[ eight ]

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                                   Eleanor pulled into her driveway, she had not been ready for what Louis had asked her, she wasn't ready to be married to him. She was a burden, someone who depended on him, and she knew that wasn't what he deserved. Louis deserved a person who was prettier, better. 

Eleanor was just a college student, she had no idea what Louis saw in her. Whatever it was, it needed to go away. He deserved someone like him, someone who was amazing, funny, everything that he was. Eleanor was none of that. 

Grabbing her purse, Eleanor got out of the car and went up to her flat. What she was about to do was something she would regret deeply, but she knew she had to do it not to be a burden anymore. 

Nobody wants a burden, it wasn't like anyone would care. Fans hated her, her parents thought of her as a disgrace and preferred her two sisters instead. They were prettier, smarter, better at everything. Then there was Eleanor, the fail in the trio, the one without manners, the dumb one, the ugly one, and oh so much more to name. 

Eleanor knew they all pretty much all looked the same so she didn't understand her parents differences, but she didn't understand many things. 

Eleanor now realized that she had been sitting on her couch for about a good half hour, and her head snapped to the door when knocking came from her. I swear to God, if Louis came here---

She cut her thoughts off as she looked out the peep hole and saw Harry instead, slowly she opened the door looking out at him, "What do you want Harry? If Louis---Oh. Never mind." Her face went emotionless as she saw Louis standing behind Harry, tear stains were placed on his cheeks and it occurred to Eleanor that she was the one who had done this too him. 

She had broken Louis Tomlinson, yet,  that was the least of her worries at the moment. 

Harry sighed running a hand through his curly, tangled hair and looked Eleanor straight in the eyes, "Can we talk El?" Eleanor brought her lip in between her teeth, biting it slightly before letting Harry inside as well as Louis. 

She hadn't wanted to let Louis in, but she didn't want to seem rude. Even though she knew she had been plenty rude earlier. She lead them to the couch is her living room, and gestured for them to sit down. 

Louis sat down immediately, but Harry stayed standing. Eleanor tried to read the look in Harry's eyes but she was to overwhelmed and looked away just as quickly. Harry looked at Louis, urging him to go on and speak as he had wanted to earlier. 

Louis sighed, "El, I understand that you're not ready for this, I don't even understand why I came here myself, but I just love you so much, and it's just...so hard, ya know?" He looked up from where he was sitting, looking at Eleanor. 

Eleanor just shook her head, "Louis, I love you, but you know, everyone knows, I'm just a burden. Hell, nobody even believes our relationship is fucking real! It's Larry this, Larry that! Larry! Larry! Larry! God, why don't you see it Louis?"

Louis once again glanced at the ground, choosing his next words carefully, "Then help me understand. Show me what you want me too know, It hurts me too know that you're hurting El, I don't want that, I want you to know that you're beautiful, amazing, adorable, funny, everything I want."

"I need a minute," With that, Eleanor walked into the other room, running her hands through her hair, clearly confused on what to do. Harry took one look at Louis, and sighed. 

"I'm gonna go talk to her, alright?" Louis didn't even give Harry a nod before he left, going to Eleanor. 

Eleanor was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor, her face in her hands, crying quietly. Harry knelt beside her, rubbing her back. 

"El...It'll all be okay," He tried to smile, but it hurt him the most. He had kept his feelings inside for too long, he had known Eleanor first, yet, he had never told her how he felt. 

Lightly, Harry took Eleanor's hands away from her face and tilted her face so she was looking at him. A few tears escaped her eyes, and Harry gently wiped them away. 

Then he brought his lips to hers. 


oh snap

this just got cliche

but i'm cliche so it's okay ((((:

this story is ending in two more chapters and then the epilogue! 

I swear to god, I've already started writing the epilogue and I'm crying. 

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