Alternate Ending / Last one shot #9 - @controls

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[Song: Hurt by Christina Aguilera]

It’s been years. The fans have grown, so have the boys, and so has Louis’ daughter. She’s five now, but the person that hasn’t grown was Louis. Physically speaking, yes he did grow. But emotionally and spiritually? No.

When little Eleanor is at school and Violet id working, Louis would use that time wastefully. He would lock his bedroom door and sit on his bed before breaking down into tears. He would glumly look over at Violet’s side of the bed and picture his beautiful Eleanor there. Not Violet.

His life wasn’t supposed to go on like this. He wasn’t supposed to marry Violet. Little Eleanor wasn’t supposed to be his and Violet’s daughter.

It killed him to think this, but it was all a mistake. Eleanor Calder was supposed to be his wife and the mother of little Eleanor. Not Violet; however, he can’t go back in time and redo everything. That’s what kills him, too. As much as he tells his wife and mates that he’s doing better after his former girlfriend’s suicide, it was just a plain and simple lie so others wouldn’t ask further questions about Eleanor.

Nobody knows that Louis imprisons himself in his own bedroom as he completely loses it. Every memory comes rushing back to him creating more pain. It aches his whole body, his whole soul to even think of her. 

Louis would mutter prayers that he’ll do anything just to see her face, just to be able to look into her twinkling hazel eyes, just to be able to hold her, and to be able to hear her mumble she loved him back. Anything. He would do anything.

But that was all wishes.

Is this how he’s going to live his life? Hide his pain away from the world, from his family? Is he just going to keep the secret that he’d rather spend the rest of his life with Eleanor rather than Violet? If Violet ever find out, she would surely leave him. The subject alone of Miss Calder would pinch Violet in the wrong way. She would never admit it, but Violet hates her.

It was wrong to hate a dead girl, but she does. She hated that Eleanor was still in Louis’ mind and heart. She hated that Eleanor was still a part of her husband. What she feared the most was that Louis still loved his dead girlfriend more than his present day wife. She didn’t have the guts to ask him if he did mostly because she feared it was true.

Right now, Louis is sitting right in front of Eleanor’s grave. His trembling hands set the bouquet of mixed flowers on top of the gravestone. The shaking fingers dragged slowly on the engraved letters, feeling them.

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