Meant To Be Secret

By ashtxnslemxntree

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/Luna Hemmings is Luke Hemmings' secret twin sister. When 5sos comes home for their Sydney show, Luna will go... More

-/1\- Welcome Home
-/2\- Let Down Their Guard
-/3\- The Uncovering
-/4\- Peanuts And Olives
-/6\- Start Talking Irwin
-/7\- Almost Perth
-/8\- A Flashback
-/9\- Hell Fucking Yeah!
-/11\- She Needs To Be Alright
-/12\- I Knew I Loved You For A Reason
-/13\- Cliche Much?
-/14\- The Crew
-/15\- Dope
-/16\- Don't Be So Sure
-/17\- Bullshit
-/18\- That Didn't Last Long
-/19\- L-Luke?
-/20\- Management...
-/21\- What Have I Done?
-/22\- Flashback
-/23\- Shut It!
-/24\- Pre Show Piggy Back Race
-/25\- My Idiot
-/26\- Just One Billie?
-/27\- What The Fuck?
-/28\- Kiss Me
-/29\- I Thought I Could Do This
-/30\- Was That Your Sister?
-/31\- Try Me
-/32\- To LA!
-/33\- Just Good?
-/34\- Shopping
-/35\- Save Me A Dance?
-/36\- First Things First
-/37\- This Was New...
-/38\- Don't Listen To This Idiot
-/39\- You've Done It Before
-/40\- Characters
-/41\- Rum And Coke
-/42\- You're Great
-/43\- Last Show
-/44\- Happy Birthday
-/45\- Want Pancakes?
-/46\- Open Your Eyes
-/47\- Ready Sweetie?
-/48\- The Future

-/5\- Band Dad Skills

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By ashtxnslemxntree

I woke up in my Adelaide hotel room feeling very tired and hungry. I looked over to Billie's bed. She was still fast asleep. I picked up my phone and checked the time. 6:45 am. Why the hell did I wake up so early? Well, I don't feel like going to sleep again so I'm going to go get coffee.

I grab the keys I have to the two other rooms. Greg is staying in his own room and we obviously don't get a key to his. I change out of my sweatpants into black skinny jeans and converse. I took off my shirt and put on Ashton's hoodie that I have yet to give back. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and grabbed my phone before walking out of the building itself.

I walked along the streets of Adelaide quietly. "Hi, I'm sorry," I heard. I turned around, kind of confused. "Oh sorry," I said moving out of the young girls way. "No, I was wondering if I could get a picture with you?" She asked. She looked around 12-13. "Oh, uh, yeah?" I said. She smiled and took her phone out and gave it to me. I took the photo and then she gave me a hug. "I think you're beautiful by the way," she said. I smiled to myself. "Awh, you're quite gorgeous yourself love," I said. She bounded away. Is this a thing that going to happen now? I got to the coffee shop and ordered everyone's usual. I walked out and began the walk back to the hotel. A couple of people squealed and looked at me but no one asked for a photo or a hug. Thank god, I was holding two trays of coffee. As I got back to the hotel, I stopped by Greg's room first, knocking on the door. He opened it groggily and I handed his own tray to him. "Ahh! You're a legend!" He said taking it. I smiled. I held on to the full tray I had left. I stopped by Michael and Luke's room and walked in with the key. They were both still asleep so I just put the coffees on the table and then walked over to the two beds. 7:25. They can wake up now. I stood in between their beds and slapped them both on the foreheads. They jolted upwards. "I got you both coffees, you have an interview today in an hour and 35 minutes, get in the shower and get dressed," I said. Michael laughed sleepily and went towards the coffees while Luke just kind of lied there. "Luke!" I yelled. He groaned with his eyes still closed. "You're my sister and you sound like a manager. I'll get up when I want to," he said. "Mate, do whatever you want then I'm leaving," I said. "Oh, and happy anniversary Mikey," I smiled changing my attitude completely. He smiled and nodded. I then set off to the other boys room. I walked in and saw Ashton sitting at a table wearing glasses and studying the back of a shampoo bottle. "Hey there Hemmings," he said. I put two coffees in front of him. "Hellooo," smiled. "What in the hell are you doing?" I asked. "Well I showered already so, I'm just bored and lonely," he said pouting. "I'd stay here with you but I have a coffee to deliver and you have to try and use your band dad skills to get my brother to get dressed," I giggled. "Band Dad Skills? Really?" He asked laughing. He got up and slapped Cal's butt which woke him up. "Coffee mate," he said. He then took his coffee and started on his way to Luke.

Back at my room, Billie had changed into an oversized black off the shoulder top with a skull on it, some black skinny jeans and a pair of black studded combat boots. She had her beautiful hair back in a low messy bun. "Hi, don't wear that hoodie," she said taking the coffee and pointing at me. I nodded understanding immediately. I took it off and put on a deep purple, oversized long sleeve top. I put a black beanie over my hair and put on some sunglasses. We hung out for a while in the hotel room with the boys.
Michael and Billie have been lovey dovey since they saw each other this morning.

We heard a knock at the door around 8:20. I looked down at the asleep Luke on my lap. He was curled into a ball and wearing a hoodie and some jeans. I poked him in the side and he stirred awake. He got up groggily and downed the rest of his coffee before jumping up and walking out the door with everyone else. We got in the uber that was called by Greg and headed to the radio room.

As we got there we got out and were immediately greeted by a short woman with bright blue hair. "Hi! My name is Paige and I will be interviewing you guys today," she said in a chipper voice. The boys hummed in agreement. We went into the building and Paige led us into a big room fit with a leather couch in front of a big blackboard. There was a table over in the corner that had heaps of radio equipment on it and was surrounded by chairs on wheels.

"Now, boys, you can sign that blackboard there before we start," she said. I looked over the board in awe. All Time Low, Blink 182. Jesus. I watched as they all signed their names separately before Michael wrote '5sos was here'.

"Shall we get over to the interview?" Paige asked running a hand through her hair. They nodded and sat around the table. Billie and I sat on the couch and watched.

I sat down next to Calum and took a pair of headphones. "Hey it's MinuteMusic and we're on with 5sos to start off your day," she said smiling. "Helloo," I said. "Hii!" Ashton followed. "So boys! Your recent song Youngblood reached number one on the Australian charts? How about that?" She asked. "Yeah, that was insane. Although we are so insanely thankful to everyone who helped get it there," Michael answered. "Yes, from 4 Aussie boys in a garage to 4 Aussie men with a number one song," she smiled. We laughed. "So, we have some questions that have been sent in by some fans, you up to answer some?" She asked. All of us said something along the lines of yes.

"Stacy from New York has said, we need more information on Michael and Billie," Paige said. We all chuckle and look over at Billie who has a completely scared expression on her face. "Well, uh, she's sitting over there," Mike smiled. He beckoned for her to come over. She awkwardly got up and sat on Mike's knee. They gave her a headset. "Hello," she said softly. I patted her shoulder, trying to ease her anxiousness. She smiled thankfully at me.

"Hello there," Paige said. "So, give us some relationship details," she continued. "Uh, well, we started dating last year when Michael met me at a Halsey concert. He was adorably tipsy and we exchanged numbers," she said looking lovingly at Michael. "Today's actually our one year anniversary," he smiled before kissing her cheek. "Woah, I think I speak for everyone when I say I can't wait for more relationship updates in the future," Paige smiled. Billie went back over to the couch.

Plenty of harmless questions passed. And then...

I took a sip from my water bottle as Paige read the next question. "Layla from Seattle has asked a question for Calum. What's the secret between you and Luke's sister Luna?"

I choked on my water and Calum spluttered nonsense. "There's nothing happening there," I answered for him, still half choking on water. "Uh, yeah, I've known Luna since high school. Although she is a beautiful girl and has an amazing personality, we are simply best friends, she's just as close to me as the rest of the band," Calum said. Luna was blushing at his words and he smiled at her. "You think my sister is beautiful?" I asked. "Uh yeah," he replied.

"Gross, I quit the band," I said chuckling. "So Luke why exactly did we only find out about Luna last week?" Paige asked. "Well, safety reasons we don't feel comfortable talking about at the moment. Although we are so happy with the feedback our fans have given us about the situation, Luna fits into our squad perfectly," I said laughing at my choice of words.

After the interview we played Youngblood live and then we all went out to lunch. We took some photos with fans and got our yoghurt before heading back to the hotel to gather everything for the show tonight.

The boys changed into their outfits for the show and so did Billie and I. Billie put on a black skater skirt with a camouflage cropped hoodie. I got changed into some black shorts and a cropped converse sweatshirt. I brushed my hair and Billie did hers into two long braids. We grabbed our stuff and got the boys before leaving. "Hey, guys Mike and I are going out for dinner before the show, we'll meet you outside the restaurant in about 45 minutes?" Billie said as the car stopped in front of a simple little corner restaurant. We nodded and they got out smiling. "Calum and I wanna go to EB games, you guys coming?" Luke asked. I shook my head. "I've got the games I want at the hotel," I said. "Yeah I'm cool," Ashton said.

As they got out at the shops Ash and I talked about what we wanted to do. "Wanna go to a restaurant?" I asked. "Which one?" He responded looking genuinely uninterested in being in this car with me. "I don't know, mayb-" I got cut off by his phone beeping aggressively. "Sorry, I have to go, I need to be somewhere," he said before literally jumping out of the fucking vehicle and slamming the door.

"Are you ok Luna?" Greg asked from the front seat. "Oh yeah, I'm fine but can we go so I can stop staring at the door waiting for one of them to come back," I said glumly. "Okay, I know what to do," he said. He drove for a while. I wonder what happened with Ash, he was fine before we got in the car. Who texted him asking him to meet somewhere?

The car stopped and Greg smiled. "Come on," he said. "Where are we?" I asked. I got out of the car and saw the Frozen Yoghurt shop sign. "Oh my god! Hell yes!" I screamed. We got some cups and filled them with yoghurt and toppings before getting back in the car and eating it in there. My phone began to ring. I answered it and held it to my ear. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, can you guys come pick us up, we're all outside the restaurant," Luke said. "Yeah I guess," I said sarcastically like it's a huge inconvenience. "See you soon," he said chuckling. "See you, bye," I said hanging up. "Back to the restaurant Greg!" I ordered sarcastically. "As you wish ma'am," he chuckled. I opened the car door as we got to the restaurant. Luke handed me a beer and I thanked him. They all had one already. Ashton, who had previously been seated next to me is now quietly sitting in the furthest possible seat away from me. I look at Calum and mouth 'what's up with him?'. He looked back at Ashton before shrugging at me. Thanks for the glorious help Cal.

We made our way to the venue where we walked through the back doors. The boys did sound check and I stood in the front row with Billie. We stood up in the seated areas talking as people began to fill up the hall. This is the first concert I've been to where I've been publicly known about. For the Brisbane and Melbourne shows I was terrified so I didn't go.

I watched the people come and find a seat or a standing spot. I then heard a group of girls scream. "That's Michael's girlfriend and Luke's sister!" One of them screamed pointing at us. I suddenly felt extremely awkward and shy. Billie just smiled lovingly at them and beckoned for them to come up here. The girls were around 16-17 I'd say. "Can I get a hug?" The small girl with red hair asked me. I nodded before wrapping my arms around her. She handed me her phone and I took a photo of us together. Then one with dark brown hair walked up to me. "Hey, Ariel right? You were in year 7 when I was in year 12," I said hugging her. She blushed before nodding. "I remember telling you that you reminded me of Luke Hemmings and you told me you didn't know who he was," she giggled. "Haha, yeah," I laughed.

After photos with more fans then I could count I waited for 5sos to start their set. I watched as the boys ran out on stage and I smiled. I cheered along with Billie and everyone else. "What's up Adelaide?!" Ashton shouted. He made eye contact with me right before jumping into a drum beat. I quickly avert my eyes to look at anyone else. Luke smiled at me while he was singing and I smiled back, waving. After a few songs and a lot of drinking the crowd began to chant. I looked at Billie who's mouth had dropped. They were screaming our names. What the fuck is happening?! Luke looked at all the boys. "Do you guys want Billie and Luna?! I can't tell!" Mike shouted. I sunk into my seat. I could feel people's eyes on me and I felt my anxiety build. The boys looked at me knowing what was happening. "One second Adelaide!" Luke said before they all ran off stage. Luke beckoned to us with his hand. Billie grabbed my hand and pulled me to the boys. Everyone cheered as they saw us walking to the boys. "Are you okay?" Luke asked hugging me tightly. "Someone wanna fill me in?" Billie asked. "She has really bad anxiety," I heard Cal whisper to her. Luke pulled away and looked me in the eye. "We don't have to if you can't handle it," he said lovingly. "No, I need to figure out how to deal with this. No better time like the present I guess," I said wiping my tears away. They ran out on stage. "I'd like to formally introduce you to Billie Jung and Luna Hemmings!" Michael shouted. Ashton smiled but it wasn't real. I know his fake smiles and that was one of them. I walked out on stage with Billie. I started wishing I wore something cuter. I did a small little wave and Billie did too. Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Who wants to hear them play something?!" Mike yelled. Billie smiled and I felt my heartbeat increase. Luke handed off his guitar to me and Mike handed his to Billie. Right before kissing her deeply, earning a cheer from the crowd and a roll of the eyes from her. "What're we playing girls?" Luke said before adjusting his microphone to my height. I whispered in Billie's ear and she nodded. I played the intro before leaning up to the microphone.

"Back in high school, we used to take it slow," I sang. The boys cheered at our choice, laughing. Ash and Cal followed our lead. Billie sang and played effortlessly.

After the song I smiled at the crowd who was cheering, suddenly feeling very awkward as I handed the guitar back to my brother. I ran off behind Ash. He grabbed my wrist gently but I gasped. "I need to talk to you after the show," he said with no emotion, not meeting my eyes. I pulled my arm out of his grasp harshly. "Talk to me when you have a better attitude," I said before walking off stage with Billie to enjoy the rest of the show.

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