Golden Storms | #Wattys2020

By highdisdain

465K 36.3K 5.2K

WINNER OF READERS CHOICE AWARDS 2020 (Historical Fiction) Stone hearts. Silver to gold. And the fierce nee... More

Golden Storms
Character Mood Boards
1. T H E L A S T D A N C E
2. F A M I L Y
3. A J N A B E E
4. M Y T H S
5. I N T I Z A A R
6. D A W N
7. A R R I V A L
8. F I R S T L O O K
9. R E J E C T I O N
10. R O A D S
11. W O U N D
12. R E F L E X E S
13. M E R R I M E N T
14. R E S C U E M I S S I O N
15. T R A P P E D
16. A D V E N T U R E S & T R U T H S
17. T H E D E S E R T
18. P O S S E S S E D
19. D A R K N E S S
20. B U R D E N S
22. M I S S I N G
23. D O V E
24. C H A S E - P A R T ١
25. C H A S E - P A R T ٢
26. C A U G H T
27. B R I T T L E
28. D U O
29. S N A K E
30. W A T C H D U T Y
31. I N S U R A N C E
32. B A N D I T S
33. N I G H T
34. R E T U R N
35. T H E D E A L
Readers Choice Awards

21. C R O S S R O A D S

9.1K 850 88
By highdisdain

A/N: A BELATED EID MUBARAK EVERYBODY! I'm sorry for the wait!!! It's just been incredibly busy and I've been distancing myself from distractions- one of the biggest ones being my dreamland with all my wonderful characters. But I thought this was way overdue, so hope you enjoy this chapter and leave your thoughts in the comments ❤️☺️ ALSO these are just pictures to help you visualise better, but they aren't actually what it would have all looked like. (Unedited)

We think we can read people. We think their eyes say it all. It is a false perception. The eyes are veiled from reality, everything is built on belief.

A M A A N, ربيع الثاني
T H E   B O R D E R   T R I B E

"Stranger, speak your name"

Amaan gazed up at the horsemen. Wrapped in blue shrouds and white turbans, the ebony of their skin looked like cool and calm respite in the brilliance of the midday sun. Their eyes, dark and wise, judged him silently. The silver of their spears and swords glinted dangerously. They were the mighty soldiers of the Border Tribes that guarded the Inumidian Kingdom.

Amaan felt his heart clench at his return back home. His travels must have rendered him unrecognisable, for if they knew who he was, they would have shown him the respect he was due. Or had been due at one time.

Now he was a stranger. To himself, and to his people.

"My name is-" he inhaled shakily, "I am Idegir of Kirthan"

The men exchanged looks, seeming unamused. One of them wordlessly rode off, while the others returned to glare at Amaan.

"Here is yet another Idegir of Kirthan" the leader snorted, "we shall see how many of you we collect"

Amaan said nothing. Did these men want a bribe? He wondered what warranted such a response. The back of his neck prickled, as though sensing a battle.

The horseman who had rode off returned a few moments later with another man accompanying him. The man had covered most of his face with his shroud, but Amaan's heart beat faster as he dismounted and landed unevenly on his feet. A knobbly stick emerged from the folds of his shroud to support him.

"Idegir?" Amaan whispered, hardly daring to utter the name.

The shroud slipped, revealing the face that had haunted Amaan's dreams every moon since he had become isolated.

It was Idegir, his friend, his companion, his best warrior. The lines of his handsome face seemed to have deepened with an unknown hardship, his proud cheeks now gaunt. But the man still had that twinkle in his light brown eyes - so endearing to the ladies that Amaan had often teased him about his charm.

Those eyes now gleamed with tears. The warrior seemed overwhelmed. He hobbled over to Amaan and yanked him into an embrace.

"I-I do not understand" Amaan's spoke in wonder as they pulled away, eyes wide as they drank in the sight of the man he thought he'd lost.

"I ask you once again, stranger" the leader of the horsemen commanded, interrupting their reunion crudely, "speak your name"

Idegir and Amaan exchanged glances. Idegir put on a roguish grin, his swagger returning like a mask long abandoned.

"Ah my brothers" he drawled, "I am Idegir...and this...this is also Idegir?" He looked at Amaan sheepishly and Amaan mentally slapped his forehead. Idegir was just as terrible at lying as he had been as a child growing up. To make matters worse, he continued on "Our father was very fond of this name you see"

The horsemen blinked down at the two men, as if to say, is that truly the best you can do?

" do not see?" Idegir finished tentatively, throwing on a sheepish grin.

The horsemen did not seem amused.

T H E   T R I O, ربيع الثاني
B O R D E R   T R I B E

Falaq could not help nostalgia that rose in her chest as she gazed around the market place. The ebony skinned men and women of the Inumidian border tribe were bustling around her in their colourful attires, some leading children- other being led by their children- as they haggled over prices. Vendors displayed brightly coloured goods, calling out for buyers animatedly. Although it was nothing like Taghrid, Falaq could only wistfully imagine wandering through the market place back home, with Ishtar or her brothers or grumpily trailing Ustad.

The trio stood out amongst the crowd immensely. With their lighter skin and strange garb, they were clearly foreigners. They received stares, but for the most part the tribes people continued on with their daily lives. The reason was clear - they did not have reason to worry with such fierce warriors guarding them. Falaq was glad the guards had allowed them to pass through. The absence of Hud and Nuh's hoods had also helped, she suspected, although their dark auras were difficult to hide.

The two assassins seemed to be taking their time, moving in subtle coordination up ahead. They murmured between each other at times, too low for anyone to hear. Townsfolk gave them a wide berth, their sixth sense identifying the unwelcome air around the two strangers. Falaq walked slowly, trailing behind, eager to investigate the foreign goods around her.

Vision had returned to Falaq in its entirety, and she could not be more glad. Every image before her eyes was a blessing she had to acknowledge. Her eyes were still sore at times, but she could feel their restoration and she felt much stronger and healthier as a result.

A golden trinket caught her eye. The pendant was embedded with a black crystal. Somehow it was as brilliant as a ruby, yet as dark as night. She found herself holding it up in the light, watching the sun rays filter through the interior crystal chambers and beam out in different directions. It reminded her suddenly of the words of God;

He brings them out of the depths
of darkness and into the light.
(2:257, the Holy Quran)

It was just a simple pendant, but she yearned to purchase it for herself, for she was entranced by it's simple beauty and the message it held.

"Interesting choice"

Nuh's voice right next to her caused her heart to skip a beat.

Her fingers tightened around the trinket and her eyes narrowed. Did he want to speak to her now, after informing her he only cared for her at his master's bidding?

"Leave me be" she said quietly, glaring up at the assortment of jewellery and purses.

Nuh sighed, "you are not happy with me, I take it"

"Do not flatter yourself. You do not influence my moods"

He shrugged, allowing his gaze to settle elsewhere.

"I can purchase it for you" he said quietly, nodding his head toward the trinket still in her palm. His orange eyes looked soft as he glanced back at her, a smile dancing in them.

She blinked. She had never seen this side to the man, and it was causing her jaw to lock itself and her tongue to be tied. She was so lost that she did not notice the third presence behind her, emanating waves of fury.

"Put that down" Hudayfa commanded coldly, his silver eyes flashing at the two of them.

Falaq tossed the trinket back in the pile, much to the vendor's dismay, trying to convey her apology with her eyes. He humphed in irrigation and shooed them away, spitting profanities at their backs.

Hudayfa's glared down at Falaq, jaw tightening. She spared him a glare in return, trying not to notice how his black locks looked so silky in the daylight and his eyes much clearer and his lashes so long and his brow noble and his chest broad and lean and-

We are no match, she thought again for the thousandth time, looking away quickly.

She sauntered off ahead instead. She was determined to explore the town, and ready to start testing the limits of their control on her. Did they think she was a little lamb? Had she the funds, she would have brought the trinket with or without that devil's permission.

Once she was far enough, she slowed down, allowing herself to take a deep breath. She seemed to have reached the outskirts of the market. On one side was a large walled structure made entirely of solid clay, while on the other the farmlands began. Some of the warriors on patrol had congregated around something, and there seemed to be some commotion. She peered at the two figures who were having their hands tied behind their backs, wondering if they were criminals. They were just as dark skinned as the townsmen, yet they seemed to be outsiders. Falaq wondered what would happen if the warriors had decided to arrest the trio- it seemed like these men were almost a match for two assassins.

They began to drag their captives straight toward her, and she instantly busied herself looking confused and naive, while trying to sneak glances at the two unlucky men. As they drew closer, she could make out one's long dark locks, wound around the sides of his head and down his strong back. His strong jaw and high cheek bones rang cords in her heart, his deep wise eyes flashing in her mind in a place far away, gazing down at her. Her heart hammered wildly in her chest as familiarisation dawned upon her.


Her thoughts reached him, for his eyes found her and locked on her form. Those golden eyes were unmistakable. For a moment time slowed as they stared at each other, confusion written across either face.

Amaan seemed to jerk into reality as he overcame the initial shock of seeing Falaq in the most unlikeliest of places. He craned his head toward her, struggling in his bonds. As the guards pushed his head down, he desperately called out in his broken Taghridi: "Ishtar! Lost! Desert!"

Falaq's heart stopped. Her eyes widened, a thousand thoughts exploding in her mind.

Ishtar was lost in the desert? For how long?! How did this happen?! She could not fathom the fragile little Ishtar battling the desert sands on her own. She could not survive by herself, she was not raised for it!

Amaan disappeared into the walled structure with his companion, heads bowed and hands behind their backs. Falaq fled the scene immediately, before the tribesmen could question her relation to their captive.

She needed to act fast.


Hudayfa's gaze flickered once again to the door behind which the troublesome woman slept. His heart uneasily beat a little faster, his jaw tightening at the feeling.

How many a time had she slept right before him in plain sight and he had never batted an eyelid in her direction? What was it that warranted his attention? His fist clenched without conscious intention. The frustration hurt his head. He did not want to waste his time in a whirlwind of thoughts around the insolent woman.

He leaned his head back against the wall where he stood, tilting his bearded chin up and letting his eyes flutter shut. The candle light soothed the dentures under his eyes, soft on the lines of fatigue on his stone like face. The distant warmth of the flames was careful, merciful to his simmering aura. He could feel Nuh's eyes on him, as calm and steady as ever. His once best friend never failed to watch his back.

He had stopped himself from yearning for the old times to return. But at times his heart would give a painful lurch, before he forced it into submission once again.


The gasp in her voice, the call with no hesitation. The golden eyes sealing themselves shut.

Hudayfa pushed himself off the wall and pulled his shirt over his head, feeling suffocated. His skin rippled in the candle light, angles of darkness cutting over his chest and shoulders.

Nuh rose to his feet, eyes questioning his master silently.

Hudayfa sighed softly, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Nuh" he gestured, "want to spar?"

Nuh's eyes widened a fraction, so small that an ordinary man could not have identified his surprise. The orange orbs seemed to look far beyond Hudayfa's silver ones, deep into the past the two of them had locked away for so long.

His face broke into an uncertain smile, as though he couldn't help it. Hudayfa tossed Nuh's sword to him, and the Right Hand aptly caught it in his fist.

"I do hope you have brushed up on your skills ya Nuh" Hud smirked.


Falaq could not believe her luck. The two assassins had actually left her alone! She had been watching the shadows from the strip of light below the door for hours, hoping for a decent opportunity to escape.

When she was sure the assassins had disappeared, she snapped into motion. She had had enough time to think her actions over in the bedroom. She could not put Ishtar second, especially when her best friend was in danger. She would do whatever she had to do.

Her heart hammered as she braided her hair and wrapped it into a tight bun. She guiltily rummaged through Nuh's bags and pulled out his hooded cloak and clasped it on. She needed it just the darkness. She plucked his belt and dagger on too, eyes burning at her own actions.

Hud was the one who deserved to have his things stolen.

On second thought, she decided to pluck the temperamental devil's bow and arrows, smirking evilly as she thought of all the profanities that would pass his lips when he learned of the treachery.

With that, Falaq crept out of the small deserted house, the candles flickering in wake of her stolen cloak. Her golden eyes shone with health, energy coursing through her body as the cold night air hit the strip of skin around her eyes.

I will find you Ishtar, she promised the stars that twinkled above her head, I am coming.

A   T A V E R N, ربيع الثاني

The tavern was alight with fire. It was not ablaze, no, but everywhere you looked you could not escape the flames. They kindled within the intricate  Mediterranean lamps, in the fire place that roared with heat, and danced amongst the coals upon which meat cooked. The smoke accompanied it, not from the burning materials alone but from men smoking hookah.

In one of the larger circles an old man had engaged his friends in speech. His skin was a deep, tanned brown, lined with so many lines he resembled an aged tree. His white whiskers looked painfully brittle with age. His head was hidden under a local white turban. Though ancient, he cackled with energy and his voice was still strong. He held a tiny cup of kahwa betwixt his fingers as he spoke animatedly, eyes gleaming.

"Whenever a fateful event has occurred in history, it has occurred at a crossroads! Crossroads of what, you may ask?" The old man cackled, gaze glittering around his audience who urged him to go on.

"Crossroads of destiny!" He laughed, "when my  destiny meets yours-" he jabbed his finger at the boy in front of him, "and yours! And yours! When strangers with different intentions cross paths the whole world can change. Everything is in perfect alignment from your Lord; the timing, the place, the people. That is where the greatest tales are written.
           Take this parable: a woman captured by men of the desert who is locked away in solitude. You do not know of her, I do not know of her. We continue with our daily lives, unaware of her plight. Take the woman who travels, accompanied by two unearthly men, lost in thought. The man who is begging his Lord to be given the opportunity to do some good. Suddenly the three of them are in the same place at the same time. They feel each other without knowing it. Now that would be a fateful day with a fateful turn of events"

Awe was written across the faces of the old man's small audience. A moment of silence ensued before questions broke out eagerly and the din rose above the small circle and throughout the tavern.

Sitting in the shadows, smoking on his own, a young man listened keenly. His hazel eyes flickered over the animated figure, reflecting all the fire and the smoke decorating the tavern. He had little else to do here, than to learn from the old and wise.

A particular question asked to the old man caught his attention.

"But Abu Ilyaas," a young boy with broken teeth persisted, "how do you know you are at crossroads?"

The old man smiled, "when you feel your feet moving without your command and your heart searching for something you know not of. Then you know you are being led to face your destiny. Do not resist it, little one, for it may be your greatest adventure yet"

The young man watching from the shadows closed his eyes at these words. A laboured breath escaped him.

It was time to go back home.

Sooooo what do y'all reckon??? A lot is kind of going on, emotionally and physically in the book and I hope you can follow it. As you may have seen I have entered this book into Wattys2018 and it would mean a lot of y'all VOTE! Please also COMMENT and SHARE ❤️ I wanna hear your speculations 😍

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