Operation Cole

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Mya's P.O.V.

"Today we have called this meeting to inform you that we have received information within the last few days that Alpha Robert will attack on the full moon." I say and hear nothing but gasp.  "However we are ready do not fear Cole and I chosen whom will fight with us long before this new nothing has change those of you fighting know who you are and you know who they are." I some sighs of relief.   "Also I must tell you that our Alpha and King was captured last night while trying to spy on the enemy but I can assure you we will get him back alive." I growl and every one cheers and growls.  "This afternoon we will have several visitors please make them feel welcome. I also want to include that we may go into war a whole lot sooner. We need our alpha back." I said and they cheered in agreement.  "Meeting dismissed." They bowed and began to leave.     "I think you did good dear."  Lillian said.  "I hope so I don't want the pack and covenant scared or worried." I sighed.  "Nonsense they will automatically be worried about you and Cole you two are their Alpha and Luna as well as King and Queen they are naturally worried it's in their nature." My mom said coming to comfort me. It didn't really help I need Cole here. Why on earth did he have to be so damn pig headed?  He is an Alpha that is why. "Hey Justin is everyone in the training room?" I linked him. "Yep everyone except you and Brandon." Was his reply.  "Ok hold it for a moment I have to call a friend we will need him. Tell everyone I will be there shortly." I finished then cut the link.  Brandon and I walked out into the clearing. "You ready?" He asked.  I shook my head.  I bit into my wrist and let drops of my blood spill onto the ground.  It had only taken five minutes.  "My Queen I see you have learned to summon those who are not dead or asleep." Inuyasha smiled.  "Indeed I have." I replied.  "No disrespect my Queen but it is not noon."    "I know that but things have changed."  I swallowd the lumped in my throat but it didn't go unnoticed by him.  "What has happened? Are you ok? Is your unborn-" He went silent for a moment and rested his hand on my stomach then breathed a sigh of relief.  "No it's Cole he was captured by Robert and I to get him back."   I admitted.   "Yes you must my Queen but this must be thought out very well because we are going into their territory and they want one thing, you."  What Inuyasha said made sense and to be honest I hated sense right now I just wanted Cole back but in order to make sure things went right this is how I had to do it. Inuyasha, Brandon and I walked into the training room together. Once I had introduced him we began to discuss our strategy. At first there were a few disagreements but finally everyone came to an agreement. We attack tomorrow and darkness would be our cover. It's something Robert wouldn't expect me to do. No he would most likely think I'm coming in the day time that's what he's anticipating. That's when his guards will be most high at night is when they will slack and that's when we will come. After the meeting I walked back to Cole and I room and put on my training gear. Yes I am still training I need to be prepared. Now I am training with the warriors and Inuyasha. I know not to tire myself out but I am going against Robert tomorrow and everybody knows Robert ass is mine no if's and's or but's about it. This is my fight and his head is mine to collect.  I'm not going into this cocky I know I can lose but if I win I don't want to take over his pack. The reason being is some willingly joined his pack and others were kidnapped. Those that were kidnapped if they still have any family left somewhere out there I will help them find if not they would be welcome to join my pack but as far as the other ones it's instant death only because they are and will destroy anyone who crosses their path once they become rogue. If I can prevent that I will. Throughout training the only things that were on my mind were Cole, the baby, the pack and covenant. "That's enough we don't need to tire you today and besides you're more ready than you think you are in battle you will be a natural. You aren't queen for nothing." Inuyasha smirked.  "I believe it but it's best to be prepared." I pat him on the shoulder.  "Besides you're not in this alone you have us and the king isn't weak either he's an Alpha as well which means he is just as powerful."   Brandon said.   "True but I still worry a bit but one thing I will say Robert better bring all he has nobody threatens or touches anything that is mine." I growl.  "All this feisty-ness in one little woman?  How does the king even put up with you?" Inuyasha asks.  "He's just as strong willed." I smiled.  For the first time I felt the baby kick. I stopped walking and placed my hand on my stomach. "Is something wrong?" Inuyasha ask coming to my side quickly.  "Yes everything is fine the baby just kicked."  I smiled.   "Ah well then seems like we will have two feisty women on our hand." He said placing his hand on the small bump that appeared yesterday. Since the baby is a hybrid it's going to grow faster than if it were a werewolf.  "How do you know?"  I ask.   "I just do. Goodnight my queen sleep well I will be here tomorrow around noon as always if you need me you know how to call me." He walked out the front door.  "Hey sis Cole's Uncle just arrived." Justin said walking up to me hugging me.  I returned the hug.   "You know it's going to be ok we're going to get him back alive. You do know that right?" He pulled back looking me in the eyes.   "Yes I know but I still can't help but worry. Did you discuss with Sabrina when and where they are to hide tomorrow? "           "Yes I did remind her she was a little annoyed because you did tell her over ten times."  Justin laughed.     "I just want to make sure everyone is safe and I know she will be just the one to make sure everyone gets to the safe house." I sigh as we enter the living room.   "So Lillian where is Cole's mate?"  I heard a woman ask.  Lillian turned around to see me walking in.  "She's right here aunt Angelina."  She said take my arm.    "Oh my Mateo isn't she gorgeous?!" She screamed.  "Yes my love she is. What is your name?" He asked.    "Thank you both and my human and wolf name is Mya but my vampire name is Anya."    I said slowly not sure how they would react to me being half vampire. I'm not ashamed I love being a hybrid but them being Cole's family I wanted them to like me but if they didn't oh well. "Exotic and might I ask what is your ethnicity? You remind me of someone." Angelina said.     "I am black and native cherokee to be exact."   I said proudly.     "Do you know of Alpha Grayson?" Mateo cut in.   "You mean grandpa Gray wolf?" I asked.   "Alpha Grayson is your grandpa?" He asked in disbelief.  "Yes my mother America is his second eldest daughter." I said feeling a little defensive.  "Second eldest? Oh that's the one that resembles the cartoon character pocahontas. She was more into pack duties with Judi." She said to Mateo and as if on que my mom and Halo's sister America walked in with my her. Yes my mom loved her because they have the same name.   "Mya there you are I have been looking everywhere for you! Your grandpa and uncle will be here in an hour they say you have a lot of explaining to do. Remember I am not in this you are Luna and queen now so you deal with the angry men. I will have your back but from a distance." My mom said throwing up the peace sign.  "Mom how is that having my back? When exactly did he tell you this?"       "Thirty five minutes ago. Well I would love to stay and chat darling but I have my own hide to save you know how your grandpa and uncle is." She said walking out the room.  "Well Mya you know I love you darling but you're on your own. Tio Mateo and Tia Angelina I will catch up with you later." She said and they nodded.  "Yes indeed I believe we will be going too. Your grandpa and uncle came to mexico once to get your aunt Rosemary from the rogues that took her and I will say it was not pretty. Your grandpa has a temper. We will talk about my nephew in the morning ok? Don't worry so much he will be fine."  Mateo said grabbing his wife around her waist and leaving. I sighed.   "You know little wolf it has been a while since we have spoken." I turned around to see my grandpa standing there. "Hey grandpa!"  I screamed hugging him.  "What no love for uncle Nicholas?"  my uncle said raising an eyebrow.  "Yes I haven't forgot about you." I hugged him as well.  "My little wolf you have grown since the last time I've seen you. You look like your mother."  Grandpa says.     "I know it's been a while. How are you two?  How's grandma?" I says gesturing them to sit.    "I am just fine young lady. Why haven't you called me and told me about you finding your mate?"  My grandma said appearing beside me.  Yes my grandma has a gift she can turn herself invisible which is good if you're her.  I jumped up in surprise but quickly recoved hugging her. "It slipped my mind grandma with everything going on I don't really have time to think about anything but the current situations that are being thrown at me."  I sighed.   "I expected that much dear and you're expecting so I will forgive you. I Anya has been awaken in you." She says. "Yes I see it as a good thing at first I doubted it but I've embraced it." I smiled.   "That is good little wolf. Now tell me everything that has been happening do not lie I know you are in the mist of war." Grandpa says.   I began to tell them even thing I can tell that my uncle and grandpa were getting angry but they contained it but as far as my grandma she threw a vase. "Serenity?" My grandpa arched an eyebrow.   "What do you expect dear some mad man is trying to use my granddaughter for our ruin and his gain and I'm suppose to remain calm while he just takes her?"  Her nose flared.  "No he won't just take her and when she goes to war tomorrow so do we nobody messes with my little wolf."  Grandpa winked.  "My pack is in a well. Nobody touches my niece and gets away with it." Uncle Nicholas growls.    "Nicholas control your temper." My grandma says. Grandpa and uncle Nicholas looks at her with a 'Are you joking?' look. "Mom you just threw a vase. You want me to control my temper?"         "Son do I need to tell you?" She asks sticking her hip out.   "Tell what mom?"       "Do as I say not as I do. Where is America?" She starts to look around.  "Present." My mom says popping out the closet.    "Oh look if it isn't Pocahontas." My teases.  "Nicholas don't start."  She replied hugging him. We all talked for another hour I introduced them to Mason. Justin introduced them to Sabrina. I felt myself getting tired so I excused myself after my hot shower I jumped into bed and fell asleep dreaming of my one and only Cole.

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