The Lost Ninja

By HallowsCos

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Yuki has been in hiding for many years and has many sensei because her mother is being chased. Yuki has been... More

The Lost Ninja
Character Profile
Yuki's Beginning
Becoming a Puppet Master
Training with the Demon Ninja
Reuniting with a Brother
Leaving Papa and Meeting Mama
Welcome to Konoha
Meeting Kakashi's Friends
The Day Before Graduation
Graduation Day
Meeting the Team
Survival Test
C-Ranked Mission
Nightmares and Training
The Great Naruto Bridge
Secrets Revealed
Learning Woodstyle
Sand Siblings
Team Seven Nominated
Exam One
Exam Two
Visiting Naruto
Gaara's Story
Exam Three
Hokage versus Hokage
Leaving the Hospital
Mourning Lord Third
Brother vs Brother
Following Itachi
Summons from the Elders
Lady Tsunade
Naruto's Naivety
Uncle Shi and Sasu-nii
Watty's 2019!!!!!
Who is a Monster?
Naruto Versus Sasuke
Sasuke's Departure
Home Away From Home
Love Interest

Uncle Zazu?

287 10 1
By HallowsCos

*Yuki's P.O.V.*

I can feel his chakra before he appears after throwing his sword making me tackle Tazuna to the ground so he is not harmed. Uncle Zazu stands backwards on his sword as I hide behind my Uncle even though Zazu probably already knows that I am here. He chuckles as he turns around to face all of us with a sadistic smile only I can tell is there. I can tell Sakura and Tazuna are scared while Sasuke is calmly calculating how strong Zabuzza is making me scoff at him. Sasuke glares at me pulling attention my way which is not what I wanted in the first place. I can feel eyes on me and I turn my head to see Uncle Zazu giving me a small smile.

"Yuki, what a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting to see you here today."

"Uncle Zazu you're being a dumbass you know that, right? It's only a matter of time before Gato betrays you and I would hate to see you or Haku harmed because of it."

"Stay out of this battle my little apprentice." He asks and I nod before teleporting to the trees.

It would be an unfair fight if I were to engage Zabuza and Uncle Shi knows this as well. I watch on with baited breath as the battle begins with Uncle Shi lifting up his headband to reveal his Sharingan causing Zazu to chuckle. I can sense another chakra not far from me and focus realising it is a chakra I am familiar with making a small smile appear. I move to the signature carefully without anyone noticing to see Haku watching the battle until he hears me behind him. He takes off his mask to give me a smile and I step forward to hug him shocking him because I'm normally not affectionate, but that clenching of my stomach is worse now that we are here in the Land of Waves. I know what it means and it's possible I will lose either one or both of them which will shatter me. I may have a good emotionless face, but that doesn't mean that I don't feel for others and these two are family to me. I don't want to lose anyone else I love, but I know I will be destined to lose others because that is the way of the Shinobi world. He turns around throwing his senbon needles as I flash down to stand next to Uncle Shi. I can sense how low his chakra is and make sure I'm ready in case he faints from chakra exhaustion or overusing his Sharingan once more. Once Zabuzza is pronounced dead Naruto throws a fit as I take in a sharp breath making my team look at me. I close my eyes before hearing Haku leave with Zabuzza and even though I know he isn't dead it still hurts to see him like that. I open my eyes to see my uncle passed out on the ground before putting my hands over him and begin treating him for his minor wounds.

"Tazuna may we get going so I can better heal my uncle in a safe place?"

"Of course, you can all stay at my house!"

He leads the way as the boys carry my uncle even though I told them I could do it, but they refused to let me even after I've said this happens a lot and I'm used to it. They stubbornly refuse to let me carry him and I can feel Sakura's glare on my back as we walk, but I don't care at the moment. I'm putting all my emotional walls up so that if something does happen soon I won't break down. I can't afford to break apart in the middle of battle no matter who it is that will fall. I can even feel the looks Naruto and Sasuke are giving me as we finally make it back to Tazuna's house. Once we make it there young woman opens the door and it turns out she is Tazuna's daughter named Tsunami. She leads the boys and I to a room where they lay Uncle Shi down so I can get to work on helping him heal while the others rest in a different room. After a bit of time I have to stop because my chakra is low and the door opens as the others come into the room when I lean my head back to close my eyes.

At some point I must have fallen asleep only to wake up to shouting making me sit up instantly alert to my surroundings. My eyes take in Tazuna and my team all talking until they see that I am awake instead of sleeping. Sakura instantly glares at me making me sigh because I don't have the patience to deal with her at this particular moment. I can see the shock on the others faces meaning they just found out that Zabuza was just put in a temporary death state. Sasuke looks at me with a suspicious look as if I helped Zabuza get away making me roll my eyes at him while Naruto looks concerned for me.

"So, are you going to explain why you didn't battle Zabuza?" Sakura asks with a glare.

"I don't have to explain my actions to you sweetheart. If you really must know then it would have been an unfair fight for Zabuza to have both me and Uncle Shi fighting him. In the next battle we have I will step in of course, but you have no right to question my motives."

"Excuse you? You looked pretty damn well friendly with that criminal!" She shouts making me stand up as I seethe in anger.

"Don't you ever fucking call him that in front of me. You have no right to judge him for what he has done in his life Sakura. You know nothing but what you have been told and I've seen a different side of him that no one else has ever seen. If you want to shit talk someone leave me out of it because I will not be a part of it. Also, you should know that I'm in the Bingo Book as well and I'm listed as an SS-rank criminal." I say before slamming the door behind me as I leave.

I slide down the wall as my exhaustion hits me in full force from using so much chakra to heal Uncle Shi, but I don't regret it. I just sit there unable to really move as Tsunami comes up to figure out why a door in her house slammed shut. She sees me sitting in the hallway alone and I see her realise that I'm the one who slammed the door, but she looks concerned for me. I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion wonder why she would be concerned for someone she doesn't even know. She bends down to look me in the eyes before realising what is wrong with me.

"Tsunami-san may you show me a room I can sleep in? I've exhausted too much chakra and need to sleep to regain my reserves."

She smiles before picking me up and taking me to a room down the hall where she places me on the bed. She pulls the covers up for me since I can't move my body before she ruffles my hair and I drift off just as she leaves the room.

*A/N: Happy New Year! 🎊*

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