"We So Disrespectful"

By ChonnyFromStateFarm

28.7K 1.6K 164


Flashback(2½ years earlier)
Chapter 1...
Chapter 2...
Chapter 3.....
Chapter 4
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7..
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13..
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17...
Chapter 18....
Chapter 19...
Chapter 20....
Chapter 21...
Chapter 22....
Chapter 23 PT 1 Triplets Bday Party
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29..
Chapter 30
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32....
Chapter 33....
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35.....
Chapter 36.....
Chapter 38.....
Chapter 39....
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 37.....

511 31 1
By ChonnyFromStateFarm


What the fuck have I done? I asked myself for the thousand of time sitting in my work office it's been two months now since me and Trigga did the do and that was all my mind been on instead of me leaving that morning I stayed for more and more until the afternoon maybe I was sexual frustrated I was addicted attached to him he was my first like why is it so hard to get over your first this isn't right I blew out loud getting up from the desk chair moving over to the couch that was in my office I have been moving chair from chair all day I need something to do and my next client doesn't come until 1

What you doing mama:::Lesha

Waiting on my last client to come on in what's up where's my daughter :::ME

Can you come get us I would've asked daddy but he was running late for his business trips :::Lesha

Just as I was about to reply back I received a knock at the door

"Hey girl ummm yeah Mr Charles said he going have to reschedule this appointment something about his kid in trouble he'll call back tomorrow to get that done " my coworker Lisa stated causing me to roll my eyes but deep down inside I was happy

I'm about to start doing cancellation fee plus if he letting me know at the last minute but thanks girl I said not looking up from my phone replying back to Lesha letting her know I'll be there in about forty five minutes ,getting up from the chair I started to pack my belongings up and head out

See you guys tomorrow I smiled and waved at the other coworkers heading to the elevator getting on taking it down to the lobby I went up to the front desk to fill out my time sheet as I was leaving out someone bumped me I looked at the chick realizing it was Terrance's Wife

"Umph excuse me " she said giving me a death stare

You excused baby cakes I said bumping her shoulder back walking out the door throwing on my shades heading towards my car so glad I was employee of the month it wasn't hard to find a park and I didn't have to walk far I threw my purse and bag in the backseat sat my phone up on the holder video chat my mom to speak with my boys

"Where you at pumpkin face "? My father asked

Just getting off daddy ,where the boys at

"Man I made them bad little rascals go take a nap that don't make no sense how insane them kids can get about to drive my ol lady crazy I like to fuck MiKing ass up today he the ring leader "

What did they do I asked rolling my eyes because my dad be over exaggerating sometimes

"Nothing that's personal but here's your mom I'm about to go fuck with them why they sleeping" he said passing the phone to my mom

"Yes" she asked

Momma what did the boys do so bad that daddy got to bitch

"Watch your mouth and nothing you know how your father is when he can't get his way he always complaining about how much they do but he love them and feel so lonely when they are napping " she said laughing in the phone

"Nah man I wanted some cookie and them lil ninjas was in the way won't about to get blue"

"Shut the fuck up nasty mouth hoe get out of my room before you be sleeping on the couch , you forgot our daughter is on the phone OUT NOW" my mom yelled at the phone as I put it on mute bugging shaking my head

"Like I was saying , where you at Pea"

About to go pick up Lesha then come there you cooking tonight

"Might as well Roc fat pregnant ass coming over matter of fact I need to pull up to the grocery store that child can eat you out your household , how was your day"

Slow but good but hunnntttyyy you know when I was telling you about the guy that work there I was cupcaking with come fine out he was engaged and got married at the courthouse the next day

"Ummmhmm basic ass but spill the tea, what happened"

So how about I was leaving out of work and someone bumped me

"I just know not who the fuck was it I already probably got a feeling on who it was so continued on"

Yes mom his wife going to bump my shoulder talking about some "excuse me" now you know if it was back in my younger days I would've dragged a chick by her frontal but I'm growing

"Yassss bae classy up on these bald headed hoes but she better not bump you again or we going to take it there it's okay to step an age down on a petty chick just to remind them you not to be fuck with"

"What? What happened who did something to my baby girl" I heard my dad asked my mom all in the background

"Ugh move onion mouth"

"This mouth been on you so you stink then , now what's up" my dad said

Don't tell him mom ...I repeated in the phone

"You killing and some chick bumped her today when she was leaving from work"

"And what Pea do she better have pushed her ass down we don't play that shit nigga we them Jones" my daddy yelled as I rolled  my eyes "Really mom"

"Pea is growing and maturing up she is not doing no more fight Jace so get the fuck back all in my ear yelling like I bumped her"

"Nah fuck that let me speak to my daughter Tonesha Jones you better knock that bitch the fuck out next time she bump you or I'm going to beat your ass fuck what your mom saying you don't let nobody get in your space like that you know how we roll you know better , fuck wrong with you letting some funky ass bitch bump you and ann-and you better have bumped her ass back"

"Nergo give me the phone you sitting here yelling and stuttering big mad ass get back ,Pea I'll see you when you get here we about to head to the grocery store love you and drive safe " my mom say hanging up , stopping at the light I text Lesha to let her know I was pulling up and I was coming up she text back letting me know the door was unlock

Getting out the car I head to the elevator to get to the condo making it up to her floor lucky her condo was beside the elevator I open the door and saw her holding my goddaughter

Hey hey hey there I said walking in sitting my purse and keys down kicking off my slides

"Hey, here take her for me please" she said as I gladly took her as I looked up in my best friend eyes seeing that she was tired look like she haven't had sleep in about a week

"Is you okay" I asked following her into the bedroom as she prop down on the bed to finish getting her stuff situated

"You wanna know the truth Pea, I'm tired exhausted Lani gets fuzzy at night she want to whine and stay up " she said rubbing her eyes as I laid a sleepy Lani down

And that's not all what else is bothering you talk to me I said sitting down on the floor helping her get her things situated

"Umph so you must haven't been on Instagram lately"

No not really why what's up I only get up there to post pictures other then that I'm off of it

"Well San engaged, Sophie(What Lesh calls the baby) is a month now Pea , Santana haven't been by to see her in two weeks now so I go to check the mailbox before you came tell me why he send money but don't come see his daughter ever since he gotten engaged he been acting funny don't get me wrong but congratulations nigga it's just the principle I didn't make her by myself hell then that Pokémon face bitch probably feeding him lies feeling his head up , do you know he asked for a DNA test last time I saw him like my nigga are you serious bitch you trapped me asshole " she semi-yelled scaring me and baby Lani a little bit

I can't believe this shit you watch when I catch his ass please don't tell me he's about to marry Paris ass

"No bih , you remember Sasha she used to stay in the building as you , she's Trinity and Jada's cousin , his first , the girl that moved away because she gotten pregnant by that twenty two years old knowing she won't nothing but sixteen her parents tried to put him under the the bus because she lied about her age and tried to get her friends them to lie for her by making it seem like he came on to her but it didn't work"

Oh shit I do remember that but why her I understand that was your first but he slacking he letting a chick get him off his focus just let me catch him somewhere with her I'm going to show my ass on my kids talking about a damn DNA I should pull up right now

"I'm not stressing it I'm just tired for real I got bunn to worrying about , she going to be good and I put that on his grandma, you ready to go I'm just going to load these up then come back up to grab her things" she said as I nodded my head looking back at my goddaughter

Don't worry auntie baby you and mommy got auntie Pea I promise you that you ain't going to want for none I said rubbing her tiny hand as she grabbed my finger

"Okay you ready I'll grab her car seat and bag you just grab her , I'm so ready to get out of here I would've been gone if my car was here instead of at the house"

I'm stopping by moms house for a few she's cooking dinner plus I have to get the boys I stated as we got to the car safely putting the baby in then getting in pulling off

Arriving to my mother and father I drove around back parked on the grass I know my mother was going to be mad but dad promise me a car wash

"This a big pretty motherfucka here" Lesha stated as I grabbed the baby bag while she got the baby walking up to the back door I punched in the code opening the door that was by the kitchen my mom had it smelling good I put a finger over my mouth telling Lesha to shush and I continued to sneak up on my mom while she was so into her food and music soon as I got up close she turned around quick with her gun pointing in my face

"Damnit Pea now what if it was off safety you need to stop your shit" she said putting her gun back in her waistband as I mugged her

You and daddy going to get enough pulling guns on people I said

"Eeeeeww stop calling me daddy and say dad or some shit, call me anything except daddy I know how y'all youngin's work around here" my father said coming into the kitchen

I don't use that word thank you and my car waiting to be wash like you promised a week ago where my kids at anyway

"In the room playing the game, awwwllll let me wash my hands let me get my baby" my mom said

"Pea you better not have parked your car on your mom grass either" my dad said smirking as I looked up at him with my mouth dropped while my mom looked up at me

Really dad that's not your background I'm disappointed in you, mommie home I yelled busting into the game room jumping on the bed where they sitting


Y'all going home tonight so pack up all y'all belongings, you guys had fun today

"We did until somebody got us in trouble at the grocery store but yes we did have fun"

Alright now what did I tell y'all about showing out in public, you act like you got some sense don't make me hear nothing else about y'all showing out in public again or it's going down the same way you act with me is the same way you act when you out with other people , understand that don't let it happen no more

"Yes Ma'am"

Now give mommy some love I said as they attack me

"Hey Pea where you do with the baby bag" Lesha come in asking

"Auntie Leshaaaaa, I miss you so much your stomach flat where's baby" Jey said running to her as she picked him up

"I miss yall more come on let's go see baby she's up front" she said as we all left out the room heading to where my parents where which was the dining room

The baby bag over there

"So why you mad for getting loud it won't even that serious dog your pregnant ass so over dramatic"

"Boy fuck you nappy head ass" Roc said as her Joc and Shoota walked in the dining

"Watch y'all mouth around my babies and what's wrong with y'all" Mom asked

"Watch she mad over some fat shit" my dad said as my mom elbow him

"Chic fil a gotten my order wrong" Roc said

"Girl you a black fat ass pregnant face lie I know you lying now" my dad said as my mom elbow him

"Man they just gave her the wrong drink so they gave her the correct one and let her keep that one they gave her she been being extra all day" Shoota said

"Her ass just need a nap that all"

"Whatever I don't need no nap, Lesha what is you feeding fat mama her chunky self"

Them big ol titties, princess you got a birthday coming up I don't even know what to get you since your ugly daddy be over due it I told Joc laughing

"Now auntie Pea my daddy is not ugly, Papa can you take us out to ride the four wheeler " she said laughing

Yayyyyy please please please

"Man bring y'all ugly asses on damn , babe go put on some sweats before I knock this knucklehead head off his neck" my dad said to my mom referring to Shoota as we laughed

"Aye ion won't no smoke Mr.Jones you too damn big now, just big for no reason big feet ass nigga"

"Boy fuck you bitchass" my dad said walking off

"Here you go I'll be right back let me go put on some sweats & check on this food" my mom said leaving out

"Sisssssssss" Shoota sung out coming to sit beside me

Roc get your man now , whatever you got to say ask or tell me I'm good love I don't won't to hear it

"Man I don't even got nothing to say I was just speaking to you , yeen even gotta act like that" he said scrolling down Instagram double tapping people pictures he scrolled pass one but my eye caught it

Go back up let me see that

"Damn all on my shit , what you saw" he asked scrolling back up as my hand stopped his finger from scrolling again

Figure , confusing ass motherfucka I said out loud looking at the picture of Trigga and Alicia that she posted on her page I knew it was a recent picture because her jaw was still bandage up

"Shit I wonder do he know she posted that"

Nigga shut the hell up that's a recent ass picture

"Nah for real I though they broken up"

"Tony can you go tell them to come on the food done" my mom said coming out the kitchen ass Roc jumped up

"Sure thing my beautiful queen you wish is my command"

"Don't get your shit pop little bitty ass boy" my dad said popping out of nowhere with the kids behind him causing Shoota to jump , surprised they didn't give he away

"Everybody go wash your hands Lesha if you want to put her down hold up let me get the bassinet I made for her"

"I'll go get it baby" my dad said leaving and coming back with a pretty pink bassinet

Awwwllll everyone cooed as my dad put it by Lesha my mom had the table filled up with food people would've thought we was having early thanksgiving she had already added the meats on everybody plate we just had to add our sides I fix my kids plate because I know they can be a little picky except for Kin we all sat down said grace and begin to eat all you heard was smacking and folks hitting plate

"Mommie me want some corn too lots of it" MyKing said

"Damn boy what you is a pirate, ayyy me want corn" Shoota said as MyKing went his way and knocked Shoota hat off his head

"No hats on at my NanaMa table" he said laughing sitting down as I put his plate in front of him and sat down to finish eating

Excuse me you guys I said making my way to the bathroom that was far from the kitchen grabbing my phone off the countertop before leaving out

Finally getting to the bathroom I sat down on the chair that was in there that's how big the bathroom were, checking my phone for any notifications I checked the first one which was the main important one and stared at it reading over all the details before closing it out I got up splash water over my face opening up the door getting ready to walk up I was staring at Roc and Lesha

"You pregnant ain't you" Roc asked looking in my eyes

Yes and I'm not having it I said walking around them heading back to the kitchen




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