Falling for my Boss

By bellablue1410

781K 22.3K 2.7K

Addison Jordan 20 has never had a proper family to grow up with. Her mother died while in labour with her and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Ideas :)

Chapter 3

38.3K 1.1K 326
By bellablue1410

Addison's Pov

I got back from break at 11:30am and walked into my office, sat at my desk and continued with the files. By 12:15am I was finished with the files. I picked them up and walked into Mr Carters office towards the filing cabinet.

"Do you not know how to knock before you enter a room Miss Jordan?" Mr Carter said harshly once he had finished with his phone call.

"Yes Mr Carter I do!" I replied trying to keep my attitude in check.

"Well it doesn't look like it to me. Next time you knock before you walk in."

"Yes sir." I said. I wanted to salute him as I said it just to annoy him but decided not to. I actually wanted to keep this job and do well for myself here.

It took me 15minutes to put the folders in the filing cabinet and all Mr Carter kept doing was sighing. I ignored his sighs and bit my tongue because I knew I would say something he wouldn't like.

I turned to Mr Carter who had such a sour look on his handsome face. "What would you like me do now Mr Carter?" I asked him politely.

"Well that took you long enough!" He sighed. "I need you to call these numbers and have meetings arranged with all of them. Somehow, some way they need to be done." There is a long list of numbers, it's going to take me so long to get through them all.

He's nuts.

As he handed me the paper with the numbers I replied "yes sir."

"Oh and Miss Jordan make this task quick, I don't want to wait all year for a simple task to be completed." He smirked rudely. I couldn't even bring myself to say anything back so I nodded while glaring at him and headed to my office.

This man is rude, no wonder he's personal assistants leave. He works them like slaves and treats them with no or little respect. A please or a thank you doesn't cost you anything.

It was 1:30pm, that only means one thing..... lunch time.

I walk out my office. "Where do you think your going?" Came the gruff voice of Mr.Carter.

"It's lunch time Mr Carter, I'm going for lunch."

"I haven't told you, you can go. Have you finished calling the numbers?"

"No sir, there's a few that didn't answer the phone so I will ring back after my lunch."

"Make sure you do and remember to be back in an hour."

I thought he was gonna give me a big lecture about asking him permission to go on my lunch but nothing. I headed towards the lift and bumped into Stef who was also going for lunch.

"Hey Addison, you on your lunch break?" Stef asked.

"Hey Stef, yes I am. Are you?" I asked back.

"Yes, come I'll take you to a really nice restaurant nearby if you want." She said smiling.

"Yeah sure I don't really know my way round New York yet."

We entered a friendly looking restaurant. A waiter came over and seated us in a booth next to the window. I and Stef spoke about ourselves so we could get to know each other a bit more. She was really nice. We had finished eating and headed back to Carter Inc. Once we had reached the 30th floor we said our goodbyes.

I entered my office and found Mr Carter sitting at my desk with a face like thunder.

"You're late, where have you been?" He asked me in a demanding tone.

"I was on my lunch break and technically I'm not late because it's 2:26 and my lunch isn't over till 2:30." I replied turning my phone round so he could see the time. I had to prove him wrong because I wasn't late and he's just looking for any reason to be rude.

Like he even needs a reason to be rude!

"Why are you not using this phone?" He said holding up the brand new iPhone that was still in the box on my desk.

"Because I already have a phone that works sir."

"Well you need to use this phone because it's the latest version and you can do your job on this phone with the apps that are needed" he said smugly.

"Ok Mr Carter, I will use that phone" I said rolling my eyes at him.

He started walking towards me, I stepped back but couldn't go any further because my back was already up against the wall. He stopped at a very close proximity to me that I could feel his breath on the side of my face as he leaned into my ear.

"Good, that's what I like to hear. Next time you're late there will be consequences." He said.

Leaning away he put both his hands on the wall on each side of me kind of blocking my escape routes.

"I don't pay you to be late, so you're new phone will help you be on time, won't it?" He asked huskily but firmly.

"Yes Sir" I replied trying to sound calm even though he was extremely close to me. I could feel tingles going through my body because he was so close. I could feel my body temperature rising to the surface of my cheeks so I turned my face away from him.

He took one of his hands off the wall and placed his finger under my chin turning my face towards his. "Good, now set up the phone and make sure you ring the rest of the numbers."

He brushed past me and walked out of my office.

It was finally 6:00pm and my first day of work was over. I walked to Mr Carter's office to hand him some files.

"Everything is all finished Mr Carter" I said politely.

"Great, now you can get out and leave me in peace!"

Arrogant cock!

I left without saying another word and headed home.

I got home, kicked my shoes off and went in search for some food. I settled on Mackerel and salad for dinner with a nice big glass of wine because I deserved it.

I placed myself on the sofa with my dinner and wine and turned on the tv and to my surprise there was nothing on as I had the basic channels as I haven't had time to sort out getting sky tv so I decided to put on a dvd.

I chose to watch the film Abduction, a bit of Taylor Lautner.... mmmm, yes please!

The film had finished and I got myself into bed, I set my alarm for 6:00am ready for another day at work with that man.

I was so tired that as soon as my head hit my pillow, my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off into a deep sleep.


I walked in from school to find my father sitting on the sofa with loads of beer cans around him. He turns his head in my direction and gets up shouting "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" In a demanding tone.

"I was at the library doing research for my homework." I reply in a shaken whisper. My legs and hands are trembling.

"Well are you going to put my dinner on or are you gonna make me fucking wait bitch?" He growls at me making me jump and grabbing my chin.

"Y-yes Charlie." I stutter. He shoves me letting go of my chin and I end up on my arse on the floor. I'm so hurt, scared and angry and he stands there finding it all so hilarious. I roll my eyes at him.

"ARE YOU ROLLING YOUR EYES AT ME ADDISON?" The laugh gone and full on anger on his face. The look I have seen far too often.

Before I could reply back his hand connected to my cheek. I could feel his ring scratch my face. I hold my cheek, trying not to cry in front of this excuse of a man.


His boot connects with my back twice, he grabs me by my hair and yells. "YOU DESERVE THIS! YOU'RE A WASTE OF SPACE. YOU SHOULD BE DEAD INSTEAD OF YOUR MOTHER!" He yells spit flying everywhere.

He slams my head down on the floor......

End of dream

I wake up breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath. I'm shaking from head to toe, even though it was a dream it felt so unbelievably real, I felt like I was reliving that moment. I grab the bottle of water on my bedside table and check the time.... 2:30am!


I woke up and felt like I hadn't slept enough, it took me a while to fall back to sleep after the dream I had. I turned my alarm off and got in the shower. My make up was natural looking today and I wore similar to yesterday but different colours. I had grey trousers and blazer and a black shirt. I left my hair down in its natural form.

I grabbed some breakfast and made my way to the bus stop. I arrived on the 30th floor and was greeted by Stef.

"Morning Addison, Mr Carter asked me to tell you to remember his cup of tea."

"Of course Stef." I smiled.

I placed Mr Carter's cup of tea on his desk.

"I need you to accompany me to a dinner event tonight" he said.

"Umm... ok." I replied not so sure.

"Is there something wrong?" He looked at me raising an eyebrow. I wish he didn't do that because he has no idea the effect it has on me.

"No. What time and where?" I asked.

"I'll have one of my drivers pick you up at 8:00pm and I'll meet you there. My personal designer will pick you up a dress and deliver it to you tonight." He pauses. "Now get these files sorted, there's a note inside explaining what needs to be done."

"Yes Mr Carter." I pick up the files and go to my office.

Thank god he was giving me something to wear. My wardrobe doesn't really hold any fancy dresses. I'm a bit confused as to why he couldn't just pick me up.

These files were taking forever. I had missed my break because of them. My stomach started growling, I need to get some food in me. I walked to Mr Carter's office but he wasn't there so I assumed he had gone for lunch.

It was 1:30 now anyway so technically it was my lunch break. I stepped outside the building and headed to a little cafe I saw on the way to the restaurant yesterday with Stef. I ordered a jacket potato with cheese, beans and salad. After finishing my lunch I walked back to Carter Inc.


It was now 5:00pm and I was finished with the files. I enter Mr Carter's office and put the files away in the filing cabinet.

"What is this event we are going to tonight?" I ask him nervously.

"Just a business charity event. Rich people flashing their money everywhere, making business deals." I nod my head.

"Don't be nervous even though it will be noticeable that you don't belong."

Erm.... What?! Did I just hear straight?! That got my back up, ears alert and anger well and truly rising... How dare he!

"What do you mean 'don't belong'? Just because I'm not one of those typical model rich girls?! Because I live like a normal human being?! How dare you try to belittle me and disrespect me like that." I spat out angrily.

Before he had the chance to respond with his smart shitty mouth I had walked out his office slamming the door behind me. I can't believe he had just said that me.

What a moron!

I went into my office and packed up my stuff, I need air. I wanted to go home get into bed and cry. He can forget about me going to tonight's event, after he's little speech I was not going.

As soon as I arrived home and shut the door, I was in tears. After a while I stopped crying, wiped my eyes and got in the shower. It felt nice to have the warm water running down my body especially if you've had a long day. I stepped out the shower, dried and creamed myself and put on a baggy t-shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts.

I chose the film San Andreas, put it in the dvd player and settled down on the sofa. I checked my phone and saw that I had three missed calls from Mr Carter along with a text message:

Pick up your damn phone Miss Jordan. ~ Mr Carter

I didn't want to talk to him. Just as I was about to text back telling him that, my phone started ringing and of course it was him. Ugh! I was hesitant to answer the phone but did because I wanted to tell him he can shove his event up his behind as I wasn't going with him.

"Hello" I said once I had answered the phone.


"Don't shout at me!" I said. I was so angry with him. "If you're finished talking to me like that then I'll explain myself, if not I will just hang up on you."

"NO IM NOT FINISHED TALKING TO Y..." I hung up the phone. I'm not going to put up with him yelling at me. He rang me three more times after that. I left him hanging, didn't answer, he doesn't deserve me talking to him if he's going to talk to me like that.

I got a cold cider from the fridge and took a gulp of it. As I got up to go get into bed even though it was 7:30pm there was loud banging on my front door. I opened the front door and came face to face with the arrogant, rude jerk.

As I slammed the door shut in his face he stopped it with his foot and hands blocking it from shutting completely.

"Why are you not ready? We have an event tonight." He says like nothing's happened.

"Because as you can clearly see I'm not going. Do you really think I want to go to an event with an arrogant, rude jerk who belittled and disrespected me?!"

"Hurry up and get ready before I drag you in there and dress you myself." He said looking at me with intense eyes.

"No" I replied firmly standing my ground.

"Yes." He fired back.


In one swift motion he had me up against the wall trapping my hands above my head, he's body in front of mine and his face close to mine.

"Now are you going to get ready or do I have to get you ready myself. Those are your two options because either way you are coming with me whether you like it or not." He growled huskily against my ear. His breath on my face was sending shivers throughout my body. As he looked at me I could see an emotion in eyes that he had when we were in my office, it was a look of lust!

I needed to move from this position he has me in so I agreed to go get ready myself even though I still didn't want to go with him. He let go of me, as I was heading to my room to change he spoke.

"Aren't you forgetting this? It was left outside."  He was now holding a white box with a red ribbon round it.

Rolling my eyes with a sigh, I took the box and walked into my bedroom shutting the door behind me.

I placed the box on the bed and opened it. Inside was a beautiful black dress that flowed longer in length at the back, the length at the front stopped just above my knees. The top half of the dress was embedded with a gorgeous pinky flower pattern. I was in love with it. I searched my wardrobe for a pair of heels that would look nice with the dress. I settled on a pair of black strap heels.

I put the dress on and it fit perfectly. How did he know what size I was?! It was the perfect length too.

I straightened my hair and put loose waves in it. I applied my makeup and gave myself an intense natural look. I was lucky because my natural eyelashes were long and thick so when I apply mascara it looks like I'm wearing fake eyelashes.

I placed my light pink glitter diamond studs in my ears and placed a white diamond bangle on my wrist, I put my heels on and sprayed myself with my Euphoria by Calvin Klein perfume and was ready to go.

I walked out into my living room and saw Mr Carter sitting on the couch on his phone waiting patiently. He looked up and blinked a few times before he's eyes went wide. Alright mate, don't look too shocked jeez! I know I'm not a beautiful human!

He got up and approached me with hunger and lust in his eyes.

"You look beautiful Addison." Omg.... the way my name roles off his tongue, left full on fireworks going off throughout my body. The way he says it is such a turn on and sexy.

"Thank you Mr Carter." I blushed.

"We are on first name basis when we are not at work so please call me Brax." He smiled.

Am I seeing and hearing things correctly?!?! Not only did he smile a handsome smile, he said please and we are on first name basis. Brax Carter...... now that is one sexy ass name for a sexy ass man. I nodded so he knew I had listened.

"Shall we get going?"

Yes, let's go."

We walked out towards the car. It was a freaking limousine. The driver saw us approaching and opened the limousine door for me and I got in.

Chapter 3 done :)

Another chapter done guys :)

I hope you like my story so far! Anyway don't forget to comment/vote it is very much appreciated :)

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