Stuck in the Virtual Apocalyp...

By SeikoisaPsycho

125K 4.1K 2.6K

A new invention has gone viral: a machine that allows you to enter into a book or videogame and stay there as... More

Drive to the fucking Gamestop
Hello, Friend!
So it begins...
Another close call.
No. It can't be...
Your OTP
Worries and Secrets
I'm worried about you.
Overly Protective
Minxy Moo!
In the Shadows
No Sucess
Lost and Found
His Other Side
Another Cryaotic Nightmare
Don't Hold Back
They're Leaving
Fight Between Gamers
Very Bad Things
Just Stay Sober
Split Roads
Losing Sanity
A Fanboy? Really?
So Much Going On
New Form
It Isn't Real...
Oh Well
I'm in.
Murder Part 1: Captured
Murder Part 2: Mission Complete?
The End? Part 1
The End? Part 2
End A/N:

So Let's Leave Too.

2.5K 90 40
By SeikoisaPsycho

         It had been 10-20, heck, maybe even 30 minutes since they had left and you were bored out of your mind. Minx and Marzia were there too, but were they busy? Now that you thought about it, Minx could have gone out by herself if she wanted to. Had she? If not was she considering it? There wasn't really anything to do here anyway, if that wasn't already made clear, so why wouldn't she. Maybe it was time you left your room to actually find out what was taking place within the house.

        Yeah, that's exactly what you were going to do. Raising yourself off of your comfortable bed, you left your room and headed down the hallway. You looked in the room on your right: No one. You investigated the room to your left: Still no one. You checked the last two rooms and got the same results, meaning they had to be downstairs. As you headed past the two rooms on your way to the staircase, something shiny caught your eye. Stopping right in your tracks, you looked in the room to your left. Rolled up on top of a small mahoganey dresser was a ninja blade whip. Your eyes went wide. 'Dayum that's BADASS!' The only question was who's whip was it? Deciding it wouldn't hurt anybody, you approached the melee weapon and wrapped you fingers around the handle carefully. Wouldn't this be heavy, and not to mention extremely dangerous. Just look at all the blades on that thing!

        "I see you found my weapon of choice." Minx laughed, startling the crap out of you.

        "H-Holy s-shit Minx! You scared me!" You chuckled, handing over the whip. Minx gladly took it, holding the weapon in a more proper manner.

        "I thought you had a sword, not a whip!" You said, a bit confused.

        "Oh, that's not mine!" She chuckled. Minx leaned in, holding a hand against her mouth as if someone was there that could see her lips moving. "It was actually Gandalf's. He doesn't know how to take care of it himself!" She whispered.

        "Oh yeah!" You replied, very tempted to facepalm. How had you not recognized it as Pewdie's katana earlier? It was so obvious now that she had said that. 

        "Well, it’s actually kind of funny that you found me up here because I was searching for you and Marzia. I just got a little distracted…" You motioned towards the whip.

        "Oh. I understand!" Minx replied. Then you both went downstairs to meet up with Marzia, who was just chilling out in the living room.

        "Hey Marzia!" You waved. Marzia perked up when she noticed the two of you coming towards her and waved back.

        "Hi!" She exclaimed.

        "You seem bored." Minx said.

        "That’s because you left me down here alone!" She pouted. “Do you guys want to do something? I wa-”

        "OH MY GOD YES!" You shouted, interrupting her. Marzia gave a look of surprise.

        "Okay. What do you want to do (Y/N)?"

        "Well… I was thinking…"

        "You want to leave." Minx accused.

        "MAYBE…" You smiled with “Yes” written all over your face. Minx giggled at the sight.

        "Alright. Let’s go!" Minx agreed casually.

        "What?" Marzia replied at the same time you shouted “REALLY?!”

        "But, what if-"

        "We’ll be fine! (Y/N) and I will make sure nothing happens to you."

        "What about the others. Won’t they get worried if they get home and can’t find us." Marzia asked nervously.

        "They’ll be fine Marzia. I’ll even write Cry a note, okay?" You replied. Hopefully that would reassure her.

        "Yeah. Okay." She said, still uncertain if it was a good idea to leave. Marzia was actually right in that sense. Even if nothing happened to you while you were out, Cry would probably be really upset with you later, but you could live with that. What other choice did you have, sit around and talk? That was way too lame! The guys shouldn't be the only ones having fun.

        "I’ll go write the note while you guys get ready, alright?" They both nodded and you went off to find some paper and something to write with. Surely there was some in one of the bedrooms. After heading up the stairs, you chose to check your own room first before raiding the others’ personal stuff. As soon as you entered through the doorway, you grabbed your bag off of your bed and searched through it for any sort of writing material. Inside you found an orange marker. ‘One of Cry’s favorite colors’ You smirked at the thought. You didn't have a notebook or anything so you just went to the hallway. "DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHERE I COULD FIND SOME PAPER?" You hollered.

        "NOPE!" They both shouted back. Well great. You were hoping to avoid going through other peoples’ shit, but it looked like you were gonna have to. You headed to Minx’s room first, refraining yourself from heading into the any of the guys’ rooms. This may be a zombie apocalypse, but that doesn't mean they couldn't be keep some weird stuff hidden in there…

        So you enter into Minx's room and checked everywhere, with absolutely no success. 'Dammit. Well there couldn't be anything weird in Melix's room.. right?' 

        You exited her room and entered their's, which was right across the hall. Your eyes immediately spotted a mint green notebook laying on a desk in the left corner of the room. You planted yourself in the chair and opened the notebook, flipping through all of the random clothing designs Marzia had drawn until you got to a blank page. Pulling out the orange marker, you wrote Cry a quick note:

        Dear Cry,

         Hey. So we got really bored and decided to head out... We won't do anything stupid, I promise! You're probably gonna hate me this, but I couldn't handle another second in this house...

We'll be back before you know it! 



        Tearing the page out of the notebook, you carried it out of the room, along with your bag. You went back downstairs and placed it on one of the kitchen counters that didn't have much on it. Minx and Marzia were waiting for you at the barricaded door. 

        "Ready?" Minx asked. You nodded and helped her remove the barricades. Marzia noticed that you looked a bit uneasy and asked you if you were alright. You told her yes, which made you feel a bit guilty because it wasn't entirely true. There was this lingering feeling eating away at you, like this wasn't right. You tried to push it behind your mind.

        Nothing would go wrong right? 

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