18 & Over! (Lesbian Stories)

By AliciaBloMieLudick

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Hannah Miller is a eighteen year old teenager who mostly lives with her best friend. She was raised in a very... More

18 & Over! (GirlxGirl)
Chapter 1 - Bonfire Nights
Chapter 2 - Lipstick lullabies this is sorry for the last time
Chapter 3 - Hold on to your hats I see a storm coming.
Chapter 4 - Close your eyes and fall
Chapter 5 - The Dinner Date
Chapter 6 - You should be so lucky
Chapter 7- Horrible bosses
Chapter 8 - Prom Part 1
Chapter 9 - Prom part 2
Chapter 10 - Sometimes its magic
Chapter 11 - When the credits roll
Chapter 12 - Sometimes either it is there or it isn't
Chapter 13 - Don't blink you might miss it
Chapter 14 - I'll be the one who breaks my own heart
Chapter 15 - Slipping away
Chapter 16 - Hallowed out memories of you and I
Chapter 17 - Meet the parents
Chapter 18 - Stricking it dumb
Chapter 19 - Christmas part 1
Chapter 20 - Christmas Part 2
Chapter 21- light the fire to my bonfire heart
Chapter 22 - I'm going to make this place your home
Chapter 23 - Wedding bells
Chapter 24 - The in-laws
Chapter 25 - You make everything better
Chapter 26 - Lexi Hill
Chapter 27 - Lets hear it for the girl
Chapter 28 - Homecoming
Chapter 29 - Helping Hand
Chapter 30 - Please Listen
Chapter 32 - One more Week
Chapter 33 - Promises of tomorrow
Chapter 34 - When tomorrow comes where will you be?

Chapter 31 - Surprise surprise

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By AliciaBloMieLudick

Authors Message

Hey guys enjoy the chapter remember to comment


Beth P.O.V

My head was still hearing Kim's voice yelling but my feet..they were running. I never felt the them burning as much as they did right now and I knew that running was the only way. I needed to run and I needed to see her. I kept thinking back to the phone call and they way I heard Hannah yelling in the background. I should've been there. I didn't have time to think of what I could've or should've done right now. Right now running seems more important. Once and enter into the Hospital I grip onto the counter in front of me seeing a clearly irritated woman glaring at me.

"Sorry I'm.."I say trying to find my breathe "Han..Hannah Williams."

She looked blankly at me and I sworn I could've kicked her ass for being so damn unhelpful. Wasn't the whole point of her sitting here eating a donut to actually help people.

"I can't understand what you are saying if you keep talking like that."She said rolling her eyes taking another bite of her donut. Bitch.

Gritting my teeth I smile at her "Hannah Williams do you know in what room she is in?"

"Surgical Ward 3B."She said and just as I wanted to swear at her and throw my regular fit my feet had already started to run. Surgical Ward? Why would Han be in there? God we are going to lose the baby. She is going to hate me and i will hate myself forever if we do.

This is all my fault I should've just been honest with Hannah and not have this whole thing blow up in my face.

Once I finally found my way to the surgical Ward I heard it..crying. Worst of all it was Hannah crying and yelling and when I walked towards it I saw her lying there with my parents and Kim trying to calm her down. My heart fell as her eyes met mine and I rushed over to her.

"Is she okay?"I asked no one in particular holding her hand watching her as she seemed a million miles away.

"Beth her blood pressure is through the roof..the doctor..I think he will be in soon so that you can talk to him."My father said holding my crying mother.

"I don't understand she was fine.."I said holding her hand looking over her wishing I could take away her pain. I didn't have a clue what to do and it seemed like I couldn't even get through to Hannah. I wondered if she even knew I was here or if she was just consumed by the pain.

"Everything is going to okay baby I'll make sure of it okay. I will make sure they-"

"Beth just stop okay. You did this you were the one who stressed her up so much you know what..I can't deal."Kim says getting on the side of Hannah's bed and walking over to her hugging her tightly whispering something to her. "I'm going get some coffee."

Kim knew..meaning my parents knew. Everyone knew that this was my fault and how it killed me right now I still had to tend to Hannah. The most important right now was making sure she would be okay.

After a few moments of silence from me and my parents I saw the doctor come into her room and smile vaguely at me.

"Miss Williams can I speak to you alone?"He asked and my parents nodded walking out leaving us alone.

"What is going on? She is going to be okay right? I mean she has to be okay doc I need you to tell me that. If something were to-"

"Miss Williams your wife's blood pressure is dangerously high for her and the baby. If we have any chance of saving the baby than we need to get your wife into surgery as soon as possible. I have already booked an OR and she will be wheeled of in a few minutes."

"OR? Are you trying to tell me that you are going to do a C section? Doctor my baby is only 7 months old it's not time yet."I argue feeling my hand hold onto Hannah's protective and my body move in front of her trying to keep her safe.

"Beth..If we don't operate now we will lose both of them. Right now your baby has the best chance of surviving this if we get through this without any problems."

"What about Hannah? Look we had a whole plan and date. This is not how it was suppose to happen and you're not even our doctor..."

"Beth.."A soft voice said from behind me and I jumped at the sound looking at her seeing tears run down her face but smiling all the same."I'll be fine..I promise.."She said squeezing my hand with no effort or strength at all.

With that all I could do was nod. Within seconds they were rushing Hannah off into surgery and I stood in that room wondering if I had just lost her forever. No one seemed to believed that things were just going to be fine except Hannah. Not even my parents tried to put on a brave face which seemed the most terrifying.

It seemed like an eternity of me walking back and forth in the waiting room hearing Kim have some snide remark every now and then. If felt never ending and right now my chest was burning. I haven't had a cigarette for five years but right now it felt like I smoked a pack all at once. Perhaps the constant struggle to breathe had something to do with it and the anxiety of thinking that there was a very real scenario where the doctor would walk in here to tell me that Hannah didn't make it.

  The doctor said that the baby had a better chance of surviving. I didn't understand how that was even possible. How could I not know that Hannah had high blood pressure. How the hell was I going to raise a baby on my own without her..How was I going to raise a baby that had so much of Hannah inside her knowing Hannah would never knew or see or be with us.

"Where is she?!"A familiar voice echoed through the halls as I turned my head I saw them rushing towards me.

"Mr and Mrs Miller."I said unsure of how to react of even to bother trying to act like I cared what they thought

"I told you Eric but no you wouldn't listen and see now our daughter is in here."She said gritting her teeth looking over at me.

"Would you calm down and let Beth tell us what is going on."Her father said looking sympathetically at me.

Before I had the chance to say anything Kim was suddenly in front of me hugging Hannah's parents. They seemed a bit surprised but hugged her back as well. Figures that they would like Kim. Kim wasn't sleeping with their daughter.

" Hannah is in surgery they had to operate. Her blood pressure was sky high and they had to try to save the baby."

"Baby?"Her mother asked shocked now looking at me again. "Why didn't.."

"He knew."I said to her looking at Hannah's father "Because he was at our wedding and he made the effort. He is a part of our family which you aren't. "I said a bit harshly realizing I was still angry at her for making Hannah go to her wedding without her Mom there.

Kim interjected again quickly "So like I was saying..they said that they have a better shot at saving the baby and that they were um..going to do everything they could."She said her voice becoming a bit scrathy at the end.

"But Hannah is going to be alright?"Her mother asked again and at that point no one really knew what to say. Nobody wanted to say the words that she could most possibly die but it hung over all of us like a cloud and sure even her mom got the message and instantly went quiet and sitting on the nearest chair.

"Beth do you want to go for a walk?"Her father asked me surprising me and I agreed

We walked outside the hospital through the garden and sat on a bench facing a small waterfall. When I looked around at our town it all seemed normal. The bakery shop and gas station and even the butchery was starting to open making me realize that we had been at the hospital for more than 10 hours. I seemed strange..Still everything in town was normal yet my life was anything but.

"Are you okay?"

"Besides the fact that Hannah is lying there going through hell and they won't even allow me to be with her?"

"Beth none of this is your fault. You can't start thinking like that. Besides there are a few things happening right now that you should be aware of. Things that I should've informed the both of you at the wedding. I just didn't want to spoil the day."He says clearing his throat

"Like what things?"

"Well as you can probably remember when you and Hannah told me about the wedding and all that I was the most vocal of my disapproval. In fact I had thought that her mother would want to go. It had come to my attention a few days after you left the house that somehow Fae had been involved in all of this."

"Wait..Fae? As in Hannah's ex?"I sighed feeling irritation build inside of me

"As you know they do work together and as far as I could tell by her visitation is that well they have grown close. Fae has been manipulating Gale to the point where she has put this wall in between Han and her mom. I don't want to drag on about this Beth because there are more important things to worry about but I just wanted to ask you to be strong. To be strong for you ,Hannah and the baby because she is here."He said frowning.

"Who is here?"I ask curiously

"Fae Tanner."

"Just Great."

Kim P.O.V

"Hi I'm here to see Hannah Miller..sorry um I guess Hannah Williams."A red haired girl says to the nurse and for some reason I seem to recognize her but I didn't at all believe what I was seeing.

"Fae?"I asked getting up from my chair walking over to the red haed as she turned around and felt arms fling around me hugging me tightly.

"Oh god Kim please tell me she is going to be okay?"She asks as I hug her back and with that I see Beth walking back into the hospital looking at me with confusion and shaking her head.

"We don't know yet but lets all just keep sticking together."I smile detaching Fae from me and sitting back down on my chair seeing Fae spot Beth and walk up to her.

She extends her hand to Beth and smiles a bit "Hello Beth."She says and reluctantly Beth shakes her hand simply nodding and making her way over to her chair.

I could have sworn that this was one of the most awkward situation I had ever been in because firstly there was my mom and dad, me the best friend and then the estranged parents as well as the ex girlfriend and the current wife wtf.

"Wow this is awkward."I say before I could stop myself seeing Fae nod slightly looking down.

"Yes well I suppose some people just invite themselves."Beth says looking over to Fae and Fae looks up at her shocked. It was pretty strange that she was here but there wasn't reason for Beth to be a bitch.

"I'm just here for Hannah."Fae says with her voice above a whisper and Beth makes a sound rolling her eyes.

"Well she dumped you. You weren't even invited to the wedding."

"Perhaps we shouldn't be talking about people and doing whats right and wrong hey Beth."I end up saying to Beth watching her eyes flare at me

"What is that suppose to mean??"She asks glaring at me daring me to say more. I wasn't afraid of Beth and her stares was really not going to influence me.

"It means that you should probably shut up and keep quiet or you know what call Lexi and have her join us because then we would be the perfect group."

"Kimberly!"My father interjects shaking his head "That is enough."

As soon as I said it I knew I shouldn't have but it was too late because Fae was sarcastically laughing at Beth and Beth had resolved back to keeping quiet and looking at the ground. I just hopped that Fae would let it go.

"Are you seriously telling me that you cheated on you pregnant wife?"Fae asks seriously getting up from her chair.

"Fae don't. "I say looking over at Beth whom isn't saying anything or doing anything.

Hannah's Mother was shaking her head disapprovingly at Beth and then came the guilt. It wasn't anybodies business and I shouldn't have done that it wasn't the right time.

"You cheated on the kindest sweetest girl? Beth that is the reason I am better for Hannah because I will always put her first."Fae said and within an instant Beth had jumped up from her chair and had grabbed Fae by her collar shoving her against the table. I jumped up and stopped Beth quickly watching her try to get to Fae again.

"Misses Williams.."

"You have no right to say that about my relationship Fae. It's not my fault that she wasn't in love with you. Stop interfering and go home."

"Bethany."Hannah's father said to Beth trying to calm her down.

"Well being in love with you made her end up here."Fae said matter-of-factly

That must've stung.

"Beth the doctor is here."I said to her as she still stared at Fae and nodded silently.

Beth turned around looking horrible. Physically she still looked like Beth but she just seemed broken right now but she smiled at the doctor anyway. I sat back down on the chair watching Beth.

"Your wife lost a lot of blood during surgery and the baby's heart rate was extremely low. Beth we struggled to regain a heartbeat after about two minutes of cpr.."

"The baby didn't make it?"She asked her hands gripping onto each other.

"No..She made it but we need to keep an eye on her. Her lungs are still under developed and she will probably need to be in hospital for awhile."He said and Beth smiled thankfully then looked at me.

Without meaning to I spoke. "What about Hannah?"I asked and Beth nodded.

"Misses Williams your wife was non responsive for 4 minutes. We tried everything we could to get her blood pressure back to normal up to the point where we had to cool her down with ice packs."He says looking over her chart.

"Doctor just tell me whats going on please."

"Your wife is in a coma right now while she is recovering and I have scheduled for her to be moved into ICU. If she makes it through today than our odds are good. If she wakes up in the next few hours or days then we will be able to see from there,"He says and I see Beth sigh a breath of relief and hug the doctor. The doctor seemed a bit shocked and uncomfortable.

"She is in a coma?"Fae asked

Beth nodded and as the doctor walked away she sat back on her chair as a nurse came back into the waiting room.

"Misses Williams?"She asked Beth and Beth looked up at her looking tired as hell.


"Well I was just wondering if you wanted to see your wife. She is still out of it but if you'd like I could have you guys each see her for a while."

Beth nodded and looked around the room. Her eyes finally settling on Fae.

"Do you want to go and see her? All of you I mean , I know you traveled a long way to be here."Beth said and I watched Fae's face looking like Beth was crazy but she nodded anyway.

Once the three of them had left I looked at Beth trying to figure out why the hell she was letting Fae go in first.

"Stop it Kim. I think you already said enough. actually all of you have."Beth says flatly making my parents look at her hurt.

"You guys always tell me how I've changed and how proud you are of me yet when the first real test comes for your judgment of me to chance then all of you fail. You realize that not one of my family members thinks that I may not have cheated of Hannah. You all just assume it's true. And it's okay by me because I know what I am and I realize that none of you think that I am good enough for Hannah. "

"Beth your father and I didn't want to get involved that's all."


Hannah P.O.V

I hearing voices around me like swarming around my head but none I could put my finger on. I felt someone touching my hand and I squeezed it tightly hoping whomever was there would realize I'm awake or atleast trying to be. My body hurt alot ,like i had been hit with hammers or something.

"Hannah are you there?"Her voice said and slowly my eyes opened and I saw Fae looking lovingly at me touching my face with my parents in the background smiling.

"Fae?"I asked my voice not really coming out right.

She nodded and I frowned. It was strange really and as I looked at my hand in hers I noticed my wedding ring wasn't on there.

"How are you feeling?"She asked sitting on my bed smiling at me

"I'm Ok..Thirsty."I choked out and she nods taking something off the counter a cup of water and raising it to my lips. I shook my head I couldn't lift up my head I felt dizzy.

"Hannah just take a sip okay I'll help you."She smiled putting her hand gently behind my head and lifting it up slightly. I was feeling nauseas I was confused. Where was Kim?

"Thanks."I said after sipping on the water and laid my head back down feeling myself wanting to go to sleep again. I wanted to here from her first I need to tell her.


"No it's..it's Fae."

"Dad.."I said and he walked to wards me smiling.

"Welcome back sweety."

"Call Beth..Please."I said not looking over at Fae again as he nodded and leaned down kissing my forehead. "Everything is going to be okay now."

Once he left the room I saw Fae looking over to my mother and then to me looking sad.

"What are you..doing here."I say breathlessly trying to keep myself awake until I could see Beth.

"We could talk tomorrow I'm sure you want some time to rest."She smiles letting go of my hand and walks over to my mother whispering something to her.

I nodded to her back and closed my eyes for a bit. When I opened them again I saw Beth leaning against the wall looking sadly at me with tears in her eyes and the hands gripped together. She was just looking at me not saying anything but I felt my tears arise again. I missed her so damn much that is all that mattered right now.

"Come here.."I whisper and she slowly walks over to me standing in front of me. Her fingers brushing hair away from my face and quickly wipes her tears away from her eyes .

"You scared me for a bit there."She said looking down "I thought that you were going to leave me."

I felt my eyes grow heavy but forced myself to find some strength and I tried to lift my hand and take hers but to no avail. She must've realized this because she rest her hand on top off mine instantly

"I promised."I smile at her feeling my eyes fall and after a while I open them again seeing Beth still in the same spot watching me.

"I don't know what I would've done had I lost either of you."Beth says brushing her fingers against mine.

Either of us?

"Did she?"

"She is going to be fine." Beth said with tears in her eyes again. "Baby I didn't cheat on you, you know that right?"

Did I know that? I really did not want to argue with her not now.

"Have you seen her?"I asked her

"I want us to see her together for the first time."

"You..should go."I smiled "Let her know...she's not alone."

"Hannah I love you ,you know that right?"Beth asked looking sad again. I wanted to say yes I wanted to be sure that she loved me like she claimed but my heart has bruised badly right now. Now matter how insanely in love I am with her sometimes is still feels like I can't give her everything that she needs and maybe just maybe she went looking for it in someone else.

A very small part of me still felt like the seventeen year old girl she used to call a kid.

"You should go B."I smiled and she looked taken aback and she nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks. She leaned down and kissed my cheek and walked out. I couldn't move my arms or legs or even my head without feeling dizzy but laying here now all I could do was cry. I needed to cry because here I am I made it. I'm alive but another piece of me is wondering if my life will even be the same after I get out of here. I'm crying over the possibility that my heart won't heal.

And then there's Fae.. Fae would never have done something like this to me.



Authors Note

Okay guys so the next chapter will be fast forwarded
 about 5 months. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and what
do all of you think of Fae's return!
Fae..Lexi..This is really going to get messy.

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