Jake's Daisy

By ramaliarich

84.3K 2.2K 170

"Are you jealous?" She furrowed her eyebrows and turned back her eyes at me. "What?" I slowly stepped closer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 25

1.1K 37 2
By ramaliarich

-Leatham Series-

Daisy's POV

"Morning, Daisy." Nancy greeted me as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning, Nancy." I greeted her back friendly, opening the fridge for taking some ingredients out to make a nuttela crunch waffles. "Where is Selly?"

"She has been going to school." Nancy said, quickly took over a few ingredients in my arms. "You shouldn't have to do this, Daisy. You're pregnant and you may not to be tired. Just tell me what do you want then I will be making you."

"It's okay, Nancy." I let out a soft chuckle, walking toward the island then putting the ingredients onto table. "You don't—" My sentence was interrupted by Milo's barked, it was running faster to me. His body had been fatter than before.

"Hey, Milo." I bent over, carrying him in my arms. "Oh my God, you've been so heavy." I chuckled amuzedly as he started licking my whole face. "Can you be taking him a shower and then taking him to a pet shop, Nancy?"

"Sure, Daisy." She took Milo in my arms, carrying him well and left.

"Oh ya, Nancy." She turned around. "Don't forget to give him a few foods."

"Okay, Daisy." She spoke politely and then left.

I was back to make a waffles and a cup of cappuccino for Jake before he went. Although I always made him a waffles for breakfast, he would always eat it hungrily and he would never get bored with my waffles.

After cooking, I walked straight to the dining room. This dining room was so unique and different than others.

It had many flowers architecture and designed in the whole room. The texture of pink color made this room was brighter and more colorful.

"Good morning." I pulled a chair out on his right side, putting the waffle and cappucino on the table.

"Hey, baby." He kissed me on temple. "Why did you cook this for me? Where is Nancy?"

"Nancy is taking Milo shower. It's okay, Jake. I'm bored if I always spend my whole day just for playing a video game in our bedroom." I explained while slicing my waffle.

"But, you may not being too tired, baby. You're pregnant." He took a little sip on his drink.

"Yeah, I know it." I put a piece of waffle into my mouth. "So, what time will you come home?"

"I don't know." He started slicing his waffle. "But, if I was done, I'm gonna come home as soon as possible."

"May I follow?"

"No, baby. It will be so tired for you. You have to get some rests in our mansion only. I don't want something happen to our kid and I hope you understand."

"But I'm so bored, Jake." I explained, letting out a long sigh. "You had forbidden me to sell a flowers so I had to close my web account and—"

"I told you to be like that because I've been taking over your customer for buying your flowers to our company, baby." He cut me off in a gentle tone. "If you're bored, you can go to shopping or go to a saloon for spoiling your body."

"So do you mean I'm ugly in my fat body now?"

"I didn't say that. You'll always be beautiful and getting beautiful in your fat, slim, voluptuos, thin or everything of your shape, baby."

"Yeah, I know that." He chuckled softly. "Jake, what do you think if I take a pregnancy gymnastics class?"

It took a moment for him to answer.

"I just want to fill out my free day until I give birth." I explained, holding his hands. "Please, honey. I don't want to spend my pregnant time just in this mansion alone."

He let out a long sighed. "Okay, but either Nancy or Selly are have to company you."

I stood up, hugging him from the side. "Thank you, Jake. You're such a kind man." He took my palm and kissed back of my palm warmly. "But I want to go to the pregnancy gymnastic place with driving a new black SUV."

He turned his head to me, looking up. "Black SUV?" I nodded eagerly. "But, we just bought a new red Rubicon for you, baby."

"I think this is not my request." I shrugged. "Maybe this is our kid request."

He got off from the chair, turning his body to face me. He kissed me on forehead. "Anything for you and our kid." He bent over and kissed my baby bump.

Afterwards, the new Black SUV car had come to our mansion. I was so happy that Jake really understood me. He knew the way how to make me happier.

"So, do you want to take an economy class after graduation?" I asked while driving.

At this time, Selly was companying me for going to a pregnancy gymnastic place because Nancy was still have to do some activities in the mansion.

"Ya. I think it's so suit for me." She answered. "I want to work at Mr. Leatham's company besides to be a maid, I want to be an employee."

"You don't need to be a maid if you've graduated, Selly."

"No, I don't want it, Daisy. I'm going to keep being a maid in your mansion."

I glanced at her, smirking thinly. "What is your dream, Selly?"

"I want to make my mother happy. After my dad died, she always looked sad though she doesn't show her sadness to me, I always know about that."

"Aw... You're such a kind girl. How could you two work with Jake? I'm so curious."

"At that time, my father was one of employees at his company. He died when I was ten and since he died, our life was to be so poor. Since we couldn't pay a rent house, we were expelled and we were forced to sleep on a sidewalk with a newspapers and cardboard only."

"Oh my God." My voice sounded in a sad tone. I felt so bad with her. I did not believe if she had a saddest past. "I'm so sorry, Selly. I didn't mean to remind you with your past."

"It's okay, Daisy." She chuckled softly. "This reminds me with your kindness husband as well. He suddenly came to me and my mother as my mother was sick and I didn't know what shall I do." She looked at her lap. "And since that, our life was changed to be a better life. He bought us a home because he said, my father had been meritorious for one of his companies. Firstly, we refused it, but he begged to us and we didn't have any chance to not accept his kindness. And he asked us for taking care his mansion until he took his girl. The girl who he had been waiting for a long time and it's you, Daisy." She looked at me.

"Oh, I'm so touched. He's such a kind man that I've ever seen and I'm so lucky that he's my husband. I think I'm going to call him after this because I want to cuddle with him so much."

She let out a soft laugh. "You're so funny, Daisy."

"Thanks for your compliment, Selly."

Jake's POV

I glanced at my Rolex watches, it's been at seven night and I was still in my company, leaning my back against the chair for I felt my neck almost broke.

I took my phone out from inside my pocket as I heard a rang of my phone. I tugged the corner of my lips as I knew it was my Daisy.

"Hai, babe."

[Hai, honey.] My tiredness faded slowly as I heard only her soft voice. [Where are you?]

"I just finished my works, babe. Maybe, I'll go home in ten minutes after I'm relaxing my body for a while."

[Just come home, Dad. I can be relaxing you.] She spoke in her seduct tone.

I could feel my bulge inside my pants had grown up and became so hardened only for hearing her voice.

"My God, you make my friend grows up and become so harder just like that, baby. I'll be at home as soon as possible."

[But, Jake. Can you drop in at Burger King before you going home? I want to eat a mozarella sticks, french fries, chicken strips, and a vanilla hand spun shake.]

"Are you so starving?" I chuckled.

[Not only me who is starving but also our kid, Jake.]

I let out a little laughed. "Okay. I'll be there in twenty minutes. Bye, I love you."

[I love you too.]

She hang up the phone and I immediately got off from the chair, walking out of my office to my private basement.

Arriving at our mansion with bringing all of her foods, I headed straight toward our bedroom even I almost ran.

Probably, I had been horn with her again.

I opened and closed the bedroom door slowly as I looked at her. She was playing the video game in the corner of the room calmly and quietly.

I stepped closer to her and my eyes suddenly grew bigger with full of desire as I only saw her wearing my oversized blue shirt without skirt or pants at all.


"Baby." I put all of the foods on the table, sitting down on the couch next to her and hugged her from the side.

"Hey." She paused the video game and welcomed my hugging. "You've been coming." She lowered her head down to kiss my top head. I could even feel her swollen breast was right in front of my face now.

"How was your pregnancy gymnastic, hm?" I asked while unbuttoning the shirt. "Did you like it?"

"It's just going to start tomorrow." She answered while caressing my hair. "I just signed up."

"That's good." I sat up, opening her shirt widely. "You didn't wear your bra?" I chuckled softly.

"There's no any one bra which suits on my breasts, honey." She sighed. "Think, I should buy a few new bras tomorrow."

"But my palms will always suit on your breasts, my little girl." I cupped her breasts gently and started to kiss her neck. "I miss you, baby. I miss you and our kid so much."

She let out a soft moaned while her palm running down onto my bulge. I let out a little chuckled, kissing her temple.

"It's better to do it on the bed, baby." I picked her up in a bridal style then headed straight toward the bed.

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