Shock of The Year......Perhaps Century?

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Mya's P.O.V.

I seriously don't know how we managed to spend what felt like thirty minutes but was really three hours in Wal-mart but when I stopped to think about the fact that I'm with two people who loves shopping it seem extremely possible. "That was fun! We got to go shopping again especially for Mason!" Sabrina exclaimed as we pulled into the gates of my house. "It definitely was but lets just hope Justin isn't home yet because you know how he gets when he's worried and don't know what's going on." I said and she agreed. "Yea my mate does have such a temper doesn't he." She smirked. "You do know that's not a good thing right Brina?"    "To you it's not but when he yells and loses it like he does it's a damn turn on. I mean the way his voice sounds the way his face looks and how his muscles flex and how-"      "Alright I get it! Can you please stop explaining I'm going to die from grossness I actually feel vomit starting to rise just stop please."  I gagged and she laughed. "What can I say I got a hot sexy mate." I think she's purposely trying to make me sick. We both got out me with Mason still in his carrier/carseat. "Okay chicas lets get everything unloaded and set up. I'm so excited!"  Jasmine said carrying bags and practically running past us to the door. I unlocked the door and looked around, Whew Justin's not back yet. I walked up stairs with Mason and a few bags I'm a werewolf so it's way easier. I turned on the light and sat Mason on the bed. "Aahhhhh!" I screamed and a hand came around my mouth. From the scent I could tell it was Justin. The fucking ass scared the shit out of me, like seriously who the hell hides and sneaks up on people? Justin that's who. "Mya what the hell is a baby doing here and who's is it?" He asked through gritted teeth. "You remember when I told you it's more to what I mind linked you about?"     "Yes but what does that have to do with anything?" He raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Where is Cole it's better if I tell you both at the same time since he's going to be future Alpha and we will definitely need the Alpha and Luna here as well it's better because I don't have to repeat myself." I say looking at Mason then back to Justin. "Cole's in the game room and I just mind linked him and told him to tell his parents to come over." He said looking at Mason as well. "So is Mason the reason you had to go shopping because I don't remember us having a carseat for babies or any type of small child."     "Yeah he's the reason why we had to go shopping." I said as Jasmine and Sabrina ran it to my room. "Ok we brought in all the bags and....Whoa Hey Justin didn't know you were here I think I'm gonna go now not really wanting to see you when you angry it's like standing in the path of the hulk. So Mya I will see you tomorrow."  Jasmine said and raced down the stairs. Justin and I started laughing, "When did you guys get back anyways?"      "About two hours ago."       "Wow we didn't think yall would be back that fast. What did yall take there a jet?"   I mean who makes it back from a completely different state within an hour and forty five minutes?   "As a matter of fact we did. My dad has a jet remember?"  Cole said walking into my room.  "Uhhh why is there a baby here?"   "I will tell you when your parents get here."    And as if on que we were all mind linked and told to me them in my living room. I unhooked Mason from the carseat/carrier and slowly walked down the stairs with him safety in my arms. "Alpha and Luna." I greeted. "What's going on that we needed to be here?" The Alpha says.  "Well I'm going to give Cole the permission to look in my memory of to day and he can pass it on to you and the Luna as well as Justin."  Alpha's can send images to others but Cole's dad doesn't have the power to look into people's mind like Cole does. "Ok. You do know that you will have a head ache a few hours after I do this?"  Cole asked. "Yup just do it but wait until I sit down and Cole only send the image of what pertains to Mason." I said knowing there some pretty embarrassing moments that I've probably had today. He nodded and I closed my eyes because I don't want to be staring while he's doing it. It took about ten minutes before, "Oh my goodness." Which came from the Luna. "Mya I was going to ask you to give the baby to someone in the pack because I know the baby wasn't yours but seeing this I can't ask that of you because I'm not one to tango with the goddess and fate this child is your destiny and the moon goddess couldn't have chosen a better person than you if I do say so myself."  She said.  "I  second that." Cole said and I smiled. "I agree as well." The Alpha said which noe brought a huge smile on my face"So do I."  Justin said.   "I told you Mya I don't know why you doubted yourself."  Sabrina said walking in. "Alpha and Luna."  She greeted happily wrapping her arms around Justin.   "So what do we do and The Alpha King and Queen?" I say sadly"Nothing for you to do Mya but tomorrow before training we will have a pact meeting but we will not tell anybody outside of this room or who ever you have trusted about Mason being the future King everyone is to think that Mya adopted a child from a relative who's parents had died from a car crash and it was in the will for Mya to care for the child." The Alpha says and I got to say I love how he thinks and that we are on the same page of not telling the pack about Mason. "Thank you Alpha."  I smiled. "Mya if you need any help I will definitely be here."  The Luna said. "Thank you Luna."  I was almost about to cry I was happy because not only did I have the support of my friends but the Alpha and Luna as well.  "Well we are going back to bed take care Mya." The Luna said and the Alpha nodded in agreement. Justin and Cole walked them out. "Ok lets get every thing set up now." Sabrina said I swear this girl reads my mind.  "Ok first things first I'm going to need all of his bottles so that I can wash them."    "I already did that they're on his bottle rack drying. So we can move to putting his things away and setting up the his crib and swing."  Friends definitely come in handy for these things.   "Alright we are helping we're going to put the crib together." Cole said.   "Because lets face it you ladies won't know the first thing to do." He finished."     "Pfft ok fix it men make sure you read the directions and don't you say you don't need them because we all know you really do."   I smirked and walked up stairs. "Yea yeah just tell us where." I don't really like the. idea of him sleeping in another room alone and I'm extremely glad my room is the size of an small apartment. "My room. I don't feel comfortable with him having his own room yet."  I bit my lip.    "Ok lets go."   Cole and Justin both said. Within two hours we had everything in place surprisingly the crib did take that long. Once we were done Mason began to cry. I changed his diaper and gave him a bottle and he fell right back to sleep. Awwwwwwww he's so cute. I laid him in his crib and turned on the night light. I soon joined him in a deep sleep of my own. Today was definitely exhausting but tomorrow will be wonderful. I know it because I have Mason to take care of and that's the last thing I thought of before I closed my eyes.

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