Fame || Elounor || #WATTYS2014

By dolefuI

107K 5.3K 2.5K

[COMPLETED] Eleanor was tired of everything, she hated being called a "beard ", even if Louis assured her tha... More

Fame || Elounor
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One Shot Contest!
Contest extension!
Winner #1! - @starcrossedstyles
Winner #2 - @conflated
One Shot #4 - @chcanyounot
One Shot #5 - @irwinslaugh_is_payne
One Shot #6 - @bangpayne
One Shot #7 - @Sarah_Tommo16
One Shot #8 - @InLouWeThrust
Alternate Ending / Last one shot #9 - @controls
Author's Note.

Winner #3! - @alysxa

1.2K 80 33
By dolefuI

Louis POV


I turned the TV off and walked into the kitchen running my fingers through my hair. 

Where is she?

A million things ran through my head. She should be home by now. I saw the pile of mail sitting on the table so I sat down and started rummaging through it for a while before the phone rang. I sighed and walked over to the phone hanging on the wall. 


"Lou?" The female voice said.

"Um, yeah," I replied

"It's Deborah, Eleanor's mom."

"Oh, what's up?"

"Um, Louis, you should probably get down here. It's El," Her voice sounded weak. 

I grabbed my jacket from the back of the chair and pulled the keys out of the pocket, "Down where? Is she okay? What happened?"

She was quiet for a minute and let out a deep breath, "The hospital, there's been an accident. It's pretty bad."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I'm on my way." 

"Room 309. See you soon."

I put the phone back on the hook and walked out the house, not bothering to lock the door. 


I rushed into the elevator. Checked the quide outside the door and pushed the button for floor 3 when I got in. The ride up, seemed like years and when the doors finally opened I ran down the hallways until I found room 309. The door was slightly cracked, I pushed it open a bit, peeking my head inside. I saw Eleanor's mom sitting on the chair next too the bed. It wasn't until after I walked all the way into the room I saw the love of my life laying on the white sheets. 

Her hair was sprawled out behind her, she was pale and her eyelids were blueish. Her skinny pink lips were cracked and bleeding, there was a gash on her cheek, and bandages on her arms. Eleanor was hooked up to and IV and there were beeping machines all around her. 

I was speechless. I just stood by the doorway staring at El, tears streaming down my face. Deborah stood up and led me into the hallway. Her blotchy eyes looked at me and she said, "It's not looking good." 

I wiped away a tear and asked, "What happened?" 

She sighed and looked up from the floor "An accident. She was stopped at the light and a car hit her from behind. Her car rolled and hit a truck that was crossing. They don't know if she's gona make it." 

I wasn't super close to Eleanor's mom, but I needed a hug and she looked like she could use one as well. So I grabbed her and pulled her into my chest, "She'll be okay. I'm sure of it."

We walked back into the room where Eleanor was slowly waking up. I sat down next to her as her mom stood in the doorway. I grabbed her hand, even with the cuts and bruises, it was the same hand that I loved holding. So small and gentle.

"Lou?" She spoke up. 

"Yes, love? I'm here."

She smiled, her eyes not open all the way. "Do you remember that night we went out to the beach?" 

A tear fell onto my lap. The night was not to far behind us, but it felt like forever ago. I nodded, "I'll never forget it."I looked down at her finger and twirled the ring around it. 

Eleanor was quiet for for a few minutes and then she said, "What'll we name our kids?"

I looked up from the floor, meeting her gaze." What do you mean?"

"What names do you like?"

I thought for a second. "Um, for a boy, Elijah. And for a girl, Mary."

She smiled and nodded, "I like Mary."

Tears rolled fowm my face at the thought of never getting to marry El.Or buy a house with her too raise our children and spend the rest of our lives together. I didn't want to grow old without her, I didn't even want see another day without her. That's when an idea popped into my head. 

I released her hand and said, "I'll be right back. Hnag on for me, babe." I stood up and and walked to the door, smiling at Deborah on the way out. 

Once I got to the desk outside, I told the receptionists about what was going on and what I wanted too do. She sent someone for champagne and cake. I paced around the room while the receptionist, Allison, thought of ways to get last minute rings. 

"Excuse me?"

I turned around, a little women in her 50's was standing behind me holding hands with her husband. "Um, yes?"

"We couldn't help but overhear you conversation and we are so dearly sorry," the women said. 

I smiled, "Thanks."

She looked up at her husband a smiled. I felt a pang of jealously inside me, knowing me and Eleanor would never have that. 

The women brought her gaze back too me, "I think we can help you, young man."

"Oh, how's that?"

She took off her wedding ring and her husband followed suit, handing it to her. She placed them in my hand and smiled at me. 

My jaw dropped and I shook my head. " Thank you, but I can't take these from you."

"We insist. Take them, give your fiance her last wish."

I didn't know either of these people but I hugged them both, "Thank you so much, I'll find you... after, and return them."

"Aright, dear."

I smiled and went back to the room that was now full of Eleanor's family and some of our friends. I walked back to her beside and kneeled down as a nurse came in with a small cake and a bottle of cheap champagne. She gave us all a sympathetic smile and left the room. 

Eleanor looked over at me, "What's going on?" Her voice was weak.

I smiled, "We're gonna get married."

She laid her head down on the pillow, "Why now?"

I sighed, knowing she'd ask. "I can't give you anything else we planned for, except this." 

El sat back in her bed and her grinned reached her eyes, "Okay."

"Eleanor Jane Calder," I said. "I want you forever, forever and always." I stopped and glanced around the room, everyone had their eyes on us. I continued, "Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together, and always remember, whether happy or sad or whatever, we'll still love each other, forever and always." I looked away from Eleanor's eyes and around to everyone in the room. Tears were rolling down everyones faces, including mine and Eleanor's.

Eleanor was running out of breath, she was fighting too talk. Her heart monitor's beeps were slowing down. She laid her head back on the pillowand I stood up so I could look her in the eyes one last time. Her gorgeous brown eyes fluttered shut as she whispered, "I love you forever, forever and always, please just remember even if I'm not here. I'll always love you, forever and always."

The tears came faster as the beeps got slower until one last long one came. I kissed Eleanor's head and held her hand one last time. Her mother came over to my side and hugged me, then taking El's hand from me and rubbing it. 

"Thank you, Eleanor, for being the best daughter that anyone could ask for. And for giving me the opportunity to be the best mother that I could be. I love you." 

Tears were then falling off the faces of everyone in the room, people were hugging and telling us they were sorry. The same nurse that brought the cake in and campagne returned to the room and gave us all the same sympathetic smile she'd given us before. She walked over to Eleanor's bed and pulled the white sheet over her head. 


[@MoaningLouis author's note]

Hi! So this is @alysxa 's one shot!

Did you cry? 

Cause I cried?

So, this was the thired winner, but I'm going too post every single one shot that was entered in the book, so, be repared for the rest too come! 

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