Pure as White

By br0kenheart

10.7K 292 51

"She was the Virgin Goddess of Innocence and purity. He was the God of Mischief. Though the two were very di... More

Pure as White: Folklore
Act I - Just A Taste
1 - Asgard
2 - The Calm Before The Storm
3 - First Greetings
4 - Frost Giant
6 - Truth
Act II - Days Before A Wedding
7 - What Are You Up To
8 - Red Sunsets
9 - Days That Follow
10 - Guilt trip
11 - A Time
A Partnership
14 - Lover
Act III - Lovers Who Leap
15 - Jail Breaks
16 - Time Stops
17 - Everything Falls Apart
18 - Falling
19 - A Lot Of Maybes
20 - Secret
21 - What Now
22 - Strays
23 - Isn't This What You Wanted
24 - Hello, Dear
25 - A New King
26 - Tea Cups
27 - Mornings/Evenings
28 - Utter
29 - Rainestrom
30 - Firefly
Act IV: Emerald Green
31 - Emerald Green
32 - Blue and Red Spiders
33 - Half Of One Whole
34 - Our Souls
End of the Book

5 - Lies

524 16 2
By br0kenheart

Astraea's eyes open with a flash. Bright beaming light shined in through her windows, causing her to rub her eyelids. She was extremely tired this morning — actually she had been every morning since she found out the truth about who Loki really was. She had thought about confronting Odin and beg him to tell Loki the truth but opted against that seeing as if she did he would more than likely cast her and her family out then declare war. Which would defeat the purpose of her even coming here to start with. Next, her mind wandered the thought of speaking to Loki herself, just casually letting it slip out during a conversation but she opted that one out as well; Loki didn't really like speaking to her. Her last and final option was speaking with Frigga about it, she had played this one in her head for three days now which was also the disruption in her sleep as of late.

Astraea pulled herself out of bed, wrapping the cooler fabric of her robe tightly around her tiny frame. It was still too early in the morning for anyone — other than servants and guards — to be awake.  She knew there was no hope of falling back asleep, her brain was done wide awake. With a light rumble in the pits of her stomach and the sweet smell of breakfast lingering in the air, she headed out of her room and to the great hall for a very early breakfast.

As she rounded the corner into the great hall Astraea nearly fell to her knees in embarrassment. There, sitting as gracefully as ever, in all her amazing glory, was Frigga. Out of all the things that could have had happened, she was by far not expecting this. She was nowhere near ready to confront Frigga, about anything actually. Honestly, Astraea didn't even feel comfortable speaking to Frigga about her monthly bleed, let alone speaking to her about the fact that she - herself know something she probably shouldn't even know in the first place. To say she was mentally going crazy in her head was an understatement.

Pulling her silk robe tightly around her frame, she took a few steps back. There was no way she could let Frigga see her in such a state and there was definitely no way she could confront her looking like this. Carefully, Astraea turned on her hell, doing her best to be as silent as possible.

"Child, no need to hide." Frigga's voice stopped Astraea in her tracks, her heart falling to the depths of her stomach. "Come, sit."

"My apologies, your grace. I was not expecting anyone to be up this early." Astraea stumbled forward, her hands gripping the seams of her robe so tightly she could bring blood.

"Ah, usually they are not."Frigga sipped her tea. "But let me give you some motherly, queen advice. It's best if us queens wake before our kings so that we can take care of the nonessential things while our boys do whats best for the kingdom."

Astraea smiled, taking the seat horizontally from the Queen. "That sounds like good advice."

"Trust me, child, it's wonderful advice." Frigga smiled, pouring the young girl some tea of her own.

Astraea chuckled than sipped her tea. "Speaking of the boys, I have a question." 

Frigga nodded.

Astraea sucked in a breath, she didn't know how to reply. Astraea felt her cheeks heat up. Was this the right moment to bring up the subject that could actually cause her to lose everything. If she speaks the truth that she knows it more than likely Frigga will have a negative reaction; causing The butterfly effect. This could be one moment that changes everything in little Asrtaea's life.

"Does Loki do these types of things often?" Astraea went with a subtle approach first. "I mean, sneaking off staying away days at a time then show up?"

Frigga raised a brow, curiously. "My boys tend to . . not see eye to eye all too well. Loki and my dear husband are the worst about it. They will fight, then makeup."

Astraea felt her whole body tingle with fear, as well as a lump throb in her throat. This was the moment that could change everything. Make or break her whole life. The butterfly effect.

"Do . . . they fight becasue of what Loki truly is. A frost giant."

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