A Royal Romance

By traveller943

5.4K 79 19

Once upon a time... a not so ordinary Prince crashes into a ordinary college girl in the streets of NYC and s... More

Taking Flight
Two Dozen Roses
Prince Charming
Love Story
Romeo, Oh Romeo
Bad Dreams...Go Away.
Meet Me in the Hallway

King of My Heart

249 6 0
By traveller943

I wake up to the sun shining in on Harry and I in bed. I turn over on my side to see that Harry is still asleep and slightly snoring. I smile as I bring my hand up to push back the hair on his forehead. How I get lucky with such a perfect boy?

A perfect boy that admitted to being in love with me.

I'm still naked underneath the white sheets, with the remnants of last night in my mind.

Harry shifts in the bed slightly and opens his beautiful eyes to meet mine. "Good morning, beautiful." Harry admits as he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me in closer.

"Good morning, handsome." I admit before leaning in to place a kiss on his lips. He smiles when I pull away. "I don't want to even leave this bed today." I admit as Harry pulls me back into this space. I can feel the heat radiating off of him.

"We don't have to. We can just chill here and watch Netflix." Harry admits, pressing a kiss to my cheek & for a moment everything fades.

I forget about everything that happened last night, for just a moment. Then I remember that my life won't ever be the same, and that I just became one of the most famous women in the world over night. I remember that Harry told me he loved me, and he'd do everything in his power to keep me safe, and then we ended up in his bed.

But oddly, I don't regret any of it. In fact, I'm the happiest I've ever been just laying here with Harry in this bed together.

"What are you thinking about ?" Harry asks, nestling his head in my shoulder, I smile when he leaves a kiss there.

"I don't know, I'm just coming to terms with my new life I guess." I admit turning slightly to allow his lips to touch mine. He brings his hand with his Cartier bracelet to meet mine.

"Remember I promised." He says, and I nod sitting up but keep the white sheets covering my bare breasts. "I know, I just feel different but it's a good different." I admit as Harry sits up and joins me.

"That's good, baby." Harry smiles, propping himself up on his elbow.

I jump down of the bed, grabbing one of Harry's button ups off the floor. Harry smirks as he watches me. As soon as I button the last button, right under my breasts, I crawl back onto the bed to kiss Harry before I walk downstairs.

I walk into the huge kitchen and begin pulling out different things out of the fridge. I end up pulling out some eggs, bacon and some waffle mix.

After plugging my phone into the speakers in the kitchen, I pull my hair back and begin to cook us up a good breakfast.

Harry walks down in basketball shorts, and a hoodie with wet hair. He must've took a shower, something I need to do once we're done with breakfast. "Wow, you're going all out huh?" Harry giggles as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"All that work last night made me hungry, I guess." I tease him, biting down on my bottom lip.

After flipping the last egg, I plate all of the food and walk it over to the balcony over looking Verona.

"This is so good." Harry admits as he takes a bite of my food, I grin wide taking a bite of bacon between my teeth. "Did you want to talk about going to London?" Harry asked as he took a drink of orange juice.

"Yeah, we need too considering I have no idea what I'm doing, what to say, what to wear.." I trail off and Harry smiles.

"Don't worry about any of that. My favorite stylist is flying in tonight, and he'll fit you for a whole new wardrobe for London. You'll have to meet with a palace coordinator to learn all the proper names and things to meet my parents. You'll be fine, I promise you that." Harry smiles again, reaching across the table to hold my hand, he squeezes it for reassurance.

Harry sends me to take a bath in the incredible bathtub while he cleans up breakfast. He said it's only fair since I made breakfast. I don't argue with him.

I take a sweet and short little bath with the best smelling bubble bath ever before I head back into the bedroom to get dressed.

I throw on a pair of joggers, and Harry's white t-shirt from yesterday since it's clean and smells like him. After I'm dressed, I head back downstairs and find Harry on his laptop looking at all the things people are saying online.

"How bad is it?" I ask, he shuts the screen as I approach him. I know it can't be good if he doesn't want me to see it. "It's pretty bad then, huh?" I ask.

"They're pissed that your American, and a commoner that's all." Harry says, putting his hand under his chin.

"Who's they?" I question as I sit next to him.

"It's not my family, they can't have any opinions in public. It's various news outlets in Britain, and other members of the family." Harry admits, and I sink into the couch with him. Touching his arm as I go.

"It's okay, I don't care what anyone thinks about me, I'm here for you and only you. They can bash me forever, and I'd still love you." I admit as Harry turns his face to meet mine quickly.

"No, they can't because your my girl and I won't allow them too." He admits, and my heart flutters at the mention of him calling me his girl. My hand goes down to his hand, and holds it tight.

I lean into Harry pressing my head against his chest, and listen as he takes deep breaths to calm himself down. "It's okay, babe. We'll get through this, I swear I'm not going anywhere." I say as I bring his hand to my lips. Only then do I gain a little smile.

"Harry." I mumble as I shift my head so I'm looking up at him.

"Hm?" He asks, fingering little circles on my thigh.

"After I meet your family, I was wondering if you'd go to Michigan with me and meet mine?" I ask causing a smile to appear on Harry's face.

"Are you kidding ? I'd be honored to meet your family." Harry admits, and I smile wide against his chest.

We're taking the first big step in being in a relationship. I giggle slightly as a tear slides out of my eyes, and I laugh. Harry notices, "why are you crying ?"

"Because this has all became so real, like I love you and I can see a future with you and it's just so I don't know...perfect?" I giggle and Harry leans down to dry my tear, and I giggle again. "I'm pathetic." I admit and Harry shakes his head.

"You're most definitely not pathetic, and I can see the same. I can see us having little babies running around the house, and a huge royal wedding that the world will watch. I want it all with you." Harry admits and I lean up and straddle his lap for better access to his lips.

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