Blind (Sasuke Uchiha love sto...

By Animegurl96

26.9K 902 83

16 Year old; Kira Uchiha (blind since birth) the adopted daughter of the Raikaga finds herself in the hidden... More

Blind (Sasuke Uchiha love story)


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By Animegurl96

Kira's Pov

"I'm a part of that stupid clan" I blurted out covering my mouth 'damn it' I cursed under my breath. Whats with this guy bringing out the worst in me?

"What are you saying? You're a part of my clan? Since you know 'so much' about us. You should know that there was a massacre years ago and I'm the only survivor of my clan" He said irritated
But there was something in his voice. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew there was more than words could say here.

"Another thing I shouldn't have said" I mumbled

"If your going to talk with arrogance at least own up to it" he yelled at me

I felt awkward to say the least telling the only uchiha left that he isn't the only Uchiha. Plus he was an Uchiha with a major attitude, well Father Raikaga isn't going to be happy about this one, but I don't see myself getting out of this conversation without telling him.

"Your away that I'm the adopted daughter of the froth Raikaga?" I asked
"Hn" was his answer so I continued
"I'm adopted out of the Uchiha clan. My parents didn't want me due to my blindness and I've held a small grudge against them for it" I admitted for the first time to anyone. I always tried my best not to be upset over the fact they didn't want me and now I'm being questioned wither or not I was actually born to them. I wanted to say hell no, but it was true even if I wished it wasn't.

It was a long was before he said anything to me and I know he was unease by the way he was breathing, pacing and slamming things like a child. I managed to do it, I pissed off my escort just like all the rest I managed to.

It was a while after that but finally he spoke

"You can't're not. Are you?" His conflicted words echoed throughout the cave


“No this can’t be, I’m the ONLY one left” He screamed
“Then explain my eyes, you said it yourself we both have visual power.  My eyes are special, where do you think they came from?” I asked mostly trying to explain.

Sasuke’s Pov

What she was saying didn’t make sense, this can’t be happening. I’m the only one left and that’s a known fact.  Could there really be another? No this is a lie. She’s lying to me

“Don’t ever call yourself an uchiha because you are not one. It’s not possible for you to be one. I don’t know how you got your ability nor do I care at the time being. But just because you have those eyes doesn’t mean anything” I said

“Ha you act as if I care about that last name. I don’t” She said only making me angry. I wish Naruto would have gotten this mission, not me. 

“Whatever at least I’m not worthless” I said walking out of the cave and into the cold rain. We would need water for the night so I didn’t’ have much of a choice but to go out and get it. Besides I didn’t want to be stuck with this girl at the time.

Kira’s Pov


Now that’s a word I hate hearing “God why does this always happen?” I stood up clutching my stomach. I had almost forgotten about what happened earlier.  My hand was still broken but it was wrapped up in a white cloth, along with my stomach.
This is just great…real great

The winds blew strong making me shiver “Hell of a storm” my voice echoed loudly. I started to walk out into the midst.  My hands still holding onto my stomach it was painful but nothing I couldn’t handle. I listened around the winds blowing rapidly through the forest that surrounded the place.  It was probably a beautiful sight even with the tree’s being blown by the strong wind and cold wet rain. A beautiful sight that I would never see a day in my life

“I shouldn’t feel this way...he's just arrogant ” I spoke aloud and how do I feel?  I felt guilty about what I said to my escort just minute’s ago but he wasn’t that nice either. I forced myself to move and slowly I began walking again and thinking about what he had said 'at least I’m not worthless' did he mean it? Why is it everywhere I go people think that way of me? I never done anything to anyone that badly to make complete strangers say that.

The sound of water flowing rapidly and chakra nearby it made me aware that he was gathering water for the night. I wasn’t exactly sure if this was my best idea but it was the only thing I knew to do and If I was already making bad relationships with people my Father would have a fit.  

I slowly kept my pace following my escorts chakra and the sound of the nearby river, while the rain poured down soaking my clothing and bandages
I walked passed tree by tree until I sensed him close he was straight ahead and I know he was aware of my presence

“You should be back in the cave resting” He said

He didn’t sound as pissed off as before, but I could tell he was still pretty mad
I didn’t reply and stumbled my way over to him, sitting down directly next to him. The guilt I had felt about the way I talked about his clan had started to hit me hard. Maybe I was being judgmental, it’s not like he was the one who abandon me. The guilty feeling seemed all too much so I just came out and said it

“I’m sorry” 

“For what?” He asked and I wondered if he just wanted to make me say it. “For talking to you the way I did. You’re my escort putting your life on the line for me. For that alone I should hold a little more respect for you” I scouted my knees to my chest locking my arms secure around them. I wondered what he would say or if he would say anything. It wasn’t like last time,  the air wasn’t so tense. It was peaceful despite the heavy rain.

“I get defensive about my clan so don’t worry about it” he spoke somewhat coldly but I had the feeling this was how he was to everyone. Even if he wasn’t trying to be rude, maybe this was his way of being nice. 

Sasuke’s Pov

I watched her silently and wondered even in her blind state did she know I was staring at her. The way she held herself with pride yet sadness took over.  I wasn’t any better than what she said calling her worthless wasn’t my highest point.

“Look…about that whole worthless thing-“- “Don’t worry about it. I’m used to it” she said her eyes glossing over.  The rain was pouring down hard enough to where I couldn’t tell if she was crying or not, but I had the feeling she was. I didn’t know what to say so I just started talking about her ability
 “So you can’t see faces and only outlines but it comes to your advantaged, that’s actually a pretty cool technique” I admitted trying to lighten the mood
“You really think so? I mean it only happens when my eyes are activated otherwise all I see is darkness” She said sadly and I had to admit I felt slightly bad for her. Being blind isn’t exactly easy and that’s just my point of view.

“Whats your name? I mean I’ve already got a nickname for you but I think it would be nice to know your actually name” she slightly giggled
“Nickname?” I questioned
“Mr. Happy” She answered “hn” I smirked “Well it’s Sasuke” 
“Sasuke? Hmm I like that” She smiled “It suites you” I nodded but once again forgotten that she couldn’t see.

“And I'm guessing from what those guys said earlier, your name is Kira?” I asked “Yes” She confirmed “Kira? Hmm I like that” I mocked her making her giggle

“I wish I could see you” she told me looking at me while she spoke “No one understands what it’s like to not know what the person looks like that your talking to. They can stare at you and see everything, but as for me… I’m staring at darkness”

She was right

I didn’t understand that feeling of not being able to see with your eyes


I grabbed a hold of her hands and brought them to my face “Maybe you can see me” I closed my eyes.

Her fingers probably felt every indention on my wet face; they caressed my closed eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, and chin.  I wondered if she could visualize me in her mind. “You have womanly features” She giggled making me grunt “So you look like your mother?” She asked.  I had a small flashback of her and choose not to answer that.
“Well I guess you’re very handsome” She smiled letting her hands fall from my face. This was the first time I ever really liked that someone told me I was handsome. “Thanks” I rubbed the back of my head.
I looked at her as she kept the same smile “You know…you’re not half bad yourself” I blurted out this being the first time I had ever complimented a girl and I sucked extremely bad at it. 'you’re not half bad yourself'? Really? That was the best I could do?!

 “wh..uh…really?” She blushed and looked turned away from me.

She actually took that as a compliment? I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing but I sighed in relief.

“Yeah” I half smiled never really being the type to get that happy over small talk, but I did start to feel happy I took this mission instead of Naruto.

Or this would really end up biting me in the ass

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