Stuck in the Virtual Apocalyp...

By SeikoisaPsycho

125K 4.1K 2.6K

A new invention has gone viral: a machine that allows you to enter into a book or videogame and stay there as... More

Drive to the fucking Gamestop
Hello, Friend!
So it begins...
Another close call.
No. It can't be...
Your OTP
Worries and Secrets
I'm worried about you.
Overly Protective
Minxy Moo!
In the Shadows
No Sucess
Lost and Found
His Other Side
Another Cryaotic Nightmare
Don't Hold Back
They're Leaving
So Let's Leave Too.
Fight Between Gamers
Very Bad Things
Just Stay Sober
Split Roads
Losing Sanity
A Fanboy? Really?
So Much Going On
New Form
It Isn't Real...
Oh Well
I'm in.
Murder Part 1: Captured
Murder Part 2: Mission Complete?
The End? Part 1
The End? Part 2
End A/N:


2.7K 100 95
By SeikoisaPsycho

        There is the sound of tumbling of objects along with the obnoxious scream "BARRELS!!!!"

        "Shut up Pewds! Your gonna wake (Y/N)!" Minx scolded the swede.

        "Too late." You mumbled, catching the attention of the masked man carrying you in his arms. 

        "(Y/N)!" He exclaimed with a ginormous grin.  "You're okay!" 

        You smiled up at him, but it quickly faded. Within an instant, an excruciating pain surged through your body. It was almost the equivalence of being hit by a speeding car and smashing into the pavement. You groaned and clutched your head as if it would make the torment anymore bearable. "WHAT IS HAPPENING!" You scream in agony. The three of them stood in shook, completely taken back by what was happening to you. You felt yourself growing lightheaded

        "We should probably get her out of here." Pewdie suggested.

        "Pewds is right; we have to hurry back." Minx replied, and Cry immediately tightened his grip on you, ensuring that you would not leave his grasp. They began to scurry out of the building, the sudden movement making you slightly woozy. They were leaving as swiftly and efficiently as possible. You didn't know where they were taking you; they never told you. It was like you were being rolled through the halls of the hospital in a rush to the emergency room; everything was blurry and little black dots swarmed your vision. Things began to drastically change as objects entered your view just as fast as they left. Trying to focus on any of it just made the aching worse. You could hear Cry's deep, angelic voice whispering things to you. He was so full of hope. You wanted to hang on, to keep his optimism alive, but at the same time you longed to give up and end it all. There was no longer any pain, just emptiness. It was like you were completely hollow. It was then that you were engulfed into everlasting darkness. 


        You were sitting against the body of the tree, your body resting upon one of it's sturdy branches as you enjoyed the beautiful forest. A warm summer breeze blew through the air, rustling the green leaves and even sweeping up acorns and pine cones. The sun shined through the colossal trees, and sparkled within the reflective water. The river flowed at a soothing pace, the stream slightly crashing against the mossy rocks. Two-winged seeds hovered to the ground silently like small helicopters, and squirrels shoved nuts into their chubby mouths. Deer peacefully graze through the tall, luscious grass, occasionally perking up allowing the sun to glisten through their large eyes. Birds chirp their harmonic tunes and hummingbirds pecked small holes into the chipping bark with their long beaks.  All of it was an astonishing display of nature, and it was truly a marvelous sight. 

        You sat there for quite some time before something startled the wildlife. The deer became statues, their ears perked up as if ready to dash away within a split-second. Birds silenced themselves and flew away at the sound of snapping sticks and crunching leaves. Taking in a deep breath, you scanned the forest with your eyes, but found nothing. You turned around for a moment to search behind you, but again it was normal. An uneasy feeling trembled in your gut, but you pushed it aside. It was probably just a bear...

        You feel a slight tug on your leg and you immediately shoot your head downward. Your masked friend was making his way up tree's strong branches. "Cry? How did you know I was up here?" You questioned.

        "I have my ways." He chuckled 

       You just rolled your eyes and watched him make his way up until he was close enough for you to reach. Grabbing his arm, you helped pull him up onto the branch. "Thanks Friend!" He shot you that signature smile, making you blush slightly. God how you both loved and hated that. 

        "No problem Cry!" You smiled back, your cheeks still as red as a rose. There was a  moment of silence before his face became as serious as the pokerface that lay upon his mask. You were just about to question him when he spoke up.

        "(Y/N)... I want to show you something." He said shyly, yet still serious. This was obviously very important.


        Cry moves his hands towards his mask. Instead of untying it from the back, he lets his fingers curl as he grasps the sides of his sacred mask. He pauses for a brief moment, and with the flick of his wrists, he flips it off of his face and gently places it in his lap. You gaze upon his face for only a second, before averting your eyes in pure horror. That face.... so familiar... no eyes... blank.... It was just like.....

        "Slender?" He says menacingly, finishing your thoughts.

        Then you see static.

        You bolt up, hyperventilating and chest pounding in fear. A bead of sweat slides down your cheek. 'It was just another dream...' You wipe the sweat off of your face and sit there for a moment to regulate your breathing. Once calmed down, you take a moment to take in your surroundings. You're sitting in a bed with dark blue covers, and the room is a normal size. The walls are painted the same shade of blue as the colors. 'Someone liked blue.' There are 3 windows and 1 door. So yeah, pretty generic right? The room isn't even that bad. There is a bit of blood smeared on the far right wall and a few cracks, but other than that it was in pretty good condition. You figured the others would be somewhere else within the house, so you decided to go surprise them. You quickly got out of bed and crept into the hallway, which also wasn't too bad. 'How the hell did they find a house that was so intact?' You walk across the hall and peer through each of the open doors. No one was in any of the rooms. 'Alright they must be downstairs.' Once to the stairs, you begin to creep down, hoping they wouldn't creek. You wanted to sneak up on them if possible. These stairs were just like in the other house where they had a turn in them. You reached the turn and found all of the YouTubers standing at the bottom of the stairs, like parents waiting for you to come down after they had called you downstairs. By the looks on their faces, you were going to get scolded.

        "What are you doing (Y/N)?" Ken questioned with a serious tone. "You should be upstairs resting after what happened."

        "Well its nice to see you too Ken." You reply sarcastically. "I was ju-"

        "Wait. What happened to your injury?" Cry asked, slightly cocking his head to the side. All of you stare at him in confusion. He lifts up his finger and points to your chest. You look down, lifting up your shirt, to see that the bandages are gone and nothing there. No blood, no mark, no wound. It was completely healed...

        What. The. Actual. Fuck.

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