Stuck in the Virtual Apocalyp...

By SeikoisaPsycho

125K 4.1K 2.6K

A new invention has gone viral: a machine that allows you to enter into a book or videogame and stay there as... More

Drive to the fucking Gamestop
Hello, Friend!
So it begins...
Another close call.
No. It can't be...
Your OTP
Worries and Secrets
I'm worried about you.
Overly Protective
Minxy Moo!
In the Shadows
No Sucess
Lost and Found
His Other Side
Another Cryaotic Nightmare
Don't Hold Back
They're Leaving
So Let's Leave Too.
Fight Between Gamers
Very Bad Things
Just Stay Sober
Split Roads
A Fanboy? Really?
So Much Going On
New Form
It Isn't Real...
Oh Well
I'm in.
Murder Part 1: Captured
Murder Part 2: Mission Complete?
The End? Part 1
The End? Part 2
End A/N:

Losing Sanity

2.2K 89 43
By SeikoisaPsycho

       “Whoa guys! How do you want to do this?” You asked, staring at the three roads in front of you.

        “I don’t know.” Marzia replied. “But I think we should go straight.”

        Minx shook her head. “No! We should go right!”

        “Hold on here! Why don’t we split up.” You interrupted. “There’s three roads and three of us. It’s perfect!” You turned to Marzia “You can go straight.” You looked over at Minx “You can go right.” Finally pointing to yourself, you said. “And I’ll go left. Alright?”

        The two girls thought about it before nodding your heads. The three of you were a little hesitant to split up, but there’s no way all of you could go down all three without wasting a lot of time. It was your best option, unless you wanted to turn around and risk running into that horde again. “Well... we better do this." Minx smiled. You and Marzia nodded. You couldn't help but notice the worried expression that had plastered itself on Marzia's face. "Hey, don't worry Marzia! We'll all meet up again! I promise!"

        "Yeah." Minx cut in. "Besides, this game can't be too large can it." 

"I guess you're right." Marzia replied with a cheery smile. "Thank you!" The three of you hugged and then dispersed to your respective paths.

        The road led you down to a dark, spooky suburb. In other words, the last place you wanted to be walking through by yourself, especially with how dark it is out. A cool gust of wind swept across your bare skin, making you shiver. It was dead quiet, except for the occasionally scratching of zombies, screaming of victims, and the rustling of leaves. Again, you didn’t have a torch, lantern, or a flashlight, so your only source of light came from the moonlight. However, the moonlight only “helped” by casting shadows and silhouettes, making the entire situation even worse.


        Fear rose within your gut. ‘Either I’m fucking crazy or a twig just snapped.’You quickly searched behind you but no one was there. ‘What if it’s that same silhouette coming back for me?’  Getting extremely paranoid, you look around the area frantically, expecting your eyes to run into that same silhouette, but nothing was there. Then you heard footsteps running in the distance, but when you checked, there wasn’t a thing. “Okay, this shit is really freaking me out…” You mutter to yourself. Then you heard a rustle in the bushes. You spun toward the direction of the sound and began to slowly approach the bush. As you reached the end of the asphalt, your feet unnoticably transferred over to the grass of one of the yards. You jumped at the sudden crinkling of the grass and leaves beneath your feet. You facepalmed as soon as you realized how pathetic that was. Refocusing at the task at hand, you crept through the yard over what appeared to be the outlines of bushes. As you got closer and closer you realized that there were a lot more of them then you originally thought. Great… How the heck am I supposed to-’ Your train of thought was interrupted by a sudden force striking you, knocking you over a causing you to gasp. The grass was crushed as you back made impact with the rough ground. In seconds you realized that someone must have tackled you because there was now a silhouette hovering above you, pinning you down. Before you knew it, there lips were pressed against yours with such force it sent shivers down your spine. As much as you would normally cherish a romantic moment like this, you shoved the figure above you, breaking the kiss. He pulled away, but didn’t leave his position.

        “Cryaotic you fucking asshole!” You growled, trying to hide how relieved you were that he was here.

        “Don’t you miss me?” He fake pouted.

        You punched him in response. “I don’t know if I should! You scared the shit out of me!” You sassed.

        “You’re cute when you’re angry...” He whispered with a dangerously deep tone. God how you missed his voice…

        “Oh shut up!” You yelled before he smacked his lips against yours again. You kissed him back with just as much force, causing him to curve his lips up in a smirk. His lips were just as soft as you remembered, and you soon found yourself getting lost in the kiss. Cry released his grip on your arms, allowing you to snake your arms around his neck and pull him closer to deepen the kiss. Even though the kiss was extremely rough, it was filled with so many emotions. You laid your tongue against his bottom lip, demanding entry, but instead Cry pulled away. You were confused by the sudden action until he began placing light, feathery kisses down your neck. The feeling of his warm, heavy breath caressing your delicate skin, along with the gentle touch of his soft lips made your craving worsen. You tried to hold in the moan that was begging to escape your lips, but released it as soon as he began to suck on your soft spot tenderly. He chuckled at you and his breath embraced your skin once more. You soon lifted up your legs to wrap them around his waist. That's when you couldn't take it anymore. You yanked on his sweatshirt, causing him to fall on top of you. The warmth of his body radiated off of him and made you crave his lips even more. You gently moved his head away from your neck and attempted to kiss him again, but he turned his head and raised himself back up so he was hovering again. You pouted at the lack of touch.

        “What’s wrong (Y/N).” He teased between heavy breaths.

        “Goddammit Cry! Just kiss me already!” You growled, pulling him back down, causing his lips to collide with yours. He kissed you so forcefully, so agressively but it felt so good. The feeling of his lips brushing against yours just made your heart explode. Wanting more, you slide your tongue against his lips.This time, Cry allowed you entry and your tongues wrestled in a battle for dominance. The feeling was indescribably perfect... that is until you were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

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