Never Giving Up

By Natasha_Smith

58.9K 1.8K 249

Time has passed since Kaylee found out that Luca has a daughter. Days turned into weeks and before she knew i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 34

1K 44 2
By Natasha_Smith

If there were police about, we would've been pulled over for speeding and reckless driving without a shadow of a doubt. If there are any speed cameras we've driven by, they've caught us hurtling by without a care to others but all normal knowledge of car doors going to open of people walking out onto the road are the last things on our minds.

We just want to get to safety and fast.

With every road we go down, every corner we turn, the thoughts we have of thinking we're rid of Terence get crushed. Somehow, he manages to keep up with us through it all; matching us speed for speed, corner for corner. It's become apparent that everything Jones does, Terence copies.

"How can you be so calm in this?" Allison asks Jones, worry lacing her every word.

Her grip on my hand never lets up, not even for a moment. Her other hand is braced against the door to her right, much like my left hand on the door to my left. I glance at Jones who presses a button on his steering wheel which generates a ringing sound, indicating that's he's calling someone.

"Jones." A man answers after the second ring. It sounds like Carlo but I don't think it is. The tone is different but the accent is American without a doubt.

"Compromised," Jones states, turning another corner.

"The car again?"

"Yes. We're being followed as we speak."

"What do you need?"

"An interpreter and fast."

"Where are you?"

"A3216 Queenstown Road at Battersea Park."

"Okay. Nearly every road you've been on has been a straight road, that's why you can't lose him easily. There's a street not far from you, B310 Belgrave Square. A decoy will be waiting to intercept you there. Park up out of sight and they'll take over from there."

The call ends and Jones picks up the pace, dodging in and out of the traffic like he has been to try and put some much-needed distance between Terence and ourselves. He drives so far, running a light at amber before it goes to red in hope that Terence doesn't chance running another red light to get a ticket. It works but not by much as he stops beyond the line and sits parked up in the cycle space.

"Can't you shift this thing any faster?" Allison half begs. "Aren't Audi's supposed to be fast?"

"It's not a sports car, Miss. Nash." Jones tells her.

"The way you've been driving tonight, it may as well be."

Jones glares at her through the interior mirror before turning another corner, then another two before ending up back on the road we were on before turning the corners.

"It's to throw him off as he'll be looking to see where we're going," Jones explains.

We drive some more but at a decent speed before arriving at Belgrave Square Garden where Jones drives even more slowly, looking for the car to carry on the pursuit for us. Suddenly, car lights come on ahead of us and it pulls out of a space and parks up a car down for Jones to pull in. Jones pulls up at an angle and reverses into the space, turning the engine off which kills the automatic headlights.

"I'll be straight back," he says before getting out the car.

He locks the doors and moves to the car that vacated the space. The other car is the same make and model as this one. The number plate is the same apart from one letter, something Terence will hopefully miss and take the bait.

"Kaylee, I don't think I've ever been this scared in my whole life." Allison finally let's go of my hand and I flex my fingers. "That's saying something considering I've been through a lot of scary things in my life like you have."

"I know," I breathe. "It gets your heart racing in a way nothing else does but not in a good way."

"Even roller coasters don't get my heart racing like that and I'm scared of the fucking things."

I chuckle, something that's much needed in this circumstance. "How can you compare this to being on a roller coaster?"

"Because I'm legitimately scared of the things and my heart rate increases like you'll never know."

"And yet you still come on them with me," I point out.

"Because I don't want to be left out. Plus, I figure that if I die, I die with someone by my side that I know and not some stranger."

"Allison, change the subject." I plead. "Please."

"To what? I can't think of happy thoughts right now."

"To anything."

"Like what? Your wedding to Luca?"

"Never mind."

The car unlocks and Jones gets back in. He turns so he can look at us more directly.

"Myles is one of Mr. Blackwell's men. He said he'll lead Terence back the way we came in the hope he'll give up and go home. If not, he's going to pull up at a police station and that will scare him into giving up for sure."

"Is he going to go into the station and report Terence?" Allison queries.

"Mr. Madden has already done so when the car first showed up at Miss. Fletcher's home. He's given them all the information we have and will inform them of this matter tomorrow when everything has calmed down."


"He has also informed them of what he did during his friend's birthday dinner."

"Sounds like he'll be done for more than stalking and reckless driving," I murmur, meeting no one's eye and choosing to look out the window.

I knew Luca would go to the police about what's happened tonight, there was no doubting that. How could he not? Someone was chasing not only one of his workers but his girlfriend. They've been watching me at my home and who's to say where else they've been watching me and for how long?

For all I and everyone else knows, this could run deeper than what we've been made to think. This could have been going on for weeks or months. Things could have happened to disrupt something in our lives and we've been no the wiser to it because it's been so small that we've not noticed its overall impact.

It also brings up the ultimate questions that overpowers everything else that is being thought of; have both Greg and Terence known about Luca's connection to Allison and I long before he came back on the scene? Did they make up the plan to find us and use us in order to get closer to Luca? If so, why are they trying to get closer to Luca? What is so important about Luca – other than his well-known name – that makes him a target for them?

It's things like that that swarm around inside your head. It's those questions that need to be answered first and quickly before all the others. There's always a reason for someone's attitude towards someone and it's easy to uncover when it's analysed closely.

I sigh quietly, feeling my body finally relaxing when the sight of a racing pair of headlights swerving in and out of traffic comes into view to my left.

I sit up straight and stare at the lights. "He's coming."

Jones looks out the passenger window then presses something on his wrist that looks to be an Apple Watch. He lifts his arm to his mouth. "Move into place."

He drops his arm and slips down in the seat as if he's trying to go unseen. I watch on as the other car, driven by Myles, moves to sit in the middle of the road away from us. It sits with its headlights and hazard lights on, preparing to move off when Terence gets close enough.

Soon, the sound of a car racing down the road catches everyone's attention. We can't look away from the scene unfolding in front of us because it can go one of two ways. Terence can take the bait or he'll spot us and the jig is up.

Minutes pass and nothing happens.

"Myles, what's happening?" Jones asks, lifting his arm to his mouth once more.

"He seems to be having a stand-off with me," Myles answers.

"He's waiting to see if you'll move off or not."

"I'll try- shit!"

Jones sits up slightly. "Myles, what's happening?"

"He's . . ."

Terence's car speeds past us and comes to a halt in front of Myles' car, preventing him from moving off quickly. The reversing lights come on on Terence's car and Myles begins reversing back, his hazard lights turning off in the process.

". . . he's trying to prevent me from moving off."

"Myles, there's a street up the road. If you can swing around and go down there. He'll have no choice but to follow even though you're going the wrong way up this road."

"If he gives me space to do so."

"There's a row of vacant spaces a few cars up from us but on the other side of the road. Kill your lights and reverse into them then swing around him when he passes you."

Myles does as Jones instructed, Terence following his every move until he goes into the spaces. The headlights come back on and Myles pulls back out the spaces quickly, doing a U-turn around Terence and taking off down the road to turn right. Terence turns his car around and takes off after Myles, making it loud and clear that he's taken the bait with the roar of the engine.

"He took the bait," Allison comments.

"He did," Jones agrees.

Jones sits up straight and starts the car back up, pulling out of the space and continuing down the road like we would have been doing in the first place.

The rest of the car journey is done in silence. It seems to go in a lot quicker than previously despite Jones' driving being at a normal speed. We arrive at Luca's house to a crowd of black cars parked up everywhere on the driveway. All the lights in the house are on and Jones wastes no time in parking up before all three of us walk quickly into the house.

Loud voices echo through the normal quietness to us as soon as we step over the threshold. They're all male voices and it has Jones walking directly in the direction of the office. It's like he knows that's where everyone will be and that that's where he should report to after what happened. Allison and I follow him, mostly because we're unsure as to where we should go.

"How could you let this happen? It should never have been allowed to happen!"

I can hear Luca's angry voice before I see him when the office door opens. I peek past Jones to see Luca standing in front of his desk, shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbows and the top two buttons undone. He's pacing back and forth and runs a hand through his hair.

"I knew deep down that something like this would happen and it did. I should have trusted my gut that told me to send people there to search the perimeter before they got there."

"It's not your fault, Mr. Madden." Carlo upholds calmly. "It could have happened anywhere to anyone of us. You weren't to know. None of us were."

"If it isn't my fault, then whose is it?" Luca stops pacing and squares up to Carlo who stands tall before him with his hands clasped together. "Yours? You're the head of my security and this has happened. If it's not my fault, then it can only be-"

"Mr. Madden," Jones says loudly over Luca's voice, cutting him off before he has a chance to finish his sentence.

Luca stops and stares at Jones. He moves to the side so Luca can see me and when he does, I can see the relief wash over him. His tense shoulders slump and he shakes his head ever so slightly.

I rush to him at the same time he reaches for me, both of us ignoring everyone who is standing in the room watching us. He engulfs me in his arms, his hold like a vice grip and leaving me gasping for air but I don't care. For a split second during the car chase, I thought I'd never see him again even though I didn't want to think about that at the time. It was too much of a scary, yet probable, thought to go to when you're trying your hardest to think of good things. Something happy to keep your mind from going to a dark place that will leave you venerable to what is actually happening.

"Kaylee," Luca breathes. He runs a hand through my hair and down my back. He places a lingering kiss on the side of my head. "I . . . I thought . . . you're here now."

My hands change their position on his back so I can grip his shirt. "I'm here."

"Thank God." He pulls back and holds my face in his hands. "You're here." He kisses me hard on the lips like it's the last thing he'll ever do. He pulls back until his lips skim mine. "You're safe."

I nod and he kisses my forehead.

"Jones," Luca starts, straightening up but keeping me close to him with a single arm wrapped around me. "Thank you."

He holds a hand out for Jones to shake which he does.

"I'm just doing my job," Jones replies modestly.

"You kept my girl safe."

"It's why you assigned me to her, Mr. Madden. It's all part of my job."

"Take the commendation, Jones." Carlo advises.

Jones nods to both Carlo and Luca. "Of course."

Carlo clears his throat. "We need to debrief on tonight's events."

"Tomorrow," Luca tells him. He urges me to walk with him out of the office. "Kaylee and Allison will both need a rest after what happened and it would be beneficial for them to do so."

"It's fine," I interrupt, stopping dead on the spot. Luca looks at me, his hold slipping slightly. "You work. Allison and I will go and rest."

"It can wait until the morning," he brushes off.

"No." I push away from him, my hands firmly pressed against his chest. I pat his chest a few times. "You deal with this. It won't go away on its own."


"I'm here, now." I assure. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm only upstairs if you need me."

Luca stares at me long and hard before nodding. "Alright." He turns to look at Trent who is standing behind the desk with an iPad in one hand. "Show Allison to the spare bedroom."

Trent places the iPad on the desk and walks in our direction without saying a thing. He bypasses me and waves an arm out at Allison to follow him in the direction of the stairs going up to the next floor.

The feeling of Luca's hand enclosing around mine has me looking back at him. He keeps one hand over mine then runs the other up and down my arm.

"If you need me, I'll be down here." He says.

I flash him a sincere smile and follow Trent and Allison up the stairs to rest for the night.

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