Stuck in the Virtual Apocalyp...

By SeikoisaPsycho

125K 4.1K 2.6K

A new invention has gone viral: a machine that allows you to enter into a book or videogame and stay there as... More

Drive to the fucking Gamestop
Hello, Friend!
So it begins...
Another close call.
No. It can't be...
Your OTP
Worries and Secrets
I'm worried about you.
Overly Protective
Minxy Moo!
In the Shadows
No Sucess
Lost and Found
His Other Side
Another Cryaotic Nightmare
Don't Hold Back
They're Leaving
So Let's Leave Too.
Fight Between Gamers
Very Bad Things
Just Stay Sober
Split Roads
Losing Sanity
A Fanboy? Really?
So Much Going On
New Form
It Isn't Real...
Oh Well
I'm in.
Murder Part 1: Captured
Murder Part 2: Mission Complete?
The End? Part 1
The End? Part 2

End A/N:

2.2K 55 14
By SeikoisaPsycho

A/N/N: This is what I wrote on quotev:

Well... we fucking did it guys. 
This is the end of Stuck in the Virtual Apocalypse, but not the end of the story! ;) 
If you want to hear me babble, then keep reading...
But for those of you who are like "Screw this shit I just want to get to the next part!" Then this link is for you:

Picking up the Virtual Pieces (Cryaotic x Reader)
Okay, now its babble time:
OMFG!!! ;~;
It's over....
I actually finished a story...
WE finished a story.
You are all a big part of this story, believe it or not.
THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH! <3 I love you all! 
You have no idea how important each and everyone of you are to me. You guys made this story, the first real story I've ever written, mean everything. Because of you all and your kind words, I may become an author someday! But I just want to say thank you, because this story is really one of my greatest achievements! I just ksagdjhkjahgkhdsghalghlskhghglsgk;
Words cannot express how thankful I am! Like, if I never would have started writing, I would probably still be 100% clueless of what I want to do with my life. I still am clueless, but writing this has given me a pretty good idea of what I'm good at I guess. 
Every favorite, every comment, hell every reader means the world to me like sdlkghkdshglkhsalgkhldshglksg
You guys have inspired me, and even taught me that I don't suck at everything. I am not worthless. NO ONE IS. We all just have to find our true calling...
Imma go now, cause I want to get to the sequel just as much as you do :3
Just, thank you! ;u;
BTW: I'm sorry if you hate me for that ending, but I swear if you hate me for that.... it ain't gonna be pretty later xD
One last time:
Thank you all so much for everything.
Have a wonderful day/night! C:

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