A child of destiny (Jon Kent...

By Moon_Mightus

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Current cover: By-Kamitake Isn't wonderful? No matter what you do or decide not to do, your destiny is decid... More

About (y/n)
Chapter 1: The life of (y/n)
Chapter 2: A friend
Chapter 3: Somethings wrong
Chapter 5: Crash in DC
Chapter 6: Lost and found
Chapter 7: Blessed
Chapter 8: Awake
Chapter 9: Let's talk
Chapter 10: A new start
Chapter 11: Danger
Chapter 12: Knave
Chapter 13: Pie or Pi
Chapter 14: Night out
Chapter 15: Lights out
Chaper 16: Hang out

Chapter 4: Robin and Superboy

1.2K 24 21
By Moon_Mightus

~Amazing art not mine, by laizy-boy~

Twelve-year-old (y/n) was left to walk home on her own, Jon had to leave school with his mom earlier than usual, and promised they'll walk home to your place to hang out next time they meet.

" I hope so..." you muttered, the air was so cold as ice, fiery yellowish leave flying right past you as you passed the little market you see every day.

Falling leaves tumble from the interlocking branches above you, the cold breezed tickled you exposed legs. Nath had warned you not to wear short, but you didn't listen as you were in a hurry to meet up with Jon. The only thing that preventing you from shivering completely was the long sleeve Superman shirt you decided to wear, with shorts. " I guess, I should have listened to Nath," It was a simple mistake that Nath will never let go, that for sure.

Smiling to yourself, while running home, the first you thought of doing was to call Jon and invite him over to plan out what the two of you were going to do for Halloween night and to help out decorate the house with fake spider webs and carve pumpkins, with adult supervision of course.

You had told him about the plan earlier today, Jon's eyes lit up, before surprisingly scooping you up your two feet hugging you, in a friendly way, "That sounds awesome, but mom is going to pick me up soon, would it be better to come to your house when I'm ready?" You nodded, as the 12 in a half-year-old put you down, " But Nath said, no horror movies since I get nightmares easily." "No offence (y/n), but you actually do." you sighed, sadly, "I know,"

The loud deep growling of your stomach made you eager to come home faster for a snack.

You slowed down a bit, as soon as you heard talking for an alleyway, a conversation going on between two individuals.

Back against the rough brick wall of an apartment building, you peeked from the corner, you (f/c) bag hung loose, over your shoulder.

An a slim man, wearing nothing but an oversize grey t-shirt, stained with dirt and punctured with holes, with skinny jeans too ripped to actually look like it was bought from the store, only wearing dirty looking socks, their face looking small in pale as if they haven't eaten in days, was pinned to a wall, holding on to a pocket filled with coins, given to him by generous people who had offered to give money to the homeless.

A male that looked around eighteen had him cornered, wearing all white, with a golden necklace around his neck with a dollars sign on it. Two of his friends stood back, enjoying the messed up show in front of them.

" C'mon, are you that heartless, taking money from the homeless, that's sick..!" the male said, "You should be ashamed of yourself." the other male in white, simply ignore him, as he grabbed a handful of change and a ten dollar bill.

"How the hell am I going to buy myself some new bling if this is all you have?" the jerk complained, "Well, I wouldn't expect a bum like you to get income anytime soon."

You gritted teeth, as the hungry male was simply pushed to the ground by force, you clenched your fists as the male in white kicked the homeless male, as he was still down. Your heart beating faster, as a permanent scowl made it's way to your face as the two other people joined in on the fun.

"Hey!" you called out, in a loud, imitating voice filled with anger. Your legs seemed to start walking on its own, as you made your way towards the group area. "Leave him alone!" you ordered.

The eighteen-year-old boy with hair dye silver, glanced over his shoulder, to the left, eyes landing on a little girl who happened to be standing five feet away, eyes narrowed, as he and his group were some kind of threat.

" Mind your own business, little girl," was all the rude male said, before sending another kick to the rib at the poor male causing you to snap.

"Not until you leave him alone," (y/n) pointed at the homeless male, still on the ground, trying to recover from the blows he receives, "Alone."

A bored looking made it's way, to the silver-haired boy's face, he looked, back at the' two friends, a female friend with yellow streaks on her hair, to deal with you.

The female wearing tight clothes approached, you, as you wore a blank face, with fire in your eyes. She toward over you, trying to scare you off, but you wouldn't move a muscle, no matter what.

" Huh, you bark but you don't bite?" the harlot with the pixie cut shoved you, making you nearly fall back. "Just get out of our way, you piece of crap, and no one gets hurt-" (y/n) narrowed her, eyes, as she clenched her fist once more, "Do not challenge me." It was as you have gone mad, feeling blissful at a moment like this, the urged to challenge every bit of authority had grew stronger than before.

You felt your entire head blooming with a giant throb of pain, you lose all sense of balance as you were punched to the cheek.

Not having time to feel the swelling that started to grow on the side, below your eye, the woman hovered above you, grab a fist load of fabric from your shirt, squatting over you, with a sadistic smile on her face. "L-let go of me!" you bellowed,"Man, will I have fun punching you to a pulp-"

The alleyway the five of you were in, was enveloped in darkness, as two of the goons behind the girl emitted a shrill in fear, as both of you heard a fist fight taking place between the newcomer and the thieves.

The weight of the woman over you, slowly left your body, as the woman started to levitated in a slow pace, being lifted up mid hair by none other by the teenage boy, the crest of the House of El emblazoned on the front of his jacket, as he held the woman who had you pinned down to the floor, by the back of her dress, glaring daggers at the back of the eighteen-year-old's head, as you picked yourself off the floor, still in a sitting position.

"Didn't anybody tell you, picking on the innocent was the wrong way to go?" Superboy asked, in a ruffled voice, as soon as you noticed the injury you had received from the older woman.

"Can't believe we were beaten by a buncha brat, younger than us-" the silver-haired male chocked in his own words, boy wonder, sent a kick down where the sun doesn't shine, as he and his partner were now tied up, by wire Robin had around them. You winced, somehow feeling his  pain, 'That has got to hurt' "You talk too much, quiet down already!" the male in red, green and yellow demanded.

The male almost looked like he was about three years older you, probably fifteen? Batman's protege then had his eye's on the woman that Superboy held hostage, under his iron grip.

"Bring her here, so I can tie her up as well," the male said, in a demanding in a gruff voice.

Superboy landed back on the ground, dragging the woman alongside, all you did was stare blankly into space, being thankful that the heroes came along just in time. You then shutter in fear, thinking what could have happened if they never came, possibly being beaten to death wasn't on your bucket list, that's for sure. It was a privilege to meet Superman's son and Batman's sidekick, in the flesh and up close, instead of observing from nearby for once.

"Are you okay?" came a soothing voice, snapping you out of your trance, you titled your head up, only to be met with bright sapphire eyes, on one knee beside you, as he had on hand behind your back, thinking you'll fall over and faint, any minute now.

It wasn't the color of his eyes that were so breathtaking, as it was what was inside them, unlike some people you met in your life, never have thought to see warmth, reassurance, and joy all by just looking at his eyes.

You felt dumb, just sitting there with your mouth agape, with your swelling cheek.

" Never been better, " you answered, with a small smile, before a giggle escaped your lips. Forgetting the pain, you immediately stopped smiling, as both of your hands sprung up from the ground to caressed your injured cheek, groaning in pain, as the superhuman male, lifted you up your feet, with care.

"You've just been punched by a grown ass woman, and all you can say is, that you're fine?" Robin questioned, finding your behavior suspicious, as Superboy rolled his eyes before turning to his partner, "Shut up, Da-" "Names." Robin reminded. Aaaahh, secret identity; is a person's alter ego which is not known to the general populace, most often used in fiction, but also in real life.

Between the two teen heroes, who started arguing, you instantly started to remember why you were in this circumstances in the first place. "Wait!" you nearly shouted, causing the two boys to put a pause to their argument, "What about-" you stopped mid-sentence to start jogging over homeless male, who you have witnessed being physical harassed earlier. Robin soon approached you later, along with Superboy. The good news was, he was alive, breathing, causing you to sigh in relief, the bad news was... "He's in critical condition right," Boy wonder explained, giving the older adults the bat glared before turning back, while Jon helped the injure man up, being caring as possible not to make the damage even worst, "We need to take him to the nearest hospital, asap." Robin then turned to you, " Do you know where the closest hospital is located here-" "The Kindred General Hospital." you and Superboy responded, both at the same time.

Robin kept quiet for a moment, calculating something, thinking of what to do in this situation, having to dispose of the goons and bring the injured male to the hospital at once was a tricky job.

"Superboy, bring the man to the hospital, while I bring these two bozos-" he pulled the wire he was holding, causing the three older teenagers to fall to their sides, as they look up the three of you in fear. "To the nearest police station here." "Can you bring- I mean, all three of them, by yourself, alone with you?" the teen of might asked, you took note of Superboy, being the taller than Boy wonder. "Oh please, it doesn't take super strength to drag these three, now go already." he hissed, before, turning away, his cape flowing behind him as he exists one way, out the alley, with the goons who were now standing up, following the leader.

You watched with amazement as Superboy, carried the male twice he's height over his shoulder, with ease, without breaking a sweat.

The silence was awkward, nor comforting, by tense, "...Is it alright, if I come along at you as well, without slowing you down..?" you mumbled, timidly, in a low voice, it was amazing how blessed Superboy was with super hearing.

Superboy though for a moment, hand on one hip, while the other one was trying to balance the casualty on his shoulder, "It's alright, thanks for your help," you felt an awful feeling in your gut, it wasn't long until the tears started pouring down, causing the boy to freeze in his track, and panick, "Hey, hey..! Please don't cry, it wasn't your fault this happened," "Of course it is!" you say, cutting off the Kryptonian hybrid, "If I didn't stay where I was, hiding like the coward I was, while- he got beat up, none of this would have happen!" you sniffled, as you tried to brush the tears away, crying was one thing, but crying in front of a local hero was another. "But, think about it. It could have been a lot worst if you weren't present at the time." "Ya..." he was right, who knows what could have happened, " You did a great job, doing the right thing and showing them who was boss by the way," he grinned, you only smiled, whispering a thank you.

You were the last person left in the alleyway, as Superboy made his way up in the air, turning back to you, " Oh, by the way, I like your shirt, it's pretty cool, bye (y/n)!" he saluted before soaring into the sky. Cheeks reddening at the mentioning of your t-shirt logo.

You stood still, staring to where the boy had left, "Wait...how did he know my name?" you questioned, the only thing that answer, was the fact that you backpack was left behind, on the floor, with the front having your name stitched to it. You sighed, picking it up, "No wonder..."

Exiting the narrowed path between two building, you started to come up with an excuse in a way that won't cause Asenath to have a full panic attack and a better way to hide your injury when Jon comes over.

It seemed like a hell broke loose as soon as you got home, your foster mother was shrinking, angered, demanding the name of the person who had caused your injury.

" Youe beautiful face!"   " Nath...please!-"

"You will answer me truthfully with no hesitation, (y/n) Comis," she demanded, with her arms crossed, as the both of you were at the living room half an hour later, dressed into an oversize yellow kid Flash t-shirt, with shorts hidden by the shirt over it, wearing high knee wonder woman sock. You were given a bag of frozen vegetables, straight out the freezer by the woman with green eyes, to take care of the swelling on your cheek, to cool it down. Sitting on the two-seat sofa, as Nath walked around nervously, watching your every move, as you fidget under her stare, "She is so going to kill me..." you have caught her say, behind you as she was circling around. "Who will kill you?" the twelve-year-old with the (h/c) questioned, innocently. "Never- who did this to you, (y/n)!?!?" the dark-haired woman demanded, changing the subject automatically. "I- I told you, a girl, she hit me- by accident!" you added quickly, as her anger grew worst when you mentioned a girl, for the thousand time since you got back.

You silently thanked a deity, as soon as you heard the cheerful sound, of your doorbell ringing, on your knees on the sofa, arms hanging off the back area, you smile grew wider as you saw a familiar male in glasses, being welcomed in by your foster mother wearing the baseball hat you had gotten him for his last birthday.

knowing the cold fall weather was harsh, Jon wore his signature red hoodie jacket dark indigo pants and running shoes. "Jon!" Nath has abruptly yelled at him, but excused herself for being too harsh afterwards, "Do you know what happened to (y/n)?! Why is her cheek swollen?!" Jon titled he's entire body to the side, in the doorway, just to see you form on the couch, waving at him, silently telling him not to overreact, " Is (y/n) being bullied at school!?" just thinking about, made steam coming out of the foster mother's ears, "Because I swear, someone is going to end up in the hospital, and it's not going to be me!" "I..I don't think so..." Jon answered honestly, "(y/n) and I hang out a lot at school, and don't really see anyone hating on her." Jon took off his shoes, now in his socks, as he made his way towards you, frowning silently, rubbing the nape of his neck, as soon as you took off the packet from your now cold cheek, exposing the injury you got from your battle from earlier. "And (y/n) would tell me if anyone is bothering them," you made contact for a brief moment, "Right?" you smiled weakly, nodding, "Of course, we're friends after all." telling white lies, getting a gimps of the way Nath reacted over your injury, you could only hope she doesn't track down the female that Robin had dragged the police station. If this is the way she acts when you got injured, you didn't want to see Jon's face when he hears about you getting bullied.

After everything was solved, the sun soon started to sink down on the horizon, the sky slowly becoming bright orange and magenta, as the building far from your seeing eye became black silhouettes. All recent plan like carving pumpkins and decorating the house, were cancelled by none other than Asenath, wanting you to recover from your injury, as if you broke a leg or something. The mother figure retreated upstairs to do some work on the phone.

"You know," you started, laying on your belly, as you brought a brownie near your lips to chow on. You and Jon were currently watching TV, on the channel, he preferred to watch. The two of you sharing a deep blue cover, a plate of treats, making a distance between the two of you. The list of things you both planned to do in two weeks, on Halloween night, was on paper and organized right in front of Jon.

" I never got to thank Superboy or Robin properly," you had told Jon, and only Jon the story of what actually happened, is grateful he was understanding and didn't blow up like Nath, who overreacted, but was understanding, and didn't dare tale tail you. You felt relax, pulling one of the sofa's pillows, under your chin for support, and careful not too irritated your injury.

You found yourself staring at the boy, who was to your left, staring straight into the TV screen, but not exactly paying attention to the cartoon. "Jon?" you called out softly, as he turned his to the right, facing you, "Are you really, okay, (y/n)?"he asked, getting up in a sitting position, gripping he's upped arm, as he was trying to prevent himself from doing something he'll regret, while you remained to lie down, staring at him, blankly. "Yeah, why do you asked?" "Because..." he started, "That injury of yours looks pretty painful," you shrugged the pain off, keeping strong, "It does't hurt that, it's like a little fire spreading all over my cheek, but I'm fine," you reassured, mimicking his position. "If  my cheek don't go back to normal soon, Nath has no choice but to get me to the clinic and get me checked up-"

Jon had taken of his hoodies, knowing full well that it was warmer indoors than outdoors, you see how Jon was struggling to accept things the way they were, it's true, the three teenagers shouldn't go unpunished, and should be dealt with, after picking on the weak, stealing money from the homeless, hurting a twelve-year-old, a twelve-year-old!

" (y/n), it was cool what you did to help, but don't you think that... you're putting yourself at risk? You should be careful-" "Quit acting like my mother, Jon..." you muttered, great, you have Nath worrying about you, now Jon? Who next? Deadpool???

" I'm-I'm not!" Jon said, grasping his fist. "It just..you knows when our parents tell us to be careful? Well I think you should have been careful, and leave the heroes to do the the work-" you unexpectedly got up, removing the covers from yourself, staring down Jon with rage and disappointment, "Well Jon, the human race can't always depend on heroes, to be there and save the day! Superman, Nightwing, Wonder Girl, and Beast boy can't go and save the people they can't reach, can they? They can't save anyone, they can only go to those they can reach," you pointed at your cheek, "Here's an example, Superboy and Robin came just in time before things turned for the worst, I'm thankful that I came back home, alive with just a 'scratch' ." "...And I'm sorry about that..." Jon said, painfully , causing you to stop what you were doing and stare, was he apologizing for what you had to go through, or for the two heroes who weren't there to prevent any casualties?

"Hey..." you softly said, bending down in front of the boy with glasses, who found the floor more interesting at the moment. "I'm sorry," you started, " I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, you were just worried like any friend should, I get that." you chuckled weakly when you still saw him frowning. "I mean, I would have yelled at you for getting yourself hurt," Jon immediately lifted his head up, eyes off the floor to you, starting to get nervous, "R-really..!?" "Don't look surprised, of course, I would," Jon mentally sighed, he wasn't going to tell you he was Superboy, any time soon. "Now, can we forget today ever happened, and enjoy some good old classic cartoons?" you pleaded, lying back on your belly. "...I honestly don't think I'll forget today," Jon said, harms folded as her rested his head over it, lying down on the floor as well. "Just try," you said

A/n: I enjoyed this specific chapter so far, meeting the duo at the age a twelve, now that's awesome!

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