By JarriaJelese

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Nicole and Tae are closer than ever; Nicole's spa is really taking off while Tae thinks about finally throwin... More



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By JarriaJelese


"Girl that ain't my damn baby! I didn't even fuck you!" I pointed in Gabi face. "All you did was suck my dick and you were trash at that!"

She had called me talking all nasty like she really wanted to do something, but when I got to her house she threw her nasty ass pee invested pregnancy test at me.

"Well I'm pregnant so what are we going to do?" She put her hands on her hips.

I pulled my sweats up. "I don't know what you gone do but I advise you to be smart because you already got three kids that you don't take care of."

"Fuck you!" She mushed my face.

I swatted her hands out of my face. "Don't put your dirty ass hands on me! If I hit your ass back you gone swear I'm wrong."

"Whatever nigga, I'll just tell your baby mama you got another kid on the way." She smirked. "You still tryna get back with her right?"

I pointed in her face again. "Bitch I'll have you killed before you can even press send on the DM, fuck with me if you want to."

"Get out of my house with your dead beat ass!"

"How ima be a dead beat to a child that ain't mine?" I looked at her like she was stupid. "Your head trash so I can only imagine how bad the pussy must be."

"Didn't nobody wanna fuck your shrimp dick having ugly ass anyway!"

"Yeah keep talking that hot shit and you'll wake up in the Sahara desert somewhere with Coyotes biting on your ass!"

I grabbed my keys and made sure I had my wallet in my pocket; bitch liked to steal.

"Go try and find out who that child daddy is cause it sure ain't me!" I sang, closing her front door behind me. "Get away from my car bad ass lil mothafuckas!" I yelled through gritted teeth as the group of kids scattered.

She had pissed me off for the day; ole stupid motherfucka.

Gabi lived in the hood so every time I went to her spot all the little kids would be so fascinated by my whip. She had a two bedroom apartment with three- soon to be four kids. I felt bad for her kids because she was nowhere near a good parent. I only had been to her place a handful of times and I never seen her kids but she never had food so I assumed she made them eat noodles, macaroni cups, and hot pockets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I wish Korea would do my children like that; I'd beat her ass.

I slid Gabi a few hundred dollars for groceries once but the next time we linked up she had 30 inch bundles in her head; ridiculous. I never gave her shit after that.

I hopped in my car, answering my ringing phone.

"What up ma" I spoke over my Bluetooth.

"You busy?"

"Nope, Why? What you need?" I backed out of my parking spot making sure not to hit nobody bad ass child.

"You wanna bring me something to eat?"

I laughed "What you want and where you at Korea?"

"I'm at Nicole Spa and I really want some Zaxby's." She coughed. "Get me the wings and things combo with barbecue wings and a water for the drink."

"I got you"  I turned into a gas station, turning around to go in the opposite direction.

I heard shuffling before she coughed again.

"Damn!" I turned my face up. "What y'all doing? Smoking?"

She smacked her lips "No Julio, I'm sick."

"Probably from wearing summer clothes in the winter time."

"That's not the reason, Nicole you want something from Zaxby's?"

"No but ask him if he can go by-"

I cut her off. "Hell no I can't go by wherever you were about to say. One place and one place only buddy." I laughed at my own self.

"Julio you can go by Chic-Fil-A for me!" I heard her shout in the background. "It's not that far from Zaxby's!"

I rolled my eyes "12 count?"

"Yeah with a sweet tea, thanks! Make sure you get two of each sauce!"

"I know greedy."

After getting their food I went by my new weedman house to get my weekly ounce. His shit got me high but it was mediocre compared to Duke's. Duke was a bitch but I damn sure missed the nigga weed; he needed to come back to Chicago. Tae and I knew he was staying in Detroit until he felt like Mila wasn't affected by what he did anymore, nigga wasn't fooling nobody.

I just hoped she didn't take him back this time, and if she did, then I hoped not no easily. If she did then that was her, I had my own shit to worry about.

"Here begging ass woman." I sat Korea's food in her lap.

She gave me a closed mouth smile opening the plastic bag. "Thanks baby daddy."

"Hey Layla and Rayvon and everybody else who's names I don't know." I waved my hand at the people who were sitting out in the waiting area.

Korea, Layla, and Rayvon were sitting behind the reception desk conversing as always. Korea was taking a month from flying out for shoots due to missing the kids, so she spent her time at Nicole's spa while they were at school. I couldn't lie, I was happy as hell about it. She was making her money but I wanted to see her every day if I could.

"Boss finally moved you up to the receptionist?" I asked lil Layla.

She smiled raising her shoulders. "Yup and I love it!" She felt on the computer. "It pays more and I finally get to quit taking orders from her all day; well I mean I still take orders but not as many as a regular intern does."

"Yet I'm still washing, folding, and pushing towels." Rayvon groaned making the three of us laugh.

I knocked on Nicole's door before pushing it open. She held a scowl on her face with a pen in her mouth as she typed away on her keyboard.

"Damn who pissed you off?" I sat her food on her desk.

"Stupid ass customer complaints! If you got a nasty hairy ass bunion on your foot I wouldn't wanna touch that shit either!" She scratched her hair with her nail. "Stupid ass bitch"

"It'll be alright sis, here's your food."

She sat back "Thank you" She mumbled grabbing her straw.

"Well I'll leave you to it." I went back out into the waiting area.

"You picking up our kids or you want me to today?" I stood in front of Korea as she bit into one of her chicken strips.

She held her hand in front of her mouth. "I forgot to tell you earlier but Mama Karen texted in the group chat and said she'd pick up all the kids today."

"Oh I didn't see it, you know I got that shit on do not disturb."

Mama Karen and my mama stayed sending random shit in that hoe and I didn't like receiving messages back to back like that.

She rolled her eyes shaking her head. "I know"

"She want them to stay with her tonight or something?"

She shrugged "She didn't say" She picked up her drink.

"Well I'm about to get up outta here."

"Wait" She wiped her hands off before she stood up. "Take some pictures of me before you leave."

"Why you can't ask somebody else in here?"

"Because you know my angles." She searched around for a spot to take them. "Just send them to me."

She ran her hands over her mouth "Do I have crumbs on my lips or anything?"

"Nah ma, you look fine." I held the camera up to her. Nasty thoughts ran through my head as she posed.

Once I left Nicole's spa I went home to clean my guns for a small killing job I had to do tonight. I rarely did hitman jobs anymore but this one I couldn't pass up. I was getting paid almost a hundred thousand and it involved killing a nigga that I considered my friend; a nigga that I took money out of my own pocket to help, yet he betrayed me and tried to creep on my woman.... no way I was passing that up.

I texted Tae to see what his evil ass was doing and the man had the nerve to send me a picture of some dude he had beat to a pulp, I almost threw up. Then he texted me again saying he was working with a whole bunch of periods after it.

Tae and I were alike in more ways than I could count for obvious reasons, but he was more ruthless than I was. I tended to let my heart get in the way of a lot of shit I did but he on the other hand didn't too much care.

We both were all about making money though, I wasn't passing shit up if I could help it and neither was he.

I made sure to delete the picture from our message thread just in case. I also went to my recently deleted pictures and deleted it from there as well, couldn't have shit tracing back.



"What you in here crying for?" I walked into Nicole's closet room with a cup of juice in my hand along with some of Taejin's animal crackers I found in the pantry.

"I can't fit these pants." She sniffed trying to button them. "I'm getting a gut Tae!"


She looked at me like what the fuck you mean so. "So that's not a good thing Taelor." She jumped trying to pull them up some more, moaning and groaning.

I laughed "I don't think that's gone do anything baby." I watched her struggle. "Ass fat though"

"Yeah that ain't the only things that's fat." She looked at herself in the mirror before she burst into tears. "Why am I gaining so much weight?"

I didn't want to say the wrong thing so I just sat down on her couch, watching her.

"I can't fit any of my clothes anymore and I just got these pants." She whined. "I'm not bout to go on no damn diet so ima shake those thoughts from my mind." She literally started shaking causing me bit my lip to keep from busting out laughing at her.

"You think I'm gaining too much weight?" She faced me, spinning around.

I eyed her "No not at all, I like it." I tossed some crackers in my mouth.

"Of course you would say that. Look though" She grabbed her stomach. "I have a gut now."

"I don't see nothing wrong with you Nicole."

"Yeah you say that now but when I'm three hundred pounds you'll try and leave me."

"No I won't baby, I love you way past the physical."

She blushed side-eyeing me. "Now is not the time for you to make me feel all mushy inside." She started taking the pants off. "Ima have to buy a whole new wardrobe." She poked her bottom lip out.

"Let me know when you need my card." I watched her ass giggle as she kicked the pants off her feet, standing in only her panties and shirt.

She came and straddled me as my hands immediately went for her ass. I held the small of her back as I leaned forward to put my cup on the carpet. "What time you gotta be at your dinner?"

She was meeting with someone who could potentially be her business partner. She was starting to create all different types of shirts, robes, and headbands with her logo so she needed someone who could produce mass quantities at one time.

"Seven" She messed with the strings on my jacket. "I hope she's the one because I don't have any more clothes to be going to all these business dinners."

I chuckled "You over exaggerating."

"I am not" She looked at me. "I've gained almost forty pounds Tae, I know you see it."

I licked my lips "I see maybe ten."

"Where at?"


She smacked her lips "Be serious because this is really a touchy subject for me." She carried on making me smack my lips and look off from her.

"You starting that insecure bullshit? What I told you bout that?"

"I can't help how I feel about myself Taelor."

"For the millionth time, baby you're beautiful regardless of how much weight you gain. Who gives a fuck." I shrugged hugging on her. "You're not fat, nor ugly so stop saying that dumb shit."

"You really think I'm beautiful?"


"Look me in my eyes and tell me."

I picked my head up off her chest, staring her in her eyes. "You're beautiful inside and out Nicole. Your head a lil big but I look past that." I told her as she smiled a little.

She grabbed my face "I love you."

"I love you too baby." I stuck my lips out for her to kiss me. She pecked my lips repeatedly. "Love you"

"You're so sweet to me Taelor, even when I beat your ass."

"Girl you ain't beat nobody ass."

"Whatever my G, you know I beats that ass." She sang as I just looked at her.

"Whatever man, I ain't ever got my ass beat by nobody. Niggas have tried to jump me and I still held my own so what's makes you think yo little ass whooped me?"

"You ever heard of the saying small but mighty?"

I bust out laughing as she kept talking. "Nicole you funny as fuck." I kept laughing.

"Why you say that like I'm your friend? Why you say my name like that?"

"Here you go, chill."

"Don't call me Nicole nowhere, say baby or bae."

"Bullshit, you ain't bout to punk me. I call you all three unintentionally, you know that."


"You need to get a check girl. You'll be fine then you just switch up and start that crazy shit." I rubbed her leg looking down at her white toes. "Ima see if we can start getting you some money for that."

"Fuck off"

I laughed again "Relax"

She grabbed my face again, messing with my facial hair. "You're so handsome Tae."

"Thank you"

"We need to have another son so I can get another baby that looks like you."

"One day"

"Yeah, one day." She touched on my face. "Your skin is so soft and smooth."

"That's that Parker Spa vanilla bean facial scrub." I told her making her grin.

"I don't tell you often but I really appreciate you supporting my business. You post about it more than me."

I stayed posting and promoting her products all over my social media. I had to make sure mothafuckas knew about my baby business. Julio and I put so many niggas onto her skincare line.

"You welcome baby"


"Daddy you come get me and Troi Troi?" Taejin ran towards me as I took my key out of my mama door.

I picked him up "Yeah, you ready?" I kissed his forehead.

"Yes sir, I eat daddy" He held onto me.

"What you eat?"


"That's it?" I walked towards the dining room where I heard Cari and Troi yelling. When I walked in my blood pressure started rising.

Punk ass Nic not only was at my mama crib but he had the nerve to be holding my baby. I didn't see his car outside, Nicole still had his shit parked in one of our garages. "Da da!" She hit on the table. He quickly put her down, allowing her to crawl to me. "No problems my man." He told me.

He had on a faded ass black hoodie with a gray beanie, and some jeans. I squatted down to pick her up, checking her out to make sure she was good.

"Oh Nic there ain't no problems! She's your niece regardless." My mama bounced Cari in her lap as she feed her what looked like apple sauce.

I looked at her like she was slow. She might've been willing to move forward but she wasn't in my shoes, she hadn't endured what I had when it came to that nigga, and she damn sure wasn't laid in no hospital bed with a gun wound to the neck on his behalf.

I held a mug on my face, glaring at him as he looked everywhere but at me.

"Uncle Tae!" I felt Cali's arms around my waist.

"Hey Cali-Bell" I turned around seeing her looking up at me smiling. "What you been up to?"

"Nothing really, Grammy let me change Troi Troi today!" She said excitedly.


"Yeah and I got to cut up Tae Tae's fish sticks but Mia got to help with that. I had a good day at school today and I got a B on my science quiz. Remember what you said Uncle Tae? You said 20 dollars for a A and 10 dollars for a B."

I laughed putting Taejin down. "I remember"

"Where Auntie Nicole?"

"She had to go out to eat with somebody."

"I miss her, can I stay at y'all house tonight so I can see her?" She asked as I dug through my pocket with my free arm.

"It's a school night Cali-Bell."

"I know but it's Thursday so tomorrow's Friday, Uncle Tae. Pleaseeeeeeee?"

"It ain't up to me, you gotta ask your mama and daddy. If they say yeah then I'll take you home to get some clothes and stuff."

She took Troi from me as she reached for her. I pulled two fives out of my wallet, handing them to her. "Good job, keep it up and you'll soon be a millionaire."

She laughed "Thank you Uncle Tae. I got twenty dollars now!"

I furrowed my brows "Who you get the other ten from?" She hadn't been home so it wasn't Korea or Julio, and my mama didn't believe in giving them awards for something they were suppose to do.

"Uncle Nic" She pointed at him. "I told him about our deal and he gave me 10 too."

"That ain't your damn unc-"

"Taelor Hills!" My mama warned me. "You know better than to tell her that!"

"I just came over here to get my kids then I'm gone." I pulled my pants up. "Call your mama and ask her Cali-Bell." I handed her my phone before going upstairs to Mia room.

I knocked on the door catching her attention. "What you up here doing?"

"Fortnite" She paused the game. "You just got here?"

"Yeah, how was school today?"

"It was school" She scooted over so I could sit down. "How was your day?"

"Same stuff, different day."

Mia was chill as hell, shit was crazy. "You wanna stay at my house tonight too?"

"Yeah, you bought some new guns on Fortnite right?"

"I bought all of them. We can play for a couple hours but you need to be in the bed by midnight cause you know mama gone call and check."


I loaded my kids up, not saying anything to my mama and damn sure not Nic. Korea already had packed Cali's bag so we went straight back to the house. They ran the water for Taejin while I ran water for Troi in my bathroom. We didn't bathe them together simply because Taejin liked to play around and splash water everywhere.

"One of y'all can take y'all shower in Nicole bathroom." I told them as I undressed Taejin.

"You go Cali, ima sit in here with Tae Tae."

"No Mia that's not fair."

"Well let's settle it over Rock Paper Scissors." Mia held her hand out. "Best two out of three and don't cheat either Cali cause sometimes you do."

"No you just always lose."

Once Taejin was settled in the bathroom with Cali I took Troi and went ahead and bathe her. She blew spit bubbles as I carefully washed under her neck. "Gotta get under them rolls mama." I cooed.

"Auntie Mila you scared me!" I heard Cali shout. "I didn't hear you open the door!"

She must've just been coming in. We hadn't seen her ass in two days since she had been staying with Marcus a couple nights out of the week. She told me she wanted to move out, which I completely understood. She had looked at some apartments but I personally felt like she was just gonna move in with Marcus.

She soon came into our room. "Hey you fat Troi baby!" She grinned leaning down in Troi's face, kissing her multiple times. She smiled at her kicking her legs. "Hey bro"

"Fuck that hey, long time no see goose neck." I continued to bathe my baby.

She laughed "You stay with the shit. I've been living my life!"

"I see"

She hopped up on the counter "What have I missed?"

"Nothing" I sniffed. "Just a few killings and a couple hundred thousands being made."

I could talk to Mila about my day to day hustles because I knew it stayed between her and I, and she wasn't the type of person to be in my ear about it being wrong even if she felt like it was. She was two handfuls and then some, but I really fucked with her. She was that cool ass female friend every nigga needed.

"Get it how you get it."

I stood up from the side of the tub, grabbing Troi's towel off the toilet seat. "Always"

"Oh by the way, Marcus told me to tell you to call him when you get the chance."

"Alright" I picked Troi up kissing her lips. "Come on fat mama, we gotta get you in you night clothes." I spoke in my baby voice I often used for her making Mila laugh loud. I laughed too "Fuck you man"

"Awww that was so cute Tae! You one cool ass daddy."

I kept laughing "Bro get the hell out."

She clapped her hands still giggling like a fool. "Alright alright, I'm gone. Sis still gone?"

"Yeah but she should be on her way back by now." I looked down at my Apple Watch seeing it was almost ten o'clock. "Text her for me and see if she good."

"On it" She got off the counter leaving out.

I dried Troi off, did her nightly routine, and put her on her boppy pillow so she would stay up so Nicole could play with her. Taejin was fussy and tired so I gave him his milk and put him in his bed. "Goodnight man, I love you." I tucked him in. "I'll see you in the morning, ok?"

"Ok Da" He held his arms out for me to bend down to kiss and hug him. "Me love you too" He turned on his side with his cup in his mouth.

I made sure to turn his night light on and leave the door cracked on my way out.

"Y'all good?" I went in the second guest room to check on Mia and Cali. They were under the covers watching tv. Mia and I were suppose to play the game but we decided to reschedule until tomorrow.



"Alright, y'all already went and got y'all night snack?"

"Yeah and Nicole said she was bringing us some ice-cream." Mia told me as she yawned.

I chuckled "Ok, goodnight then"

"Goodnight Uncle Tae"

"Night big bro"

Bout time I went back in our room, Troi was knocked out with her mouth open. I just picked her up and put her higher up in the bed, in between Nicole and I's pillows. I heard the garage we both parked in go up not even an hour later. I heard her make her rounds into each room before she finally came into ours.

"Awww I didn't make it in time." She referred to Troi being sleep already. She left out and came back in with her dress and makeup off. She had a t-shirt and some shorts on along with a black bonnet.

"How'd it go?"

"I like her but I don't know." She pulled the covers back. "Ima check with a couple more people and see who I like the best." She quietly kissed Troi before picking her up and taking her to her room.

"You just want me all to yourself." I shook my head once she closed the door and turned the lights off.

"I do" She grinned. "I missed you while I was gone." She scooted as close to me as she could, wrapping her arms around my torso and throwing her leg across me.



I yawned, looking for something to watch on tv. "Ooo go to Hulu!"

"No cause don't be shit to watch on there and I ain't bout to watch the Kardashians with you."

"Tae you know you like that show so stop."

"I just like looking at Kim fine ass." I covered myself as she threw hits at me. "Damn take a joke." I laughed. "Ow"

She moved way to the other end of the bed. "What are you looking at me for?" She bucked her eyes glaring at me since I was staring at her.

"Baby, Kim is fine and you know it." I kept fucking with her. "You know that."

She sighed "Tae leave me alone." She pat her head.

"Nope, not until you admit Kim fine."

She groaned getting up causing me to laugh loudly. "Ughhh you're so annoying!"

"Where you going?"

"Away from you" She slipped her feet in her house shoes. "Don't follow me either."

"I'm not" I licked my lips.

Eventually I started getting sleepy and I needed her by me in order to get a good nights rest.

I sent her a text

Me- You my Kim bae. 12:47 a.m.

Nicole💍- No thanks.... 12:50 a.m.

Me- I'm tired 😫 come back 12:50 a.m.

Nicole💍- That's not my problem 12:55 a.m.

I knew she wasn't nowhere but in her closet room so I got up against my will and went in there. "Come on man I'm deadass sleepy."

She turned in her chair, facing me. "Why should I?"

"Because you in your feelings over nothing." I stood in the doorway with my arm resting on it.

"You lucky I'm sleepy too." She shut her computer down and turned her lamp off.

"Yeah yeah whatever"

I heard my phone vibrating loud as hell in my ear. I jumped up searching for it. "What?"

"Come make some money with me."

I fully sat up making sure not to wake Nicole. "How much and what we doing?" I whispered into the phone as she slept peacefully.

"Forty five thousand a piece and killing Josh."

I went into my closet, turning the light on and closing the door. "Josh who nigga?"

"Nigga the only Josh we both know!"

I snickered cause Julio really thought that was his boy and he turned around and shitted on him. I tried to tell him, I didn't trust the nigga as far as I could see him.

"I thought that was your friend?" I asked just to get him riled up.

"Man fuck that nigga! He ain't a friend to nobody! Pussy ass boy tried to fuck with Korea!"

"I see, so you taking this shit personal?"

"As personal as personal can get."

I didn't have no real beef with the nigga but I wasn't missing out on no money and I was helping out my bro. "Where we meeting at?" I stepped into some black sweat pants and grabbed a matching polo jacket.

"I'm already outside your house. Tell Mila to start parking that raggedy ass Charger in one of the garages. I almost hit that mothafucka when I pulled in." He told me as I put a black beanie on my head to cover my ears, it was cold as Antartica outside.

I sat down on the little bench I had in my shit to put my boots on. "I gotta sneak out so hold on." I slowly opened the door hoping it wouldn't do that annoying squeaking shit.

He laughed loud as hell making me turn my volume down. "Fuck you mean you gotta sneak out?"

Nicole was laying on her stomach with half the cover off her body. I took that as my opportunity to make a run for our room door.

"I'm tryna avoid an argument nigga." I hung up the phone as I lightly closed the front door, locking it.

"What's up G" I spoke as I got in the passenger side. I was only outside for a split second but that winter weather had my muscles locking up.

"What's good"

"So we going to this man mama house?"

"Yeah cause he still living with her but he leave to go to work at six so we just gone get his ass right there."

"Alright" I put my hands in front of the heat. "Don't get to doing all that dumb shit Ju. I get him in the knees, you take your one shot to the head then we out." I told him what should be the plan. It was simple and didn't require getting out of the car.

"Nah fuck that bro, I want this nigga to look me in my eyes while he taking his last breath."

I turned my head looking at him. "Handle your shit but I say stay in the car and play it safe."

"I told you this personal, this ain't no regular job."

"Who you doing this for anyway?"

"You know Skip right? Talk ass lanky nigga that look like Ludacris."

I laughed "Yeah I seen him before."

"Yeah, him. Something about he had Josh on the block for him and he profited all the money and hadn't answered the phone since." He chuckled. "Duck ass shit."

"Hell yeah" I shook my head. "Niggas too scary to kill folks they self."


When we got to the house we parked a little ways down the street by a stop sign. He turned his lights off and started rolling a blunt.

"I miss Korea so much man." He confessed as I screwed the silencer on one of the guns.

I laughed "Why is it every time you get high you gotta open your heart up to me on some sap shit? Every time."

"Bro cause I'm lonely and I miss my woman." He flicked the lighter. "I be dreaming about her and shit, and the other day I sent her this long ass paragraph telling her how I was sorry and how I wanted to marry her; on some real Usher Confessions shit and all the did was like the message." He flicked it again. "I know she still love me but when it come to our relationship she so quick to shut it down."

"You gotta respect th-"

"Nah Tae, when you and Nicole was split up you didn't respect it."

"I didn't but I did. Yeah I kept chasing after her, but at the same time I let her do her thing. Shit, I went four months without seeing her; willingly. I could've broke into her apartment the night she moved in but I didn't because I respected her not wanting anything to do with me at that moment." I took the blunt from him. "Also, you and Korea are different from me and Nicole. Two totally different situations."

"Give me some real nigga advice right now. I don't wanna hear none of that bullshit you tell me to shut me up about her."

I laughed "Nigga I always give you real nigga advice! I just don't be brutal with you because then you'd get pissed off and I'd hate to have to shoot you again."

He waved me off "Well I'm asking you to be brutally honest with me right now bro, tell me what you think I need to do. I'm outta options and I need her back."

"Alright alright, for starters you way too up her ass to really give her time to think and reflect over the situation. You like a little dog that keep following her around, that shit annoying." I explained to him. "Give her some space man, let her miss you a little bit. I know you wanna see her everyday because I'm that same way, but nigga you cheated. Neither of y'all really got a chance to reflect because y'all never took a break from one another. Be her friend and just try co-parenting for at least a couple weeks. Every time you talk to her you bring up getting back together."

He nodded taking in what I was saying. "Be her friend, co-parent without all the extra." He talked to himself. "I can do that. What else?"

"Stop fucking with these randoms cause that ain't helping the situation."

"Nigga we men, you suppose to understand!"

"If you don't have self control and willpower then what do you have?"

"So you telling me when you and Nicole weren't together you neve-"

"Fuck no cause that shit wasn't even on my mind." I exhaled. "That shit dumb man. I know who I want to be with for the rest of my life so what good would it do me to fuck somebody else or let somebody suck my dick? On top of that, my mind wouldn't be in it."

My hoe phase was long gone; I wasn't even into that type of shit anymore.

"So what I'm suppose to do? Pull at my dick?"

I bust out laughing "Chill"

"Nah bro foreal, it's a serious question."

"Do what you feel you gotta do man."

He sighed heavily putting his head against the steering wheel. "I fucking love that woman; like I'm never loved anybody else. I took her for granted a lot of the time but I should've been kissing her fucking feet. I cheated on her with a woman that don't give a fuck if I live or die, yet I chose her over Korea." He shook his head. "She's the purest form of loyalty. I cheated on her and she still shows her loyalty to me, whether we together or not."

"Y'all gone make it bro." I gripped his shoulder. "Keep in mind what I said though."

"I hear you" He took his phone out of his pocket.

"Who you calling?" I asked as he put it to his ear.


I smacked my lips "You talking bout you hear me, obviously you ain't hear shit I just told you!"

He waved me off "I'll start tomorrow."

"Yeah, alright"

I rolled a blunt as they talked to one another about nothing.

After another hour an a half of waiting, Josh finally walked out the front of his mama house. I hit at Julio letting him know it was time to end his conversation.

"Ima talk to you later ma." He hung up in Korea's face before she could respond.

I watched intently as he locked the front door, tossing his keys in his pocket. I let the window down getting ready to put my gun out of it.

"Nah bro, I want this nigga to see me!" Julio swung his door open before getting out with two guns in his hands. "What up nigga I been looking for you!" He yelled at Josh. His eyes got big as pool balls before he started running in the opposite direction causing Julio to sprint after him.

"Yo what the fuck Ju!" I yelled behind him. I quickly put my hood on before getting out and chasing after them both. "Julio!" I chased behind his dumb ass; for him to be as built as he was the nigga sure was fast.

I didn't get too far before my mind caught up to me, letting me know running behind them was stupid. I jogged back to the car and did the dash catching up to them. Josh was on the ground with his hands in the air, crying like a lil bitch while Julio waved the guns in his face talking shit.

"You thought I wasn't gone catch you? Nigga you must be smoking pig ass."

"M-man Julio we- we- we su-suppose to be boys!"

"Yeah I thought so too." He cocked both guns causing Josh to cry harder. "Wah wah wah bitch I'm the baby, shut that crying up bitch."

I sat back laughing hard as hell.

"Ma-man please!"

"Save a seat for your mama up there, bitch boy." Julio emptied both clips into his skull before running back to his car. I drove off before he could even shut the door good.

As soon as we got a little ways down the street he made a phone call to the nigga we had pick up all our bodies.

I drove straight to my house since the sun was getting ready to come up and I didn't wanna risk Nicole being up when I came in.

Mila was in the kitchen making her daily shake. "You bout to go to the gym?"

"Yup, you added another body to your list?"

"Nah not tonight, shit wasn't my fight."

"Well you might wanna hurry up and do whatever you gotta do because Nicole coming to the gym with me." She shook the contents in her cup.

"She already up?"

"Well we leaving in an hour so I'm not sure."

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath before going into our room. Sure enough, her side was empty. I got undressed and hopped in the shower. I had to take all the kids to school within the next couple hours. After my shower, I put on a matching gray Nike sweatsuit, some black Nike socks, and some slides.

"Well well well look who's home." Nicole said sarcastically as she came into our room putting her hair in a ponytail. She had on a tight fitting black jacket and some workout leggings.

She held her hand up cutting me off. "I don't wanna hear no excuses Taelor." She sat on the bed unscrewing the backs off her studs. "I don't feel like arguing with you either and I'm not gone let you ruin my day with your stupid ass habits." She told me.

I smacked my lips "Yet you mad"

"I'm not mad actually." She sighed. "I don't feel no type of way."

I went around the bed "Give me a kiss then"

She put her hand on my lips "Ew, no" She pushed my chest back as she stood up.

"Girl stop playing and give me a kiss. You about to leave anyway." I wrapped my arms around her as she kept moving away from me.

"I'm not kissing your dirty ass lips, you probably got somebody blood splattered on them."

I chuckled "I didn't even kill nobody."


"I swear" I bent my head attempting to kiss her again making her mush my head. "Bae-"

"Nicole, come on!" We heard Mila yell from the front door.

"I'm coming!" She pushed me back. "Move Taelor! I gotta go kiss my kids so I can go."

I blocked her way, running towards the door. "Ima drop her off Mila, you go ahead!" I laughed, flinching as Nicole kept hitting the hell out of my back.

"Move Tae, damn! Mila I'm riding with you!" She tried to yank me out the way but her lil weak ass couldn't even move me an inch. "Don't leave sis!"

"Leave Mila!" I blocked my face as she tried to punch me.

I heard Mila laughing "Ima wait five minutes in my car bitch and if you not outside, you getting left! You know we working out with Maurice and I don't wanna hear her mouth if we late!" She said before I heard the door slam.

"Taeeeeee move!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

I shut the door back, facing her. "All I asked you for was a kiss."

She looked like she wanted to cry "I swear I can't stand you!" She grabbed my face, standing on her tippy toes. I bent my head as she pecked my lips. "Can I go now?"

"I'm not accepting no damn peck."

"Well that's all you getting."

"Shit well I guess I'm dropping you off."

She shook, whining and shit. "Why you being so annoying?" Her face turned red. "You're making me so frustrated I'm about to start crying."

"Because I know you mad at me and you not showing it, but when you come home and cook tonight you probably gone make some shit you know I don't like just to punish me. Ain't you?"

She had done that shit to me a couple times and it was worse than her just yelling and cursing me out.

"I thought about it but I swear I'm not Tae. Please just get out of the way so I can go."

"Put it on something that you not gone do me like that."

"I put it on my life that I'm not gone do you like that."

I backed back and opened the door "Alright baby"

"Bye, stupid"

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