Painted Wings (A Fallacy x En...

By ChildofBears

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NOTE THE BOOK COVER ARTWORK IS MINE I DREW IT FOR THIS BOOK Most of the characters belong to rouge The only c... More

Before you Begin
Before you begin 2021 Edit
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Erra and other stuff
Chapter 16
Chapter 17(1/2)
Chapter 17(2/2)
um so this happened
Chapter 18
Shitpost 1
more Shitposts/vines
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Heights and Looks drawings
Delta Rune
Happy Birthday!
This has to be said...
One more thing...
Bad news.....
To the readers
Update + Bnha/Mha book
Sooo... Rewrite

Chapter 19

1.5K 57 9
By ChildofBears

(Hey yall i want to remind you guys that there is a contest for a new book cover for this book and there is a chapter especially for the contest so if you want please check it out if your intrested.)

Encre's P.O.V:

I woke up with pain in my ribcage and my vision blurred. I heard muffled footsteps come up some type of stairs. I saw a familiar yellow figure beside me then quickly run off. When my vision finally cleared I saw I was in a medic room. Dr Lofty's medic room.

I was back in the village...

I sat up quickly and looked around hoping this was just a dream.....It wasn't. Right next to my bed were clean clothes on a chair. They didn't look like my regular clothes but I guess they were for me to wear till I get my old ones back. I slowly got out of the bed and walked over to the mirror in the corner.
It was me, of course, I was just in my undergarments. But there was one thing that caught my eye about how I looked. There was a deep crack in my ribcage. "Oh, I remember," I said aloud. "Carlos strucked me with his knife." I stared into the mirror for a long time going over my memories of what had happened since I arrived at the castle. I sighed and grabbed the clothes on the chair and got changed.

When I finished I saw Dr. Loft rush up stairs with Eterna beside her. "Encre you awake!" Lofty yells excitedly.
"Yes I am, how long was I out for."
"Two months........" she says quietly.
"WHAT!!!!!" I yelled loud enough for the whole village could hear.
"Calm down Encre your alright now your back in the village," Eterna says in a calming voice.
"I know that but I dont want to be here!!! I-I...." Suddenly tears start puting down my cheeks as I fell to the floor. I cupped my hands to my face and cried. "I-I dont want to be here!" I say. "I want to be at the castle, I want to be with Jasper, Suave, Erra, the maids, and...and..." I look up at Eterna and Lofty who were hovering above me, both showing concern on their faces. "And Fallacy....." I say in a whisper-yell. Their concern then turned into shock when I said that.
"But why?!" Eterna asks.
"Becuase I love him!!!! I love all of them!! They treated me better than anyone else in this...this, THIS SHITHOLE!" I yelled and got up. I destroyed the room but it only made me cry more since it looked the way Fallacy destroyed Erra's room. Eterna and Lofty then guided me to the bed and asked me to explain everything. So I did.

"So wait, you weren't a prisoner?" Lofty asks.
I shake my head. "No I wasn't, well at first I was, but as I told you me and Fallacy kinda fell in love," I smiled. "I guess I have to thank Erra and Suave,"
"Encre you said Erra got attacked and so her wings got cut off right?" Lofty asked again.
"Yes?" I said confused.
"Well I heard that Vampire wings do grow back so she wont be wingless for long."
I glanced over to Eterna who looked a bit down.
"Hey Eterna whats wrong?" I asked her.
"Um, I think I hurt her, Erra I mean," I stared at her confused.
"I think it was when I went after Tim and Stitch into the forest. There was a vampire and she...looked at me but didnt attack me. And yet I attacked her and I torn her wings badly."
"What did she look like," I said with a hint of anger in my voice.
"Small, like 4'11, and golden eyes, thats all I remember before I ran away back to the village." I was quiet rage filled my bones again. "I never ment to hurt her it was just....programed in my mind to attack vampires...." she says. I was able to calm myself down a bit and sighed. "Shes fine now luckily,"
"Encre I'm still so sorry,"
"Its fine Eterna though Fallacy might not think that. "
"How bout w-we switch topics?" Lofty suggests.
"Yeah, okay so I want to go back to the castle,"
"We know but we cant take you back"
"Why not Lofty?!"
"Becuase we need to take you to the king and he might not let you go again."
"Then I'll make him let me go, I want to see my family." Lofty and Eterna look at eachother then back at me. Lofty opens her mouth to say something until a skeleton dressed in blue comes rushing up the stairs. Followed by a skeleton dressed in red.
"Encre your back!" And the blue one runs up and hugs me. "Azure! He just got out of bed an hour ago be careful!" Lofty yells.
"Sorry Lofty," Azure says and lets go of his grip on me.
"So how you doing Encre long time no see," I looked over to the skeleton in red.
" Im not that great but its nice to see you Rufus and Azure,"
"How come?" Rufus asks.
"He wants to go back to Fallacy's castle," Eterna says.
"What!" Rufus and Azure yell in union. "Why?" Azure asks grabing my shoulders. I sigh.
"I guess I have to explain it agian."

After I was done explaining it to Azure and Rufus another guard walks into the room to say its time for me to see the king. Lofty gives me my old clothes back to wear to the castle. I change and we get into the carriage that was waiting outside. Rufous and Lofty waved as the carriage went on its way. I sighed. All I want is to see Fallacy. I guess I ahve to wait a bit longer. I guess I fell asleep becuase the next thing I knew Azure was shaking me awake and yelling that we've arrived. I sighed as I got out of the carriage and looked at the huge castle in front of me and then I walked inside.

(1035 words)

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