The Lost Ninja

By HallowsCos

11.3K 338 42

Yuki has been in hiding for many years and has many sensei because her mother is being chased. Yuki has been... More

The Lost Ninja
Character Profile
Yuki's Beginning
Becoming a Puppet Master
Training with the Demon Ninja
Reuniting with a Brother
Welcome to Konoha
Meeting Kakashi's Friends
The Day Before Graduation
Graduation Day
Meeting the Team
Survival Test
C-Ranked Mission
Uncle Zazu?
Nightmares and Training
The Great Naruto Bridge
Secrets Revealed
Learning Woodstyle
Sand Siblings
Team Seven Nominated
Exam One
Exam Two
Visiting Naruto
Gaara's Story
Exam Three
Hokage versus Hokage
Leaving the Hospital
Mourning Lord Third
Brother vs Brother
Following Itachi
Summons from the Elders
Lady Tsunade
Naruto's Naivety
Uncle Shi and Sasu-nii
Watty's 2019!!!!!
Who is a Monster?
Naruto Versus Sasuke
Sasuke's Departure
Home Away From Home
Love Interest

Leaving Papa and Meeting Mama

378 14 2
By HallowsCos

*Third P.O.V.*

Yuki holds onto Itachi's hand as the two of them go to Pein's office after being summoned there by him. The two are confused because they don't understand why they are being called considering Yuki's training has been going perfectly. Itachi has taught Yuki many fire jutsus that she has mastered and how to get out of a powerful genjutsu as well as teaching her how to cast a genjutsu herself. Her taijutsu has even rapidly improved under Itachi's watch so why does Pein want to see them? They enter the office where Pein carefully watches them.

"Yuki will you go pack all of your things up? Someone's coming to get you for a long time and you'll need everything you have." The nine-year-old nods at his commands before leaving the room.

"Itachi you are to go to the entrance with Yuki and stay with her until her mother appears. Her mother is taking her for an undisclosed amount of time to train her and get to know her. Sasori is unable to take her himself right now so we ask that you do this."

"Yes, leader-sama."

Itachi leaves the room as he sees Yuki coming out of her father's room with a confused look before she hides it. He walks up to the young girl before putting a hand to her head and leading her to the entrance of the base. Her brows furrow as she realises where she is and she looks to Itachi with a big eyes as they leave the base. She holds onto his hand knowing this means that she is going to be leaving her family again even though she doesn't want to. Suddenly a woman appears before the two of them and Yuki wraps her arms around Itachi's waist in confusion. The woman looks shocked before a small smile spreads across her face as she looks at Yuki.

"Juzo it's been a long time. Is your brother aware that she is alive?"

"Itachi it has been a long time kiddo. He's aware she is alive and how she looks because I send him a picture every year on her birthday, but he knows I can't come home right now."

"Take care of her Juzo. She has an affinity for lightning-based chakra so you need to teach her some jutsus that involve it as well as anything else she might need."

"The members have been training her this whole time?"

Itachi nods before he bends down to look at Yuki with a small smile and she gives a wide grin before wrapping her arms around his neck to hug him. He isn't sure the other members know but Yuki told him long ago how she longed to meet her mother considering she's told she looks like her mother. He knows that Sasori can't really answer any questions she has on Juzo so whenever she asks him questions about her mother he tells her what he can.

"Yuki, do you remember when you told me you wanted to meet your mother a few years ago?"

"Ita-nii what are you trying to tell me?"

"Yuki, this is your mother that I've been telling you about all these years and she's going to train you while you're gone."

She looks to Juzo conflicted because she wants to go with her mother, but this group of people has been her family for so long she can't imagine being without them. Itachi gives a small smile before pushing her to Juzo who is holding a hand out and she gives him a smile before grabbing her mother's hand. He sighs and leaves just as they teleport away to some unknown destination, but Itachi knows this isn't the last time he'll see Yuki.

For the next year, Yuki travels with her mom and masters everything she is taught making her mom extremely proud. During that year Yuki has meet Zabuza again, but this time he had a young boy Haku with him who Yuki proclaimed to be her cousin despite her mother being upset by this. One fateful day Yuki doesn't realise what is going to happen and just how much it will scar her. One minute her mom and her are traveling through the trees when they both sense enemy ninja coming their way and they stop. Her mom looks shocked and frightened which scares the young girl because she's never seen such a frightened look on her mother's face.

"Yuki hide your chakra and hide in a tree far enough away that they won't see you but you can see us. If something happens to me I want you to teleport to Konoha and tell the guards you need to speak to Hokage-sama about Juzo Hatake. I love you baby now go hide."

Yuki does as she is told and watches as the enemy ninjas finally arrive surrounding her mother who has pulled out two kunai to protect herself. Yuki gets a sick feeling in her stomach making her realise something bad is about to happen and she can't stop what is about to happen. She watches horrified as the enemy ninjas attack her mother who is holding on for a little while okay, but eventually Yuki sees her chakra is too low to use anymore jutsus leaving her vulnerable. Yuki's chest constricts in pain knowing the outcome of this battle and tears want to fall from her eyes, but that's one thing she's been taught. Shinobi don't cry and even though she is not yet a Shinobi she still acts like she is barely letting her emotions through which frightened her mother for the first few days until she realised what her daughter was doing. She watches as one of the enemy ninja stabs her mother through the heart making blood spray out of her mother's mouth as she puts a hand to her mouth. Before they can see her, she makes the hand signs necessary quicker than the eye can see and teleports to the gates of Konoha where she startles the gate keepers from their sleep. She wants to go to her father but fulfils her mother's last wishes because it's the last thing she asked her before she died. She has a family member here too so that means she won't be in a foreign village all alone. She turns to the gatekeepers with an emotionless face that she has perfected over the years causing them to flinch back.

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