College Life

By Xo_lee

145K 4.2K 469

Fantasy jones is most known for being a sweet, smart, beautiful, independent girl from a small country town... More

College Life
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 pt. 1
Chapter 13 pt 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 pt 1 [SHORT]
Chapter 15 pt 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Side note.
Chapter 21 (short)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (short)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
By the way
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Side Note

Chapter 33

1.1K 33 3
By Xo_lee

Rich POV

I listened to the professor speak and jotted down a couple of things that stuck out to me the most.  I had figured out the lady's theory the first week of college, she'll speak on something one day and the next it will be either a paper or an exam. This was my hardest class and I always found myself staring at the clock whenever I was in here. Whenever she spoke, she spoke quickly and didn't like to repeat herself. The way she portrayed herself in class, it was easy to tell she was a demanding and assertive woman. I had never went below a B average in this class but it was always my lowest grade out of all my classes. Turning the page in my spiral, I continued to write down the things she said as Brent was in the chair next to me with his face straight smushed into the book.
Brent had been asleep the whole time or either spaced out. Surprisingly, the professor never put him out when he fell asleep which always confuses me. Anyone who fell asleep in her class was always kicked out but when it came to him, she always glanced over him and kept teaching.
Once she felt like she was done, she dismissed us and everyone packed up and was headed for the door.
I elbowed Brent to wake him up before putting my spiral in my bag and preparing to leave. As I was headed for the door, I heard his voice behind me.

Brent: Rich wait up, let me talk to you about something.

He said as he struggled to put his books back into his bag. As he passed the professor's desk, he smiled at her and walked to the door where I was now at. He tiredly slung his backpack on his shoulder and walked beside me, leaving out of the classroom.

Brent: Since when did you decide to skip our 8 am class earlier today, I had nobody to cheat on man.

He spoke smacking his lips and turning the corner after me.

Me: I had a long night last night, I needed the extra sleep.

I was out until 4 in the morning last night with Jay, it wasn't the smartest idea but what could I say. I wasn't going to tell Brent where I was or what I was doing because I knew he wouldn't believe me.

Brent: Well I hope that was a one time thing because you know how coach is, plus the team is finally back in good graces. We can't loose any key players.

Me: I just got caught up in something last night, you know it's not like me to skip out on class.

Brent: Good, because I got some news that'll make your day.

I looked over at Brent who was smiling from ear to ear, strolling beside me. We both walked to the lounge area where other students were spread out either sitting at the tables or on the couches. Brent headed for the table near the window so I followed after him, eager to hear his news because after last night I needed something to cheer me up. I sat my bag on the empty chair and made myself comfortable as I listened to Brent say what he had to say.

Brent: So the other day when morning practice was over, I headed to the locker room to shower and leave. Now, you know I'm always the last one to leave the locker room. So when I got in there, I heard coach talking on the phone. I guess he didn't know I was in there.

Me: Well what was he saying?

Brent's smile appeared on his face again.

Brent: From what I heard, he's picking his top 3 players to play in some tournament out of state. Do you know how many scouts could possibly be there?

Me: Only three people?

I asked with a monotonous voice. The news was exciting but I didn't know if I was good enough to be on coach's top 3.

Brent: Only three, and we definitely have what it takes. We been dreaming about this exposure since we got here man. At the rate we're going, you know we have coach's best interest.

Me: When do you think he's going to tell us?

Brent: I'm not sure, what I'm thinking is he'll just call three of us out one day and tell us in his office. If he lets the team know all together, everyone is going to kiss his ass.

Brent said shaking his head. I thought about where I stood at with coach and the winning streak that we were on because of me. Finally convinced, I smiled back at Brent as I dapped him up. Basketball was definitely in my heart and I was ready to show any and everyone the talent I had. Brent being the good person he was always spoke highly of me on the team but truth was, he was just as good as I was. Hopefully, Coach did see something in the both of us to get picked.

Brent: We have to put NYU on the map.

I nodded in agreement thinking over the whole situation. 

Me: You right, lets give it all we got then man.

Brent went into his backpack in search of something as he took out a few things to find exactly what he was looking for. He pulled out a thick packet that was stapled together and placed it before me.

Brent: That's an extra study guide for class since you missed out. We take the exam next time we go to class.

Smacking my lips, I took the packet into my hands and scammed over it. Brent laughed at me as he put his things back into his bag.

Brent: Look at it like this, if I wasn't in that class with you nobody would have warned you.

Me: True. But anyways, are you passing Professor Hayes's class?

Brent: I have an A in there, why wassup?

He answered quickly as his eyes were now glued to his phone.

Me: Just asking because everytime we're in there you're using the book as a pillow rather than reading it.

I said laughing as he did too.

Brent: that's not- well yeah that is true. Honestly man I don't have to worry about failing Hayes's class.

Me: why not?

Brent looked around before leaning closer to me over the table to speak quietly.

Brent: Lets just say our relationship is too good for her to fail me.

He said laughing.

Me: Brent please don't tell me you're dating a teacher?

Brent: I'm not dating her, man. One day after class she told me to stay for a talk. So I stayed and she ended up telling me that she comes to all of our games and how good of a player I am. Then she asked for me to help carry some equipment in her classroom to her car. When I got done helping her she asked if I wanted to come over for a friendly dinner at her place that night if I didn't have any classes. I didn't so I said yes.

Me: oh a friendly dinner? That makes perfect sense.

I said in a sarcastic tone which made Brent laugh again.

Brent: I went over her place that night and I'll admit she has a nice little spot. She cooked for me and we both ate, at first it was a little awkward but then she started telling me how she gets lonely since she lives by herself and only moved to New York to teach. So it's like she doesn't really know anybody out here. Then she started talking about how she got married at 20, she claims it was the biggest mistake of her life. She ended up getting a divorce after one year.

Me: And what does all this have to do with you?

Brent: Come on man, She just needs a friend. That's it, that's all.

Brent couldn't make eye contact with me so he looked out the window at the cars passing along the street. It was obvious that Professor Hayes liked Brent, that was the reason his grade stayed to an A.

Brent: Okay I'll admit she does like me.

He said as he put his hands up, surrendering to what I was hinting at.

Brent: But it's nothing sexual, man. At games, she shows up just to see me and stays afterwards to let me know I did good. I mean even in class, I'm not sure if you've noticed but she always giving me this look. I've been to her house a couple of times now that I think about it, she's always inviting me over.

Me: Well next time she invites you over, tell her to slow the hell down when she's talking in class. I have a spiral full of incomplete sentences when I'm taking notes because of her.

Brent: I got you man. But honestly I think she's waiting for me to make a move on her which I don't plan on.

Me: I'm sure she is. As closed off as she is to students I can't even imagine her having you in her house. I didn't know you like em old.

I said teasing him as he shook his head.

Brent: Well she's only 24. I think she's just vulnerable since she left her husband and is living in a whole new state. I was going to tell her to relax with the whole thing until I seen my grade go from a C to an A. I'm not messing that up man.

Me: Do what you have to do, I guess. I don't blame you, that class is hard.

Brent: Anyways, I got something else to tell you that you won't believe. And I know this might sound crazy but it's true.

Me: Brent I know you wouldn't lie to me, what is it?

I said wondering what he had to say now. I could tell this was important to him because he made sure no one was near our table for them to hear again.

Brent: Well last night I was in my apartment just watching tv, then I get this knock on the door and it's Shaun.

I took my attention away from the view that the window displayed and looked over at him. Hearing Shaun's name clicked a switch in my head. Out of all things, I wasn't expecting to hear his name coming out of Brent's mouth but I still listened.

Me: He came to your apartment?

I sneered.

Brent: I couldn't believe it myself. I-

Me: How did he get there? Was he driving a black Impala?

I asked, cutting him off unintentionally. Brent looked at me for a moment before answering. I could tell he wanted to know what difference it made.

Brent: He claimed he walked. I asked what was he doing at my doorstep and he said he needed a place to spend the night. Rich, man I'm telling you he looked terrible. His clothes were dirty and torn up, he needed a haircut, and his face had marks. I didn't even know who he was when I first opened the door.

Something didn't add up to what Brent was telling me and what actually went down last night.

Brent: I didn't let him stay though , I told him I couldn't. There is no way the police is coming at my door after him while he's on the run.

After Shaun had a shoot out with Dalvin and his friend, he had been on the news and was wanted. The word got around campus quick that he dropped out of college and has been hiding from the police.

Me: Well how could he just pop back up out of no where?

Brent: I don't know. But what I do know is, he doesn't have any place to go. At this point, he might as well turn himself in. He couldn't even talk straight last night because he was too busy looking over his shoulder to see if someone was after him.

I shook my head at the words Brent was telling me.

Me: Yeah he needs to turn himself in for way more than you think. Brent listen to me, do you really think he just walked to your apartment?

Brent: Well yeah... after I eventually told him he couldn't come in, he turned around and walked off. I watched him walk all the way down the street.

I didn't want to make myself believe I stayed up until 4am last night chasing the wrong person. What Jay and I had witnessed had to be Shaun. If it wasn't him last night, then who? After spacing out and trying to put the pieces together, Brent had gotten my attention again.

Me: My bad, What did you say?

Brent: I said I can't believe he dropped out just to not get caught by the police.

I nodded my head slowly, agreeing with his statement and also thinking of who could have been in that car.

Me: Well, I have to catch you later man. I got something I need to take care of.

Grabbing my backpack, I extended my hand out to dap Brent up quickly and leave before he asked any other questions.

Jamie POV

Ryan and I put up all the birthday decorations in one of the extra rooms until the time came. We had ordered so much stuff online for Fantasy's birthday party and we weren't done. After realizing that Fantasy probably wouldn't want to be in the club and I wouldn't either since I was pregnant, we decided to have her party right here at Ryan's house. The house was not only big enough on the inside but also on the outside as well. Going all out for Fantasy was something I would always do but I knew a simple get together in Ryan's backyard would be more than enough for her.

Me: I can't wait to see her reaction. She told me she didn't want a party but I have to do something.

Ryan: She'll like it once she sees everyone that comes. I'm the same way with birthday parties.

He said out of breath as he stacked the extra chairs neatly so it could be more room to fit the rest of the decorations we ordered. I brought in more balloons and placed them into the closet, it wasn't a birthday party without balloons.

Ryan: Looks like that's about everything. If we run out of chairs we can always go inside the house.

Me: You know I really appreciate you allowing the party to be here. You don't have to do this Ryan.

I said honestly. Ryan walked slowly to me and wrapped his arms around my waist gently, pulling me closer to his chest.

Ryan: If it makes you more comfortable then of course.

He mumbled into my neck, placing small kisses all the way up to my jawline and my lips as the last destination. After hearing someone clear their throat, I turned my head to see my mother standing in the hallway looking back at me.

Me: M-Mom? What are you doing here?

I questioned pushing Ryan's body away from me. He backed up and gave a small grin, wiping away the lip gloss on his lips. I tightened the straps of my robe and made sure I wasn't showing too much. We both stood there looking like two high school kids that had gotten caught in the middle of the night. My mom smiled warmly before deciding to finally speak, what she had seen obviously didn't affect her but it made me a little embarrassed.

Mom: Well Ryan gave me his address and told me to stop by anytime. I wanted to see what you two were up to.

Me: oh he did?

I asked with a forced smile on my face. Turning my head to Ryan, he stood back with his hands in his pockets looking anywhere but my face.

Mom: The Butler was just showing me around and Ryan, you have a beautiful home.

My mother said as she walked over to Ryan and put his hands in hers.

Ryan: Thank you, I'm glad you like it. You're welcome here as much as you like.

Me: If you don't mind dear, can I speak to my daughter in private?

Ryan looked over at me before answering, he could easily tell that I was somewhat mad that she came by before telling me. Ryan wasn't the one for drama and he made that known when I threw his clothes out of his house before. The question caught him off guard as it did to me too, but being as nice, he nodded to answer her question.

Ryan: Well..sure, I'll be in the living room if you need me.

He said lowly before stealing a quick glance at me as he made his way out of the room. He closed the door behind him, leaving us two in the spacious room. My mother turned towards me with a different look than she had before.

Mom: It took me a while to find the right house, I kept getting lost. You know I've never been good with directions. This is a really nice house.

She said as she looked at me.

Me: Yeah it is...

Mom: Is that the reason you like him so much, because of money?

I was taken back by my mother's words and different attitude. It took me a few seconds to respond to her in a respectful manner.

Me: Mama, I've been knowing him way before I knew anything about his pockets.

I explained. She laughed at my answer and shook her head, this was a side of her I hadn't seen before.

Mom: I was wondering why you were moving so fast with him but I see why now.

Me: I thought we discussed this already, I'm not with him for any money. If anything, I can get that on my own.

Mom: You honestly think this whole thing can work out with the age difference?

She questioned.

Me: Mama we just rekindled our relationship so I wouldn't expect you to know what he means to me. Now are you really here to stop by or did you come to interrogate me?

Mom: Here it goes, the same smart mouth Jamie I remember.

Me: That's funny because all I can remember you for is being drunk.

I snapped back louder than I intended. I headed for the door, I was through with the conversation and whatever else she wanted to bring up. My feelings were hurt and I knew hers were too since I made such a remark, but I wasn't letting anyone tell me about my relationship. After talking with Fantasy, I wasn't letting that confidence that she instilled in me go out the window. With my hand on the doorknob she decided to speak again.

Mom: One day you're going to wish you listened to me.

I paused briefly thinking about what she said before opening the door and walking out.

Rich POV

I walked down the hall to apartment 213 and knocked loudly so he could hear me. Stepping back, I placed my hands into my pockets and walked back and forth out of frustration. I had been cursing to myself the whole ride here trying to think of what the hell happened last night. Right now I was confused and upset that I had wasted my time, not to mention almost killed. Whoever shot up the fast food place knew who I was and wanted me. I heard footsteps from the other side of the door and soon the door opened revealing Jay. He stood there holding a sandwich in one hand and a blunt hanging out the side of his mouth. His hair was braided on one side with one big puff on the other. Taking the blunt from his mouth, he gave me a wide smile.

Jay: Well if it ain't Mr light bright.

He said looking around the area then back at me. I shook my head and laughed at his remark. I dapped him up quickly as he stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

Me: Man what's going on with your hair?

Jay: I was getting my hair braided fool. Real niggas have to get pampered too.

He said before laughing.

Me: Look, I got some bad news. The car we was chasing last night wasn't Shaun.

Jay twisted his face in confusion.

Jay: You mean to tell me we chased that car for hours and went into a ditch over the wrong person? We almost got killed for nothing?

He hissed. After deciding to follow the car that was shooting we ending up taking many loops and turns. It was hard keeping up with them but I managed to stay behind them. Luckily, even when they aimed their guns at my car Jay and I dodged all the bullets. While we made it out alive I ended up going into a ditch after making a sharp turn, trying to keep up with that black car. Last night had me still fuming and what made it worse was now I didn't even know who it was. Jay cursed under his breath and shook his head as he took another hit of his blunt.

Me: I just assumed it was him, I mean who else would want me dead? I know it wasn't a coincidence either.

Jay: It can't be. Like I said, that car was even following us to the pool party. Then they followed us to the burger joint. It's definitely somebody that's trying to kill you.

He testified.

Me: I believe you man it's just that I don't know who else it could be. My team mate told me earlier today that Shaun is basically a bum on the streets now, he isn't riding a black impala at all.

Jay: Well let's think a little deeper. Who else would do some shit like this?

I put my hand on my chin and decided to think, still pacing back and forth. I stopped for a second as a thought came into my head. The only other person that I could think of was Ross, and even though he never stepped foot out of his drug house, it was possible that he sent some people for me.

Me: It's Ross, Ross did this shit man.

Jay: Who?

Me: The man I used to work for. He'd supply me the weed and I'd sell it for him. I haven't been back to his spot since I got locked up. I know he's probably looking for me now that I'm out.

Jay: Well let's go scope this place out right now.

He said. I nodded my head while still in thought about how mad he could be for me trying to leave his business. Jay went back into his apartment for his shoes while I waited in the hallway area. After a moment, he came back out with a girl beside him. She gave me a friendly grin and took her keys out of her purse, heading for her car. I watched Jay locked the door as the girl walked down the steps.

Me: Who was that?

Jay: Just some shorty that was braiding my hair. She'll just have to finish later man, come on let's go.

I headed for the steps after his remark and made my way to the car with Jay not too far behind. Soon enough we were on the road and I knew I was speeding, but knowing Ross was behind this triggered something in me that I couldn't stop. About 20 minutes later we were around the block from the drug house and I could tell because the area that was near the drug house was very poor. Jay looked out the window at the broken down houses and the unfamiliar area that he was in. I turned the corner into the alley and slowed down my speed coming up to what I thought was the house, only it wasn't.

Me: You have to be kidding me.

I mummerd under my breath as I pulled beside the broken down house that was once ran by Ross. I rolled the window down and looked around, the house was destroyed.

Jay: This the spot?

Jay asked unsurely.

Me: Well it was, they tore it down man. Everything is gone.

I sat back in the car seat, dissapointed that this trip to the spot got us no where. Where could have Ross been now? I didn't know if he got caught and was locked up, which meant that the black impala wasn't him. But it could have also meant he relocated, I would never know. There was no other spot I could think of that would lead me to him.

Jay: Well what do we do now?

Jay asked lowly, just as mad as I was. I lightly shrugged my shoulders with no answer to his question.

Fantasy POV

I counted the money for the third time before putting it into the envelope and sealing it. The football team and I had been here all day in the library because today was the deadline for donating to Thomas's funeral arrangements. Seeing so many people come together to help Angie out made me feel happy. Today however, had been an emotional day since the team had been sitting around in the library all day, sharing stories of Thomas and his time being spent as a football player. Thomas knew many people, and he was good to all of them. It hurt my heart to know that I was a main part of the reason he was gone, but it made me feel better that I was doing something to help out. After the long line of people coming to the table had died down, the boys and I had counted up all the money and put it to the side. The good thing was that we had reached our desired amount. In fact, we were way past it.
I helped pack up the money and waited for Angie to come and pick it up since she said she would be able to. I checked my phone to see if she had texted me anything while she was on her way.

"Is it too late to donate?"

A deep husky voice made me look away from my phone and at him.

Me: Well we've already reached our amount and-

I was stopped mid sentence by the stack of money that the man took out of his jacket and put on the table. I looked back at the team who looked just as shocked as I was at the amount that was before us. I looked back up at him trying to see if I've ever seen him around campus before speaking again.

Me: Sir, you don't have to donate so much.

The way he stared at me was like he knew me. He chuckled and shook his head insisting that I take the money.

"There's no such thing as too much money. Take it."

He demanded in a hoarse tone. His voice was scary yet interesting, it made me wonder where he came from even more. His face gave off an expressionless reaction as I slowly reached out to take the money and hand it to one of the players to count.

Me: Thank you so much, this will help out a lot.

Expecting him to say you're welcome, he said nothing and only turned around to head for the door to leave. I called out after him, attemtpting to get his attention.

Me: Sir, wait. What's your name?

He turned around slowly giving the same emotionless face. He didn't speak which made me say something.

Me: Um, we're giving away free shirts to those who donated. That's why I asked for your name.

"I don't need a shirt."

He replied in a bitter tone.

Me: Well can I at least get your name still?

He looked at me once again with a blank face.



A/N: Dont forget to vote and comment! As always, excuse any spelling, grammar, and any other mistakes I may have made. Thank you for reading!

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