Fragile (age regression)

By AdoringlyFlorence

500K 18.4K 1.7K

In a world where age regression is known and accepted. Lauren is an age regression therapist. Camila is a fa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 (time to say goodbye)

Chapter 17

12.8K 559 43
By AdoringlyFlorence

Before Lauren could let herself think about it to much, she was picking up her phone and dialling in Dinah's number. If anyone could get her to think straight, it was her best friend. She had helped her many times before, so she figures now wouldn't be any different.

Normani's words, they were true, she understood that moving in was probably the best thing for Camila at the moment, but as she said before, dropping everything for her won't be easy. It won't just happen with a click of the fingers like both Normani and camila are hoping.

She'd have to reschedule sessions with her other clients or send them over to someone else, potentially close her business down for a while as she wouldn't be able to get there while Camila's in her care. Not to mention she's going to have to think of where she'd get her income from because with camila with her and no sessions running, she'd practically be left with nothing.

Before she could get too upset, Dinah's voice fills her ears. Time to think of a plan.


"Are you sure?" Normani asks, her voice quiet. It was as if she could sense the impending frustration in Lauren's voice.

Lauren runs a hand through her hair, "yeah, I'm sure. I do have a few conditions though-"

Normani cuts her off, "don't worry Lauren. You'll still get payed for this, just like you do with your sessions together. I was in no way going to leave you with nothing after practically forcing you to do this" she replies reassuringly.

"Great, thank you. And don't worry about it. My assistant and I had a long conversation after you left yesterday and we've figured everything out. I only have nine sessions left with Camila, and if they played out like normal, that's a month, the time I've completely cleared my schedule for. I can't do any more than that Normani, I mean, sure, if things progress and we get even closer, she could stay if she wants. But if not things stay as they are. I do love the girl Normani, but enough to out my career on hold? No, not yet"

"No no, I completely understand Lauren. As I said, I'm sorry for forcing this on you but you have no idea how much Camila will benefit from this. And I get it, no more than a month unless you two grow close." Normani replies, her voice full of obvious relief.

Lauren smiles, "great, so, are you gonna tell mila or am I?" She wonders.

"I will. And I'll purposely leave out any details for her sake. Save her getting upset again"

"Alright, see you later mani"


"Lauren!" A loud, exited voice calls from the other side of the front door, telling Lauren, who was just standing up from the couch after setting her book down that Camila was here and had obviously been told the news.

"Camilaaa" the woman calls back with a small grin as she pulls open the front door, only having a short second to say hi to Normani before arms were round her neck and legs were round her waist.

Lauren places a supporting arm underneath her and places a kiss to head, "I see you finally got out of bed then" she speaks softly as she gives her a quick cuddle, noting the fact her words made camila tense up in her arms and tighten her grip around her.

She obviously hadn't expected Lauren to know this.

Deciding to deal with it later when it was just the two of them, the green eyed girl brings her attention to Normani whilst forcing a smile onto her face, "her things?" She asks.

Normani nods, "yeah, here you go. Her parents packed it so I'm not really too sure what's in there" she murmurs as she hands the large duffle over, pocketing the phone that was in her free hand.

Lauren takes it and places it to the side, "thanks. See you soon?" She wonders, pulling the woman into a quick side hug when she nods. Soon, she was closing the front door and walking into the living room, placing herself down onto the couch with Camila on her lap.

The two sit in a comfortable silence for a little while, Camila settled contently against her chest staring into space and Lauren holding her close, and after the older Cuban had thought about what she could say to break the silence, she does exactly that making sure to keep her voice quiet and un-accusing.

"Why didn't you want me to know you were being a stubborn butt for mani and your parents?" she questions, trailing her hand up and down Camila's sweater clad back.

The young girl shrugs, "because I was bad" she speaks, her own voice quiet and barely audible.

Lauren nods in understanding, "you weren't bad mila. I get why you did what you did, but that really wasn't an appropriate thing to do when all your parents wanted was to spend time with you" she murmurs.

"I know, but I missed you. I won't do it again though, promise" Camila says, her voice although a mere whisper, full of regret.

"Good girl. Now, how about we get some lunch? I've got some nuggets in the freezer calling your name" Lauren says, bouncing the girl in her arms slightly to get her attention.

Camila manages a small smile and clings onto Lauren as she rises to her feet, "mac and cheese too?" She asks hopefully, finally feeling the big part of her slipping away. 

Lauren considers this with a playful hum, "Are you going to be able to eat all of that?" She asks with a raised eyebrow, grabbing the nuggets out of the freezer and setting them down onto the side.

Camila eyes widen and she was quick to nod her head, "yes mama. All of it, p'omise" she says, reluctantly allowing herself to be set down onto the side too.

"Oh alright. I guess mama will make you both nuggets and mac and cheese" Lauren says with a smile, giving the girls knee a soothing squeeze as she begins getting everything ready.

Soon, the nuggets were in the oven and the mac and cheese was on the stove ready to be put on when the nuggets were closer to being cooked. After wiping her hands off, she scoops Camila back into her arms and makes her way out of the room with the intention of changing her out of what she was wearing and into something more comfortable.

"What do you wanna wear love?" She questions, walking into the spare room. It was the room she liked to call the 'nursery' as it was full of all sorts of age play things. Countless amounts of diapers, clothes, bottles, pacifiers. You name it, it's there.

Camila shrugs and buries her head into her mamas shoulder, "you pick" she says in a whisper, bringing her thumb up to her mouth.

Lauren was quick to grab it before it could make it to its destination, putting a pacifier in its place, "alright, mama will pick" she says, easing the girl down onto the bed before pulling open one of the dresser drawers.

Grabbing the first bodysuit she see's which was grey and long sleeved, Lauren closes the drawer again. She also grabs a sweater and a pair of shorts along with a diaper before dropping all the items down onto the bed next to where camila was sprawled.

"Alright bug, hips up" she says, unbuttoning the girls jean shorts and tucking her fingers into the waistband, ready to pull them down as soon as the girl hand complied.

Camila does as she says, eager to get to get done so she could have her mac and cheese and nuggets. Soon a diaper was taped to her hips, and thinking that was enough, she sits up and attempts to crawl off of the bed.

"Hey hey, where do you think you're going?" Lauren asks with a chuckle, dropping the body suit that was in her hands before once again reaching to lay the youngster back down.

"Food" camila grunts as she was physically manhandled into the body suit, trying with all her might to try and get away again.

Noticing this, Lauren tries to speed up the process and begins with the buttons that snapped between the girls leg, "you'll get your food in a second love. It needs to finish cooking first" she soothes, reaching for the shorts.

Camila whines and kicks her legs, showing her dislike towards having to wait for her food to cook.

"I know I know, such a hard life huh?" Lauren teases softly, sufficiently tugging the shorts that were black and printed with gold stars up her cover her butt. She decides against the sweater and eases the girl up into a sitting position before tugging her off of the bed and into her arms.

"Lets go see how your food is doing" she states, causing the girl in her arms to nod excitedly.

She loved food.


I don't know how long these daily updates will last, so enjoy the while they're happening 🙂

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