Mafia Boss's Baby ( Rewriting)

By Rilexmoore

289K 4.6K 1.6K

Skyler Baster is a feared mafia boss and looking for a baby boy and has his eyes set on a boy from school. El... More

It's A Daddy Thing-ReEdited
Shopping with crazies
bloodly kisses preview
Bloody kisses
New Characters ?
The New Characters
Fun Day
Snotty Cuddles

Date (edited)

20.5K 324 32
By Rilexmoore

Elli's pov 

When I woke up I was trapped under daddys big arms, but I really needed to pee so I slithered my way from under his arms walking towards the bathroom. 

After doing my business I go grab some clean clothes the go take a nice hot shower to wash off the dirt and grime. Finishing my shower I get put drying off then lather my body up with some pumpkin scented lotion. 

I got dressed in some shorts and a yellow 'honey' hoodie. Putting that on I headed downstairs after grabbing my phone.

Victoria and Chris were downstairs watching the news and the news people were talking about some people robbing a yacht. I wave at them then sit on the lazy boy chair leaning it back.

 Sky walks downstairs about 20 minutes later dressed in some black jeans with a grey sweater on he also had his hair slicked back.

Sky makes his way over to me smiling, "morning baby boy" I giggle and put the chair back down and get up hugging the older guy.

"Morning daddy" I whisper softly cuddling into his chest as he rubs my back.

 Sky smiles and kisses my head, "let's go get some breakfast then I have a surprise for you baby boy." I squeal and head towards the door.

We pulled into the diner where we ate yesterday, they have really amazing food. Daddy got out and came around to my side and opened the door for me, I get out and grab daddy's hand.

We go inside and sit down at a booth, a waiter comes over to us and ask what we would like to drink. "I want sweet tea and he would like orange juice and, could you put it in a cup with a lid please." The waiter nods and goes to get are drinks.

Messing with a string hanging off of my shirt, I stare at daddy taking in how handsome he is. I really liked his fluffy hair and pretty blue eyes but I also liked how he was strong and kind.

Soon I was brought back to reality when our drinks were placed down. The waiter eyeing up my daddy asking him what he wanted to eat and was just being really flirty.

I pout and huff making daddy look at me, "what do you wanna eat baby boy?" He grabs my hand that was resting on the table. 

"I want the Elvis daddy" I whisper blushing

Daddy tells the waiter and orders the breakfast platter which is eggs sausages and pancakes. Mine was a peanut butter fried sandwich with bacon and bananas.

Soon our food came and we dug in me of course making a mess and daddy cleaning my face off after. He then paid and we walked to the truck him helping me inside then getting in himself.

"Where to now daddy? " It's a surprise but it's a couple hours away so take a nap, I have a couple of phone calls to make" Sky said turning on the radio, I curled up and laid my head on his lap.

Sky's pov 

I have been driving for about two hours, my little Elli been asleep still I'm taking him to the little carnival and meeting with some of my old friends.

I pulled into the parking lot "baby boy time to wake up where here"I said lightly shaking him, he opened his eyes and looked around his eyes filled with excitement,"baby boy this carnival is special since it's only open to little and daddys" I explained rubbing his back. "So I can be little?" I nod and grab his bag that I packed "I need you to tell me your age once you go into little space" he nods and closes his eyes and hums a disney song that I know so I start singing softly.

He opens his eyes and looks at me and giggles, crawling over to me. " I four daddies" he squeals and claps

I smile and get out helping him out as well. I lock the door and go to the admission gate and pay to get in. 

He blushes and kissed my cheek then hides his face. "Come on baby boy lets go ride some rides."

After riding a few rides I got a text from my friends that I'm meeting here saying there by the cotton candy stand.

We walked over to them we went and sat down after we order some cotton candy, "Elli these are some of my friends from my freshmen year, this is Siles Macil, his little and boyfriend Joseph Lieso," I said.

Elli pov 

Sky told me all of his friends names. I take a good look at them all, Siles has brown hair and green eyes, Joseph also has brown hair but with blue eyes.

"Hi I like your outfit" said the blue eyed boy he had on a blue cropped hoodie, overalls, shorts, blue converse, a blue stuffed bunny, a blue binky and a winnie the pooh sippy, "I like yours to what's your bunnies name" I said "his names Lake, what's yours" I told him Ressey, daddy had brought him along for comfort after some of the scary rides.

"Daddy can me and Jose go play some games"I asked it been an hour iris and penny left,Joss and I had been playing with are animals,"sure will come with"he said he gave me a piggyback ride.

 I seen a booth with cute stuff,"daddy I want one" daddy paid and lost the first time but won the second, getting me a weird looking thing but it was cute.

We played a few more games and rode some more rides till it was getting really dark, daddy had one my husky stuffed animal as well.

Me and Jose exchanged numbers then we went our separate ways. Daddy carries me back to the truck as I was getting cranky.

He laid me down and covered me up with his jacket he had in the back then got in and head to McDonald's and got some cheap food, I quickly ate then fell asleep before we were even half way home.

Once we got home I was wide awake from my power nap and wanted to play. So I jumped out and ran inside and to my playroom.

Daddy came in soon after with stuff and sat it down, "you can play for 30 mintues then it's time to settle down and get ready for bed" I nodded and drugged out some building blocks and logs.

Soon 30 minutes was up and I had to clean up my toys daddy then came in "little one time for a bath" I whine but get up any ways and follow him to the bathroom.

 After my bath I was dressed in some donut themed pjs, I then went and laid down.

Daddy got my sippy cup with milk in it he also had little mermaid on, I pull Ressey closer and cuddle up to daddy's side.

Halfway through the movie I heard meowing and quickly got up looking for the kitty that was making the noise. I tracked it down to the window and opened it up, and a kitty stood on the seal.

The cat had big brown eyes and was white and gray. I pulled it inside "daddy look" getting daddy's attention he looked over at me "what is Memó doing in the house," he said, "You have a cat and didn't tell me" I deadpan he gives me a look and I lowered my head I lay the cat on the bed, leaving the window open and cuddle with him falling asleep.

I suddenly had to throw up I jumped up and ran to the bathroom I lend over the sink and through up I cried since it burned, Sky wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed my back whispering sweet nothings. I cleaned the sink then brushed my teeth and daddy carried me back to bed I then fell back to sleep Memó having since left.

(Hey my cookies this chapter is kinda bad I may have edited it sometime down the line but I hope thus fills your needs till Friday it's a short one and there are pov changes ⊙] bye my cookies)

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