Moving Forward ~1

By Vampirediaries1996

608K 15.1K 8.2K

Mystic Falls has always been the same. Nothing happens here. Everyone knows each others business if you like... More

New Year, Same Me
That's Not Hate
Match Made In Heaven
Darkness Is Coming
Aftermath of the Attack
Comets Flying By
Dinner Disaster
Team Spirit
Founder's Parties All Day
Carwash and Cemeteries
Temporary Breakups
Towel Girl
The Truth Comes Out
The Beginning of The End
Decade Dance
Tomb Games
Isobel's Past
Eligible Bachelor's
Double Date
Another Funeral
Drunk Stefan
Facing Bonnie
Miss Mystic Jitters
Where Is Amber?
Hospital's and Kisses
She's Here
Vampire Carnivals
Research Becomes Reality
Wolves and Barbecues
Cat's Out of the Bag
Masquerade and Danger
Kristen Stewart
Making Deals
Losing Part of Yourself
True Intensions
Hosting a Killer Dinner
The Fun's Just Getting Started
Warnings from the Witches
60's Dance
Smoky Mountains
DoppelgΓ€nger Blood
First Day of the New Year
Ghost World
Hybrids and Coffins
Birthday or Funeral
Beginning of Darkness
Mother of a Ball
A Mother's Love
Makeup and Betrayal
Dark Times
Another Funeral
Hunters and Hallucination's
Miss Mystic Round 2
Is Silas Real?
The Cure
Can We Cheat Death?
Grieving and Moving On
Three Sacrifices

Life Turning Upside Down

7K 180 82
By Vampirediaries1996

I loved writing this chapter. I have so much planned for when Klaus comes. Stay tuned to find out what happens.

The man keeps walking closer and closer to us. Elena and I are desperately trying to release our seatbelt but nothing is working. Finally, he's right in front of us and all we can think about doing is reaching for each other. If this is how we're going to die at least we have each other. He starts to bend down to our level and we let out another blood-curdling scream, but as fast as he reached he ran away in the other direction. I lean further out to see where he went for someone to drop down in my face.

"Ahhh!!!!" I jump back in my seat trying to catch my breath. "Damon?" He looks at our current situation.

"You look stuck." He stands up.

"Get Elena out first." I order as I struggle to keep my seat belt from digging into my ribs.

"Let me get you two out of here. Elena, I want you to put your hands on the roof Just like that. Sofia, you do the same thing." He counts down before breaking Elena out. He comes to my side next and before I know it I'm holding onto him for dear life. Elena is leaning against the curb for support. "Can either of you stand? Anything broken?" Damon actually sounds concerned for someone other than himself.

"Lenny?" Damon brings me over to her so I can check on her. "Talk to me."

"Mmm." Damon helps her stand while I lean against the other side of his body. Elena instantly falls and he catches her with one arm while still supporting me with the other.

"Who, you're fading fast. Elena, Elena, look at me. Focus." He gets her to open her eyes.

"I look like her." She falls to the ground and I reach for her to prevent her fall but without even touching her she's able to levitate slightly above it. Damon looks at me briefly and I have no idea what's going on.

"Can you stand?" I try getting up but I fade out just like Elena.

I finally regain consciousness when I notice I'm in a moving car. This is like those movies where people are kidnapped and find themselves in a different country having their organs sold to the highest bidder. I don't even want to see where I am out of fear. I slowly turn my head and jump back when I see Damon smirking back at me.

"Good your awake. By the way, you snore in your sleep."

"Where the hell am I?" I try looking for a sign to give me an indication of our location.

"You can stop looking. We're in Georgia."

"Why am I in Georgia?"

"How ya feeling?"

"Why are you answering my question with another question?"

"There's no broken bones by the way. I checked." He winked at me."

"Elena! And the man who crashed our car...what happened? Where is Elena?" I look around but it seems like she's never been in this car. "Who was that?" I ask Damon who looks weirdly calm considering what happened.

"That's what I would like to know."

"Where is my phone? You need to take me back! No one knows where I am. I need you to pull over!" Damon is smirking at me. "Stop the car!" I yell again.

"Oh, you were so much more fun when you were asleep." Damon pulls over and once the car stops I get out and instantly hunch over. "Hey." Damon is at my side in an instant.

"I'm fine." I assure him. "I need to get back home. I wrecked my car and again why are we in Georgia? God Jenna is going to be so worried about me. She's going to have the whole state looking for me. I'm going to be a laughing stock on the news because I was taken to Georgia by a vampire!"

"That's a little melodramatic, don't you think?"

"This isn't funny!" My eyes widen as I hear my ringtone. I tilt my head at Damon. "Is that my phone?" I point at him. He pulls it out to hand to me.

"Here it's your boyfriend." I take it from him.

"Sofia, where the hell are you? Elena called freaking out about you and...did you get in a car crash?"

"Matt, I can't explain everything right now, but I'm fine. Tell Elena I'm fine and that I will call her."

"Sof, what's going on? It's not like you to disappear on people and not tell them what's going on. Your aunt thinks you spent the night at my place because that's what I told her. What's going on?'

"Mat I can't explain, but please trust me that I'm fine and I will..." Damon snatches my phone from my hands and hangs up the call. "What the hell? Why did you do that?"

"You were talking too long. And we need to keep moving, we're almost there."

"Which is where?"

"A little place right outside of Atlanta."

"What's there."

"I can't tell you but you'll like it. Come on you can text your aunt saying your safe and sound and will see her tonight. No harm done."

"I don't like this and I doesn't seem like you would take me back right now even if I said to."

"Correct let's go."

"So where's my sister and my car?"

"I pulled it off on the side of the road. I don't think anyone will bother it."

"And my sister?" I raise a brow at him.

"Oh, she's safe at home tucked into bed." He smiles at me.

"What about that man in the road? He was a vampire, wasn't he?"

"From what I could tell, yeah."

"You didn't know him?"

"If I've never met him, I wouldn't know him. I mean, it's not like we all hang out together at a vamp bar and grill."

"Or that you have friends." I mutter. He pulls up in front of Bree's Bar. "You brought me to a bar? I mean I've snuck into bars before, but I doubt this one will let me in without my fake ID."

"You don't need an ID." He motions for me to follow him and I quickly catch up with him.

The bar is pretty empty as we step through the front door. Some music is playing for the early day drinkers.

"No, no, it's can't be. Damon." A woman throws herself over the bar and comes to stand in front of Damon. "My honey pie." What I didn't expect was for her to grab him for a full out make out session in front of me. All I can do is look at them with wide eyes like I should give them alone time. "Listen up, everybody!" She picks up a bottle and raises it into the air. "Here's to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life, and ruined any and all chances of happiness! Drink up!" She places a line of shot glasses in front of us. Damon gladly takes my shot since I'm not in the mood.

"So, how'd he rope you in?" Bree asks me while refilling the shot glass.

"I'm not roped in. My twin sister is dating his brother or she was until she found out he lied to her..."

"Honey, if you're not roped in, you're whipped. Either way, just enjoy the ride."

"Okay. How did you two meet?"

"College." She answers with a smile.

"You went to college?" I ask in disbelief to Damon.

"I've been on a college campus, yes." He does a weird thing with his brows before downing another shot.

"About 20 years ago, when I was a sweet young freshman. I met this beautiful man, and I fell in love. And then he told me about his little secret, made me love him more. Because you see, I had a little secret of my own, that I was dying to share with someone."

"She's a witch." Damon whispers in my ear.

"Changed my world."

"I rocked your world."

"He's good in the sack, isn't he?" I cough on spit that I didn't realize was in my mouth. Damon pats my back.

"I wouldn't know. I have a boyfriend."

"Shame. You two look cute together. But he's just a walk away joe." Bree downs another shot. "So, what is it that you want?"

Jenna demanded to know where I am and why I didn't go to school. I didn't have the time or energy to explain everything to her. I told her I needed time to get away and I will be back tonight and she can punish me if she wants. She wasn't thrilled with my vagueness but she was happy that I'm safe. She knows I never do this disappearing act and trusts that I'm making a right decision. I know when I get home she'll probably yell at me and possibly ground me. Damon was tired of waiting on me and dragged me back inside, which I'm thankful for since I'm starving and need food in my system.

"Does my sister look like Katherine?" I ask through bites of my second cheeseburger.

"Her exact replica physically speaking. Personality she's a lot nicer and less manipulative." Damon answers as he too eats a burger.

"How is that even possible? Are we like descendants of Katherine? How is that possible is she's a vampire?"

"Vampires can't procreate. But we love to try. If you two are related to Katherine it would mean she had a child before she turned." He munches on his fry like there's no issue.

"Okay, is there something seriously wrong with your brother?"

"Other than his martyr personality?"

"Like why he thought it was okay to use my sister as a replacement for his ex-girlfriend!"

"I agree, kinda creepy if you ask me." Damon steals some of my cheese fries and I swat his hand away.

"How can you even eat?" I guard my food as I continue to stuff my face. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" I whisper the last part to him.

"It's not a bad word. As long as I keep a healthy diet of blood in my system, my body functions pretty normally."

"Why did you take me?" This stops him from eating.

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't you have the need to replace Katherine with Elena like Stefan?"

"Because my brother is chasing the past, while I want to live in the future."

"Haven't you declared to make his life a living hell?"

"Yes, but I can let most things go. And to answer the question. I like talking to you. Yes, we argue a lot, but you're easy to talk to and besides I'm curious about you."

"Curious? Are you still believing that I'm something supernatural?"

"You're something alright." I raise my brow at Damon and he tilts his head at me. "You don't remember what happened last night."

"About the car crash? I remember that."

"No about how you levitated your sister's body off the ground."

"I did not do that. I would have remembered..."

"You were exhausted from the crash and were running on adrenaline, but I know what I saw."

"What does this mean?"

"I don't know. But I will help you figure it all out." He's being way too nice for someone who used and abused my friend and tried to kill my other.

"This nice act. Is any of it real?" He nods his head before he goes back to eating.

"Here you go, honey." Bree places a beer in front of Damon.

"I'll have one too." I declare.

"Hmmm?" Damon looks up surprised.

"This second burger needs a beer to wash it down."

"Here you go." I thank Bree and clink my bottle with Damon's before taking a big gulp of it.

"Ready...go!" Bree orders and we all quickly down our shots. I slam my empty glass on the counter.

"That's 3!" I shout in victory. Damon looks like he's having a hard time. "Do you need a bib?" I pout at him.

"Sorry, I can't unhinge my jaw like a snake to consume alcohol."

"Whatever, it just means I can out drink you easily. Now, who's next?" I challenge. "Another round, Bree."

"Honey, you should be on the floor." The woman next to me slurs.

"I'm not even drunk. My tolerance is, like..." I raise my arm up and jump. "Way up here."

"All right. Here you go." I gladly take down the next challenger and Damon high fives me as I win another round.

I'm in this place of bliss. Damon and I are actually having a good time and not wanting to kill each other. The only thing to ruin my buzz is a call from my sister. I pick up but I can't hear so I head outside where it's quieter.

"Elena, I can't hear...hold on."

"Sofia! Jenna and I are worried about you. Where are you? Matt called worried and..."

"What? Lenny, I can't..." I trip as I miss a step and drop my phone. I pick it up holding it back to my hear. "Sorry, Elena what..." Someone clamps their hand over my mouth and drags me away.

I find myself waking up being tied to a fence. I have no idea what's going on Until I see Damon coming my way.

"Damon no!" I plead and he looks confused and then the guy who took me comes at Damon and smacks him with a metal pole knocking him to the ground. I quickly try and untie myself to help him in some way or another. Damon's agonizing screams hurts me.

"What the hell?" He asks his attacker. The guy no proceeds to pour gasoline over Damon's body. I come rushing over and he bares his fangs and red eyes at me telling me to back off. I take a cautionary step back as he continues to pour the rest of the gasoline on Damon. "Who are you?"

"That's perfect. You have no idea." He sounds so in pain as he speaks. It's like he's lost someone near and dear to him.

"What did he do?" I ask him looking to Damon who is still in pain.

"He killed my girlfriend. What did she do to you, huh? What did she do to you?" He screams at Damon.

"Nothing." Damon mutters.

"I don't understand." I shout at him.

"My girlfriend went to visit Stefan, and Damon killed her. Got it?" He kicks Damon square in the jaw.

"Lexi? Lexi was your girlfriend."

"Yes, and he killed her!" He goes back to beating the life out of Damon.


"Why? I'm doing you a favor."

"I didn't know Lexi that well, but what I did know is she was a kind person. She didn't deserve what Damon did to her, but taking his life won't change anything. I know what it's like to lose those you love. You try and make up for their deaths through revenge or anger, but neither of those solves anything. I know Lexi wouldn't want you to do this. She would want you to be happy and move on with your life but never to forget how much she loved you. Yes, he's a world-class dick, trust me I don't like him much either. He kidnapped me after I got into a car wreck but I know that you can't solve one problem by taking the life of another person. Be better than him. Please, I beg you." I take a cautious step towards him raising my hands in defense He doesn't like the match but instead throws Damon's body into the building's wall.

He turns to face me with tears in his eyes and I know he's heartbroken but he won't have to live with the guilt of taking someone's life. "Lexi's love for you will never go away. Carry that with you for the rest of your life."

"You should find yourself better company than him." He vanishes and I rush to Damon's side to check on him.

Damon won't stop groaning as I help him up. He stinks of gasoline but we're able to hobble back to the car. He ordered me to wait in the car while he handled something. I hate being told what to do like I'm a child. I sneak into the bar to see what Damon's up to. I gasp as I see him plunge his hand into Bree's chest and pulling out her heart like she meant nothing. As he wipes his hands clean, his eyes lock with mine. He says nothing as he forces me back in the car. I keep looking back at the bar knowing Bree's body is lying there.

The ride home was filled with awkward silence mostly due to my part. I didn't want to speak to him just yet. I just saw him kill someone and I'm having conflicting feelings about him. He was kind enough to rescue Elena and I but he's also a cold-blooded killer.

"You have to say something to me Sofia. We still have three more hours before we even make it back to Mystic Falls." He looks at me and I shake my head. "Sofia, talk to me."

"Did you really have to kill her?" I demand.

"She betrayed me. She had that guy go after me and beat me close to death!"

"That doesn't mean your rectify it by killing her! Sure it was wrong that Bree betrayed you and had you almost killed but you've done a lot of wrong too!"

"What would you rather me do?"

"I don't want you to do anything Damon. I'm not here to change you or make you a better person."

"Then why did you save me?"

"A life even as dark and sinister as yours doesn't deserve to be ended in that way. I'm not God, I don't get to decide who lives and dies. All I know is even with everything bad that I know about you there's still this level of good. I guess I saved you for the good person I see you can be." He nods and we say nothing else to each other the whole ride home.

I didn't even get to make it through the front door before Jenna is grilling me about where I've been. "Sofia, I expect from you more than anyone to be honest with me. I don't have a lot of rules or expectations, but trust is one that I will not budge on. Where have you been?"

"Jenna, you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I needed to get away and Damon wanted to take me out of town to visit an old friend of his."

"You skipped school and went M.I.A. because Damon said so? Who are you? The Sofia I know would never be this reckless."

"I'm sorry Jenna, I...There has been so much going on and I just needed some time to decompress from this suffocating town."

"I wouldn't be the one to judge and question someone on what they're keeping a secret." Elena sounds bitter as she comes down the stairs. I didn't even know she was home. She didn't respond to my text or phone calls on the way back from Atlanta.

"Elena!" I scold. Jenna and I can get through our disagreement on our own.

"Tell her Jenna."

"Tell me what?"

"Yeah, Elena what are you talking about?" Jenna asks her.

"Here's a better question. Are we adopted?"

"What?" I yell at her.

"Uh..." Jenna is speechless and that hurts more.

"Jenna is what she's saying true?"

"Girls, they told me not to tell you both..." I hold up my hand.

"I'm sorry, I need to get something straight. How long have you known about this?" I ask my sister and she's still pissed.

"Not long."

"I uh...I'm sorry Jenna I need to get out of here."

"Where are you going to go?"

"I'm going to spend some time with Matt. I'm sorry, I can't deal with this family right now." I slam the door and walk a few blocks to call Matt. What sucks since the accident my car is totaled and Damon said he would get me another car but it won't be here for a few days.

Matt picked me up with no problem and we are lounging in his bed watching comedies while I clutch his shirt.

"Are we going to talk about what has you so down?" He looks at me and I shrug my shoulders.

"I feel like this relationship is all about my sad life."

"That's not completely true. You hear about my family drama all the time. Remember absent mom, sister on a drug bend and ran away."

"Elena dumped on me that we're adopted." Matt sits up and I do to leaning back on the headboard looking up at the ceiling.

"How does that make you feel?"

"I don't know what to feel. I want to ask so many questions but the people I want to ask are my parents but they're dead." I start crying and Matt pulls me closer.

"Hey, it's alright. So what if you're adopted. You're still Sofia Gilbert. An intelligent and kind and amazing girl."

"Ever since their death Matt, it feels like every secret they had comes to light and I'm not prepared to handle it."

"You have me." Matt kisses my head and rubs my back. "Is that why you left town?" I couldn't explain to him where I've actually been with Damon in Atlanta.

"It was a lot to take in. Elena is mad at Jenna for keeping their secret but she had no problem dumping that load on me."

"She had her reasons."

"I wish I knew what those were."

"Hey, coming from someone who has sibling issues I understand not knowing why siblings do and say certain things." Matt lets me sleep all night cuddled up to him. He's proving to be too good for me and all I'm doing is lying to him more and more.

Did you like those Damon and Sofia moments?

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