As That Saying Goes

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Cole's P.O.V.

Mya disappeared upstairs more than likely to shower and get ready for bed while we were still debating the sex of Justin and Sabrina's babyWell they were debating I was laughing and listening to the hilarious conversation.   "I'm telling you it's a boy."  Justin said to Sabrina.   She looked at him and smirked.  "Are you willingly to place a double bet on that?"  Now both women were smirking but that ended when we heard Mya scream bloody murder. I was in mid stride when it suddenly stopped. My heart fell. Is she hurt?   "Sorry for scaring you babe I saw a spider."   She linked me. I knew she was lying but I didn't feel any fear or anger and i knew she wasn't hurt and she didn't feel threathened at all.  Whatever it is I'll get to the bottom of it.  Not even Robert is dumb enough to come here and take her alone or to send any one alone or even a group he knows he will need an army.   So that's not what I'm worried about however what is going on that my mate feels the need to lie to me right now? That's the question I want no need answered but I won't do it while some of the pack members are knowingly awake.  "Is everything alright?"  Zeke one of the pack warriors superiors asked walking into the living room.  "As far as I know yes. She just linked me saying it was a spider." I said.  "Ok I've always known the Luna had a fear of those things who wouldn't."  He said I nodded.  "Back to the question are you willing to make a double bet?" She asked again crossing her arms.   "Baby any thing you throw my way I can handle." Justin smirked.   I face palmed myself. Stupid. Never say that to a woman. It always ninety percent of the times means you ain't getting noneThey love seeing how long we can go without which is like maybe eight hours and that due to working and even then we are still thinking about it.  "Ok Mr. Cocky, how about..... After the baby comes no sex for an additional week added onto the six weeks we already have to wait for me to properly heal."   She smirk as she wrote it down. His jaw dropped and so did Joshua's and Zeke's.  "That's not even fair but it's alsgood because it's going to be a girl anyways."  He said puffing his chest out. For his sake I hope so.  "Oh you guys are taking bets on the sex?"  Zeke asked.  "Yep." Joshua said popping the "p".  "Cool I bet seventy five that it's going to be a boy." Zeke said and Lisa and Sabrina smirked while she wrote it down.  "Bro you did not just say that?"  Justin looked at him in disbelief.  "I can't believe you just did that." Joshua and I said the same time. "Did what?" He asked cluelessly.  "Sided with the women bro."   I pinched the bridge of my nose shaking my head while Sabrina and Lisa smirked.  "Well I have a gut feeling so I say boy." He says.  "You sold us out bro." Joshua shook his head. "Suck it up threw a straw babe." Lisa said.    "Zeke is my fav now." Sabrina stated.   "Seriously I'm your cousin I thought I've always been your fav."   He raised an eyebrow.   "You have but I'm just making it known."  I shook my head at both of them.  My head snapped toward the stairs. I saw Mya walking with some guy. My vampire and wolf was itching to come out. "Everyone out." I said not using my Alpha tone but everyone knew I still meant business so they left. Mya quickly came over to me placing her hands on my chest. "Cole baby calm down."  But I quickly removed them and backed away from her. Why was she smiling when she came down stairs with him?  More importantly Who is he and why did she lie to me?! "Cole calm down. It's not anything you are thinking." She stepped towards me slowly putting distant and herself between me and the guy. Why is she protecting him?!   I growled, "Move!"  I said using my Alpha tone.   "No. He's not here to cause trouble he came to help and to seek help you are not going to hurt him."  She said looking into my eyes.  "I said move."  I wasn't going to let up on this one.  "No I made a promise and I intend on keeping it. You are my mate but I will not submit to you and let you kill someone who may have just save my life as well as many others. So put your got damn ego and anger to the side and let me talk to you or would you prefer me to kick your ass first." She said and I looked at her like she was insane. "Are you fucking kidding me you know you would lose right."  I asked her.  "Regardless I will fight you on this one Cole I'm not letting you hurt anybody that only wants to help. We have bigger issues to handle right now more than your ego and anger I understand and I apologize for lying about the spider shit but shut up and listen remember you said you would."  She did have a point but it didn't make me less angry.  For a moment I thought I saw panic and tears forming me in her eyes but it was quickly gone. "Alright let's go into the office." I said and she signaled the guy to follow us.  When we reached the office and were inside she quickly closed the doors and told the guy who's name is Brandon to tell me everything.  When he was finished I wasn't in shock so much I was more pissed off than anything. What else should I have expected out of Nick? He wants to see Mya suffer and badly. If he can't have her nobody can. It just frustrates me more because I just called a pack meeting and now I will have to call another one. "Babe you might want to wait on the pack meeting at least a big one because we're getting information left and right I say wait to days then call another one but what we do need to do is call in others." She said. I knew she was trying to help but what she doesn't know is that's what I've been doing all along none of the other pack will help. They all say the same thing if it had of been any other pack for any other reason they would have but the fact that this war is going to be huge they don't want to be involved.  I'm not angry at them for it not at all I completely understand most of their position and fear.  "That's not going to happen majority don't want a war with Robert."  I sigh.   "Remember Mya I told you there will be more to come I'm not the only one." Brandon spoke up.  "What do you mean?"     "Mya who is also Anya is our queen in the vampire world. Vampires will feel more of a pull to her than any where else. There are vampires that are awakening,or wandering around even some newborns that need help they will be drawn to you. The borns are hard to control a little but they find it disgusting to drink human blood some of them. Those are the ones who will stay and except her for their queen." He smiled.   "What about the ones who don't and want to follow the way of Dracula?"   She asked.  "Kill them if not they will make covenants and rise against you and even if they don't innocent human lives will be taken. The only time a human should be bitten is to save their life you taught us that in your past life." He stated and I agreed.   I was about to speak but someone knocked on the door.  "Come in."  I said.  Zeke and Michael walked in. "Alpha four rogues are on the territory asking to speak with you and the Luna." They said eyeing Brandon.  "Ok which side and guys this is Brandon our new pack and covenant member treat him like family or else."  The nodded. The pack already knew about Mya and I being a hybrid as I said before we hide nothing from our pack. "They're waiting with Justin and Mark at the eastern boarder." Zeke said.  "I'll show Brandon to his room first." Mya said as she and Brandon went up another stair case.  "Meet me there." I replied before she was gone and she nodded.  We were half way to the eastern boarder when I felt a gust of wind.  I turned to looked and Mya was there smirking and I smirked back. "Missed me?"  She asked mockingly.  I just smiled as she laced our fingers.  "Being a hybrid definitely comes in handy doesn't it?" I raised her and kissed it as we walked.  "Yes now I think we should speed things up a bit you know how impatient my brother gets. Race ya."  She sped off.  "We will meet you guys there."  I say to the guys.  "Dude you're losing." Zeke pointed out.  "Shit." I zoomed off after her. Almost catching up with her but being that she left before me she was in the lead but not for long.  I sped up even more and when we were side by side I smirked and ran past her stopping in front of Justin. "Show off."  She mumbled.  She came to stand by me but I stood in front of her in case these rouges didn't just want to talk.  I looked at each and every last one. the tallest was six foot four about two hundred pounds. The smallest was five foot six about one hundred and sixty pounds. Two male and two female. From their scents I can tell the were all mated and the females were expecting.   "This is Alpha Cole and Luna Mya." Justin says pointing to us.  Mya stepped from behind me and I mentally groaned ,sighed and banged my head on an imaginary table. She just never understands.  "As I'm sure you are aware that's my Beta Justin. These are two of my warriors superiors Zeke and Michael." Zeke and Michael nodded their heads as I said their names.  "What is it that you wanted to speak to my Luna and I about?"  I eyed them all.  The six foot four one spoke first.  "Alpha Cole if we could can we talk somewhere more private?"  He asked I can tell he was a little nervous. "Sure follow me."  They did just that.  "What are your names?"  Mya asked and one of the women spoke first.  "I'm Erica." The tallest woman with the black hair said.  "I'm Autumn yeah my mama loved the fall so she even planned her pregnancy so I would be born in it too." She chuckled.  "I'm Avery, Autumn's mate."  He grinned from ear to ear.    "I'm Charles, Erica's mate." The tallest guy said rubbing her stomach that held a small but noticeable bumb.  "Nice to meet you all. So how far along are you two?"  My mate asked with a raised eyebrow.  The girls blushed. "I'm two months." Erica stated.  "I'm only two weeks." Autumn giggled. "Cool my bff is pregnant too she's a month. This is going to be awesome it will be like TLC's 'Bringing Home Baby' or 'Birth Date' but up close and personal."  She said spreading her hand across the air as if reading the titles. "I love those shows!" Autumn screamed.  "Me too it's all exciting and stuff almost makes you want to cry." Erica said.  "Definitely, but 'I Didn't Know I was Pregnant' is like a baby birth thriller you never know what's going to happen."       "I know right!"  Erica and Autumn said at the same time. "But like how do you not know."  The all said at the same time and burst out laughing.  "You two have got to meet Sabrina." She said as we walked into the pack house. Inside the office Avery began to tell us what it was that they wanted to talk to us about which was exactly what I guessed it wasn't rocket science.  "Seeing that Robert is basically kidnapping and forcing rogues to join his pack and fight his war we are pretty much already in this but I don't want correction we don't want to be on the fighting with the wrong side. I don't believe in what Robert wants her for. She's made to help us not destroy us like he wants to do. By us being rogues and our mates being pregnant we are easy targets if captured he will threaten the life of our mates and unborn." He said and I agreed that's definitely true. "That's why we are asking to be apart of your pack not only will our mates and unborn children be protected but you will have to more fighters as well." Charles said.  Also true. Well as they always say the more the marrier. "How did you know she is the white wolf?" Because I never told them and I know they weren't lying about their reasons for joining. "Avery has this weird power he can tell the colors of the wolves of Alphas and Lunas as well as other powerful wolves. Nobody knows why he has this power or how he got it he can also spot other supernatural creatures too." Autumn said proudly.  "Even when they try to hide it."  Avery added in.   "So I assume you know we are hybrids then?" I say motioning between Mya and I.  "Yup and your Beta's one too."   He smiled. This may come into some good use.  "Ok welcome to the pack we will have a meeting where we will have you officially join then I will let you guys know when that will be within a day in two but right now my mate and I will show you where your rooms will be." I said gesturing for them to stand. After we had placed them on the fourth floor with rooms next to each other which we assumed correct that the would want to be next to each other. We went to our own room showered, dressed and fell asleep. This had been a long day.

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