You're My Mate?!

By beautifuldream365

396K 6.4K 404

Co-writer CrystalBeene More

You're My Mate?!
Life Of The Party
Case of the Psychotic Ex
The art of war
Feelings of Emotion
Preparation For Psychotic Alpha Idiot
Strange Things
Shock of The Year......Perhaps Century?
Author's Note
Fan Girls
Cock Blocker or Mate Savior
The end is Also Our Beginning
Author's Note
Mirror,Mirror WTF?!
Author's Note
Twinkie Day
Author's Note
My Little Secret
Author's Note
Fire and Ice
My Vixen of a Mate
It's getting hot in here
Author's Note
My Mate Got Swag
To Forgive Or Not To Forgive.
Imma Perv for you
Suprise delivery
Until I Die
The Original Beloved
My Alpha
Are We Done Yet?
A Different Kind Of High
New Pack Homes And........
Mother Nature
Blow Em Down
Mate and Rogue
Moving day
Pack business
More To Come
As That Saying Goes
Another Addition
Her Mate and Her True Mate?
His Way Or The Highway
Super human
Not Much Time
Silver Wolf
Live Bait
Operation Cole
Ready Set Die
Join Me Or Die
Never Too Far Away
You'll Never Get A Better One
Epilogue: The Day I'll Never Forget

Until My Last Breath

1K 57 4
By beautifuldream365

Mya's P.O.V.

Waking up I grabbed my head to stop it from spinning. I know silly attempt at trying to easy my dizziness.  Looking around the room I was in I huffed. Only Robert would pick an abandoned place. He could have been more original this definitely just cost him points.  I slowly got up from the stone bed that someone had laid me on. I know. That's more points lost.  Slowly creeping along the wall so that I wouldn't lose balance. I begin to look out the window. It was too small to escape from and I was too weak to try. Some would have but I wouldn't have made it.  I heard quick moment behind me making me turn my head.  I smirked at Robert's stupidity. If you are going to have your hybrid vampire prisoner drained if their blood, make sure the place you take them to doesn't have a rodent problem. That makes draining the prisoner completely useless especially if you're not going to chain them up.  I sprang at the rat barely catching it. Don't judge me this is life and death. Normally these fuckers creep me out but today this one shall give me life. Sort of.  I sank my fangs into it and once I was done I tossed it out the window. I once again went back to the window searching for my next prey. I smiled once I found it. "Come to me."  Making my food obey me or animal obey was one of my powers but I still hunted my food. How boring would it be to just make your food come to you? No I like the hunt.  I watched as the raccoon ran up the tree, onto the brance that was near my window and onto the ledge.  I picked up and sank my fangs into. I disposed of it the same way I did with the rat. I did the same with a couple more raccoons, and owls.  Once I was strong again I prepared myself for the battle I would fight alone because I am not staying in here. I checked my back to feel my bow and arrow bag was still there. I laughed I'm pretty sure they were pissed once they found out they couldn't remove it.  I knocked on the wall to see what it was made of. Regular cement this place was owned by humans.  I punched a spot next to the window following it with a kick. At the moment I'm in love with my powers all over again. Sending the wall to the ground  I jumped into the tree and then into the next. "Hey!" I heard somebody call from behind me.   "I would love to stay and chat but I gots better shit to go do like ummm kill your boss. Buuhh bye." Throwing a fire ball at him and jumping to the ground sprinting towards the entrance of the woods. I felt the thunder of wolf paws behind me. Seriously they just don't know when to give up. Grabbing my bow and an arrow I turned to shoot the were wolf behind me.  Seeing this werewolf made me itch to be in my own wolf form but I couldn't transform just yet not when I had vampires and werewolves coming after me at the moment. I tried not to freak out as I ran into a spider web. Talk about a conflicting moment where you have to face a fear and get over it quick. I hope the spider isn't on me. I grab a branch and launch myself into the tree.  A few vampires joining me.  I figured I might as well have a little ass kicking fun. I highly doubt Cole will even let me fight any more after this. I mean after I personally kick his ass for putting me through having to be without him but, hey who's complaining?  I am.  Swinging my body forward I kicked one out the tree making him land on a dead tree branch that was sticking straight up. Natures wooden stake gotta love it.  What I'm assuming is his beloved launched her self at me.  "Stupid little bitch! You think because you're queen you can just kill people?" Has this bitch lost it. They try to kill me and I'm suppose to let them?  I let out a laugh. An actual laugh. This chick was looney if she thought I was going to roll over and just die.   "First of all bitch." I flip her so now she was on the bark if the tree.  "You sons of bitches came at me wanting to kill me! Now you want me to just let you kill me? Bitch I think not. Now join your beloved in hell you miserable bitch." I punched her in the chest releasing a fireball.   "Ok assholes. Who's next?"  I hiss.  "Who does this bitch think she is the Big Bad Wolf Queen?" A vampire dude said.  I smirked, "You know what how about I huff and puff and blow- oops my bad guess i don't know my own lung  strength." I watched as his flew out of the tree on fire slowly turning to ashes.  I broke branches from tree I was in and went into battle. The shit definitely wasn't easy but hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Right?  Jumping out of the tree I transformed into my white wolf.  "Final fucking ly!"  My wolf screamed.   "Oh hush and where were you this whole time?"  I still love speaking to my wolf I will never shunn her she is still apart of me even though people want me for my power.  "Sleeping carrying a child is exhausting." She sighed.   "Tell me about it and having a mate that decides to go on missions without informing me doesn't exactly help us."  I groaned.     "About that....Go easy on him since we haven't technically been around him in days. Long story short I need love and affection."   If I could see her I'm pretty sure she would be smirking.    "Oh is that what we are calling it now?  Love and affection?"  I laughed.     "Shut up you were practically dying from keeping your moans in when he sank his fangs in your neck."  She said and wolf laughed.  I cut our link. She might of been some what right but then again she knows nothing. A swift movement caught my eye. I ran towards the bushes tackling the culprit.  "Get your heavy ass off me." Cole said and I transformed back into my human and vampire form. "Heavy? What happen to all the love?"  I crossed my arms.   "Oh it will come back when you tell me, what the hell were you thinking going off to fight Robert by your damn self?!"  He yelled through our link.  Can you say ouch?   "When you tell me what in the fuck you were thinking going to spy on him when you told me you wouldn't?! Fyi I've been fighting since you were gone!"  I punched him in the chest making him stumble a bit.  He growled but then stopped looking behind me.   "What?"  I asked him through our link.    "Werewolves. Run."  He pulled out his sword.   "How many?"  I asked.   "Seventy at the least." He said.   "That's all? Alright then get ready." With that I turned around and started shooting arrows as the began to charge. The ones that Cole missed I got and vice versa. I was in front of him and he was in the back of me but by the time we had finished we were back to back.  "So you were saying?"  I asked.   "I wasn't saying anything you were about to tell me why you went off to fight Robert without me when we clearly made a deal that we would do this together." He was the one to fold his arms this time.    "I saw the opportunity to end the battle quickly and took it. I didn't really have time to tell you." I shrugged.    "Saw the opportunity to end the battle early?  I call bullshit. You saw an opportunity to get revenge. You chose to make it a personal vendetta before anything else."  He said walking ahead of me.   "Well excuse the shit out of me for wanting to kill the son of a bitch who let's see, killed innocents, threaten me my pack and covenant and also took my mate and beloved. Damn right it's a personal vendetta!"  I linked to him then was tackled to the ground.  "You can not run from me I will always find you!" Robert yell and started dragging me off.   If he thinks this is going to happen twice he is wrong.  I banged my fist on the ground which created a giant hole in the ground in front of him. He stopped and that gave me time to throw I fire ball at him.  No it wouldn't turn him to ashes and kill him but it would burn him badly.  He dropped my legs and I sprang up into a fighters stance.  "Where are you?!"  Cole linked me panicking.   "I don't know. Robert tackled me and dragged me but I got it under control." I round house kicked Robert as he ran up on me.   "I'm on my way." He replied in a seriously angry tone.   Replying is something I couldn't do because Robert,kicked me in the stomach sending me flying into a boulder. I actually fucking broke a boulder. Damn I am getting heavy.  He walked over grabbing me by my neck lifting me in the air.   "You see my little white wolf this is what happens when you defy me. Now you must die!"  He startedd squeezing harder. If he thought I came this far to die he was wrong.  I was about to pull out my arrow but an extremely familiar sword came flying towards Robert's hand cutting it off making me drop to the ground.  A super pisses off Cole in vampire speed rammed Robert up against a tree.   "I told you Robert fuck with all you want but fuck with her and I will end you."  I could tell he was using his pressure field on him and Robert couldn't take it.  For once I'm glad I am not the victim of that pressure field.  I smirked as I watched him squirm but that was short lived. I was knocked on my ass a second later.  "What in the hell is up with everybody tackling me today?!"  I turned around to see the same vampire who drained me. I growled.   "I was going to ask your name but it doesn't even matter."  I started to attack him.  I blocked all most all of his moves.  I clothes lined him knocking him on his back.  I was done playing. Grabbing the branch from my arrow holder I implanted it in his chest.  "Suck on that bitch."  I felt a shift. This one must have been this covenant's last master. As if on que with him minutes the rest of the covenant members that were left were standing before me kneeling.   "Rise."  I said then feeling a hand on my shoulder but knowing who it was I did react the way I would have.   "Those of you who would rather follow the old ways of Dracula speak now."  My voice boomed.   No one came forward.   "I will teach you to contain your thirst for anything that isn't an animal. As you know I am a Luna as well you will respect my pack there are consequences for those who don't. You will respect your king and prince. If you betray me you will be put to death. Disobey the animal blood only law you will be put to death. If you break this law and try to run I will find you and kill you."  I said and they agreed.   "Mya come quick!" Raymond yelled through the link.   "What's the problem? Robert is dead and the battle is over we won."  I replied happily.    "It's Inuyasha. He's not going to make it."  Raymond said slowly.     "What do you mean he going to be fine it's just a little scrape. Right?"  I was trying not to tear up.   "No Luna you need to get to the pack house now we have him here already."  He told me sadly.      "No! When did this happen?"         "Almost a hour we couldn't tell you because you were in battle it would have been a distraction."    "Who did it?" I asked feeling my rage flare.      "Robert's wife."  He admitted.    "Where is she?!"       "In our prison."        "Good keep the bitch there I want to see her when I get there."  I cut the link and turned to see that Cole had told our new covenant members to go collect their things and come to our pack and covenant house.   I vampire speed ran all the way there. I quickly ran down the hospital hall and into Inuyasha's room.   I burst into tears when I saw him.  The bitch put a stake in his heart.  "The machine is the only thing keeping him here."  Jack said.   As I went over to his bed.  "My Queen you came." He smiled.   I tried to but I couldn't. My friend was going to die.  "Why wouldn't I have come? You're my friend."  I tear rolled down my cheek.    "Do not cry my Queen I would do this all over again the exact same way if it means your safety."  He ran his hand through my hair then placed it on my stomach.   "I'm so sorry Inuyasha I'm so sorry."   I grabbed his hand and rubbed my face with it.  Inuyasha was there for me at my worst time and didn't judge me if I acted out of rage. He protected me when I didn't ask. I feel like I've known him for a lifetime.  I feel like I'm losing a brother.    "My Queen please don't cry. Everything as it should be I'll never regret anything and please don't blame yourself I'll never forgive you if you do. Remember I told you I would protect you until my last breath."  He rubbed my hand.  I nodded knowing that what he said was true.  "I have two more favors to ask."  He said.   "Ask away."    "I've never met the famous Mason you talk about so much due to all the planning. Can I meet him. Also, Will you name your daughter Isabella?" He asked both with hope in his eyes.  I smiled, "Anything for you."   I quickly linked Cole telling him to bring Mason. Within two minutes Cole had him there.   "He is a handsome guy. Powerful grip too." Inuyasha said happily.  The machine started going crazy and Cole grabbed Mason.  "Inuyasha!"  I screamed as he began to cough up blood.   "I'll see you again one day my Queen and King. Remember my words." He whispered then went still.  I grabbed onto his shirt and cried.  Cole tried to remove me but couldn't.  "Don't touch me one of my friends are gone and it's that bitches fault. Where is she?!"  I screamed. I ran out the room and down to the prison.  I saw Brandon guarding a woman. This is her.   "What is your name?"  I asked her.    "You don't need it."  Was her reply which caused me to growl.   "You killed my friend why? The war was over! Why did you kill him?!"  I wanted to kill her but I wanted my answers for all I know she could have done it against her will.     "Because you took my mate from me! Long before this war. When we first met he wasn't that thrilled about me the only reason he kept me was because his wolf would have never come out again. It was always you he wanted you he talked about. 'The white wolf'  he wanted you to have his pups not me because he knew they would be 'powerful'."  She confessed Robert's and her relationship.  I felt sorry for her I really did but the bitch fucked it up.  "You took my mate so I had to take someone important to you it's just fucked up that I couldn't kill your brother or mate but I see that vampire had just as much effect on you." She smiled.   "Bitch I didn't take your mate your mate was a psychotic son of a bitch oh yes pun intended deary and you just fucked with the wrong one. You see that was more than a friend that was a brother you killed so now I think I will avenge him."  I let out a threatening growl.    "Bitch lock me up for eternity and see if I care I would actually love it I'm use to it." She said with a smug look.    "You cheeky bitch you are beyond that deary."  I vampire speed ran towards her grabbing her head.   "W-what are you doing get away from me you crazy psychotic bitc-"            "V is for vendetta bitch." I ripped off her head and threw it at the wall.  I walked out her cell feeling numb. Killing her made me feel slightly better but it didn't bring back Inuyasha.  I quickly ran upstairs to take a shower rinsing not only her blood off but the blood of others including my dear friend.  Oh Inuyasha I miss you so.  That night I cried myself to sleep knowing that the next day. i would have to bury my friend who became a brother.

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