. "Fenix, where is she?" it asked. Stefan thought the voice was familiar but shook off the thought. "She- she died," he answered. The figure sighed and moved his head to Dr. Walt, who was lying on his bed. "We need to deal with this man," the cloaked person said. Stefan stood quietly as the figure walked to out the room.

After a while the figure came back. "911 was called," the said. Stefan recognized  the voice. "Wanda? Is that you?" Stefan stepped toward the person under the cloak. The figure looked up, it WAS Wanda. 

"How do you know that?" 

"Its me, Fenix, I died, but i came back, where's Pietro? Is he okay," Stefan stopped talking and looked to his father. He mumbled something and sat next to him. Wanda stayed next to Stefan as the ambulance came to get Peter and to bring Sigwalt to the morgue. 


Tony was put into a separate room as James and Steve questioned Stefan. "What happened!" Steve yelled. "It was an accident," 

"No an accident is spilling milk, you put Peter in the hospital!"

James walked up to Stefan and looked him in the eye, "Why did you do it," he asked sternly.

"I thought he would have hurt my father, I LOST CONTROL IM SORRY!" 

Steve walked up to Stefan and punched him, "What is your name?" he yelled. Stefan was shaken, but mumbled out "Stefan Ward Stein," Steve punch him again. Thor walked into the room just then. "I WAS GONE FOR A FEW YEARS AND YOU ALREADY ARE FIGHTING?!" 

Steve explained what happened to Thor and what he was doing. Thor nodded and walked to Ward. Thor sighed and looked Stefan in the eye, "I am going to tie you up, okay? You'll thank me later," 

Thor got the winged mammal tied to the wall with chains. Thor got really close to Stefan and asked, "What's your name?" He looked up at the god of thunder and told him his name. Thor then punched Stefan square in the jaw.

Stefan's thoughts jumbled up. Thor held the fallen angels chin in his hand.  "Look at me," Stefan obeyed and looked into Thor's eyes. "What is your name?" Stefan answered again, Thor hit him again. 

This went on until Steve told Thor to stop. Thor told Steve to wait, "Okay, now tell me what you are," he said. The question stirred in Ward's mind until he spoke. "I am Aamon, the thing that hides in your closet, under your bed, and in the depths of your mind," 

Stefan began to laugh. Thor hit him one more time and knocked him out cold. "What was that," Bucky asked while walking toward the unconscious person. "That my friend, was a demon, most fallen angels have one, but our friend Stefan here, has kept his on a tight leash, until now," Thor said proudly, happy that he used the human term 'on a tight leash' properly.

"How do you get rid of it," Steve asked.

"Now that part, I'm not sure,"



Thanks for reading, if you want more X-Reader i made a story about Jacksepticeye and his neighbor, check it out!


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