Handle it

By alexmarie__

11.6K 441 4

Nique's boyfriend is playing her will she pull a him on him or will she stay with him and just take it More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chaptet 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chaptet 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 17

257 10 0
By alexmarie__

Tanisha's Pov
I hear yelling and I get up and I walk downstairs and I look at Cameron and laugh. He looks at all of us. "It's not funny." Nique looks at Cameron. "I told you to sleep with one eye open but you didn't." Cameron looks at her. "Ok Nique if that's how you want to play it." Nique shakes her head and walks back in the room. I look at Cameron and say. "Just let it go cause you're not going to win this." Cameron look at me. "Nah She better sleep with one eye open tonight." I look at him and say. "She going home today." I walk back in my room and I walk in my bathroom. I turn on the shower and I take off my clothes and pin my hair up and get in the shower. I take a shower and I get out 30 minutes later and I dry off and turn the shower off. I put on my blue jean shorts and a tank top and my slides and I walk out the bathroom. I grab my phone and keys and I walk downstairs. Cameron looks at me and says. "Give me Nique's number." I look at him and say. "Why?" He looks at me and says. "I'm trying to ask her something." I shake my head and I give him Nique's number and I walk outside and get in my car and I drive off.
Nique's Pov
I get up and I look at Kaylee. "We should go out tonight." She looks at me and says. "Go where?" I look at her and I shrug. She shakes her head and says. "We can go to the club,invite Cameron and Carson." I look at her. "Hmm So you like Carson now." She rolls her eyes and says. "No I don't even know him." I roll my eyes and I get my phone and call Cameron and wait for him to answer.
Phone convo
Me: wassup
Cam cam😻🙄: wassup Nique
Me: me and my friend was wondering,do you and Carson want to go out with us.
Cam cam😻🙄: mhm yeah where we going
Me: I have no idea
Cam cam😻🙄: I'm hungry so let's go out to eat
Me: you always hungry
Cam cam😻🙄: no I'm not
Me: yes you are but where we going to eat at
Cam cam😻🙄: I'm not and we can go to the Park Tavern
Me: uh huh and boy I never heard of that
Cam cam😻🙄: Just meet us at Tanisha's house and I'll drive us there
Me: ok bye
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I look at Kaylee. "We going out to eat,cause apparently Cameron hungry." She looks at me. "Ok that's cool."
Cameron's Pov
I look at Carson and I hear my phone ringing and I stand up I get my phone out my pocket and I see that it's Nique calling and answer it.
Phone convo
Bae Nique😍😍: wassup
Me: wassup Nique
Bae Nique😍😍: me and my friend was wondering,do you and Carson want to go out with us.
Me mhm yeah where we going
Bae Nique😍😍: I have no idea
Me: I'm hungry so let's go out to eat
Bae Nique😍😍: you always hungry
Me: no I'm not
Bae Nique😍😍: yes you are but where we going to eat at
Me: I'm not and we can go to the Park Tavern
Bae Nique😍😍: uh huh and boy I never heard of that
Me: Just meet us at Tanisha's house and I'll drive us there
Bae Nique😍😍: ok bye
End of convo
I hang up the phone and look at Carson. "We going out to eat with Nique and one of her friends." He looks at me. "Aight bro." I walk upstairs and I walk in the bathroom and turn on the shower. I close and lock the door and I take off my clothes and I step in the shower. I take a shower and I get out 15 minutes later and I get out and dry off. I wrap the towel around my lower body and I turn off the shower and walk out the bathroom and I walk across the hall into the guest room I'm staying in. I close the door and I put on my clothes and shoes and I grab my phone and keys and I walk out the room and go downstairs. I sit on the couch and wait for Nique 30 minutes later I hear a knock on the door and I get up and open the door and I see Nique with the girl from the party. I step to the side and let them in and Nique looks at me and says. "Mhm who you trying to impress." I look at her. "The only girl that matters you." Nique smiles shyly and Carson looks at me. I look at the girl from the party and say. "What's your name?" She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "It's Kaylee why?" Nique looks at me. "I'm sorry she's a little rude." I look at Nique and say. "Like you." Nique punches me in the arm and walks out the house. I follow behind her and unlock the car doors. Nique gets in the car and I get in also and we wait on Carson and Kaylee. They get in the car and I look over at Nique. "I was just playing." She glares at me. "Uh huh."  I start the car and drive off. Nique turns on the radio and I glance over at her. I drive to Park Tavern and we pull up in the parking lot a hour later and get out and Nique looks at me. "Boy you brought us all the way out here,we could've just got some Wendy's or something." I look at her and say. "You always eating Wendy's." Kaylee looks at me. "You right she does." Nique glares at me and the She glares at Kaylee. Carson looks at us and say. "Y'all can get off Nique." I shake my head. "Just come on." We walk inside the restaurant and I walk to the hosts and ask for a table for 4. She walks us to a table and we sit down and she hands us our menus. I look at Nique. "What you want?" She looks up from her menu. "I don't know yet." Carson looks at the waiter and orders his food. Nique looks at the waiter and says. "I'll have the steak well done with a loaded potato and some corn with a pink lemonade." Kaylee says. "I'll have the same thing." I look at Carson and then at the waiter. "I'll have some ribs with fries and broccoli." Nique looks at me and shakes her head. "You nasty." I shake my head. "Girl that's not nasty." Carson looks at Nique. "He eats food only he would eat." I look at Kaylee. "You okay cause you not saying anything." Nique looks at me and says. "Yeah she's ok she just got a crush on Carson,and she tends to get shy around niggas she like." Kaylee glares at Nique.

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