Moving Forward ~1

By Vampirediaries1996

608K 15.1K 8.2K

Mystic Falls has always been the same. Nothing happens here. Everyone knows each others business if you like... More

New Year, Same Me
That's Not Hate
Match Made In Heaven
Darkness Is Coming
Aftermath of the Attack
Comets Flying By
Dinner Disaster
Team Spirit
Founder's Parties All Day
Carwash and Cemeteries
Temporary Breakups
Towel Girl
The Truth Comes Out
The Beginning of The End
Life Turning Upside Down
Tomb Games
Isobel's Past
Eligible Bachelor's
Double Date
Another Funeral
Drunk Stefan
Facing Bonnie
Miss Mystic Jitters
Where Is Amber?
Hospital's and Kisses
She's Here
Vampire Carnivals
Research Becomes Reality
Wolves and Barbecues
Cat's Out of the Bag
Masquerade and Danger
Kristen Stewart
Making Deals
Losing Part of Yourself
True Intensions
Hosting a Killer Dinner
The Fun's Just Getting Started
Warnings from the Witches
60's Dance
Smoky Mountains
Doppelgรคnger Blood
First Day of the New Year
Ghost World
Hybrids and Coffins
Birthday or Funeral
Beginning of Darkness
Mother of a Ball
A Mother's Love
Makeup and Betrayal
Dark Times
Another Funeral
Hunters and Hallucination's
Miss Mystic Round 2
Is Silas Real?
The Cure
Can We Cheat Death?
Grieving and Moving On
Three Sacrifices

Decade Dance

7.8K 192 209
By Vampirediaries1996

Thank you for the continued support. I love hearing from you all. Enjoy another update.

I still haven't gotten over the bomb Elena dropped on me like it was no big deal. We know nothing on why or how we were adopted. We even searched for our birth certificates and found that it listed Miranda and Grayson Gilbert as our birth parents. None of this made any sense. Matt has been helpful as someone I can lay all my problems on. He's a great listener and gives amazing sound advice. I wish I just had the strength to follow it. Matt still doesn't know about vampires and witches and I'm not sure if I should tell him just yet. I barely understand any part of it and the last thing Matt needs is something else to worry about. He's even had to move from part-time at The Grill to full-time busboy just to make ends meet. I told him that I could help but he's too proud to take any.

I never thought I would be thankful for Caroline forcing me into making banners for the school dance. But painting giant letters is actually soothing and helps take my mind off things.

"Tell me again why you agreed to do this?" Matt asks.

"Because Caroline wouldn't stop asking and I've been neglecting my duties as her friend and a member of the dance committee."

"And I'm helping why?"

"Because you're my super-hot and generous boyfriend who loves me." I kiss his lips and he smiles.

"I guess I am super-hot." He flexes his muscles and swats him with my paintbrush getting blue paint all over his bicep.

"Modest much?"

"Hey, you said it not me. Plus I like seeing you like this?"

"What covered in paint?" I look at my blue spotted clothing.

"No at peace. You've been so worked up lately and it's nice seeing you after everything that's been going on to seem happy."

"Well, I'm always happy when I'm with you. Even when you force me to watch old football games."

"Hey, you said you liked them."

"I prefer comedies but I watch them because you love them." Matt leans in like he's going to kiss me only to paint a blue streak over my face. I'm shocked but I love it.

"You're dead Donovan." I try getting more paint on him but he restrains me.

"Now you look perfect." He kisses my forehead and I lean on his chest.

"You're going to miss out on my killer dance moves." I bump my hip with his as he encases me in a giant hug. We've stopped painting for the moment but it.

"Because you're such a great dancer."


"Sof, I had to teach you how to waltz and you still didn't get the concept of just swaying."

"Okay, so I have two left feet, not my fault."

"I wish I could be there to dance with you just like at the Founder's party." I lean back to rest my head on his chest.

"But you're going to work so you can ease some stress out of your life. And who knows maybe I'll sneak away from Caroline's grasp and come surprise you."

"I would love that." I kiss Matt one more time before we go back to finishing the banners. We wouldn't want Caroline to come out and see we hadn't finished and bite our heads off.

There's still tension when I walk inside the house. Jenna and Elena are walking on eggshells around each other. I've tried getting over the fact that Jenna kept this secret from us. If we should be mad at anyone it would be our parents but they're not here to answer for themselves. This is a life-changing topic that is hard on anyone. Elena is taking it as a betrayal of trust between her and Jenna, but I see it as more of a stepping ground of getting closer to one another.

"Okay, enough with the awkward silence. I'm just going to ask it. Jenna, why didn't you tell us that we're adopted?" Elena looks shocked that I said anything and Jenna seems relieved that someone is talking to her again.

"Your mom was gonna do it eventually. I never thought I would have to."

"If our mom were here right now, and we asked, she'd tell us the truth." I know it sounded harsh but Elena is right. Our mom was open to us about almost everything. Besides this shocking news, she didn't keep anything from us, but it's not fair for us to put the same standard on Jenna.

"Your dad was about to leave the office one night when this girl showed up. She was 16, a runaway and about to give birth. He delivered her babies and gave her a place to stay. But a few days later she disappeared." Jenna walks closer to us with the biggest smile on her face. "And there you two were. Your parents were trying so hard to have a baby. It just wasn't happening. And to have not one but two beautiful babies that's all they could ever ask for. All Miranda wanted was to be a mom." It was nice hearing about our parents and how much they wanted us. It made missing them that much harder.

"Why were their names on our birth certificates?" Elena asks.

"Your dad was a doctor, Elena. He took care of it. They didn't wanna lose either of you, so they kept it quiet. Told as few people as possible, but if anyone wanted proof they had documentation."

"What else do you know about her?" I ask next.

"Just her name. Isobel."

Jenna left for the dance while we got ready. My outfit was simple since it is a fifty's dance I'm going as my Halloween costume of Sandy from Greece. It's fitting for the time and I don't have to do much expect squeeze my body until I can't breathe into this tight jumpsuit. But at least I know I look good in it.

"Jenna? Jeremy?" I hear Elena calling for them in the hall. She must have forgotten that they already left for the dance.

"Lenny they're already gone." I call out from my room.

"Have you been in your room this whole time?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm finishing my makeup. Why?" I walk out to see what's got her worked up. She runs back into her room and I follow. She's acting weird and I have no idea why. She runs out of her room and down the stairs. "Elena! What's going on?" I chase after her.

"Where is he?" She must be talking to Damon of all people. She lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank God. This compass was spinning. Stefan must be here. Thank you." And when she turns to me I see him. He jumps down from our ceiling and goes to bite her. I rush to her side and raise my hand which flings him off her. Stefan rushes in as he hears our screams. The man runs away but our hearts keep racing.

"Elena! Sofia! Are you two okay?" He asks checking us for any injuries. I'm freaking out. I now saw what I just did and I can't explain it. I can't be a witch or whatever else causes someone to do what I just did. I just can't be.

Stefan called Damon to tell him about our attacker. Now I'm stress eating and will probably have a harder time getting out of this jumpsuit. "How did he get in?"

"He was invited in."

"What?" I ask in disbelief while I eat some pizza.

"He posed as a pizza delivery guy last night."

"What?" I spit out the pizza and throw it away. "I'm sorry who was dumb enough to invite him in?"


"I'm going to have to teach him about not talking to strangers and no letting them in the house!"

"As right as Sofia is. I will give the guy some points for creativity. Did he say what he wanted?"

"No. He was too busy trying to kill me." Elena states.

"And you have no idea who this is?"

"If we did wouldn't we be telling you oh Damon and Stefan so and so is tried to kill us in our car now he's trying to kill us in our house. If we knew who he was we would tell you!" I may have been a little aggressive.

"Sorry, Sof gets a little hangry around this time.

"Do you think they're more than one?" I ask regaining control over my anger.

"We don't know." Damon sits next to me even though I don't want him to.

"Damon, he was invited in."

"Then we get him tonight. You two up for it?"

"What do we have to do?" Elena asks for us and I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with what they're about to say.

"Let your boyfriend take you and Sofia to the dance and we'll see who shows up."

"That's a bad idea."

"Till we get him, this house isn't safe. For anyone who lives in it. It's worth a shot."

"We'll do it." I announce. Elena looks to me wondering if I'm sure. "I didn't force myself into this outfit for nothing. If we're going to catch this son of a bitch let's get off our asses grandma's!"

Everyone's rocking out in their fifty's get up. Caroline and Bonnie are having a great time but Elena and I have to worry about some deranged murderous vampire that is hell-bent on killing her. Damon and Stefan are on high alert making the moment we step foot in the gym. The guys split up looking for anyone out of place while we are approached by Caroline and Bonnie.

"Having fun?" Elena plasters a fake smile on for them.

"No, but this took about 2 hours so I'm at least staying half of that."

"Well, you look amazing."

"And you're an outfit repeater!"

"What can I say. If you wear it good once you can wear it amazing the second time."

"You do look amazing." Caroline compliments.

"What is Damon doing here?" Bonnie asks pissed that he's anywhere near her. Which is understandable he did try to kill her.

"He wanted to come. I promise. He'll behave." Elena assures them and I roll my eyes.

"I don't, so feel free to slap him if he gets out of line."

"So what is this like, a threesome now and Sofia is there to tag along when Matt is away."


"What? Elena and the Salvatore brothers? Everyone else is thinking it." She defends herself.

"No. But if I'm gonna be with Stefan then I have to learn to tolerate Damon. It's not like I can kill him."

"That's a thought."

"Mmm. I'll help." Caroline and Bonnie clink glasses.

Elena ditches us to find Stefan and I feel so protected now out alone. Who needs them anyway. I can take care of myself more than Elena she can barely punch someone with force.

"Hello, Bonnie. Care to dance?" I roll my eyes at Damon's lame attempt to win Bonnie over.

"I'm out of here." She leaves without another word. Damon doesn't seem to understand why Bonnie hates him.

"Back off Damon." Caroline races after Bonnie leaving me alone with the ass.

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know."

"Damon scared them off with his annoying charm." I state downing my punch.

"What'd you say to them?" Stefan questions.

I was perfectly polite." I scoff at the idea of him being anything other than a class A jack ass. He raises a brow at me and I shrug my shoulders. "Elena, would you like to dance?" He turns on the charm and it makes me want to vomit.

"I would love to." I knew she was playing Damon. "Will you have this dance?" Stefan takes her arm and leads her to the dance floor.

"Sofia will..."

"You can shove that offer up your ass."

"Come on, you'll have fun."

"Damon, I'm not going to be your second choice because my sister shot down your offer."

"You were my first choice, but I wanted to piss Stefan off."

"Mission accomplished now you can dance alone."

"You don't mean that."

"Damon, we're not friends. We're barely acquaintances. All I care about is you keep my sister safe from whatever is wanting to kill her because of some weird fascination with her. Other than that I don't care to dance with you or anything else. I don't like being played for a fool." Damon straightens his shirt before leaning down to my ear.

"You could never be a fool. You look beautiful by the way." I swear I could feel his lips briefly brush my cheek before he finds some willing girl to dance with.

Watching everyone slow dance and being the only one without a decent partner sucks. If we weren't worried about a killer vampire I would gladly go and visit Matt at work, but I need to make sure Elena is okay before that happens. Plus even though Stefan and Damon say they will protect her I still don't trust them completely. I did love seeing Elena being happy dancing with Stefan. He seems like he really cares for her and it makes me worry what this life of vampires and supernatural will mean for her. She cares too much sometimes and Stefan's demons don't need to affect her.

They later join me as we stare at Damon making a fool of himself dancing with another girl and leading her off to the middle of the dance floor. "You really can't take him anywhere, can you?" Elena jokes.

"Uh, no."

"Same could be said about you." I tease and she doesn't appreciate that. Her eyes widen and I don't know why. "Come on, Lenny I was jok..."

"No, it's not that. Sof, Stefan. The back corner." Stefan instantly gets in defense mode.

"Get Damon!" He orders us and then he's lost in the crowd. Elena reaches for my hand and drags me away with her to find Damon. We stop when Elena's phone rings. She positions it up between our ears so we both can hear.

"Hello, Elena." Our hearts stop we look around for where his voice is coming from. "There's an exit door behind you and your sister. You have five seconds."

"No." Elena yells back.

"Or your bother dies." We look over to where Jeremy is serving the drinks and we see the guy who attacked Elena earlier. "I can snap his neck so fast I bet there's not even a witness. Now start walking."

"Don't you dare touch him you bastard!" I take the phone from Elena as we stare him down.

"Keep walking. Through the door." Elena drags me along with her and we sprint through the halls knowing that he's coming after us.

"Doesn't this feel wrong?" It's hard to run in heels. If there was time for me to take them off I would but we're running for our lives and we have to keep going.

"Sofia just run." We are cornered now when one of the double doors won't budge when we push on it. He's corning us just to play a sick twisted game. He's smirking at us and I lead Elena into the cafeteria hoping we can fend him off. Another set of doors or blocked and we're forced to face him as he walks towards us. We try running away but he yanks on Elena's hair and throws her across a table.

"Get away from her!" I try hitting him with a chair but he dodges it with ease. He then throws me until I collide with a table. I groan with pain and as I try and stand he's already about to sink his fangs into Elena's neck. She doesn't give up she instead stabs him with some pencils she found. He screams in pain and I finally get the strength to get up and Elena tosses me a pencil. With all my strength I stab it through his hand while simultaneously Elena stabs him in the chest. It gives us time to run away from him. I spot the mob and begin breaking it in half and give one to Elena as we defend ourselves. Sadly he's still stronger than us and deflected our attack tossing half of the mop away. He pushes me into the vending machine and goes to attack Elena again. My vision is getting blurry but I do see Stefan throwing him off her.

"Hey, dick head." Damon enters the room holding the other end of the mop. "Nobody wants to kill you. We just wanna talk." Elena helps me up and we hold on to each other for support. Stefan impales our attacker causing him to crumble to his knees.

"Now you feel like talkin?"

"Screw you." Stefan pushes the mob further in causing him to groan more.

"Wrong answer. Why are you doing this?"

"Because it's fun." Stefan twists the mob causing further pain.

"What do you want with Elena and Sofia?"

"She looks like Katherine. And the other is just fun to mess with."

"You knew Katherine?" Damon asks him with a pissed expression.

"Oh, you thought you were the only ones. You don't even remember me."

"Tell me how to get in the tomb. Hmm?" Damon gets in his face but that doesn't change anything.

"No." Stefan pushes the mop in more. He groans and it doesn't help my throbbing headache I have at the moment.

"The Grimoire."

"Where is it?" Stefan keeps torturing him that Elena and I have to look away.

"Check the journal. The journal. Jonathan's Journal. Jonathan Gilbert's."

"Who else is working with you? Who else is there?"

"No, you're gonna have to kill me." We watch as Stefan pulls the makeshift stake out of his chest and shove it back in killing him. I have the sudden urge to throw up.

"Was that necessary? How are we gonna find the other now?" I demand still holding my head.

"He had to die." Damon says looking at us.

"He's been invited in." We're all on alert when we see someone standing outside the door. "Go. I got this." Stefan orders to Damon. I can't help but stare at the dead body in front of us.

"Is no one else freaking out about what just happened?"


"No don't Sofia me!" I point my finger at Elena. "This is not normal Elena. None of this happened since they came into town. Our lives are turning to shit when they were already horrible."

"I know this is a lot to take in. But you have to understand there is something going on in this town and we have to be on top of it."

"Who said we had to? Elena, we're seventeen! We shouldn't have to deal with this!"

"You hit your head and you need..."

"Don't baby me, Elena. This is not right. What just happened tonight is not right. You seem to be not affected at all that someone just died."

"He was trying to kill me!"

"Us Elena us. I was with you in that car when he crashed it! Death is following us where ever we go Elena. And I'm not okay with it." I storm out of the cafeteria. The Elena I knew no matter how horrible a person was, she still valued a life. This guy was stalking and attacking us but she's so calm and okay with her boyfriend killing like it means nothing.

"Where are you off to?" Damon is leaning against one of the lockers.

"I'm going home. I've had enough of this freak show." He speeds in front of me and blocks my path. "Get out of my way Damon." He lifts my head up and turns it looking at me. "What are you doing?"

"You may have a concussion."

"Okay, then I'll go to the hospital."

"Or I can give you something better than anything you can get at a hospital."

"What? Do vampires have the magical powers of healing others?"

"In a way we do."

"How does it work." Damon says nothing as he slices his wrist with his nail. "No! That's gross. That's how diseases are spread and..."

"Take it. My blood will heal you and you'll be good as new."

"What's the catch?"

"Sofia, just take the blood." He holds his wrist up to me and I'm hesitant but he helps by moving my mouth towards it. The blood tastes disgusting as I suck and I almost throw it up but Damon forces me to keep it down. Not even seconds later my throbbing headache fades until it doesn't' exist.

"Now doesn't that feel better." He caresses my cheek as he still checks on me. It's a weird feeling coming from Damon.

"Can you stop doing that." I wiggle out of his embrace.

"Do what?"

"You know what? Thanks for healing me but I need to go."

"Stay safe Sofia." He calls after me.

Do you prefer Damon and Sofia or Klaus and Sofia.

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