Free Willed Rose (Supernatura...

By kyriesr

21.4K 898 112

My life was normal then, I went to hell, escaped, and now I find out I'm in "Supernatural."Oh come on! Rose h... More

Chapter 1: A Deal
Chapter 2: Hell, the End, and Hell Again
Chapter 3: The Devil
Chapter 4: Freedom
Chapter 5: Questions Finally Answered.
Chapter 6: Meeting a Runaway
Chapter 7: Suspicious much.
Chapter 8: What Now?
Chapter 9: I'm a Girl
Chapter 10: I've got problems
Chaper 11: A year and mostly truth
Authors note
Chapter 12: Saving Jess Step One
Chapter 14: And so it Begings
Chapter 15: Time to join the Boys

Chapter 13: Saving Jess Step Two

1.1K 51 6
By kyriesr

pic belongs to:
AN: Hey, sorry for the long wait, I'll try to update more frequently. And thank you all for reading this. :)

"What" she said taking a step back.

"He is a demon." I repeated.

Jess looked at me with a look between scared and confused.

"What are you talking about I'm not a-"

I lifted up the carpet interrupting him, showing the devils trap. His attitude then changed, forming a cocky grin upon his face.

"What gave it away?"

"Oh nothing actually." I shrugged "I'm just not your average hunter so..."

Jess stood there in utter shock, "demon..." she muttered.

"So what now?" He asked his eyes shifting to black.

"Well..." I shrugged. "I mostly just caught you to show Jess here that there are demons and stuff. That and also to save her life."

"What!" She asked looking in my direction.

I tuned my attention to her. "Imagine all the horrible monsters that have been cauterized as fiction. Werewolf's, vampires, ghost, demons, and any thing else that gos a bump in the night; all real. And this-" I pointed to Bradly. "ass hole was going to kill you."

Jess stilled, mouth a gap. Looking at me eyes widened.

"How did you know I was going to kill her?" I heard, I turned to Bradly.


"How did you know?"

"Well.." I smiled "I know lots of things."

"What about Sam?"

I looked to Jess "what do you mean?"

"Was he going to hurt him to?" She stammered.

I sighed. "People who kill things like this are called hunters. For instance I'm a hunter, and when a hunter goes out to kill a monster, we call it a 'hunting trip'. Dean and Sam are both hunters, so is their dad. So right now there out looking for him." I explain to her. "But hunting's a hard life. That's why Sam left it."

I watched as she processed all that I said, she was about to say something else but-

"Hehe like he could ever get out." Bradly said.

Jess looked over at her former friend. "What's that suppose to mean!"

"You have no idea." He grinned, chuckling to himself.

"He means the fact that Sam is Lucifer's vessel, and needs him to start the apocalypse, so he can have a show down with his bro Michel."

They both looked at me. I could not tell who was more surprised, Jess had a WTF expression, while Bradly look completely in shock.

"How the Fuck do you know that?!" He shouted.

I gave him a straight face "I was roomies with Luce, and I have his dad on speed dial."

It was complete silence for awhile.

"What the fuck!" Bradly said. Jess just went to sit on the couch.

"Okay time to get ride of ya." I spoke moving towards Bradly.

He shrank from me. "You exorcise me I'll just go back and tell my boss what happened, and they'll just send someone else."

"Oh you think I'm going to send you to hell? No I'm sending you to a place of eternal sleep." I touched his head and with a bright light Bradlys body collapsed.

Jess stared in shock. "Is... is he dead."
The body's chest move. Letting Jess have a sigh of relief.

I knelt down to the body, and with a simple touch he disappeared.

Jess looked to me "what did you do?"

I stood up. "I sent him back to his dorm, he won't remember anything, he now has a anti possession tattoo, so he'll just think he got really drunk and got a tattoo." I shrugged.

She nodded "okay, can can you explain to me what the hell just happened!"

I gave another sigh before sitting down next to her giving her a brief summary of my life.

"So let me get this straight, you've been here sense the beginning of this world, you know God and the devil. And god brought you here to change things, and you know the future because of your past world. Yet Sam nor Dean know any of this!"

"Ya that about sums it up."

She gazed off into space for a long time before looking back at me.

"What's going to happen to me know?" She asked

"Well." I rubbed the back of my head. " you have a few options. One I can erase all your memories of this event, the Demons may not come after you now, but they will most likely come. Two I can fake your death, and you can move and start anew some where else, yet demons will still be on your tail."

"What about Sam?"

"Well Sam needs to start hunting again. I mean those two save the world. Not just from the apocalypse, but other things as well."

"Is there another option?"

"Well... there is but this is one I think has the best out come, and allows you to be able to remain in Sam's life. Maybe not presently, but in the long run. But it comes with a whole lot of sacrifices." I confessed

"What is it?"

"We fake you death. Exactly like in the original timeline. You come with me to a recently updated safe Secure location. There you will continue your studies in the medical field, but also in the Supernatural, and self defense. You may not be able to help them now, but you can really help Sam in the future."

There was a long pause.

"Okay." She said


"I've always had a safe life, a easy life. Yet it was dull. But then I meet Sam and my life filled with color. And if I was destined to die, yet now because of you I get a second chance. A chance to save my light. And if that means to give up everything, I mean I was going to die anyway. I might as well do something important right?" She asked looking at me.

I smiled, leaning forward and giving her a hug.
"I'm sorry it had to be this way."

"It's okay." She cried.

We held each other for awhile.

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