You're My Mate?!

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Mya's P.O.V

"Justin! Where are you?" I Screamed From my room. In case you're all wondering Justin is my big brother well only by two days and believe he doesn't let me forget it. "Yo I'm in the game room lil sis!" He yells back. I run down stairs into the game room. "For the last time Jay Jay you are only two days older than me but we're still twins." I say flopping down onto the couch and realizing Cole was there too. "Hey Cole." I say giving a small wave. Cole is the future Alpha and Justin's best friend. "Hey Mya." He said glancing my way. "Jay Jay mom said that she and dad aren't going to be here for a few days because aunt Terri's having the pups." I say extra excited and mad because I couldn't go. "Cool! Ay Cole you know what that means right?" Justin looks at Cole with a smirk and Cole returns it and at this point I know what they both are thinking. "No! No. No. No. You guys are not throwing a house party on my watch no I object no. I'm putting my foot down this time you two." I say looking stern. "What are you a judge?" Cole asked. "No no no no I object." He mocked and Justin laughed. "Say what you want I'm so not getting in trouble for this. I'm going over to Sabrina's so do what you will." I pulled out my phone and dialed my best friend in the whole wide world Sabrina. "Hey girly what's up?!" She said. "Oh nothing the dip sticks want to throw a house party while my parents are gone so I'm coming over there-" I couldn't finish my sentence because Sabrina screamed. "Omg I'm coming over we have to go to that party your brother and Cole throws the best parties ever!" She practically screamed. "Way to burst my eardrum Brina and okay but I better not get into any trouble." "You won't get into any trouble I promise Mya see you and your hottie brother when I get there laterz chica." "Mmmhmmm Laterz." With that I hung up. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm staying for your little party." I said stomping off towards the stairs. "Yea yea The party start ls in four hours so I need you to come with Cole and I to get the things for the party." Justin told me. "Awwww but Mya is such a whinny baby can't we leave her?" Cole complained. "As much as a cry baby Mya is she has the best party ideas." Justin semi attempts to compliments me. "Oh wow thanks Justin." I roll my eyes and he slaps me on the shoulder. "No problem. Now let's get going." I grab my phone. "Okay but let me tell Sabrina to meet me at Party City." I say as I dial Sabrina. "Hey Brina if you get ready before I'm back just meet me at Party City. Yea yea okay bye." I hang up as I slide into my Benz. I pull up next to Cole and Justin. "Ay yo how about we make this a little race I win you give me one hundred you win I give you one hundred." I smirk trying to sound like a dude. "I say you're on but you may want to watch you're self little girl racing is for boys not for girls." Cole said returning the smirk. "Tisk tisk Cole you don't know me that well and I'm far from a little girl and in case you didn't know racing is my thing." I gave my car a little gas while still in park yea you all know what I'm talking about. I may act like the little miss goody two shoes or what ever but I use to street race ever now and then until the Luna caught me sneaking out and threatened to tell my parents so yea I had to stop. I put my stunner shades on oh yea I looked better than a Hollywood star on a late Friday night. "The race starts when we get to the gates." I say fluffing my hair. "Oh Mya when my homie boy beats you don't come crying to me." Justin laughs. "Jay Jay just be sure to pick the shells of you're home boy's broken ego off the ground when I'm done shattering it okay? And you'll need tissue to wipe the yoke off your face." I say plugging my IPod in and turning to Kelly Rowland "Kisses down low" and turning the volume all the way up. We pulled up to the to the gates and as soon as the gates opened I took off leaving Cole in the dust. "I told you little Alpha boy I'm too fast for you." I taunted him through our mind link. "I'm a man not a boy and in your dreams little girl." He said passing me. Oh hell no he is not going to beat me. It's time to kick this up a notch. I shifted gears and shot past him into the Party City parking lot. I got out the car and leaned against my car pretending to look at my nails as Cole and Justin pulled up. "Boy Cole you're slower than a snail." I say walking towards them. "I can't believe I lost to a little girl a fucking little girl." He said sourly. "Hey I'm the same age you are so what the hell are you talking about." I say angrily. "Just like I said a fucking little girl. You're definitely not a woman. I mean look at you, you look like you're thirteen. There's nothing about you that screams woman." He said coldly. "Whatever I haven't gotten my curves yet. Who the hell cares and fyi I haven't even shifted yet sir dumb ass so technically I haven't hit woman hood yet." I said as I walked into the store. Stopping and turning to look back at him over my shoulder. "Oh and curves doesn't make you a woman your mentality does." I grabbed a cart and started throwing party items into it. I already knew what colors they wanted Jay had told me before the theme colors were blue and sliver, the school colors. Jay and Cole were the high school jocks, yep I'm sure you guessed it football and basketball. They played both Jay was captain of the football team and Cole was captain of the basketball team. A lot of people thought I would be captain of the cheerleading squad but truth is I don't like cheering, I love watching it but I'm not the cheering type. "Mya?!" Justin scream through our link. "What do u want dork." Was my reply. "Ah ha not funny. Listen could you pleasecookthefood for the party." He rushed in and it took me a few seconds to realize what he said. "Ah ha I think not! What do I look like your personal maid?" "No Mya it's not like that it's just people love you're cooking. I'm mean come on you know you have mad cooking skills." Oh he's good at trying to butter me up. "Fine but next time can you warn me ahead of time I have three hours to cook for the whole pack and half the school." I said in a serious tone. "Thanks Sis! I owe you one!" I can tell he was grinning. "Yea yea now where are you two douche bags." I grabbed some streamers. "We're up front buying balloons and renting the helium machine" He said. "Ok I'm coming." After that I put block back up. When I reached the register I notice the guy behind it practically raping me with his eyes. I call it raping because I don't want his attention or him thinking about me that way. That statement that cole made earlier was false. I mean true I don't have curves...yet...but I didn't look like a thirteen year old i was just simply skinny. I waited until Cole and my brother to get through with their purchase before I stepped up to the counter. "Hey welcome to party city, did you find everything you need?" The guy behind the counter said as I began to sit everything on the counter. "Hello and yes I did." I said pleasantly. "That's good. So how old are you?" The clerk asked. "Seventeen." I tried to hide the fact that I was annoyed by his personal question because somehow I knew that he's going to ask me on a date or something. "Great I'm eighteen! How would your sexy-" He was cut off by my brother Justin. "Dude seriously are you going to attempt to hit on my sister and ask her out in front of me?" Justin said you can hear the disgust in his voice. "Mya go outside and wait for us." Justin said plainly. "But I'm not done paying for the party stuff." "Mya." Justin warned. "Urg fine but don't be long." I walked out to my car and leaned up against it. Why the hell does he always do that?! It's so fucking annoying! It wasn't like I was interested in the guy anyways. I know my brother is overly protective of me but damn he does not need to scare every boy that tries to talk to me away. I hop he doesn't try to pull this stunt with my mate. My mate. I don't know if I want to meet him or not. Apart of me does but then there's apart of me that don't. I mean for all I know he could be a cheater a liar or an asshole. One thing I know for sure is that he will be somebody that isn't from my pack. How do I know? Well the werewolves from my pack knows who their mate is at the age fourteen. Even if the werewolf is from another pack and doesn't discover their mate until sixteen or eighteen. We know who our mate is on sight and since I've seen everyone in my pack I already know that my mate is not in this pack. The only ones that don't discover their mates until eighteen in my pack is the Alpha and Beta. "Mya!" Sabrina yelled as she ran up to hug me. "Sabrina!" I screamed just for the hell of it. Sabrina looked around. "What are you looking for Brina?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "It's not what it's who. Now where is he?!" "Where is who Brina?" "Don't play dumb with me missy. Where is you're smexy brother?" Sabrina has the world's biggest crush on my brother. I rolled my eyes. "He's in there with Cole. The clerk tried to flirt with me and Justin went protective bro mode." I said letting my annoyance show. "Omg! He is so sexy when he's overly protective." She put a hand over her heart and looked up in the sky. I pinched her. "Ouch! Why the hell did you do that." She jumped and rubbed her arm. "You my friend were in la la land day dreaming about my brother so therefore I brought you back to the real world. There is no telling what you were day dreaming about." I shuddered. "Oh I can tell you every detail." She smirked. She began talked and my hands went straight over my ears. "La la la la la la la la la la I can't hear you!" I screamed over and over. When I noticed she stopped talking I removed my hands from my ears. "And then we had sex for hours on your kitchen table!" She blurted out and unfortunately I heard. "Dammit Brina I coulda gone a lifetime without that image." She smiled. "Well at least I know you will never forget me." She said while applying more lip gloss. "Ya know one of these days you're going to find your mate and all those feelings will disappear." I shook my head. "Never I would reject my mate for Justin's sexy ass." I laughed at her statement. "Oh really but what if he finds his mate?" "I'll simply break her neck." She said looking at her nails. "Girl you got it bad for him. Don't you?" "Yes!" She whined. I laughed, "You are so sprung." I joked. "One question." "What?" She asked in confusion. "Why don't you ever talk to him?" I leaned back against my car. "Because he's a sexy amazing cute funny smart man god and I can't speak around him I get tongue tied." She put her head in het hands and shook her head. "Grow some balls girl and talk to him it doesn't have to be on a boyfriend girlfriend level you could start of as friends." I say trying to encourage her. "What if he doesn't want to be my friend?" She asked as let her hands drop to her side. "Well start off with small conversation here and there and eventually you guys will become friends or maybe more." I wiggled my eyebrows. "You think so?" "Pfft I know so. Besides you can get any guy you want including my brother." I stated and noticed it boosted her confidence. "You're right I'm one sexy ass chic and I'm smart!" She said running a hand through her hair. "So your birthday is in a month what are you going to do?" She asked me. "I don't know usually Justin and I would have come up with something by now." I state sadly. Usually Justin and I have a party together but this year I think he wants to do separate parties. I mean I can't blame him we can't always do everything together he's about to be Beta soon and me tagging alone can't happen. We do our own thing now but we still have those "joined at the hip" twin moments which has been dying down this year. In the past years we had done everything together but this year we kinda found our independence. "Earth to Mya." I noticed I zoned out when Sabrina was waving her hand in my face. "Yea?" "I said I was thinking that we should go to a club for your birthday." "How in the world are we going to get in?" I asked because here there are no teen clubs for werewolves. "No need to worry about that, let's just say I know people." She grinned. "What kind of people?" My tone held uncertainties. "Would you stop thinking like that. My brother in law cousin owns the club and said he'd let me in when I wanted to come." "Oh." Was all I could say. "Well in that case hell yea!" I was extra excited now. "Ok so we have one month to pick out dresses." She said pulling out her phone and texting. "Ok so I guess I will let our friends know." I pulled out my phone. I called Brianna First following Stacy, Liyah, Kaila, Jasmine, Karla, Faye and Mia. They were all excited. "Ok we are on the V.I.P list!" Sabrina screamed looking up from her phone. "How in the hell did you manage that!" Now I was way more excited than before. "I already told you." She rolled her in annoyance. "Anywho I just let the girls know and they are all excited." "Great. Now we need to figure out transportation." She went back to texting. "I'm thinking limo." I say looking at my reflection on my car. She looked up, "That's a great idea I don't know why I didn't think of that before." "Because your brain isn't as good mine." I rolled my eye in a playful way. "Pfft oh sure it is." She did an eye roll of her own. "Dude did you see his face." Cole said as him and Justin walked out the store. "Yea he was all like I didn't know she was your sister." Justin laughed. "What did you do to him." I asked scared for that clerks life. "Oh nothing I just gave him a little lecture on why he shouldn't stare, talk, think or dream about you." Justin said putting the bags into Cole's car.

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